University OÍ Ore ubr,rx AHMOCIATED FRESH NJ.ItVK H VOI,. XII. GltANTH PAM. JOSEPHINE -d dur­ ine Ibi* tritile. Ile pinti» to re­ turn lo plfiiur**» If Ih** Public wanta bini. 4 ♦ ♦ 4 4 4 4 ABOUT GENOA CONFERENCE' ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ' sensational TALES ARE RE tu­ ♦ li 1 DM U' IM MOST ♦ PART ♦ ♦ 4 Raed College. Portland, Orc . April 4 .13- tHpeclali- Georg** Riddle, of ♦ tirnnts Pass, Ore. u member of the 4 f*ilor class at Heed College was to­ ♦ day numed chairman of the commit- Heads •>< Three *»f the IxiadlBg l>*-le. 4 tee on arrangements for Ihn third ♦ gallon*« llolillng Confuí» annual Reed Duy. scheduled for May ♦ To* la y 12. Iteeil Duy wan «pbstituled for 4 the traditional Junior Week-end here ♦ three years ago. and han proved un 4- Genoa. April 13. 4 V P I While unusual success since that time. More ♦ than 300 «...»lore from eight Portland rumorH of » "«nsational nature were ♦ high school, will bn guests of Reed W* thkk,)r *',oul <"• ♦ students this year, and the moat pre- ''*» “’«*•/• lhn Promidly ♦ letiUous program of re nt rears Is IIE FREED llon would •** torougfct up for specific 4 «41* IIEM 4IXIXG < H (ItGFX »«»*«*1 the *opposltions of ♦ McPherson, K mii , April 1:'. 4A. P.l -As fur as th** city com­ mission can make It this town will I*** "flylesa” thi>* summer. McPherson, In fact, is going to be u town uber« a fly will be an min h a curiosity as a horse Is In Detroit. An ordinance has'been passed which contains these provisions for taking all th*- Joy out*of a fly'a Ilf*-; All barns, stables, chicken houses and other animal abodes must I»«» thoroughly cleansed three times per week and the refuse carted outside the city limits to a place where it will lie burned. Every home and business place must have a garbage can kept covered. Th** city will col­ lect th«* garbage. Wire fly traps must be placed at the front and rear of every iliualnees place. The federation of women’» clubs and the ch.imlwr of com­ merce are also planning anti­ fly unpleasantness whi* h will make th« buzzers .ihiiii. McPher­ son Is starving Russia as far as fll«*« arc concerned. ♦ ♦♦•»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ CRITCHERIN AT GENOA CHARLESTON Genoa. April 13.— (A. I’.)— Nickolal I-enin». soviet premier, will come to Genoa to replace Cliitcherln as head of the Rus­ sian delegation when negotia­ lions nt the economi*^ confer- enee reach the proper stage, says the newspaper Secóla to- day. ♦ EIGHT IH’XDRED KEGS XT <»ltl>- ♦ KINSIS SENATOR TEI.IS NANCE DEPOT W3REHOISE ♦ LEGISLATION MANTEO ♦ Bix»ws rr BRITISH GIRLS H/X’K AO RICULTF RISTS 4 TO COLORED LINGERIE ♦ ♦ lxindon. April 13.—41. X. 8.) — ♦ Spring is ushering in a riot of colors ♦ i In women's clothes. This has extend- ♦ ;ed even to lingerie. ♦ laite lU-jHH-t-. Iiuleiy Itesi*lent Are Dolwy Official la*gi*»n Flow e r ■ of Mevkan l*mldrnt sity proftwaors, ” Is the demand of The automobile license stolen her« says the Exchange Telegraph dis­ At the meeting of the American Declared lo II«- l'«»ns| ¡racy , one of the weekly political reviews. several weeks ago from C \ Pruitt patch from Genoa. I «eg ion last night it was announced ' Buenos Aires. April 13.-—(A. P.l has been located In Spokane Chief It quotes Barthou as saying the The ¡taper cites I*o Journal as to the that the American daisy has been Portland, April 13.— (A. P.) — designated as the official flower of ! —The chief advisor of President the of Police Melaine read In a Portland begillH plentiful crop of admirals in real work of the conference Dublin. April 13 (A Pl The Charges of inefficiency, misconduct the 1«egion instead of the poppy, as i Obregon of Mexico is the Argentine paper when a couple of young men French navy. tomorrow. had b«M'ii arrested, the article stal­ peace conference for southern Ireland , 'At Brest there is a vice-admiral. and drunkenness were filed against 'the poppy Is not a native flower of minister there. Dr. Manuel E Mal- ing that their machine bore an Ore­ factions met today and adjourned un- i ' two coiitre-admirals. another admiral Fire Chief John Young today by C. I this country. The daisy will be used bran. asserts Dr. Enrique Gil. an a Portland resident,, gon license. Chief M< lei SmUh pQgt cQm. gon holds him In extraordinary re­ agent, and I. T. Hparks, district gard.” few mili*» further north, \Tadivo- have been killed m _ . BOYS wagons in Russia STUDENTS THAN . . ... . mander. at the earliest possible date, freight and passenger agent, of the StualentH Attend <'on**-nti*m— Dr. Gil said that Mexicans had a stok government troops have occu- the streets by the famished |>opulace. A party of five high school stii- Pied the town of Olga. poor concept of Argentina and be- Southern Pacific, have been In th«* who seized the horses for food, ac-' Pasadena, Cal., April 13. — (A. P.) city during the day. The genllemcu dents, chaperoned by Mrs. W. lf. liered that Mexico was the most ad­ Girls in Pasadena elementary cording to reports to American relief \ are on a tour of southern Oregon got­ Dans, left this morning for Eugeno Booklet 1» PubUahed— Ivan Livingston lefj thia afternoon vanced of the l.*atln American coun­ schools arc more proficient than organizations in Paris from the Ufa. ting a firsthand view of busliiosi een- to attend the convention of high The hold that the out-of-doors has boys, according to fiscal school sta­ Bashker and Tohylliabui famine dis­ for Washington, D. C.. where he will tries. enter the government service as an d It Iona. They are much pleased with school editors and managers of stu­ taken upon the people is shown by tricts. I the outlook for the season In this dent publications. Those making the the volume*« of literature issued In tistics: 212 girls were permitted to auditing accountant. He will »pend skip grades recently, whereas only vicinity, and state that business is on trip are Merle 'Rimer. Roy Clark, Iris I exploiting the places of Interest, and 90 days at Washington and another IMxie Flyer Burns— Burns. Margaret Hair and Helen Us­ in telling of hunting, fishing and 144 boys accomplished the same 90 days in the field and will then be | To get within one mile of his des­ the upgrade. ter All are connect*»*! with publica­ camping The Southern Pacific com­ thing. I*ast year 566 boys failed to ass igned to a permanent location in tlnation and then have his machine K. E. Rorapnugh and daughter. tions at the high school and Miss pany has recently sent out a booklet pass examinations as against only some large city,, where an internal burn, was the odd experience of C. E. Mrs. Marlon IL Field.- of Eugene, Uster 1» secretary of the association.. d«*«crlbtng the hunting and fishing of 433 girls. revenue or customs bureau is main­ Moran who was taking the car. a Administration Measure In .Assailed were registered last night st the Jo­ Meetings are held annually on the western Oregon. Several pages are tained. He will stop at Ann Arbor. Dixie Flyer, to U M. Dennie at Yreka. by Simmon** of N. Parolina university campus. YI P I IS CALIFORNIA'S sephine. Mich., to visit his mother and sister, ; The loss was fully covered by insur- d«*voted to each district, one section BEST GOLD PRODUCER not being due in Washington until . ance. Mr. Moran returned here last being devoted to the Rogue River, Washington. April 13.— (A. P.) — May 1. Hi» family will join him later. 1 night. Siskiyou mountains and the Oregon The administration tariff bill was as­ Marysville, Col.. April 13. — (A. Caves country. The Hogue is given sailed today by Senatps-Sinfmons. of 'a prominent place as a steelhead P.l Yuba county produces more North Carolina, ranking democrat of stream, while the hunting Is also gold than any other county in the the senate finance committee, as the described as unusually good. The state, according to the current bulle­ •'most un-American bill ever framed.” I hook also contains much valuable In- tin of the state mining bureau. Gold production in this district amounted I fortffutlon for the camper. to more than $3,00<'.000 annually for Will Delia to Klamath— Washington. April 13. — ft. N. S.I looking after the Interests of farm­ With the prospects of the western the past three years. —Uncle Sam continues to l«»ad all ers under the supervision of the de­ Irridium and platinum are also Oregon debate championship before Hla war private agencies an the heaviest em­ partment of agriculture. New York. April 13 —(4. N. S.) — 1919. is now recognized as the one produced to some extent by the gold them. Misses Lulu Garrett and Cor- "Distinct gains have been achieved possible forestry program now be­ ployer of civilian labor in America, veterans get the next best attention, dredgers on the rivers of this county. lyss Courtney left this morning for in the past year in the campaign of fore the country. according to the latest figures of with 18,277 civilians In the veterans’ | Klamath Palls to meet the team there .the American paper industry for for- bureau Most of the male employes Fedefnl Bureau of Mine« Starts In- Director of the Budget Dawes. "We have presented our arguments Friday night. They will debate on iestry legislation which wiU help to and made our case before congress. Ranch la PurcliaMSl— vostigatlon of Metals '^Wlth 588,618 civilians drawing lit this bureait, by the way, are The Covert ranch, constating of l>40 the subject of a graduated income ' provide a continuous supply of the If nothing is done the bill embodying pay checks twice a month the govern­ former soldiers. acres, lias been purchased by Alfred tax. The local school now holds the ' raw material which this and other In­ our ideas will be introduced in the Irrigation and reclamation projects Washington. April 13.— (A. P.)—I ment takes first rank as an employer. championship of southern Oregon dustries require if they are to con­ next congress, and will continue to The number, however, shown a con­ draw the next highest number of em­ At the suggestion of automobile man- j J. Meeks, of Sisson. Cal., who has ar­ and is out for greater honors. rived here to make his home on the ployes with 17,400 workers looking tinue in operation.” George W. Sis­ be pressed until congress acts.” ufacturers and large foundries of the siderable reduction over the payroll Paper mills in five stat«»s are pre­ son Jr., of Potsdam. N. Y„ chairman list of last year, when «43.833 were after those Interests in the interior country, the bureau of mines an* property. The place la located about The nation's trade nouncod today that an investigation three miles west of the city and is department, of the forestry committee of the Am- paring to establish classes to train working for Uncle Sum. known as the H. .11 Miller farm. Mr. ' erican Paper and Pulp Association, their employee for promotion, even More lhan half of his force works comes next in Importance with of far reaching importance would Meeks plans to make Improvements 1 1.488 employes in the commerce de ­ 'said this afternoon in making his re­ before the text books which are to shortly be made to determine the In the postofflce department, which on the farm and will move his family port to the annual convention of the be used are completed, and in some leads all other government depart­ partment, while 5.598 employes cracking tendencies of commercial here as soon as school is over. He of the mills preliminary Instruction handle records and run down cases association. aluminum alloys. The purpose of Stendervi Company Take« Action to ments 1n the nnmber of civilians em­ is already under way. Thwart Burglar Activity the proposed Invtmtlgatlon. to be was formerly a successful cattle man ployed. The total, according to in the department of Justice. “A committee of congress devoted of Gillette. Wyoming. The sale was The educational work 1» being The shipping board, although fac ­ made in conjunction with the Gen ­ Dawes, now handling I'dcie Sam’s a week to intensive study of the for­ done in cooperation with federal or made through A. N. Parsons, who San Francisco. April '.3.-—(A. P.) mall In 301,779. compared to It*,« ing sharp cute In the near future, eral Motors Research Corporation was states that Mr. Meeks camé here be­ now has 5.40H 'civilians on its pay­ said to be to determine whether Robbers looting Standard Oil ser­ estry problem of the nation, and such state bureaus and the paper manu­ 834 a year ago roll, and the department of labor lighter weight motor cars can suc­ cause of the more favorable climate. vice stations in the future will find organizations as the American News­ facturers financed the preparation The money handlers come paper Publishers' Association, the of the text for the books. In review­ > follows with 3,68« employes, cessfully be manufactured and retain a very small amount of cash on hand, PORTI»AND MARKET* with 67.492 tn«»n and women working j Affairs of state are handled by the the same stability now found In the 'according to officials of the company American Forestry Association and ing this work Mr. Williamson point­ in the treasury depart mint. This other national organizations, as well I smallest number of employes of any larger and more substantial vehicle. Choice steers ..... 37.50 @ $8.00 here, Due to the recent increase In as technical foresters, stood with the ed out that, in addition to the $40,- number «ItoWs a reduction of nbout 000 paid for preparing the text, the I of the government's departments. At the bureau’s 'Pittsburgh station Hogs, prime light $11.00 © $11.50 thefts from the company’s station« 9.004) over the number employed ( Th ere Is a totul of only 3,121 civil- American Paper and Pulp Associa­ mills are expending many more thou­ an investigation was said to be now Spring lumbs along the coast, collections are now $10.00 © $13.00 but Da woe doe» not there a year ago. tion in asking for legislation which sands of dollars for the purchase of i lana assisting Secretary of State under way to ascertain "the total Basler lambs ............ $13.00 © 14.00 taken up more frequently than here- say whether this Is due to having will aid in startng a new growth of the books to be given to their men. Hughes in guiding the nation's ship contraction lu volume on freezing, Rest valley latnhs .$11.00 © 12.00 tofore, and are made by a collector ess money to handle. timber on the 81,000,000 acres of Classes are under way in four of state. This number, though, does nnd the linear construction in differ­ accompanied by armed guards. land which ought to be growing trees mills in three states, these mills be­ The war and navy departmental not Include 700 doorbien and butlers ent molds of various light aluminum Eggs, buying price .......... 20c © 23c A standing reward of 100 has been Butter, extra cubes ...................... 30c1 run a close race for third place with engaged in' service abroad. alloys.” Commercial melting prac­ placed by the Standard Oil for the but which are now growing nothing. ing those of the Strathmore Paper the sailors winning out There; Of the total number, «3.822 nre tice for aluminum, It was said, al­ Butter, prints .............................. 39c arrest and conviction of anyone rob­ "This Industry taken pride in the Company at Mlttlneague, Mass.; of $1.22 © $1.2« 61,488 civilians in the navy depart­ employed In Washington, while the ready had been made the subject of n Wheat................ fact that Its program for coopers- | the S. D Warren Company In Maine, bing a company station. ment and 61.242 in the soldier (de­ remainder are scattered across tiie prelmlnany study and the results Portland. Ore., April 13.—(A. P.) Police in Los Angeles recently tlort between federal, state and prl- J and of tba Marathon and Nekoosa- partment. face of the globe, though principally would be made public in the near fu­ —-CaAtle, steady: hogs, steady; sheep killed a man who had robbed a ser­ vate agencies in the maintenance of Edwards companies in the Wisconsin the forest growth, first adopted in 1 River Valley. ture. Uncle Sam also line 18.G80 citizens 'throughout the United States. steady; eggs, lc higher; butter, firm. I vice station there. PORTLAND FIBF CHIEF TARGET .. . . . . . . . . . ARGENTINE INFLUENCE GREAT CHITA FORCES DRIVEN BACK PAPER MAKERS URGE CONGRESS TO GROW CROP SEEK LIGHTER WEIGHT MS OIL STATIONS PREY Of THIEVES I