Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, January 03, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    Ti rsi» tv. Jixrinv n, iimw .
rtor mrn
Pearl Barrett
today, vlsiling I
John Apple of
city this aftemo
Martha Wilkin
I wae In the city t
The Dort or'» ahIce when you are ill.
The lawyer'« advice In legal matters.
The Banker's advice in business
This is one of the services we render
our customers without charge.
ttprn an account her<< and let us get
better acquainted.
ranted by Cit­
ta of Medford,
Henrietta Is,
Groan, and
U- M. Millard.
Oils anti Gremirà
.Auto Atccssoritst
liaytoti Tima anti Tulie^
Reftalr Simp ami Sforuge
Auto Paint Shop Vpstalrs
Phono NT
All II Nt.
Ben Culp. Mer
Monday morning
track on the
ending *ev-
Walter Koch, 1
near l'ori-
the cHy Monday.
A good place to
I yesterday
T J- Williams o
and Board
in the city Mondi
George Hilton. J
visitor in the city I
the laid low
Repairing of all
« Chamber
Second Hand Store
E. E. Romig am
h I as plana
the Vnnconda Mine
. mo apring concert. English M.rri.d Pair Air What They
Feel to Bo Griovancos at Homo
L. J. Otis, of M<
Twlco a Year.
.. *ue Return to ( jty—
city today transactin
I courthouse.
Prof, and Mrs. O. E. Finnerty, who
The suggestion that there should be
Miss Echo Spores is again in the have been visiting retai Ives at Granta a "grumblers' day," a day on which
city after spending the holidays at l’as«, have returned to the city. Prof. everyone should nlr their grlevunces
Finnerty is principal of file high nnd then forget them for the rest of
Margaret Alexander has returned school
today — Eugene the year Is not the novelty some pete
pie seem to think. Two year* ugu,
j from Portland where she has been Guard.
writes a correMpondent. a young mar­
I spending the holidays at home.
ried couple antlt'lpntrd the siiggesthm
A. Carl Gentry and wife, of Med- Surveying Party livre—
by establishing half-yearly complaints
ford spent the New
A. V. Emery and party of engi- ^courts.
here with Mr. Gentry's parents.
; neers s|ient the night in Grants Puss
tin the selected day, both husband
Mrs. W. O. Hill, of Wilderville, en route to Portland.
They have and wife told each other frankly of
was shopping in the city this after-1 just completed the location of Sec. the faults found In the previous six
2 of the Oregon Caves highway. months. Usually the husband goes
M. M. Ix-wls. ranger from Page The party left for Portland thin Into the "dock" first, while the wife
submits her Indictment. If be has
Creek. Is spending a few days in morning.
bCen unduly forgetful. If he Ims shown
Grants Pass.
a tendency to prefer his club to his
Peter Uttlefield of Sacramento, Marriage l.icrn-ww Issued—
wife and home. If he seems selfish or
is visiting friends ni the city for a
Two marriage licenses were Is- untidy or kee|Nt too tight a blind upon
few days.
'sued by the county clerk’s office late the purse strings, the charges are put
Henry Petersen and A. T. Spader, i Saturday afternoon. Those contem- before him and are argued out. "'hen
Gallce. are registered at the Grants
i plating matrimony were Henry Cole : he Is convinced, or 1ms shown the
Pass hotel. Mr. Petersen is to serve
and Velma Everton, both of Grants charge Is due to a misunderstanding,
on the grand jury.
! Pass, and Arthur Donald Savage, of tlte subject drops, Theo thè wlfe haa
Misses Vere Good and Alice Ligh­
to undergo her croxK exuuiliintlon.
Sacramento, and Viola Frances Gray
The practice, |t I h aulii. Ita« prevent-
ter, teachers, spent the holiday sea­ ¡of Wilderville.
ed many little fault« and grlevanie»
son In Portland. They are back again
from becoming duratile nnd leudtng lo
in their class rooms.
•erlous trouble.—Manchester Uuard-
W. J. Mishler, city superintendent Return* to Port lam I—
Miss Helen Minthorn, of the forest luu.
of schools, is track from attending
department, returned to the
the Oregon State Teachers associa­
district office In Portland Monday
tion meeting in Portland.
Miss Minnie A. Vigus, teacher In night, She had been with the local SEWARD To Mr. and Mrs. C. II.
Seward. of Kerby, on January 3.
the junior high sohool, returned on office since last May, assisting dur­
a daughter.
Monday evening from Chico, where ing the summer and tall months. Her
she had been spending the holidays. home Is in 'Rogue River.
Hugo visitors in* the city today
Concsrnlng ths Wedding Ring.
were Mrs. F. E. Decker, Ernest Deck- .Married New Year's Eve—
The wedding ring must be of gold
On Saturday evening at the M. E. K married life 1« io be bnppy. No
|er, Clair Wiseman and Madge Wise­
parsonage Arthur Donald Savage of Inferior metal will do; while to break
Dr. R. W. Stearns and famfly of Sacramento. Cal., and Viola Frances or lone the ring 1« an III «men. If the
I Medford and Harry Stearns and fam­ Gray, of Wilderville. were married ring comes off the linger, either by
ily of Ashland spent New Years day by Rev. Joseph Knotts. Mr. and Mrs. accident, or forgetfulness, the bride la
with Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Stearns. Marion Stevenson of Wilderville be­ certainly asking for trouble.
Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Findley, of ing the witnesses. Mr. and Mrs. Sav­
Salem, visited relatives here New age will spend a few days here and
j Years day, returning home Monday then go to Sacramento, their future
Mr. and Mrs. James AL Powers
have returned from spending the hol­ Students Return to School—
idays in Portland. Mrs. Powers will
Students from the higher Institu­
resume her work here at once.
tions of learning along the Pacific
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. AlcDonald, coast, have been drifting out of the
(Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canada, were city the past two days as classes. In
registered at the Western hotel Mon- the majority of the schools, are re-
day night.
sumed today, Florence Boeock left
Guests at
the Josephine hotel this morning to enter the UnlvetHlty
Monday night include A. McL. Hawk, of Oregon as a freshman, while Ver-
7:15 and 9:30
Wolf Creek, Joe l^eahy, Holland, netta and Lynetta Quinlan returned |
Mrs. G. R. Gray, Portland, C. G. to the same school, having remained '
Iton’t lie forced to confe»'
Polk. Holland.
at home during the past term. They |
You Minard II
•imong the guests of the Oxford will l>e sophomorev this year.
last night were H. Roger of Klamath
I Falls, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McKinley of Has Surpri*r Party —
1 Portland, William Carney of Boston
A birthday anrprtoe party Monday
iand C. E. Wilson of Medford.
evening was held In honor of Mias
Cabinet maker at 'Booth's. Phone Effie de Grasse at the home of her I
71 parents, 620 North Third street. The
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jerman are young lady was enticed away from
j leaving tonight for Portland where home and on her return found the i
they will visit relatives. A stop over young people gathered there. It was
will be made at Salem, where they a real surprise. The home was I
| will visit a brother.
lieautlfully decorated. Games were'
Tom Ostien, of Monmouth, is played and refreshments served. The:
I spending a day or two in the city young people report a very enjoyable'
visiting friends. He has been with evening.
the surveying party that has com-
I pleted a location of the Caves high- Ixing Horseback Trip—
Mr. and Mrs. Hornier Heano Tubbs
John Anderson, of Ashland, ar- of Phillips, Me., were in Grants Pass
rived in the city Monday for a few Saturday. They are traveling by]
The horseback around the rim of the
days visit with Pete Allen,
young men will leave Wednesday United States, excepting to completed
night for Eugene, where they are a 10,000-mile journey.
They left
I prominent in journalistic work at their home June 20, having already !
ithe University.
ridden their two horses 4,300 miles.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fitzgerald and They have a pack horse with camp
son of Klamath Falls, visited Mrs. equipment but since the cold weather!
| Fitzgerald’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. they have been staying at hotels.
ilio Mud-reach I ng «lory.
— Dysert, at Kerby, returning home Mrs. Tubbs is a musical comedy star,
j yesterday. Mr Fitzgerald Is spend­ known as Floralne Wheeler, and Is j
ing a few days in town.
making the trip for pleasure and rec-
Special Reduced Price®
On All Winter Hats
lleniutltchlng, all colora lib- y«l.
mr$. Hellie Deas
American Restaurant
For a Punctual Get-Up Buy a
Rogue River Hardware Co.
Good Times Ahead
Now that the worst is over "Good Timex" loom» brightly ahetul—
ao “let'» go" BIG!
Quality Guaranteed and Prices always right on Shoes and Men's
Furnishings at
Shoe» and Men's Furnishings
Shoes for the Family
We carry the Heywood-Wakefield
and the Sturgis line»», which are m >
favorably known to mothers of
(¡rants Pas«.
We would appreciate a call of in­
"Si v-<> Under Myle at Foni Price«."
“The little store around
the corner”
ne Right Thing
f 1 < j * a .’
The Right Time
(ionie in add take a look at our
grain-fdd beef. Best on the market.
The City Market
At the sign of
Yo Jolly
Little Tnllor
(ULY.OO mid It-»» 1« 61.1.00 and moto
lltl.'t G Street
I tv or se lira! citi tear« IXM-nl Agent
Watch thisSpace
Something Coming
Peerless Clothing Co.
Dollar Self-Starter
There are ninny »elf-starter* on the imirkrt. Some »tart
ami ramie don’t, but the bog one I- the DOLLAR NEI4-'-
STARTER—a savings account. If given the priqn-r care
this starter »ill I'ull >'•” out <>f many tight ho*m, and
carry you along happily over niany mile» of your Journey.
You can get this dr|H-ntlable starter Jiy Just depositing one
dollar al tills bank, nnd then keep adding a dollar or so
um often an you can—but regularly.
O Come and see Us!* We will lie glail to tell ymt more almut
the Itol.iait HEI.I -STARTEIL
Grants Pass & Josephine Bank
During' 1922
New Year Specials
All Pyralin Ivory
1-4 Off this week
All Polychrome Candlestick
Holders and Candles
1-3 Off
WAY! Couch’s Pharmacy
For Those
Cold Feet
Kiinticck nnd Symbol
Our high standard will be always maintained
Tailored Clothes
hiivi- a great deni to do with one'» wvlfara. Hue-
ciraafal men wear them. They com I no more in
Ilia end. Have your nevi hu U tidhirvd by
Go-Carts and Carriages
'.$7.00 a Week
33L» ^oxetfL JIM*
Attends Irrigation Meeting—
Wflford lAllen, secretary of the
Grants Pass Irrigation district, left
for Portland Sunday night to attend
the meeting of thé executive com­
mittee of the Oregon Irrigation con­
gress which met yesterday. 'Mr. Al­
len was also present at the meeting
today Of the State Chamber of Com­
merce, which met in Portland to dis­
cuss methods of development for the
state and to find means of getting
settlers into the state. The irriga­
tion committee end the state cham­
ber were meeting in conjunction so
as to better work out the problems
of the newly formed Irrigation dl»-
tricts in the state.
* • •
— - ■■■«
Letter head«, all styles, at
Courier office.
Harry E. Couch, Prop
“Harry Han If
Formerly Rabin»
Watch Our Window
Buster Brown Shoe Store
211 Ho. <lth Ml., Grant« Para.
It is described as having the
vigor, the bris-ziness, the ac­
tion and romance of “The
•Mark of Zorro," with more up-
to-date and American Adven­
---------------- ———__ _ ~ x?
Plaster Board
does away with Lathe and Plaster
We have it at less than catalogue prices
Three C’s Lumber Company
Phone 59