on vere / pass oint ortrnrra FRfDkY. DTCfXnTR ttl. IV.’I. TT I PERSONAL "S LOCAL | ADVICE The Doctor's advice when you are ill; The Lawyer'* advice in legal matter«; The Hankie's advice in bu«im»»« ve* tures. This is one of the service« we render «zur customer* without charge. Open an account here a»«l *et us ger better acquainted. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON THE H KBIT GROWS SAVE WITH VS Just Received Shipment of laulie*' Oxford* Drown and Black I’rices Alway« Right at Woodward’s Hhoe* and Mm’« Furnishing* Shoes for the Family Pictures and Photographs OUGHT TO BE FRAMED TO PRE­ SERVE THEM. YOU MILI. BE M RPRIMED HOW LITTLE IT COSTS TO IK) THIS KKIHT NOW. HOLMANS “The little store around the comer” THE SUREST WAY of Getting What You Want is to Call or Telephone YOUR MEAT, FISH AND POVI.TRV PHONE M G. W. Thrasher »w a business vis­ Army Discharge Flhfd— George W Thraker has filed his itor in the city today from Kerby. Phone your order now for that discharge paliers troni the 1'nlted : Pasturlzed milk and cream. IMlly State* army with the county clerk. Valley I delivery after January 1st. 70 For the Big Deuce-— [ Prhie Creamery. Phone 84. The real dance, come to Riverside 1 George Riddle Jr. left last night for Portland where he is attending Community Club, New Years‘Eve. <>9¡ Reed college. lS-F-3I. Pusturizetl milk. Dally delivery af­ of the year, a first cla.*a road having 7 •• ter January 1st. Valley Pride Cream­ been provided. The hill by tho Els- WANTED Customers, milk 10c per ery. Phone 84. 70 manti orchards ha* been graded anil quart. Come and get It yourself. Harold Stone, of Ashland, «pent graveled. Repairs are to be made on R'.'S North Seventh St. 7» Thursday in the city visiting with Jo the part of the read done last year, DRP EN DA II LF. INSIDIA N'CE—A11 Pardee. He is leaving today for Cor­ this being in rather poor shape. Un««. Se« T. M. Stott, Bulck sale»- vallis where he is a student at O. A. roouis PKona 520. 4311 C. L\DV wl-the* Position ns eouk In People registered at the Oxford tninlng, constructlon. or lumiier- last night were E. J. Heffernan and in« camp. 4 23 West J St. 70 Wellington. Okie. Dec. 30.— (I C. R. Fisher of Portland, Mr. and bungalow, PDR SVI.K Unrnl-hed N. S. I—‘A quilt autographed by Pres­ I Mrs. J. C. Signin of Roseburg. John garnge nnd woodshed combine«!, ident Warren G. I larding, Mrs. sliu-plng porch. Just righi for Dailey of Oak Flat, Mr. and Mrs. U Woodrow Wilson. Governor Harry small er nuullnm slzed fumllv Robert Williams of Cordova, A. Prlcc »3600. Terni*. Itiqulre 715 L. Davis and other persons will t»e Westman of Klamath Falls. Mr. and Tu used by local American I«eglon Aux-1 East D Street Piume 515, Mrs. J. F. Curley of Oakland, and "E box«* of Spitzcnber# Iliary member* as a nucleus for aJ'EW MOItl- E. K. Hewitt of Ashland. appiè«' memorial fund designed to provide ’* lefl. 100 West E Street. Scientific Pastnrlzation Is now re­ Mrs Miller, phone 240-R or 361-R. for the erection of a monument fori 74 cognized throughout tho civilized local veterans of all wars. world as the only method by which ¡WOOD »2.75 and up. Place your order now for prompt dHiverv. milk can be rendered absolutely Till.OR GETS S-Mt.lHH» Houser Hr«».« . phono 326-Y. SO safe for human consumption. Dally FOR A REW STITCHES MAST At ring of Jet beads between delivery after January 1st. Valley Chicago. Dec. 30.—(I. N. Si­ dressmaking parlors and Orchard Pride Creamery. Phone 84. 70 Avenue, also Chevrolet crank Archibald Birse, a tailor, ls »50,000 Finder »lease leave at ilresumak- richer today for having taken a few Fire Destroy« Auto— lug parlors, Albert building. M r* stitches 24 years ago. Ernest De 70 Swoapc. Fire yesterday destroyed the auto­ St. Gilbs, insurance expert and au- mobile belonging to Hal Truax, the WII- lIELIjO 137 For Dry wood wlio thor left-this amount to Birse, llama Wood Yard. Wood from car catching fire near Allen creel. fi7lf »3 up The body was completely destroyed, befriended him When De St. Giles the running gear being undamaged came to this city 34 years ago peni- FOIl SALE Five «hares Hawkins les.s. Birse sewed the insurance Mortgage Co. stock at »SR |«er The machine was a Cleveland Six. share. Address No. 294 care of The loss was partly covered with in- man's trousers and trusted him for Courier. f,tl the 50-cent charge. «(trance. y •______ 9 BORN I Hey You Done«* Hounds— SEEM AWKWARD IN MOVEMENT I ro BBINS t To Mr. and Mr«. H. II Come on, there's another one at Robbins, of thia city, Thursday, Murphy New Years Eve. 70 Bird Lover Points Out Varying Gztts December 29. a daughter. Of Fssthsrsd Crssturts Seeking U.SON- To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Food on Ground. Suttqn Seeks Naturalization— M. Wilson. of Medford, on Christ­ A petition for naturalization was mas day. a 7’4-pound son. Irving for Watch n blackbird hunting ! filed today by Edgar Sutton, of Norman. Mrs. Wilson Is a »later worms on a lawn; he move* by hop- I Hugo. Mr. Sutton is an English man of Mrs. Irving Kesterson, ami a ping. by birth, but is now n farmer of the But watch the wagtail darting I former Grants Pass girl. I Hugo district. His witnesses were about on the lawn or following the Pete Plrzer and H. E. Huyler, both plow, or hunting down by the COMING EVENTS <»f Hugo. He streainsidi he walks or runs. glide* as «monthly over the rough fur- rows of the Held as If he were skating Doc. 31, Saturday 10 a. m. at Cham­ Water Available for Mining- ber of Commerce rooms. New Water is now available for placer on thin Ice. So graceful are hfs move­ Year's meeting of Josephine Coun­ operations, according to John Dally, ments that he seems to be dancing. Why some birds should thus hop ty Pomona Grange and biennial who is in tho city today from his after their prey and others run 1« n election. mine on the lower Illinois river. curtou« problem, observes a writer In There is about a foot of snow at Pearson’s Weekly. A «olutlon may be Like Father, Like Daughter. present on tho ground. The ground found in the different life luildts of The tendencies of the father nre has become filled with water so that the hoppers nnd runners and In the usually handed down to the daughter, there is a runoff which can be used different habits of their prey. for mining, To b"p on a lawn after worm* may while the «on Inherits those of the •Mr. Daily expects to make a fairly good run this season. be the best way to disturb nnd pounce mother. upon them. But It would be better to run after low-flying winged insects. Mr. Vining to Portland— Walker* and runners as a rule are Prof. Irvin Vining, who originat- birds who seek their food on the ed the idea of a Southern Oregon ground nnd live chiefly on the ground. fete season when tho scenic attrac­ Partridge* and landrails are famous tions of the region would be features runners. Rooks. Inrk», meadow pipits In a series of celebrations, has been and starlings live much on the ground, appointed by the Ashland chamber and walk and run. Hopper*, a« a rule, are passerine»— of commerce to represent that com­ munity at the meeting of the state bird» with claws adapted to perching. chamber of commerce to be held in It is natural for them to hop about trees, and so they hop when they come Portland next Tuesday. . to groupd. There are some excep­ tions to the hopping liublts of tree Married < hriMtmiiH Day- birds; thus the wood pigeon is a tree At the Episcopal church at Ash- bird that walks. land, Oregon, at 10 a. m.. Sunday, A walking bird, like a starling, December 25, 1921, occurred the occasionally hop. and the usual wedding of Ernest E. Umphlette of ping of the thrush may break into a this city, and Miss Katheryn Miller quick run. Other bird« will not either walk, of -Ashland, Ore. The wedding par­ ty, immediately after the ceremony, run or hop If they can help It—like repaired to the home of the bride, swifts, who rurely touch ground nt where a wedding breakfast was all. does away with Lathe and Plaster We have it at less than catalogue prices Three C ’s Lumber Company Phone 59 On All Winter Hats Hemstitching, nil colors IlK-yd. $7.00 a Week - served. Miss Aileen Walker of Ash­ land, attended the bride, and M. Vineyard of Grants Pass, acted as best man. The happy couple then weht to Grants Pass for the day, leaving there for a short trip to Salem, Portland and dther plonts north, after which they will return to Ashland, where the bride is teach­ ing In the public sc hools. The bride Is the daughter of E. E. Miller of Ashland.—Glendale News. ___ ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS with CORRESPONDENCE CARDS Isirgo Assortment Plaster Board Special Reduced Prices rnr$. Hellie Peas American Restaurant O ltl> EILS TO THE The City Market UNION G1SOI.INK Oils anil Grrusra Auto Aceesaoriiw Dayton Tirvu and Tub«-* Repair Shop and Storage Aulo Paint Shop I pstalrs VAl.LKY GARAGE Phone NT All H St also NEW YEAH ('AKDH and POST CARDS I CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS 3DU ..................... - • Tailored Clothes have ii grent deal to do with one's welfare. Hue- ce««fiil men wear them. They <<»«t no more In tho end. Huie your nett sull tailored by At the sign of Yu Jolly Little Tailor B.1A.UO nnd le«« lo *1.1.00 and mom GEO. S. CALHOUN <10:1 G Snort t»«er Hcvrtstern Year« Local Agent Dollar Self-Starter Thrr<< me mult) aelfeetarti-r« on the market. Noma «tart and «lime don't, hut the liiv-t one 1« the IMILLAIt NEIA-'- STARTER—n suving« accounU If given the pro|x-r inrr till« -I art er will pull you out of many light hi>*<«<, and t arry you along lut|iplly i>»cr man) iii II ch of j-nir Journey. You can get till« il<-|M-niliihle start«-!- -Iiy Just >>iling «»tie dollar ut this l>ank, and then k«s-p a-lllliig a dollar or mo na often nx )ou «an*— but regularly. Come ami -re u«! We will le- ghnl to tell you more about the IMlLiail HI I.F-ST4RTER. Grants Pass & Josephine Bank Watch thisSpace Something Coming Tomorrow Peerless Clothing Co. CASH CLOTHIERN New Year Specials All Pyralin Ivory 1-4 Off this week All Polychrome Candlestick Holders and Candles 1-3 Off Couch’s Pharmacy llnrry E. Couch, Prop" F'onni'rly Sabina ‘‘Hurry llns It" HASTE IS WASTE IN TROPICS Northerners There on Business Must Leave Alt Preconceived Stand­ ards at Home. Who enters the tropics should leave | all haste behind. We have a superior [ way of talking of the land of "man- [ ana,” quite overlooking the fact that the physiological law of the lund Is expressed in the "mananii" attitude. With the cumulative energy of gener­ ation* of temperate-zone-born ances­ tors In our veins, we may maintain our standards of posh and speed In the tropics for a time, but that Is no reason why we should expect people i who have been reared under less favor- | able climatic conditions to live up to them. Indeed, it is highly advisable to leave all of our preconceived stsnd- ards at home. Latin Americans have been long subjected to climatic and other Influences which have of neces­ sity profoundly affected them both bodily and mentally. We must re­ member also that, racially, we are ns far apart ns were the Conqulstadores from the Pilgrim fathers. I I,«»t ns therefore accept ns n fact that our habits of thought are funda­ mentally different and give to history, tradition, environment, nnd haredlty their share of praise and of blame for existing conditions.—National Geo gruphlc Magazine. FRANK MAYC yfe^Aßlazing Dratnaof Ihe-Tropics whenz, Merrvnust FighUoLive- and Love IF SHARK MASTER YOU DID NOT GET IT FOR CHRISTMAS YOU CAN GET IT NOW AT. SUNDAY ••WAY DOWN EAST" RIVOLI LETCHER Oimmcterista & SON loti South Hixth 8t.