GRANT« VANS I’All.Y «NH'RIER r*OK TWO. .......................... i ■ - i. ■ ... TIIITINDIY, IHM EMIII It 2», 1021. —-------------- - NMW TODAY Published Daily Except Sunday A. E. Voorhles. Pub. and Propr. j Entered at postoffice. Grants Pass,' Ore., as second-class mail matter.' Black Cat Hose ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per inch. ,...... 35e ’ Local-person al column, per line....10c Readers, par line.......................... ■ -c DAJLY OOVROSR By mail or carrier, :>er year >6.00 By mail or carrier, per month., .50 i WBEKLT OUVRIER By mall, per year................ FARM POULTRY For Children SPEED RECORD FOR PIGEONS Birds Brad by Department of Agri- culture Have gstabliahed New Mark* in Flight« TIIK KIND THAT WEAR (Pr«p«r«d by ih* Unit -4 St««« K>»partm«iit uf Agii. >2.60 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use tor republication of ail news dispatches credited in this Grants Pas«. Ore or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub­ lished herein. All rights for republication of ape- j clal dispatches herein are also re-' One business man said today that he make trouble if the one who Would served. could not find time to make his e«slebrate is too particular about THVRSDAV, DECEMBER 21». 1U21. usual annual inventory, customers what he eats and drinks. Venison keeping all of his people on the and hooch are taboo. • ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ I jump. ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ ♦ ♦ Then, too, there is another and ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ADDITIONAL LOCAL ♦_ Weather for the Week moat potent reason for good biuniesa ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Considerable cloudiaews and ♦ conditions in Grants Pass. A Port­ Morrison Buys Brick Building— occasional rain. normal tem- al land woman whose husband was In- Chas, Morrison has purchased ♦ perature. ♦ |terested in paving contracts in (his from J. M. Casey the brick store 4- Tonight and Friday rain in ♦ i vicinity recently visited Grants Pass building on South Sixth street, oc- ♦ west, and cloudy in east por- ♦ and went “shopping.'' She was loud I cupied by C. E. Roy & Co., clothiers. Mr. Morrison made the purchase as ♦ tion. , In her praise of the courtesy of the .an investment. 4 j employes of the stories, and said “I ¡she was better treated then in the Cue«' Is DtsmisMSl— WHY BUSINESS IMPROVES The case against Frederick Eis­ The harvest season in the Grants big Portland establishments. That mann was dismissed this afternoon, Pass district continues for twelve kind of a reputation makes more bus- it being held that there was insuf- months of tho year. If it is not iness. j flcient evidence. He was charged fruit, or alfalfa, or lumber, it is j ; with reckless and fast driving on the now gold. The placer mines are i now! It may be the holiday season that highway. operating, and many a can of dust j is responsible, or perhaps the offi- Sidewalk thing la«id— finds its way to market unheralded cials are running nioro of the offen- The iaying of the concrete wid«*- and unsung. That is one of the dors to earth, but the local courts walk around the courthouse block chief reasons why the merchants of ; are kept pretty busy with boose was continued this morning, The this city will tell you that business cases and prosecutions of violations north side is already laid, this lead- was never better than it was in I of the game laws, these days. East ing to the library building. 1920, and it is still on the upgrade, and drinks for the festive season O. A. C. Dance Tonight— Oregon Agricultural College stu­ dents are busy decorating the W. O. W. hall with the .Aggie colors, black and orange, for the dance tonight. The dance is being given by the ¡Greater O. A. C. committee, which has invited the seniors of the local Silk Waists in crepe de chene, georgette ! high school and students of other and mingnonette—very special j colleges. The dance will start at S 1 o’clock. &TRUAX Silk Waists 1 Lot to close . . . «$2.48 1 Lot to close . . . 2.98 Golden Rule Store GILANTS P.V*», OREGON « 1921 Income Tax Returns WHO MIST MAKE THEM? Any individual if single whose income was >1000 or more. Any individual if married whose income was >2000 or more. Any individual whose gross income was >5000 regardless of his or her net income. If husband and wife are living together and have a combined net income of >2000 o ar combined gross income of >5000, or more regardless of net income. Every partnership regardelss of earnings. Fiduciaries—Similar conditions as for individuals. Corporations—Roughly, those ogamized for profit. Income tax returns made and general axounting IVAN LIVINGSTON 1*1 BL1C ACfNJL'NTA.NT Room 206 Albert Bile, opposite Postoffice. Office open January 3, 1922 To One of Our Customers A REAVTIFl’L KIT« HEN CABINET All Oak; finish, GoMtx. Height, 5 feet, O inrhes; width 27 incite«; depth top, 12 inches; huso, 2 feet, 2 lnchc«. .Metal extension table top, roller bearing, curtain front, white enamel in up|H-r M-ction»; metal bread box, glans eanietera, sanitary base. Commencing next Saturday with each eaah purchase amounting to »2.00 we will give one key. We have several hundred Key« in a canvas bag; one key in thia bag will unlock a lock which we hare on exhibition at onr »lore an'l the holder of the l.uckr Key will receive THE KITCHEN CABINET Absolutely Free. NttTK'K OF ANNl AL MEETING The annual mooting of tho claim-! holders of the Cooperative Platinum AiMHH-iation ol Oregon, will be held at the Chumlior of Commerce par­ lors. Granta i’aaa. Oregon, on Jan­ uary l»th, 1933. 10 o'clock a. nt. for tho election of <11 rex-tors, and other biislneas. M. EUIREU SI MAU, Pro«. O. J. LAW. Becy. Starting a Homer on Its Journey. PRE-INVENTORY GIFTS W«’ \b III 1 now •275, •Jfl-KV • ITA.tHI 1 new ft.«f.I» •125.00 1 Vaud Fldlmin UffMeOO KAMY TKR.MN IF DKHIRKD THE MU8IC AND PHOTO HOU8E SUuiton Itowel1. I*r«>|i. When You Wake Up in the Morning anal final your home not full> ca|i«i|i|M-al with lhe tilings ■bat are awaentinl for a-amifa-rt. )aiu then laa-gln to think Klawti'lcnlly nnal start to imaalisaa what jam ua-uu ra-auh this state of thought caMnv anrultleiu bird ni'r« an well as best average spnl in flights of from 100 to 300 Dee. 31. Saturday— 10 a. m. at Cham­ miles. In l'.rjo th«- birds from this loft ber of Commerce rooms. New non first, second. ntul third In th«- Year'a meeting of Josephine Conn-j VW-mlle and first, second. un«l third ty Pomona Grange and biennial in the IkSi-mile rave. In 11121 they won olecllon. first, second, uixl third In both the 400 and 'aMLinlle old-bird races, and liest average speed of the Washington Even Though Lint's Not Busy. Racing 1‘lgvon clsb ami Hie National Money tnlks but you can’t pay a City (.'«mcourae association under whaaa bill aver the telephone. auspices i lie races were tlowu. In rjlil there were XI lofts cojn- peting. in 1020 35 lofts, and In 1021 over 40 lofts comprising the liest birds of the best breed- rs In all of Wash­ ington This r«*cord of first and second iiml first, sen«l. and tlilnl In all raras that n*m l«*nf now. 1022 will mhiu from lu> to raw) mlltw was won sepn I h > h»r«s Mak«' Graate Va» IOO per rately by Individual birds und lias never «.ml homo <»w n«ww. been «-qualetl by any homing pigeon Build your new home wltl« lumber hixfder in the District of Cohluibin furalolmi by or vicinity, which not only proves the superiority of the BeltsUlle birds, but is a tribute to the ability und untiring efforts of Mr. A, Jacobsen, who has full charge of their breeding und train This laid Got the Idea— Phone 187-J 4OI G STREW The Courier publisher was much in». .gratified today when a boy stepped ■■ ■■ ' - —* Y"W " ■■ 'Y '■ »■g l jin The office and remarked “J want to pay my bill—I saw your notice VERMIN DESTROYERS ¡in last night’s paper.'* And he paid , 30 cents he owed If the older folks One ounce of carbolic acid to each gnllon of whitewash. | who owe many, many times more, To one gnllon of kerosene put j will call and pay before January 1, one pound of naphthaline, la-t j rhe object of the notice will have stand t<0 or three days. Shuke .been accomplished There has al­ before using ready been a general response. To one pint of nlr-slncki*d Hine stir in one ounce of liquid Fined This Morning— carbolic acid and three pounds | Hilton Smith and Everett Brown of finely ground tobacco. Mix i were today found guilty of having with a stl'-k, stirring thoroughly. venison in their possession and were ........... < HAVING PURCHASED THE EVANS GROCETERIA, OPPOSITE THE (assessed 950 each. The trial was i held in the justice court, the coin­ POSTOFFICE, WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE OUR OLD AS Enlarged Vocabulary. plaint having been entered by Game WELL AS NEW CUSTOMERS AS HERETOFORE THE STORE “Your wife th <-s not interest herself Wardens Pat Daily and George Ban­ In the small tulk of society." “No!" WILL AGAIN BE CALLED BY THE OLD FAMILIAR NAME OF croft, who found the meat after a exct.-ilircd Mr. Chiiggltis. **Honi«-tftiK-s 1 BASKET GROCERY. search warrant had been issued. Tile wi>h she'd get back to the small talk two men were arrested Wednesday Instead of discussing p.-lltieiil economy in New Hope. In words of live syllables.” Grants Pass Electric Company FURNITURE Turn Over Household Appliances E. W. CHILES BORLAND LUMBER CO. ANNOUNCEMENT! WE WILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING Shouldn't Get Lost. Scientists claim the earth lias been revolving around the sun for 8.000, 000,000 years. Well, It ought to know e wny by this time. Ice Without Coupon Books. In one of th» great glaciers In Hwllserinnd tlu-re Is cm ugh solid Ice to build several cities the size of New York. LOW 55c Absolutely Free! The homing pige uiu. bred utul owned by the bureau of animal Industry. United States Department of Agricul­ ture, at the goverimumt farm. Belts­ ville. Mt!., have established a record during lhe past three years which annuls alone und uiiequah-d. Begin nlng with I!>lt>, the yeur 111 which tlie but was establi»li.-d, the Beltsville hlrds nun tlrat nud seeuud In the 100- tulle and first In the 200-mi I a youug JUILN F. 19UCKUBY lieUabl* chim­ ney s»o«p and all around man. oat oa and auttsrs cleaned and re­ paired. I'huiie 380 between 6 and a l>. ni. .Monday. Jan. 2. Tu FUR iRWNT - -hN>ur down atalra rooms, modem, turnlahed or uu- furnished. Call at 341 Wvat G street of phone 6V9-R. DKPhihiDAULA. INBl'ILANOK—- All Urisa. 8oe T. M. tho11. Buick sal«» rooms. Paone 630. «Sit WANT»B>- -Hiilatein, Durham or Herford baby cult. Phono <101- F-34._________________________ 7S FOR HAl-dt -GtMtd huart augur pine shake«. 34-lncb, 17.60 pur thou­ sand al ranch Kohl. Grantham. Wonder. Orwtton, 73 JA)GT —I Jargo suiteast'. no|th of Grants Pass on highway. Notify Joaophina hotel. HX FN>R i&ALE—Sweet older Phono 603-F-l«. Will HcovtMe ROD IIEIJA) 137 - For Dry wood. Wil-j llama Wood Yard. Wood from S3 up.________ «7It l-XHt SALM Five’ shariw Hawkins .Mortgage Co. st wk al *88 par share. Address No. 39« caro of1 Courier. 69 I AIM LTS Tlw-sc P»-I«es llieliules War Tax i*l