Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1921)
PAGF F o FB trrt>vr.<nir. nrrnrnrn », »wi (TRANTS PCM hAfl.t rOFFTFR PERSONAL iS? LOCAL | Fewer Spendthrifts There would be fewer spendthrifts if all young people were taught to watch when* their mouey goes. The bank account is a great help iu forming habits of thirft and gives an insight into modern business methods. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON THF n UilT GROWS ALL LEATHER AU» WEATHER SHOKS RUBBERS AND RUBBER BOOTS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Woodward’s Shoes and Men's Furnishings Shoes for the Family Pictures and Photographs OUGHT TO BE FRAMED TO PRE SERVE THEM. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED HOW LITTLE IT COSTS TO DO THIS RIGHT NOW. HOLMANS UNION LANOLINE INI» and Grease« Auto Accraauriea Day ton Tire« aud Tubes Repair Hliop auil Storage Aulo Paint Simp U|Mlalrs VALLEA GARAGE Plmne ST All II Nt Dr. and Mrs Ralph W. Stearns Hey You Dunce Hounde— Come on. there’s another one at «pent the Christmas holidays visiting 70 in Medford with Dr. Stearns’ brother. Murphy New Years five. Dr. R. W. Steams. Get your Tanlac where they've got Steve Jewell Recovering— Steve Jewell is recovering from It. Couch'a Pharmacy, ( Adv.) his recent attack of pneumonia, Albert Abrauis. Roseburg attorney, which confined him to Ills home for is in the city today, called here to de some time. He is reported to t>«a do- | fend one of the men held for boot- Ing nicely. American Restaurant legging. Harry Sordy was in the city 1 ues- Pre-Holiday Hale- A good place to day and Wednexds.v attending to It is well worth your whlla to see Room and Board business, having come in yesterl.'.y our completo line ot men's clothing from the Illinois vulley. 'and shoes before purchasing. Peer- ,$7.00 a Week Tanlac will overcome that run lesa Clothing Co. 43tr and down debilitated condition Marring«' LIcen»« lumi— make you feel Just like your old ’«•U Gold lllll Paper Large— X marriage license wua Issued to again. Conch's Pharmacy. ( Adv.) The Gold lllll News Issued a most Miss Thelma Robinson left last creditable paper for Ita annual day to Carl Meson Dodge und Edith night for Salem after spending the ¡Christmas iwlitlon this year. the ia- Elma Glasier, both of this city. I holiday season at home, She Is at- sue consisting of 2« pages. The im tending business college iti the capi- per was well patruiiUed by local Gei Yotin* Now— Our pre-inventory outflts are go- merchants. Views of the valley and lai city. Savage Rapids dam were shown ing fast nnd only a few days left to Howard Wickersham. who has - ... gel doublé thè umount of record« l>een the guest here of Harry Edger free wltli your purchase. llowrlls. 6* ton for the past week, left today for Overcoat»— All-wool overcoats. >11.85 to >25 Portland where he will spend the at Peerless Clothing Co. pre-hollday Four Generation» Alert— rest of his vacation. sale. 43lf The home of Mr and Mrs. Kay Phone your order now for that Stevenson was the scene of s happy Pasturixed milk and cream, rtaily Mrs, llaroit To la*av«— gathering on Uhrlstmas l>ay. Four delivery after January 1st. Valley County School Superintendent Al generation.« were present nt a family Pride Creamery. Phone S4. 70 lies >M. Bacon will leave in the morn reunion to partake of a well pre- Mr. a id Mrs. A. N. Nipper, of Port- ing for Portland and Salem where pared feast In honor of Donnld Sav- land, have been guests of Mr. and she will spend the next w«>ek. in age, the hostess' brother, who has Mrs. E. G. Holman during the holi- Portland she will attend the State been visiting with relatives and days. Mr. Nipper returned to Port- Teachers association, which Is now frientla for the past few days. Twen land last night. Mrs. Nipper will re in session. The county school sup- ty-seven relatives were present ut a main several days longer. erintendents are tneeting the latter table spread with th« usual Christ Mr. an Mrs. James N. Netherton. part of the week in Salem and thia mas dainties prepared for the occa of Portland, were guests here yester meeting will be attended by Mrs. sion. Those present were: the guest day of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome H. Fer- Bacon. of honor Donald Savage. Mr. and | tig. They left this morning for the Mrs. J. C. Savage and family. Mr. north. They are old-time friends of Practical Roofer» and Mrs. 1» P. Chandler. Mrs. Chas I Mr. and Mrs. Fertlg. Now is the time to put that roof I Iwwls and family, Mrs. Clara Magill. “I have taken eight bottles of Tan in good shape, don’t wait until 1 It Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Coffman. Ernest lac and have actually gained 40 starts to leak and the plaster begins Green. Mr. and Airs. Marlon Steven pounds in weight and feel better and to fall, fix it now. For service and son and family. Miss Vlota Gray, stronger than I have felt before in good workmanship see Graham A and Mr. and Mrs Ray Stevenson and 04tf ' family. twenty-five years.” says O. H. Ma- Wilson, Medford, Ore. I haffy. of Nashville. Tenn. Couch’s We Want to Pay Onr 11111-.— Pharmacy. (Adv.) Dollars Saved— But in order to do so we must Medford people registers«! at the Pre-Holiday aale on all good« at Oxford last night were C. V. Talent wait for you to settle up. We have Peerless Clothing Co. □ nd family, W. N. Offutt Jr., and more than 1,800 book accounts, in subscription, advertising Thinks Gas Rill Dead— ¡family, Mrs. L. W. Henderson. F. C. cluding Chaney. AV. 8. McMann and Chas, and commercial printing, and there “The gas tax measure for the 1925 I Gilmore. Mr. Offutt is a son of W. are amounts due us from more than fair Is dead.” words summed 900 of them. These amounts range N. Offu»t of the Oxford. Other up the opinion of Senator J. C. guests were Mr. anti Mrs. A. J. Van from 50 cents to several hundred Smith, who returned this morning Clift of Seattle. R. A Mack of Port- dollars and the aggregate Is a big from Portland where he spent sev lland. anu C. L. Towers of Roseburg. sum - more than >6.000. If you pay eral days following the adjournment Put in your order early for that us we can reduce our interest ac of the stato legislature Saturday I rtisturixed milk. Daily delivery af count Just that much. Do it before night. J>r. Smith states that lie ter January 1st. X’alley Pride Cream- the first of the yeur.—The Courier. fought the passage of the tax be ery. Phone 84. 70 cause ho felt it created a larger load Medford people who came over for IIn<* Are Heavy— on the poor man than on the one Sentence was passed yeeterday af the Dokkie ceremonial last night and who was more able to bear It. There who registered at the Josephine were ternoon on George Ryan, who plead is a big difference between the gas I Fred Purdin. Mrs. Edna Bryant, J. ed guilty to a charge of having in tax for the improvement of the high IW. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Ora Rinabar- toxicating liquor In his possession. ways and the gas tax for such a He was fined >250 and given a jail i gar, Mrs. E. J. Klein. Mrs. M. Pear- thing as the exposition, according to | son and Mrs. Ella J. Wortman. Oth- sentence of 60 days. Bob Black the doctor, who says that the differ I ers registered at the Josephine were burn, who was given a Jury trial in ence Iles In the attitude of the peo Ellsworth Tubbs of Yreka, Ethel the justice court, was found guilty ple toward the purpose of the tax. Troutfether of Burlingame. Cal.. Mr. of the same charge and was fined He fears that the constitutionality of and Mrs. H. M. Webber of Roseburg. >500 and given a jail sentence of 60 the exposition tax would bo strong days. Blackburn gave notice of ap ly attacked. i and O. H. Webebr ot Glendale. Scientific Pasturization is now re peal and his case will probably be cognized throughout the civilized b-ought before the circuit court at world as the only method by which the January term. P R E PiA R E ! milk can be rendered absolutely safe for human consumption. Hally Bask etiball—— • for the nio-|< nuiginlfic«-nt pic Wednesday evening, December 28 delivery after January 1st. Valley ture entertainment you have ever at 7:30. Rogue River High School •wen at popular low prices. I Pride Creamery. Phone 8 4. 70 first and second teams will play the Rev. XV. XV. Newberry- local Epworth I.eague first and sec BEGINNING NEXT HI NDIY Dean of the Simpson Bible Instl- ond teams in Epworth Hall. Ad JANI ARY 1ST tute, Seattle, Wash., will preach at mission 10c and 25c. 67 The Welcome Mission, 830 Olive Ave., at 7:45 this evening. Printed calling carda—Courier. RIVOLI THEATRE | of yanta, drawers and union «ulta In cotton and wool mixturen. Heai«tlU'hlng, all colora IOc yd. Tailored Clothes have a great ileal to do with one'» welfare. Suc cessful men wear them. They <«>»t uo mure In the end. Have your next suit tallorisl by At the sign of Ye Jolly IJltle Tailor ATA.UO und Ion« U> gl.N.tMl and mom GEO. S. CALHOUN 4MKI G Street Over Seveatceu Year« Issai Agent A Dollar Bill WILL-- start a savings account at thia bank, put you on the real road to real saving, earn Interest while you save more. help build a wall between you and hardship, make you think more of yourself, make other« think more ot you. turn your urn bit lou Into mal »ucce««. COME AND AN IM AND HOW win Grants Pass and Josephine Bank Watch thisSpace Something Coming Tomorrow Peerless Clothing Co. New Year Specials All Pyralin Ivory 1-4 Off this week i All Polychrome Candlestick Holders and Candles 1-3 Off WHI l*rmmc “The little store around the comer” mrs. nenie Deas D. W. Griffith’s Production NEW SHOW TODAY Couch's Pharmacy llarry E. Couch, ITop OUR SALES Show What Our Friends Think of Us If yon nrw not one of our customers, come in amt get mtiuainUNI. We assure you of the liest of treatment anil M the right price. PHONE S2 The City Market Glass KATHERINE MacDONALD ••Harry Haa It" Formerly Sabina f A THF AMERICAN BEAUTY* The Notorious Miss Lisle” The romance of a woman with a poignant past, —from the semuitionnl divorce novel by Mm, Bal lin Reynolds. COMING FRIDAY FRANK MAYO in “THE HR ARK MASTER” W THREE SHOWS DAILY ACKNOWLEDGE YOl'll CHRISTMAN GUTH with YOU DID NOT GET IT FOR OHllINTMAN YOU CAN GET IT NOW AT. CORRESPONDENCE CARDS 1 airgo Assortment also NEW YEAR CARDS and All Sizes Windshields put in Three C ’s Lumber Company Phone 59 INIHT CARDS RIVOLI CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS THE BIG NEW YEARN SPECIAL ATTRACTION “WAY DOW*N EAHT” xu L OpomntorlHt« C R S 1<M South Sixth St.