Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1921)
i T^DAY. DlVTVBin 5*. IMI GRANTS PASS PULT COVRÍTR l'OCR T Fewer Spendthrifts There would be fewer spendthrifts if nil youug people were taught to watch where their money goes. The bank account is a great help in forming habits of thirft and gives an insight into modern business methods. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON THE U KBIT fiKOWS SAVE WITH 1'8 ALL LEATHER ALL WEATHER SHOKS RVBBERH AND Kl'BBER HOOTS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Woodward’s Shoes and Men s Furnishings Shoes for the Family ■ Pictures and Photographs DICHT TO BE FRAMED TO PRE* NERVE THEM. YOV WILL BE SIKPIUNED HOW 14TTLE IT COSTS TO IH» THIN RIGHT NOW. HOLMANS “The little store around the corner” I PERSONAL *e LOCAL I * -^====gMeg===agT«»»-wgrg a. - I’NION GASOLINE Olla and Gmnam Auto Aicdsuriea Dayton Tire« and Tube« lte|uür shop and Storage Auto Paint Shop I'patalrs VALLEY GARAGE Phone N7 All II Nt MarwbaU Hooper of Klaiualh Falls Servkwn at St. take»— Tomorrow, (Holy Innocents Day! spent Christmas here with his fivm- there Will be a celebration of the By. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wharton spent Holy Coiumuninn at 10 o'clock. IRev, Christmas visiting with relatives in Philip K. Ilammond. vicar in charge. - - -Tu- I Roseburg. Mrs. U. W. Donnell, of Eugene, Pre-Inventory Hp<s-lal— 7 rolls crepe toilet paper for 25« spent several days visiting with old at Kinney a Truax. 66 friends in the city. F. II. Anderson and wife of Santa Monica. Cal., spent a week here with Overcoat»— All-Wool overcoats. 911.85 to |35 E. L. Coburn and family. Mrs. An derson anil Mrs. Cirtiurn are sisters. at Peerless Clothing Co. pre-hollday 43tf Clifford Jenkins and family of sale. ----------- Medford, spent Christmas with Mrs. . Jenkin's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. <». A. <’. Ntvdevts to Give Dance— - .. i ? - I O. A. C. students and alumni in Hanson. R. Merrifield of Bellingham, a the city have arranged a dance for 1 newspaper MM, spent Christmas In Thursday night at the W. 0. W. hall Grants Pass. Mr. Merrifield Is en-ifor other college students of the city and for the seniors of* the high Provide Tree and Gift« fur (iilldrvn ¡route to Sontlsarn California. of iaalge Members Mr. and Mrs. Cyril P. Wise are in school. ^This is the second college N ■ the city for a couple of days, having dance of the holidays. Oregon stu It "Santa ” did arrive a few hours dents having given one last Thurs driven in last night from their Hol- j late from schedule he was no less day night. land ranch. welcomed by the happy little folks K. J. Obers and family have ar with their families and friends who rived from Seattle to make their Elks A (ten tii>»— Please pay your Christmas money gathered nt th« I. O. D. F. hall Mon Obers expects homo in the city. !. Mr. ----------------- ------- ( to Frank Wood at Josephine Grocery. day night to celebrate the Christ to go into business here. The big tree from Its Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fairchild, of It's needed more than ever. Elks man season, I Rogue River, spent Christmas with will handle fund and distribute to star-crow ned Kp to Its snow-cov- Its rainbow lights Mr. Fairchild's mother. Mrs. A. B. needy. C. A. Wiuetrout, chairman. cred base, wl and brilliant ornaments, the more Fairchild. than a hundred dainty baskots filled Mrs. Paul Meyers and baby left Bargain— Bath tablets 7c at Kinney & with delicious home inailo candles. last night for Memphis to Join Mr. 66 the pop corn balls, th* many useful Meyers where they will remain In Truax. nml ornamental little gifts, all were definitely. Mrs. Meyers has been the Christmas gift of th« Past Noble visiting here with her parents. Mr. Many Attend Daut>*— College students from all parts Granda* club of Etna Rebekah lodge and Mrs. Wilbur Williams, for tho of the valley were In evidence last No. 4 9. I. O. O. F.. to the children past few months. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Vmphlette, of night at the college dance in Med of the lodge uiem bere. Christman songs and recitations Ashland, were registered last night ford at the Natatorlum. About 15 I at the Josephine. Others stopping were present front here. The dance given by the little children, a finir I there were Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Rutter was given by the alumni of the hand piano «elect Ion by Melba Macy and daughter of Eugene. Mr. and Medford high school, who decorated and Eleanor Cougta. a piano nolo by Mrs. J. IR. Russell and William the hall with their colors, Every Josephine Isham, made a moat pleas college on the coast was repre- ing program. After everybody had I«ackey. of Crescent City. been presented with u gift the re Albert Anderson, who has been settled. mainder of the evening was spent completing his contract on the Pa In visiting, games and dancing. cific highway between Ashland and Pre-Holiday Sale- Thanks are due Mrs. Jeannie Burk Il la well worth your while to see ¡Talent where he is widening the and Mrs. F. Y. Johnson and their our complete line < of men's clothing road and putting in fences, spent | Christmas at his home in the city. and shoe« before purchasing. Peer- willing assistants for the delightful 43tf evening and Its pleasant memories. He will return to tho upper valley In less Clothing Co. the morning. Notic e — Wallace Heid's New Pitture Ncor«* Special meeting of the S. B. A. . Marriage License Issued— Admittedly one of the most popu 67 lar of screen stars. It was to be ex A marriage license was Issued on Wednesday night. Saturday to pected Wallace Reid's new picture. Herbert Alexander Coates and Claire Elsie Eleanora Jess« Johnston Returns— "The Ixive Special." should have Jesse Johnston returned Sunday scored heavily when it was shown Stone, both of Grants Pass. L .... morning from Salem where he at at the Christmas matinee for the tended the special session of the first time. It Is a dramatic photo , Sfiei-ial Meeting Faiitem Star— Wednesday evening for initiation state legislature. The main piece play. tho scenes of which are laid on Rocky of candidates and installation of new of work accomplishell was the pass- a railroad division In tho officers. Supper at 6 o'clock. 66 Ing of the bill to put a tax on gaso- mountains. Mr. Held Is a const ruc line to pay for the 1925 fair, Ac- tion engineer and be proves himself cording to Representative Johnston, a man's man In every scene. The j Misionary Milting— The Presbyterian ladies mission thia should mean the financing of locomotive ride through a billiard ary meeting will bo held in the the exposition by the eastern tour is extremely realistic and It Is alone church Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 ists. The bill will be referred to the worth the price of admittance. Ag | There will be busines of importance. people for their vote. Senator Smith nes Ayr«« beads a strong supporting went on to Portland to upend a company. /This attraction holds tho I ----------- week. lioards until tonight. j Miss Itatliburn to Teach— I ¡Miss Margaret Rathburn has been li Indergarfcn to Reop«*»— selected to teach at Murphy school, Bollan Saved— Pre-Holiday aale on all goods nt Alias Emma Telford will reopen district number 10. She fills the 43tf her kindergarten at 411 <’ street, on i place left vacant through the resig Peerleia Clothing Co. Tuesday, January 3. nation of Mrs. Mary Fall. School Iti-ad and Act— opens next Monday. At once and get double tho re Ryan Pleiubi Guilty— cords offered In our ad today. George Ryan entered a plea of Carols Are Suntt— 66 guilty today In the justice court to People of the city were reminded Rowells. a charge of having Intoxicants In his early Christmas morning of the possession and for the sale of intox spirit of the day when several car Big Dance New Ymrw Eve- Riverside Community Club. Our icating liquor. Sentence will lie loads of singers covered the town, Bob singing Christmas carols. They same Peerless orchestra, enlarged. passed later. The trial of started »bout 6 a. m.. the singing Follow the leader and dance the old Blackburn on tho same charges was 66 in progress this afternoon, a Jury year out and the new year in. lasting for about an hour. — , • having been drawn. Blackburn re Journal Boys Enjoy Feed— tained Attorney Roberts of Medford ’ Will Start Survey- Paul Allen, the local agent «for to defend him. Resident Engineer J. G. Bromley will leave in the morning with a the Oregon Journal, gave the boys crew of men for Kerby w'here they who help blm circulate the Journal - | will start the survey on the road to here a treat last night. After tak connect the Crescent City highway ing them to the Rivoli to see Wallace and the new Caves highway. The Reid in the ‘’Love Special,” they all GOING TONIGHT work will begin at the junction of went up to the Bonbonniere and had an informal feed of good things too the Holland road and will be done to the point where the Cave road numerous to mention. The boys voted Paul “a good ecout” and after ends. “TUFI three rousing cheers for the Jour LOVB nal, went homo a happy and con Oxford Gave Npecial Service— SPECIAL" The Courier carrier boys' ban tented lot. lletiicinlwr Ki ld In a quet, mention of which was made Pre-Inventory Special — racing auto? Now last Saturday, was held at the Ox watch bini burn up CrystalUed cherries 45c per pound ford Hotel, the management having tho rails! Agnes 66 made special preparattlons for the at Kinney & Truax. ----- — Ayres and Theodor« event, by providing a long table Roberts In the sup* beautifully decorated, a huge poln- Bask «dial I— |x>rtlng cast. Wednesday evening, Decomber 28 setta occupying the center of the table. Special service was also pro at 7:30. Rogue River High School first and second teams will play the Other Numi »era vided. ■ local Epworth League first and sec ond teams in Epworth Hall. * Ad mission 10c and 25c. 67 ACKNOWLEDGE YOVR ciihintman GIFTS When Idaho and California Meet— A jolly bunch of friends spent m H h Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Garner and sons. New and old (XHtlCENPONDENCE CARDS (MIMING TOM<H<I<OW fashioned dancing, various games, Isirgo Assortment solos, quartets and songs by all were nko Beautiful enjoyed. Lunch was served near if American Restaurant A good place to Room and Board » 1 $7.00 a Week Tailored Clothes have a great ileal Io do With use'« welfare- Suc cessful uicn wear them. They cost no mom In the mil. Have your next suit tailored by At tlu> sign of Ye Jolly Little Tailor Show What Our Friends Think of Us If you nre not one of our customers, come In anil get acquainted. We assure you of the best of treatment anil at the right price. PHONE S2 The City Market and Three C’s Lumber Company Phone 59 th er SeofiUsu Years l.ecwl Agent •»•«.* »*.* « *« , , ■ Vo ST— A Dollar Bill WILL- WILL WILL Will. Wil.I. WILL WILL WILL 9 • F < 4 INW4T f'ARDH CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS midnight. The room used for danc ing was prettily decorated with Orogon greenery and red streamers. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. Dodge, Doroth Dodge, Elsie Pat ten, Lee Houck,' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weis, Clara Weis, John Weis, Mrs. D. White, Bertha White, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weis, J. iR. Billy Weis. The Garner and Dodge families are Ida hoans, the rest, except two, were from California, some of whom are here on a visit. <X»ME AND AN I N WHY AND HUH Grants Pass and Josephine Bank Watch this Space Something Coming Tomorrow Peerless Clothing Co. cash (’u/riiiKim •CM New Year Specials All Pyralin Ivory 1-4 Off this week All Polychrome Candlestick Holders and Candles 1-3 Off Couch’s Pharmacy Harry K. ('ouch, Prop “HARRY HA8 IT” F'ormerly Nablus ff YOU DID NOT GWT IT FOR UHRIHTMAS YOU CAN GET IT NOW AT. KATHERINE Mini MINALI» “TIIE NOTORIOVH MISS LYLE’’ from tlm sensational divorce novel by Mr«. Bailie Heynoldn. LETCHER & SON Opomctcrista “WAY DOWN EANT" (MIMING 4 start a savings account at thia bank, put you on the real road to real sarin*, earn Interest while you save more. help build • wall between you and hardship, make you think more of youYself. ma k a others think more uf you. turn your ambition Into real success. RIVOLI NEW YEAH f'ARDH All Sizes Windshields put in ruuie GEO. S. CALHOUN 0O.I G Street Wally Reid OUR SALES fLiA.OO iw«l !<*** U» 100 Routh Nlxth 8t. F