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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1921)
AMKKTATKD GKA.NTM PAMM, JOtfiCPHl.ME COUNTY, OKKGOV VOL. XII., No. TX PRESS SERVICE. WHOLE NIMBER ALI*. HATI RDAY, DECEMBER 17. II«I s« MRS. DELMONT GIVEN I inpr AMfi SENTENCE FOR BIGAMY LrtllUL HIVIU ULSTER AGAIN SCENE OF STREET FIGHTING TO GET DELAY Fresno, C#L, Dec. 17.— I A. ♦ Pj Mrs. Ham bln a Maude Del ♦ mont, complainant against Ar ♦ buckle In the Virginia Itappe ♦ c ase, pleaded guilty to a bigamy ♦ ebarge today. She wan san ♦ fenced to one year irnprison- ♦ meat. The court granted pro- ♦ ---------- I ballon. ♦ «'llRQl'IWT HH< EXTENHION NOT ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ STATE INSTITUTIONS WILL GET »117,000 I I M NEXT I EAR TG UK ALIX8WKI» HAYH ALLIED---------------- ------ ----------------------------- -- tViMMIHHK» TIIDAl' CGNVI4TION KXI'RESHED THAN THIS 111’ NG A It IA NH 4 'KLEB It ATE TKIT PEACE 1H DESIRED UNSEATING OF HAl*HliriUJH Ilelfast. Dec. 17.- I A. I*.I Fierce firing broke out In lb« ♦ New town wards roads section and east of Belfast today. Th« ♦ crown force* need Ix-wls guns ♦ agulnsl ilia rioters. Tram ser ♦ vice employe« were shot dead ♦ and several persons were ♦ wounded. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ 4 Springfield, Ills., Dec. 17. (A. P.) •Financial support the Colorado mine strikers th« extent of the union’s ability will be continued, said Presi dent Lewis of the United Mine ♦ Workers of America. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ HOP HUEY TAKES WKLL IH'Ti'HER KNIFE UHED TO HLASH THROAT—HAD BEEN M1S8ING WITH raOPUt OF GERMANY _____ I PAST WEEK Coblenz. Dec. 17.—(A. P.)—Am erican "chop suey” has been Intro duced to the Rhinelanders -and thev like it! The chop suey Idea was conceived by an American soldier— Walter E. Hmlth, who opened a ehop when bis enlistment expire«!, after 15 Murdered Man Thought to Be About years in the army. Germans didn't 55 rears of Age—Formerly Lived nay much attention to the little cafe In The Dalles anal Astoria at first, but curiosity got the best at them at last and finally they began patronizing the ¡Mace, and the food, Portland. Dec. 17.— (A. P.) — served with Chinese trimmings. Is quite popular now with the native Crammed into a potato 'bin with a butcher knife beneath it the body of men and women. J«hn Arthur O’Connor, inhabitant of a lonely cabin on Hayden Island, wn OBITUARY WRITTEN WHILE found this morning by Deputy Sher MAN HICK ALONE IN HILLS iff Bert, who headed a search for O'Connor who has been missing for Officers believe O'Connor Havre, Mont., Dec. 17.—(A. P.) — a week. Bennett Travis, who died alone In ' was slain by a wanderer he had been bls cabin 25 miles north of Gildford, sheltering. He had been struck ap J Mont., recently, wrote his own obitu- parently with an ax. his throat was l ary and left it pinned on the wall slashed, and his body put in the bin. ' by his bed. He had been 111 for sev O'Connor is thought to have come eral weeks. Coroner James Hoiland from The Dalles. He formerly lived stated after making an investigation. in Astoria. He was about 55 year» --------------------- - of age. .................................. Berlin. Dec. 17.— (A. P.)—In a Budapest, Dec. 17.—(A. P.)—Af ’ letter to President Harding, sent ter the silling of the National As- from Berlin on th» eve of the dis ttembly at which th« dethronement of armament conferem ». the field com the I lapalm rgs was pronounced, the I mittee for Germany, of the Society members of the small farmers and i fWMrsVltrw Hope to Clear l'|i My«- lirio« ledge Ashes! of <'«mili I ion <>f of American and English friends, legislature U> Crtniene in Special agrarian party went to the Kerepes Kcselon to Consider World's Fair levy—Prlni lpals Were to llevHie Finances Before Final A«iion i popularly known as "Quakers." ex- cemetery wflmrw I xmls Kossuth I« Tax an<l Road Measures large Hum for Crim« WIU Be Taken by Allien ! presses the conviction thnt there Is bnrieil and the leader of the party, now not only a spiritual possibility, Szabo, minister of agriculture, placed but also an economic need for laying a magnificent wreath on the tomb, I Salem. Dec. 17.— (A. P.l—Ap Warsaw. Dec 17.- ( A P.I- Plots with an Inscription on the ribbon. >n ' Paris, Dec. 17. —(A. P.)— The **• i ‘ down all weapons of war. proximately $117,000 will be trim- and couaterploA r<<adtng Ilka fiction l_ I pa rations commission today refused • "The present moment." says the "Kossuth, Thou has conquered." I... . | med from the financial needs of the wars Involved In a search for clues a short speech the minister recalled to ,ett* "Is one peculiarly favorable In Europe by American secret ser how Hie hero of the war for Hangar-¡ I an ------- extension of time for the January for international action and unless state departments and institutions in vins men which resulted In the arrest Ian Independen«« pronounced the de-i,nd «'••b’’uary reparation payments, thla la uk<.„ BOW tbe history of 11922 as compared to the present 'year, Frank K. Ixivell, tax commls- here y set ent a y of Wolfe IJndenfeld. thronement of th« llapaburgs ln until Germany telle just what she Western civilization may end In ter ; sioner, announced today. The total can pay on these Installments and ' ror.M In connection with the Wall street . •> i < ' for state purposes from taxation for bomb Mploaion In New York In Sep gives other Information demanded 1922 is $9,376.289. tember. Its*. I ánden fleht Is report •H AN'T PI 'LL THAT OFF HFitE." by the allies. FRANITI GETS LIGHTHOUSES ed to have confessed. In naming KAYH DETECTIVE—IH ARRESTICI) | TO UHK IN AERIAL SERVICE Salem. Dec. 17.—(A. P.)—The the ringleaders In the plot, which he state capital is looking forward to a declared was aimed at J. P. Morgan, IXroit. Dec. 17.—< I. N. » > — Paris. Dec. 17.—f A. P.>—The busy week with the convening of the he stated that the Infernal machine "They have nothing on me." says ! ! Kansas City, Mo.. Dec. 17.—<I. N. French government has acquired the exploded prematurely. Secret ser "the Princess La France." with s j <A weary, hungry, cold and des largest lighthouse in the world for special session of the legislature on vice Agents Congrove and Altendorf, every-day name of Agnes (llackwell. j perate man walked Into a novelty its international Aerial Service, and Monday for the world fair tax and load legislation. posing as communiais got a confes And that's right, Mys the police, »bop and with his last dime pur- is setting out to create at Le Bour-1 sion that th« plot principals received "she hail nothing on." chased a toy pistol. Frank Mt-GInnis, get an aerial port which surpasses Mrs C. S. Rice arrived last night $30.000 from the Moscow third In Agnes was arrexted by Harry La 31. Iu»d reaohed the end of his rope. {Croydon, England, as Europe's larg- from Eoseburg to spend • few d «vs ternationale. Rue. detective, on an Indecency He had tramped the hard brick ent airdrome. The .ighthouse. which DECISION ON ANGLO-IRISH charge At a flfteen-fooi range he pavements of the city searching for Is to regulate traffic between France with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. TREATY SLOW IN APPEARING B. B»rrv. saw what "came off" before 700 m«n Washington, Dec 17.—(A. P.)— work, * but ‘ his efforts had been un-)and Italy. Algiers and the South gen- Goods Passing Th rough Shanghai WHIIem J. Burns, director of the In a smoker In Bricklayers’ Hall. He decided to become a »rally, has 1.000,000 candle power, availing. Reach High Value in Gohl Agnes, he said, came out dressed "atlck-up” artist. Dublin. Dec. 17.—(A. P.)—No de bureau of Investigation of the de- It has eight lenses. which can throw cision concerning the Anglo-Irish partment of justice, gonflrmetl the In about 500 spangle« and a pair of But the toy pistol proved too much rays 200 miles. The lighthouse will Shanghai, Dec. 17.—(A. P.)—Chi treaty was expected here before Wed reports from Warsaw concerning the pink silk stockings. After fifteen of a phoney to put over a holdup and l>e erected on top of Mount Africa, na's exports to the United sta tee nesday. minutes all that remained of the cos- street of I Un dentelli the courtroom except McGinnis which Is 1,500 feet high. from Shanghai within the quarter laughed when a constable produced Burns said ths LI nd elf eld arrest tame were the stockings. year that ended September 30 reach Agnes is being held for trial In the ten-cent “gal." while the Judge would clear up the whole Wall atraet $1.000 ball. London. Dec. 17.-^(A. P.)—India ed total of gold $12.709,797 and for mystery. He said Llpdelfeld I« the entered a oh»rge. not of attempted I will soon be able to produce the 'the first three quartM» of the year robbery, tint of vagrancy "only man In the world who ***** I cheapest steel in the world, says an gold $49.907,782. The figure are: school at Monmouth. Karlo Voorhios, ail sigi ut M." IJndenfeld had been given in a report that has been is- | Chari se lUniillc Saint-Sams Hring* announcement by ti^o British firms Unen May Be <'oestructed Into Parts representing radical Polish newspa Ruth Glesler, Harold Mindburg. BITXIAH1AN WILI, YIHIT sued at the American consulate in Florence Kiddle, Martha Reed. Gret which have undertaken to organize TH1H COl'NTRY MUT HPRING I GrW to Munk- Ixtvers of Southern Argentina pers In New York and waa hired by the "United Steel Corporation of In-, MteRfftai. I«ondon. Dec. 17.— (A. P.l- M. Burns to go to Europe to try to solve chen Clemena, Yvonne Smith of WII- A noteworthy Item of the report Paris, Dec. 17.—(A. P.l—ddusic ' dia, Ltd." They propose to estab- ' the mystery. Undenfold was to dervllle. and Muriel Myora of Mer Stamboullski, the Bulgarien prlme Buenos Aires. Dec. 17.—(A. P.)— a shows that In the three months per- Patagonia, that far-away region have received $30.000 reward If he lin. returned Friday night and Sat tn In ist er, ts to vlslt the United States lovers ere monring the death in Ai- lish, as soon as possible, works | on ron ' iod ending In September gold bars , giera yesterday of Charles Camille large scale, near deposits of succeeded. When he failed to report, urday morning from the University next spring. stretching out for hundreds of miles ( worth $2.499,374 were sent to Amer of Oregon, al Eugene. Wilford Al coal and limestone. . 9alnt-Saens. French musician and Cosg»ov-> waa sent on his trail. Burns in southern Argentina, may be linked Iron ore of high quality, fluxes of ica and the value of gold bars export with what is now the thickly nettled | composer. said LEidoafeld himself wax not Im- len and Dora Horman arrived Thurs ed in the nine months period runs Of Camille Saint-Saëns, the famous suitable character, and excellent cok- plicated In the explosion, but wax day morning. From the Oregon section of the country if President to $16,646,059. In addition to the close te the radical «lenoni* a bo Agricultural college, at Corvallis, are ¡Wagner said some 40 years ago: "He I ing coal occur close together in Bil- Yrigoyen and government officials gold shipments gold coins to the Helene and Clara Knlps, Arthur I is the greatest living French com har and Orissa, the companies state, were the perpetrators. are able to carry out their plans for value of $841,965 were exported the French Newspapers 1 ‘ rotcvit Return Cramer. Whitney Allyn. Marion Sa poser." lHe was the man of whom and 'the cost of these materials is constructing a system of light, nar first three quarters of the year. of Duties ou Luxuries bin. Ella Anderson. Marjorie Niles Liszt also once said: "1 am Saint- much lower than has to be paid tor row-gauge railways connecting with Silk exports lead the list of ordi and Garnet Best. Jo Pardee passed Saëns are the only two men left in them in other steel-producing coun the present railroad system. nary. commercial shipments as raw Paris, Dec. 17.—(A. P.)—Several Europe who know how to play the tries. through Granta Pass on the train The plan is to begin as soon as pos The plant to be erected in India •l*'c to $u,16a.6(8 was last night, en route to Medford. He French newspapers are protecting piano." Saint-Saëns was (everywhere sible the work of constructing lines against what they term "the mis-, in the last quarter of the totaling 622 miles. Young Profile Munir for the Holidays will drive up Saturday. He brought acknowledged as one of the greatest is designed to produce eventually Fnnn State Schoo*« Dick Hopi>er, of Pendleton, with him placed generosity" of the govern-, musicians of his time and his career 600.000 to 700.000 tons of pig iron. i*‘ri°d »”<1 to the value of $17,043,- At the present time Patagonia is » . . - to spend the holidays. Several stu meat In refunding to Americans . overlapped three generations of with steel works and rolling mills'703 ln the nine months period, linked with Buenos Aires only by ir capable of producing 450.000 tons of Every train front the north In bring dents from Willamette university at when they return to the I'nHed music lovers. regular steamers, and the ranchers ing tn more students, home for the Salem, and from Stanford are also States, the ten ¿er cent luxury tax As a student of the music of other ii*lshed steel a year. throughout the region have great dif DI TCH WOULD ORGANIZE they have paid on purchases. The hoHdays. In nearly every case, they exi>ected to be home. masters, he was probably without RUSSIAN OIL SYNDICATE ficulty In getting their products to bring a report of a general tendency Several dances are being arranged newspapers say the government Is a rival. Tat one of the peculiarities p|||aj a to nrT Hi market. giving away hundreds of thouMnds to tighten up and Increase the schol by the returned collegians, and it London. Dec. 17.—'(I. N. S.)—It Is ¡ A large part of the region is more h which t he astic standards of their respective Is expected a general good time will of francs in this way which rightful said to be a distinction _ | reported from Moscow that a syn- or less barren, and much that is fer schools. be had by all the young people, in ly belong to the country. alone of recent compoeers of conse- (-on)nlercial Interests Ixx>k Forward offered to organise a P"- tile is not yet settled on account of Americans have read these pro quence possessed— was his com-' Local students who havé returned an effort to forget the trials that be . _ . . comnany to work the — sian-Dutch Rus the difficulty of transportation. Pata to Opening of Communication Include Irma McCallister and la- set them the past tew days during tests with not a little surprise. Many plete independence of Richard Wag- i sian oil Industry, guaranteeing that gonia produces wool, meat, some who have tried to get back ttr> total Vera 'Brown from the State Normal the dreaded final examinations. ner. 'He alone. In the opinion of Shanghai, Dec. 17.__(A. P.)__ ,he wor* in the southeast areas will grain and other agricultural products of their luxury tax, have discovered most authorities, would have been Commercial interests of Shanghai be on the same level as in 1916 wi'h- and Is said to have a great poten the difficulties are many. The first what he has been if Wagner had nev- ‘china"‘gen^allv’'are "liking ln chr*e years, tial petroleum production. and most essential demand of the er existed. And yet he helped France forWttrd hopefully to the opening of government officials at the port of to understand Wagner. As be him- radio communication between Shang- embarkation is that all receipts of aelf said: "I (admire the works of | hal and America lobe brought about purchases must be presented. Luxury Klfh«rd Wagner profoundly in spite the erectlon in 8hanghal in the tax concerns women almoat entirely of their eccentricities. They are su-l ' next two years of a wireless station and most of them forgot or lose perlor and powerful, which stifficies which it is said will be second to these receipts. ■Paris. Dec. IT.—(A. P.)—In me. But I have never belonged, I Stone in the world. The building of n Amorlcan Legion. Those who know of this demand m«HMge to the Inter-Allied Veterans* i Commander MacNIdor’s message do not belong, and I shall never be this station and of a general radio are comparatively few, so the lux Federation which opened Its second follows: long to the Wagnerian religion." Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 17.—(A. system for the Interior of China is The pony blimp which has been In ury tax, so far as most homeward annual conference here today, Han More than ten pages of small print to be carried out by an American P.)—Areadia, 16 miles from here, operation at Roes Field since March "The American legion sends you bound Americans are concerned, us ford MacNIder, national commander greetings With the earnest hope that are necessary to catalogue all his concern, the Federal Telegraph Com becomes one of the great aerial cen is of the tractor propulsion type, be of the American legion, declared the this meeting and the year ahead may ually remains In (France. musical composltions. In addition pany. under agreements lately con ters in the United States with the ing 95 H feet long and 30 feet wide. Federation "will be a stronger factor lie-filled with great achievements for he had over a half century of con- cluded at Washington between the enlargement of the Army Balloon It has a capacity of 35,350 cubic feet toward the prevention of future war the cause of all ex-service men, for tlnual travel. performing his own United States and China. School at Ross Field there to an of gas, operated by two men, pilot works, conducting and helping to than any limitation of armaments the countries for which we fought According to plans announced ln Army Balloon and Airship School. and engineer, one of whom also oper conference or any International and for the civilized world. produce others, and giving piano and Shanghai the etation to be erected The war department has sent the ates the radio. The speed Is 45 agreements." ' "Our Union Is sealed and the Doys anil Girls Organizations Will organ contorts all over Europe and here will have six towers each 1,006 largest non-rigid airship ever seen ¡miles an hour at cruising with a ra The Federation Is a union of vete strength of our friendship and com the United States. Be Formed in the 4’«Minty feet in height and will have me on the Pacific coast, the airship D-3 dius of 570 miles, and 55 miles at rans' societies which are made up radeship Is a guarantee to the world It was on his visit here In 1906 chanical equipment equal in power which participated in the recent aer high speed, with a radius of 380 of men who fought In the armies and of happier days and a future preg For the purpose of organizing that Saint-Saëns announced that he to the great radio station at 'Bor ial bombardment of the German bat miles. navies of seven of the allied coun nant with opportunities to bind even boys' and girls' clubs In various aec- work quit the concert stage after deaux, France. The system that is tleships off Hampton Roads. Va. This The enlargement of the school pro tries during the world war. Delegates closer the strongest ties men casi tlons of the county, H. B. Howell. 60 years of hard work. to give wireless communication Is added to a pony blimp, 20 captive vides that airship pilots will be grad are present from the United States, have—those of serving side by side in county agent, spoke to the students through the Interior of China will balloons and eight free -balloons now uated in addition to balloon observ PORTLAND MARKETS the British Empire, Including over battle against the foes of civiliza of Merlin high school Friday after include stations to be built at Har- at the post. It Is the first airship ers. seas dominions, France, (Belgium, tion. noon. Though this is the first school Choice steers ............... $6.50 R. R. school in the west, and similar to the 1 $7.00 bin, (Peking and Canton. Italy, Rumania and Czechoslovakia. "It Is our belief that the time Is visited by Mr. illowell, he proposes to Choice dairy oalvaa....$8.50 The A type airship is 162 feet long, 19.00 Beal, who is engineer in chief of army school at Iangley Field, Hamp The American member of the federa nearly ripe for concerted action to form other clubs after the holidays. 39 feet wide and 47 feet high, with carrying ton. Va. Hogs, prime light ...... $8.00 18.25 the company is in China tion is the American legion. ward the great ends to which we are The work and nature of the clubs Best lambs ................... $7.25 I 18.00 forward work of preparation for the Construction work is under way a capacity of 95,000 cubic feet of gas. Commander MaciN'Ider's message pledged In spirit. The Inter-Allled Is varied, including corn, potato, East Mountain I^ambs..$8.r>0 I 19.00 erection of the various stations and for two great steel hangars at the non-rigid type. A crew of three, pi waa presented by William R. Follett, .Veterans Federation composed of stock, grain, canning, decoration and Eggs, buying prico_...... „..40 © 48c a considerable portion of the equip field. The airship D-3 is 198 feet lot. radio operator and engineer, of Eugene, Ore., former national vice- men who know what war moans and sewing organizations. The Merlin Eggs, sailing price............. 48 o fl Oc ment to be used la In process of man long. 51 feet 3 Inches wide and 58 operates the craft, which has a cruis commander of th« Legion, and chair who with open eyes and vivid mem students have not yet decided which feet U’gh. It has a cruising radius ing radius of 1700 miles at the cruis Eggs, sailing candled ____ 41 © 50c ufacture In America. man of the American delegation of ories of those experiences which only of these or similar clubs will be Eggs, white henneries ..... -5i © 54c In addition to the ordinary com of 790 miles at the cruising speed ing speed of 4fi miles per hour, and five. Mr. (Follett aleo extended an can be gained upon the field of bat- adopted, provided of 45 miles an hour, and a radius a radius of 1150 at high speed, 60 Butter, extra cubes 41 He mercial service to be Invitation on behalf of the American i tie, will bo a stronger factor toward Displays of the results from the Butter ...... 40c through the Shanghai overaeas sta of 550 miles at high speed. SO miles miles an hour. legion to the federation to hold Its the prevention of future war than various clubs will be exhibited during The airships are equipped with ra Wheat .11.00 © 11.05 tion It is said that a news service an hour. A crew of four operates next world meeting in New Orleans any limitation of armaments conter- the county fair. Each club is to have from the United States which in the the great airship. There are accom- '• dio telephone Instruments, as well as In October, 1922, in connection with 'ence or any international agree a judging team. The winning team Portland, Ore., Dec. 1T.— (A. P. 1 past China sadly lacked Is to be sup modaMons aboard tor three addition- I iradlo telegraph, the radius being the fourth national convention of the ments." will be sent to the state fair at Salem. —(Livestock, eggs and butter, steady. plied. al officers. over 20 miles. SALEM LOOKS FOR BUSY WEEK 4 UNIONS TO SUPPORT COLORADO STRIKERS FREHCH MÜ» IS A ’ wo L< ‘\ u I»nlW I u ut I nfl * i ROM PROJECTS PIAMO I