Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1921)
nor. srt rftlTHY, i»I<T»rtWÄ in, »ujj. GttVXTR PIM infîT «xiFTUFh — -................... T----- L0C4L PER52ML I MON’ G »SOLINI; Olis and tire*»«* Auto Awessori«“« Bnytou Tire* and Tub,*« >U*t>,<lr Shop and Storage Auto I'aint Shop Vpatalm VAI.I.KY GAHAUH Phone NT Til II Nt ■ Stamped Gowns and Pillow Cases L F. White, of Kerby, was in J. G. l«»wi* was an Kagle Point Grants 'Pas* lodar. visitor in the city this morning. I F. W. Marks was down from Rose C. W Kirk, of Placer, was In tho to i.Mhitoiurn burg Thursday night. city this morning. Sensible comfort slipper* Jar cold Great reduction on doll buggies at foot those frosty mornings al the Holman’s. 69 Buster Brown Shoe Store I 68 Special club breakfasts at ths Acme Among <tho*« registered at the llrnixUtchiuic, *11 rulor* 10c y<l. M WoHlern hotel last night were C M Cafe, i35c. Genuine Pyrex Oven Clawtware. Isindan of Berkeley. D. IL. T. A., and 63tf J W. Norton, of Nlmeda. Rogue River Hdwe. Co. A good place to • K. Richey came in from Talent Blankets and Comforters for these Room and Board last night. chilly nights, At "Holman’s. Ihe lit* Rockers for any ami all nwmbcr* tie store around the corner.” 59 of the family. Holman's Furniture. W. E. Smith, sales representative Special oyster and chicken suppers of the Columbia Gruphophone com- 60 pany. «pent the mornlng calling on t'hr 1st ions >llx<*«l Candb at the Acme Cafe. Fresh marshmallow*. 2ÜC lb. local dealers. bale a gr,xit deal to «1,» u4til one’s welfare. Hu«*- 20c per pound this w,w*k and next ó 9 Rochdale Store. Speedmobllo and Auto Wheel at Richardson’* home made candy ccsxfiil men wear lliein. They coat no more In J. Johnson, of Holland, wax in coasters. Rogue River Hdwe. Co. tf bouse. 604-606 Routh Sixth the eud. Have )>air next «Uli tailored by Grants Pass this morning. Among those registered at the Jo Grants Paes. Ore. Any article in Holman's window sephine hotel last night were L. II. for 31.00. Friday and Saturday only. Wertheimer of Rochester, N. Y.. <1. Overcoat' At the "Uiin of Nice crisp waffles at tho Acme E. Stone and K. G. Stanton of ’Mil M.I.A.OO and lene ti, *13.00 and tuoi» All-wool overcoat*. *1 1.35 to 335 Ye Jolly Cafe. Open day and night. 60 waukee. IL A. Cook of Hornbrook. at Peerless Clothing Co. pro-holiday Little Tailor Universal and Rochester Percola Coaster Wagon-,. Anto Cam, and sale. 43tf| G Strv,*t Over Sci• ntc. n Years Isnnl Agami tors. Roguo River Hardware Co. tf Red IRIders. for the children, Mol J. iL. Stephens was in the city this man's, the imi« stör« around the N'on-«np|M>rt I lutrgctl— morning from Williams. corner. ò9 James Haven has tieen Iround over Don't forgot to see what 31.06 will Each boy or girl under 12 should buy. Friday and Saturday, Holman's leave their name at tho Busier to appear before the next session of Furniture Store. 59 Brown Store by Monday evening, A the grand jury. January 3, 1932. tin This evening at the Methodist little Christmas surprise for each one. der |00i> bonds. A charge of non support has been filed against him church the "Amusement Question" Guests registered last nlghf at the will bo discussed by Miss Willla Caf Oxford hotel Include J. C. Kenn«»dy. fray. evangelist. 53 Mr. and Mrs. C. D Kennedy, Mhu, It Chrixtiua* Candió»— Lyon* Glace Fruit* and Chocolate* ' Cream mixed candy. 25c lb. Horn- Brussie of Vancouver, It. C., Mrs. W. 62tt ling's Shack. Spec .tl price by the A. Jones of Kerby. Mr. and Mr*. at the Bonbonniere. - pall. BOD McCuesta of Tacoma. W«> lime hm '.'I k ' i I a *hl|Hne*t «Í Jim Sobol was a Holland visitor in > Special discount of 10 per cent on Mercury Takes Drop— I Grants Pass Thursday night. During the night tho official weath Sweepervac Suction Cleaners. Rogue Community Plate Silverware at River Hardware Co. 59 er teller luick of th«* courthouse reg new reduced prices. Rogue River Among those registered at the istered 32 degrtms, the coldest It ha* ’ if Y mi Prefer <«>!<! for Gift« Hardware Co. 53tf Grants Pass hotel last night WON" been this year. This I* the third I Mrs. K. M. C. Neill, of Ardencraig. Charle* K. Taylor. J. Miley and K. J. time that th»> city has heen frost en We lune Hv*¥ Ten and Twenty Hollar Gold Plccr* is in the city today making some Inkleman of Corvallis, Jos. XI. Simas crusted In the morning, with tho ¡Christmas purchase*. of Yreka, John Shalund and Joe Fer temperature below the freezing point. Just received a shipment of Oval rara of Salt laika City, iP. It. Patrick | Frames for the Enlarged Pictures. and wife of Roseburg. llollnr* Save,)— 1 Holman's, the little store around the Our line of Christmas candies Is Pre-Holiday «ale on all good* at I corner. kt unmatchable in both price and qual Peerless Clothing Co. I. A. Itolde, l*re*l<lenl Hani IL llakrr, <'«abler 43tf Christmas special on Winchester ity. Rochdale Store. 59 G. I*. Jester, Vice. Pre«. A. K. (»•«, A«a*t taxhicr Ball Bearing Skates, $2 and 32.26. Try Our Special— Rogue River Hardware Co. 59 Klk* Attention— 35c merchant* lunch from 11:30 C. D. v. if. '.riuore Moore ami and j. J. W. w. Grover Please pay your Christmas money a. m. to 3 p. in at the Acme cafe. came in from Wonder last night, re to Frank Wood at Josephine Grocery. 60 Hane«, nt lthcr»ld<"— Open day and night. (ta(aat of Farm Bureau* throughout maining over until today. It’s needed more than ever. Klk* The dance and other social prob- will handle fund, and distribute to Community Club on Hwember 17. the stale. These may be had by call lems will be interestlngly Interpret- needy. C. A. Wfnetrout, chairman. Potato»"*— Are you coming? f>9 ing at the office. The paper con Just a few more left of Uioxe |ed tonight at the revival meetings in tain* Interesting Item* from the var- Yakima Gem* at 32.35 per 100 New Farm Paprr— I iou* county bureau*, bealde* other ar i the 'Methodist church. 59 Prr-Holldajr Sale— There are at the county agent’s ticle* of Interest to farmer* In the We are the authorized agent for It I* well worth your while to seo pbund*. Count’s Feed Store, 614 68 office a limited number of tho new 16 p«ge* of the publication. the Hoover Suction Sweeper. It beat* our complete line of men’« clothing and SIS J street. Oregon State Farm Bureau Now* pa as it sweeps, a* it cleans. Rogue and ahoea before . purchasing. Peer Printed railing rani*—Courier Engraved cards--Courier otflcs lmers. published In Portland In the In- »River Hardware Co. 69 less Clothing Co. 43tf 11 1 » ffîrs. IMlie Reas American Restaurant $7.00 a Week Tailored Clothes See What One Dollar Will Buy GEO. S. CALHOUN Friday and Saturday See the Window’ and make your selections while they last. Come Early and Avoid the Rush Holman’s Furniture Store We I>o Hcturc Franila# “The Little Store Around the Corner" Potatoes Yakima Gems at— » Rochdale Store $2.35 Per Hundred New Currency for Christmas » Grants Pass & Josephine Bank 4 ■ 9 A I r-f USEFUL CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS - ‘‘THE PEOPLE’S STORE” THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR A MAN OR YOUNG MAN IS SOMETHING PRACTICAL SOMETHING THAT HE CAN USE AND EN JOY. WE’VE A FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S OVERCOATS, SUITS, HATS, SHOES AND FURNISHINGS AT PRICES THAT WILL APPEAL TO YOU DURING 0U R PRE HOLIDAY SALE. MEN’S OVERCOATS $25 and $27 Overcoats A big line... . ............ .. $20 and $22.50 Overcoats Extra good value___ • $35 and $37.50 Overcoats Wonderful values___ $45 and $47.50 Overcoats Season's Best..... ..... $19.85 $15-85 $24.85 $33.85 MEN’S HIGH GRADE SUITS $20 Suits, Standard brand $14.75 $25 Suits, exceptional values all wool ................... $18.95 $30 Suits, for which we are famous ...... $22.85 $38.50 Suits, few as good as these............................$29.85 $45 Suits, Beautiful assort-......... inent ............... $33-75 $50 Suits, none better for... $37.85 MEN’S CAPS $3.35 Values.......... ..............$2.65 FINE ASSORTMENT NECKTIES $185 $2.50 Values $1.85 Values ....................... $1.35 $ .95 $1.35 Values ................. $1.00 V alues ....................... $.65 $ .75 Values___________ $ .45 MEN’S SILK SOX 65c DRESS SHIRTS $7.50 Silks ........................ Tax 23c ’ $5.00 Silks................. Tax 18c $3.85 .Madras $2.85 Madras ................... .» 81.85 Percales..................... $1.45 Percales..................... $2.25 $1.35 $1.15 $6.00 Thermo Jackets, extra special ..... „....$4.65 All Dress SHOES Reduced Interwoven Lisle Sox 35c $5.85 1 $3.75 $2.95 $2.25 $1.45 $1.15 DRESS GLOVES $3.50 Values ......... $2.85 $2.50 Values ........ _...- ..... „..$1.95 Odd assortment special $1.45 Flannel Shirts at very low prices Bathrobes anti Smoking Jackets Reduced 20 Per Cent Night Shirts and Pajamas way Below Regular Price House Slippers at Cut Prices HTa V $2.85 Values........... Tax 3c $2.00 Values_____ $1.50 Values ........... MEN’S ALL WOOL SWEATERS $9.75 best grade roughnecks, assorted colors ......... „$7.85 $7.50 Values $5.95 Men’s Best Grade $5 Hats $3.85 Men’s Extra Good $3.75 Hats $2.85 Others $1.15 to $1.95 Initial Hankerchiefs 2oc ALL NEW GOODS, PURCHASED AT THE SEASON’S LOWEST MARKET Peerless Clothing Co “HOME OF HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES’’ GRANTS PASS, OREGON 1