Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1921)
FRIDAY, DM KMIMilt id, IIMM THOMPSON (11X1* V. Hord», of Glenwood, Wask.. at tended the funeral of bls brother, Albert Bord», at MtMourt Flat came- tery on December 3, returning to bls | home at Glenwood on Monday, the rz BLOUSE WITH SKIRT EFFECT |Gth. F. F. Orove and Waller Millar motored to Medford and Ashland tew ddys ago. Frank and Karl Kendall caught large wild cM In their trap about week ago. Mrs. W. Crain rial tad Mr». George Kendall a row daya ago. A band of 700 shrep belonging to Qranta Pass, Ore., Dee 16, 1021 Norris and Cohageri were driven out r- from the steamboat country to Offen- j bacbera on Applegat- tor winter pae- lure. Mr. and Mr«. Andorson M»e want to Medford on buaineM une day laat w»»k. b«ar Friend»: Mrs. Albert Borde, of Jackaon- ■ rill», and daugbur, Mrs. Walter De- ' Grout, ot San Francisco, and V. I Borde, of Glenwood, Wash., were Who could realat an* opportunity to re visiting at Andenon Mees on Bun day. turn to the Boat Town in tho Boot Valley In tMo Marlon Bingham and niece, Mlse Alice Bingham madu a bu*ln«»« trip | to Medford on» day last we»k. Boot State in the Ü. 8. A j George Kendall Jr. left on» day last week for Olympia. Wash. Mrs. Will Jordon visited the school We ere here to servo you, in the old ¡one afternoon laat w»»k. Mra. Fred Ruch returned to b»r . home last Monday from Medford Oornell Store, 108 South Birth Street, and vili where she bad been on a visit to her (M>n. Henry Rueb, who had just re- operate on the Qrooeteria Plan, with Sroootoria ’ turned from Sin FTaucisco. Mrs. Will Jordon and daughter, All orders for (ft.SO or more will bo Mbs Irma, called on Mrs. F. F. Prices ; Grove last Friday evening. This moat novel hlouaa with >ta long | F. F. Grove went to Granta Pass delivered fringe far skirt effect le sailed a “ker- I on business last Friday. * chier* and It le vary popular, It la John Bingham and Alva Kendall of cashmere and Io checkered with I have been delivering barley sold to bright-colored figures In black and [ Fred Often backer on Applegate. Watch for our Stock Reducing Sala» be white. Ed. Hawkins has been hauling ■lumber from the Roy John*ton saw ginning Deo. 10th VELVET OR CREPE DE CHINE mill Thomss Williams has been work Master Fabrics Promise ts Hold Favor ing on the road, tilling the worst With Many Women During Fall places with gravel. Very truly, and Winter. The heavy wind storm of a few days ago blew down some fence, a The dinner frock Is s beautiful ea- KKAPP'S QB00ETUIA barn, and log hog pen for Fred aentiul In the wardrobe of every • Ruch. woman. This garment provides an ever-ready , Mrs. Dick Hoffman returned to ; her home last Tuesday from Central bridge over evening dress dllBenltlee. j Point where she had been on a visit It can be worn tn the opera and at a x pinch for numerous formal occasions. to her parents, Mr and Mra. J. 8. Even before the clergy a gown of March. this description can appear. It Is not Walter Miller from Applegate was taboo nt Sunday functions. It Is at j up to Will Jordon's last Monday. once the "ever present help In time of J. E. Pangborn and Charlie Burk sartorial trouble.” halter from Grants Fans were et Velvet or crepe de rldne are the mas- ter fabrics for the«» dresses. Lines Fred Ruch's one day last week. 1 Bob Filthey and Dunnington. of for their fashioning follow the generic cwt of the day with more latitude and Jacksonville. came out last Monday longitude both allowed—skirts may be and butchered hogs which Dunning- fuller or longer, or both. Real Length »f Day. ton had purchased of Anderson Mee. For those who wish to dance, the Hnw Inng I« a «Invi Twenty-four Mrs. M. A. Griffin, Mrs- J. G. skirt length may remain almost as henrs. yog aay. Ji re. but net quite. Oae real dn.v cnntslna 98 hnurs. 5fl I Kcrtx and Missus i Mary I short as the skirts have been for a ~ — _ daughters. _ _____ _______ mfnures and 4.OX> seconds nf time, as and Ida, and Mrs. Gilbert Bertrand season—that is from ten ts fourteen reckoned by the movement of the sun. of Grants Pass, wer» Sunday visitors inrhM from rhe floor, or they may drop to the ankles, or embody both The earth moves through spare with ■ at the home of F. F. Grove. lengths by having a short, rather tight an average velocity of eighteen vnd Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pangborn of nndersklrt. or slip, and a long, trans nne-balf mil»» per second, and Its Thompson parent overdress, or long flying panels. velocity of relation at the equator Is ; Grants Pass were on . creek on business last Sunday and These transparent overdresses are sheet 1 ono mH»« per hour and our man will be right on the job for . Monday. oftenest of lace or of sequinned nets, thongh georgettes are used to some the delivery of your copy and gladly furnish extent. Again they may be made en TK At H Kits* EXAMINATIONS any suggestions for the progress of your tirely of "cut" or “lattice work.': En tire panels of cut or lattice work are Notice is hereby given that the business. County Superintendent oi Josephine popular. County, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicant* for ¡state The Pourier Progressive | Certificates at the Courthouse, USE RIBBON ON FALL HATS • ■ ■ .roii i Grants l*ai<s, as follows: Commenc ing Wednesday. Decenrber 31, 1921, Embossed Strands of Soaly Design Are I al 9 o'clock a. in. and continuing un- Given Cire Finish and Provide I ill Saturday. December 34. 1931, at Winsome Models. 1 o'clock p. ni. Wednesday Forenoon A novelty ribbon which can be used U. B. History. Writing (Penman effectively on fall hats Is that em ship), Music, Drawing. bossed in a scaly design and given a Wetinemtay Attomoon Physiology, Reading. Manual cire finish. It suggests the “snake A Courier Ad Brings Results MANl-F.MTt'KKn BY THE Training, Composition, Domestic skin" and “alligator” ribbons of last ¡Science, Methods in Reading, Course season, and. according to the Bulletin [of Study for Drawing, Methods in of the Retail Millinery Association of Arithmetic. America, proves effective in the vari Thursday Forenoon It » Arithmetic. History of Education, ous shades of brown embossed with ! Psychology, Methods in Geography, either a lighter or darker hue. and a Mechanical Drawing. Domestic Art, dull shade of red marked off with Course of Study for Domestic Art. black. A manufsteturer using this ThurMlav Afternoon embossed ribbon has made his hats in Josephine's Bret Fkmr (Hard- Grammar. Geography, Stenog a variety of shapes, but the off-tho- wheat) raphy, American Literature. Physica, face modei and medium sailor with ; Tyi>ewriling. Methods in Language. Clematis Hour flaring brim are the most evident. Thesis for Primary Certificate. Pastry Floor Small turben.s of bands of the ribbon Friday Forenoon if you have any complaints to make in not Whole Wheat Hour Theory and Practice. Orthography crlsa-crossgd in and out to make a Graham (Fine and Conroe) (Spelling). Physical Geography, Eng round crown and soft cuff brims are getting your Courier. Watch Your Label. lish Literature, Chemistry. Com Meal tlso shown. li'rAla.v Afternoon Rye Meel School Law. Geology. Algebra, Phon» Us | Wheat Hearts Civil Government. TO TRIM AFTERNOON DRESSES Health Bran Saturday Forenoon. Geometry. Botany. Cracked Wheat Tucking» Afford Wlnsomo Docoration, Saturday Afternoon Bran Running From Neck to Below General History, 'Bookkeeping. Shorts Natural Waistline. J. A CHURCHILL. t ____ Middlings Superintendent of Public Instruction. tit Fin» tuckings are liked for trim Screening« ming on afternoon dresses. A frock steam Ro'lekl Barley may. for Instance, have the front of Ground Barley Its bodlee tucked, the tucks running Removing Iron Rust From Ola«». Wc <lo everything in the printing line. Onr Steam Rolled Oats Dr. Roy Cross of the Kanens City from the neck to a line below the Ground Oats job work is the TALK of the TOWN, for testing laboratory supplies the follow natural waistline, a wide band of the Ground (lorn reliable server and efficiency. A trial will ing method of removing Iron rust tucking may trim the sleeves and per Cracked ami Bolted Corn from glass: Thoroughly soak th» haps the side panels or a panel of convince YOU. Ground Wheat ,pot with equal parts of hydrochloric the tucking may be at'the frock front Scratch Food or muriatic ncld and water. Follow and another at the back. Loops of ribbon fortp one of the newest trim this treatment with a hot saturated Egg Marti ming features. A frock recently noted solution of oxalic acid. The ruat Mixed (Yvwfcctl Estimates Cheerfully Given had Its jacket front a trimmed at the stains should then wash off with wa- Besides three we carry a good edge with ribbon loops. Similar loops ter without any trouble. llna of other Feeds and Poultry trimmed the lower part of the long Supplies. sleeves. R. Griffith, Manager Advertising, Circulation Geographical and Spiritual. HIGH QIAL1TV PROnVCTH and Job Departments At Leamington there Mantis a tree Ono larrlng. LOW PRICED. ALI, which claims, or has claimed. lo Im One earring dangling down over one the geogrnpblcal center of Englund. oar from one aide of a small hat Is A few miles »way Iles Stratford on »omefbing a little new and very attrac the Avon, so near the geographical tive that the milliners are putting for AND TOUR ORBKR Wild, BE center that one might fancy It placed ward for attention. The earring orna UKI.1VERKI» there on purpose to signify it as th» ment Is of stone or glass. Often, just ' spiritual center of England. now, It la of jet THE KNAPP'S QROOETERIA Call Up the Advertising Department I I, We Want and Do Have Satisfied Advertisers mt CALUMET Calumet possesses the farthest- reaching baking powder economy. It is the most economical leavening agent. It saves in more ways—and makes more important sav ings than most other baking powders. You save when you buy it. The price is moderate—it leaves you money over the cost of high-priced brands for purchase of other articles. Costs but little more than cheap powders—far more valuable in quality. You save when you use it. Possesses more than the ordinary raising force—you use only half as much as is ordinarily required. You save materials it is used with. Calumet never fails with any kind of receipe or with any kind of flour — always produces perfectly raised, de licious bakings. You’ll notice a great difference when you use Calumet. Calumet produces light, sweet, wholesome, flaky bak ings. You will notice with some of the cheaper brands the bakings ace soggy, heavy, dark in color, and sometimes have a bitter taste. Used by leading chefs and domes tic scientists, and by more house wives than any other brand. Made in the world’s largest and finest baking powder plants. Best by test. A trial proves it The Law Says 16 oz. to a Pound A pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powders come in 12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it Hand Painted China The Following Are Brighten up your dining rooms and your wife's taco— Vases, Plates, Salts sod Peppers, Creamer and Sugar— Home Products Each one a real gift. Barnes, the Jeweler All Holiday Goods Reduced TRY U8 ’ th» TRUTH I I Josephine County Pre-Holiday Sale Call Up the Circulation Department I 390 Will Get Peerless Clothing Co. CASH CI »THIERS •CAB AREAL TOP RAPE HERE Call Up the Job Printing Department Keep Us Busy—We Like It J. PHONE 123 A top. boot, (dust cover), set of slip covers or storm curtains from onr shop ia always an example of the bigbeat grade workmanship, style, material and fit. Have your old, worn top re placed now with a handsome durable one for the coming season. Modest prices. G. B. BERRY Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage iivwvc Grants Pas» I p. in. Ix-aves Roseburg 1 p. in. Faro *3.00 One ot Oregon's most scenic trips. Shortretf route by 'AO milre. We save you time anti money GRANTS PASS MEDFORD Stage Leave Medford Ijwve Granta Fase 10:00 ». tn. 11:0ft a. m. 1 : OO p. in. 1:0O 1». m. ».15 p. m. fltM p. m. Effective December 17, 1021 Dnily and Sunday l’hone K5 or 1BO We connect with siagre for Whland and Jacksonville