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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1921)
GRANIR P.V4R DAILY (XM'MKR PAO« FOUR AW, WH ATS THE USE Ry L. F. Van Zelm N«w«|M|«r IVton Tried and True! JF xmArt fUt usL - iue«t » ■atMr H* Hadn’t Instated. Th* author of a few natfel«, min ing a literary friend, began talking • Ith hlm «boni hi«, the authar'a Uit- ♦ •at work. Presently be said: "You go «bent n good deal. Brawn W-ll uie what you tirar about my book.0 •'I ■ ■aure you." answered thr other, "that I've heard nothing but the moat fk vorn hie and rnthu«la«tlc opinions of "Oh, that * good! Now tell mo Who h«a talketl to you abmit It.” 'Tin - well, I can't toll you that •«- •ctly." "Oh. yeg y<m o*n. I Inalai.“ "Well, then, sine« you Insist, you’r» the only oar I'vr heard My anything about It."—Bost mi Transcript. Art la • telane*. DOYLES SO SOLOMON WAS ARRAYED LOST New Gates cord tire, lost be tween Grants Pass «nd Waldo Re Marvelous Ars th* Uplifting EfTacta ward for return to Ola's Tire Shop Produced on Ona With a New 62 Outfit of Cloths«. AMAYKRA Kayser Italian Silk Hose FOR XMAS GIUS Black, Brown and White Pointex Heel 93.75 pair. , Kayser Italian Silk In Black only, laco stripe $4.00 pair No trouble with runs in this hose NOTOUtAli REVIEW EUR JANUARY ON SALE - Classified Advertising FOR «ALR MODERN 7-room house, efose In, lot 60x100. Cheap for gnlek aale. Inquire of owner, 411C Bt. 25tf WOOD FOR SAW—Oak, 33.50; dry ¡fne, 32-75, and m’lxanltw, 33.75. C. W. Lambrecht, Rd. 1. tf FOR RENT FOR RUN Y—Afalfa, Grain and Stock ranches with and without Irrigation, or will sell at bargain prices on long time easy payments. Ranches In Jackson and Josephine county. One ranch under ditch IRRIGATED FARM—146 aere» in n- 3 miles from Grants Pass, on river. Hnola Valley, 3100 per acre, water Gold Ray Realty Co., Owners, right free. 100 arret in rtjltiva- Medford, Oaegon. 06tf ttdh. Address J. T>. Wimer, Kerbv, Oreffon. «9tf FOR RENT—One apartment, well furnished. 83T Washington Blvd. 13.80 ACRES tknd, 5-room house «0 rtilcken hovge. small bam. 38 fruit —-.V- trees. Will tell for price of bouse. WANTBD Address B. B. Lofran, Wolf Creek, Oregon_____ 98 FOR SADB—Overhand car in rood WANTED- Odd Jobs, such as light carpenter work, painting, tree stgrpe. 3150. Phone 267-L, resi pruning, etc. N. A. House, 1210 dent» 731 South, teirhih st. 58 East D St. Photic 5l»T-J. — 63 SHORTHORN CATTTA5, Du roc hogs. Young bulle for sale. Cunningham WANTED—Friday and Saturday. De Bros., Glendale, Ore. 74 cember 16-17 is the time to mar ket your live Dirkeys, bring them MAPLE, oak and pine, dry chunk to Burkhalters Feed store and get wood. 200 tier«, at New Hope, for your check for them and full sale In one lot on the ground. Ad weight. Phone 2M-R or 363. 5 8 dress J. B. Ortlleb, Rd. 4, Grants Pass___ _______ ____ __ 82 WANTED—Apartment of two to four FOR SALE—Fine Spitzenberg ap rooms, furnished or unfurnished. ples at 100 Weet E street. Como Close In. W. B. Lyot, hotel Ox aad see them. Mrs. Miller, phone ford. 57tf 119-R or 240-R. 58 WANTED TO BUY from owner— FOR SALE—Price 31250, fourteen Well located 6-room MODERN acre« improved land, good four house with basement and furnace. room house, barn, etc., seven acre* State lowest caeh price in first bearing pears tnd peaehen. Write letter. Address 289 care Courier. to P. F. Rogers, Hugo, Ore. 79 57tf FOR SALE—-Mining machinery, ACCOUNTANT mishers, gas engine«, compressors, pulleys, a good plate, pumps, and many other things. lr. taira 70.» AUDITING—-Income tax, profit and North Fifth street. .>9 loss and financial statements for Partners, Corporations and Indi FOR SALE—Bronze turkeys. fine vidual«. Ivan Livingston. Incor breeding stock. Toms, 310; hens, porated Aeeonntant. Phone 389. 35. Also White Orpington Cock erels. Mrs. Martha Striker, Kerby. MIWTCI j I j ANYXH'S Oregon. 58 FOR HALE—A plueb coat and gal>-1 REPAIR SHOP—Steam fitting, pipe ardlne suit of late style and beau work plumbing, boiler and pump tiful lines, sizes 4 2, in splendid work, installing. 505 South 6th St. condition. Only worn a few times. Phone 306. G. A. Bryan. Inquire No. 287 care Courier. 60 1 FUR SAI*E—Strawberry Rreservcs, BANKERS LIFE COMPANY—De« Moines, Iowa. Myron C. Ga.ton, ras berry sunshine. Jams and jells. District Agent. Phone 682-F-12. Mrs. F. S. Ire land. 59 REAL KSTATR ÊVERBEARÏNlî red raspberries, 35 a hundred delivered. Valley Hard *c. t . M c K instry , m g st., phon« ware. O. F. Webster, Rd 4, Box 3 55-R, real estate. Best of soil» for ion. 60 fruit, hay or general farming. FOR SALE—Hupmobjle in good con BLTLUTNO contractors dition. Call 398-R. 60 FOR SALE—Placer claim and quartz HARPER ft SON—Building contrac claim, best location in county. tors. Shop work, furniture crating. Good cabin on premises, Come Shop Ulf) It St. Rea. phone 14 2. and inspect and we will surely make a deal. Rd. 3, Box 88, Grants A. J. GREEN—General contractor. Pars. Ore. 60 Estimates and plan« made. Noth ing too «mall or too large. Shop FOR SALE—Ford one ton truck, 211 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. over drive, cab. body, top and side curtains, first class condition. TAXI 3450 takes it. If you need a truck now in your chance. Smith's Ga rage. ___ ____ 56tf SOONER TAXI—Phone 262-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an FOR SAlJE—Vacuum Washing Ma swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf chine and wringer, nearly new. In quire 1324 West .1 St. 61 RHONE ICO—The Bonbonniere f*r Taxi. 79tf FOR SALE OR TRADE -One light dray wagon, handy on ranch, in WHITE LINE TAXI—Call Clemens good fdjape. Can be seen at 321 Drug Store, Phone 46-R. R*«i- west Burgees._____ ___________ <1 dence 381. Closed car. Prlces reasonable. W. G. White. 21 tf PORTABLE electric Singer sewing machine, 335; iron. 33; 3120 port DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER able typewriter, leather case 340. 229 West 11 street, phobn 230-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. 51 Bunch Transfer Co. Offlcb phono 396; re«. re«, phones 171-R, 316-L. FOR BALE—»0 pounds fancy, clean ed alfalfa seed. 310. Parsnips, 50c F. G. ISHAM, drayage, tnansfer; pi a sack. 802 M street. 61 anos. «ales, furniture, moved, ship FCfft SALK 1921 Ford touring car. ped, packed, stored. Phone 124-Y. Jbst «s good a« new, but a lot less money Smith's Garage. 56tt JNSTRl’tTTION IN .MUHIC DRY WOOD FOR SALE Pine CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC—Mrs. 32.25 and 32.75; fir, 33.00; oak, Jas. M. Power«, piano; Mrs. Pearl laurel and manzanlta chunk or Beveridge, voice. 4 23 U Phono 1-J. stove woed, 33.50. ,1. h. Johnson. Rd. |, Bhx 57.. «2 PROGRESSIVE M.MNO SCHOOL-— Clara Tuttle Fenton, 701 1) St., FOR RAlaE — Fbrd touring tar body, Primary, intermediate, harmony, windshield and top. Cheap. 636 pupil teachers' course. North Sixth street. 58 PAY CASH and BUY at the Sanito Market Whl*tl«r Inld down thè dlrtnm that “art 1« * mdenré- the ael«nre by which the nrtl»t pick«, chiHiMw and greutis, that beauty m«y result." And h» ndd- •d, wisely 'The artlat can leave no more te rhanra than ran Ihe rhvmlut. thè botanlat or thè blólogiaC.” rfll* applica quii* a« rlearly to houar dee- or«Iloti aa lo any otb*r of thè art«. It la ooly by plrkln*. chooalng and groap- lag Intelllgenlly and accordlni to pfl.n- rtpfea that an aritmie Interior can b* bulli up. It's wonderful what a bmnd new E. R CROUCH- -Assay or and chemist. and exhilarating outlook on life come* Registered chemical engineer. Of to one with the possession of n new fice: Schmidt Bldg. 58 suit of clothe*, new «hoes, new linen, • new hut, new ties and a new *pi»e»r- nm exchange ance of one’» self when he stand« be TEAM, harness and wagon, will ex fore tho mirror—and reflects, then, Michigan, there are three <ffilrag<*» Killing eur beef from the Feed change for F\>rd touring ear. must add two New Chicago* Ohe Chleato be In good condition. J. I* Taylor. that after all the year* are not telling I 1« in th* tn«nnt*ln* of Marion County: Lot now at the tame old PRICE Rgiace Hotel. 62 on him so badly as he thought, and Kentucky. Another 1« quite a town the ceaual observer mny mistake hltn FOR TRADE—10 aérés of good red for a millionaire. In Huron county, Ohio; and th* oth*r , land, running «wter. to trade for 1« In Dawson county, Texaa. T$e Everybiuty know* how tnnch finer goat«. See Derricks. 59 New fffilcagoM are In Indiana and tlie home atmosphere la, and how much Montana i ____ 4T4TKDIN ARY HV1M1BDN better content seem« to brood In It. when the house cleaning I* ilone In DR. R. J. BE3STUL, Voterlnarlan. the spring, when the furniture Is Residence 838 Washlngtton boule moved about Into new positions, the vard, phone 3 98-R. old wall papers go down, new paint an<l brightness finds Its »vay to kitt DENTISTS en and to floor*, new rugs appear, new S. C. MACY. D. M. D, First-ch* curtain* and a new a«(i«»-t of coxiaes* dentstry. 109 H 8. 6th St. which cheers the whole family. For a complote «tendant line of Gn x -ex-itw Wo Have II. The new outfit for the Individual . Frvwh rrultM nnd vegetable»» In anaMm. PHIWIAN AND SURGEON has Just this Mme sort of happy ef- , BP3X I 4IB Flash th* Kidneys at one* «han Baek feet, says a writer In the New York ¡L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., Practice I can of fancy «xkrye *»Alm»>n for with rtrrj *1.0»* purrha»e World. We know It. but how long we achy or BUdd*r bother*—Moot limited to disease» of eye. ear, nose Saturday. and throat. Phone 82; Rec. Î39-J. so often stupidly postpone the hie*«- , forms uric acid. Chicken Tamalrw, 'J fwy ORc Ing! How long we gloom nnnece»«ar- i 8. LOUOHRUXJB, M. D. Phywtclan Ur Drilvvw Courteous Treatment and Surgeon. City or oountry calte lly In rowts thnt feel «<> greasy tn the No man or woman who «st* naaf regu attended day or night. X-Ray par touch. In trousers that »hfne. In shirts ' larly ran make • mlstaka by flushing lor, Dental X-Ray Phones: Ros. and neckwear that seem like an eld ' It» kidoers oroMioeally, Myo a »roll- 369; offlee, 182, Sixth and H Sts. home week whenever they are fa*-' kooirn authority. Mmt forms trio Mid North Sixth Street Rhone 1I»4 tened together; In hats that are dingy I «Moh ciogs th» kidney pur* an they E. J. BLLLTCK. M. D . Physician, strr- and shoe* that d" not «uggeat states Slnggisldy titer or strain only part of geon, Sehallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; manship, urbanity, «octal standing or ' tho wMto and poianns from tho bload, res. 1004 Lawnrtdge, phone 6 4-1* affluence to any tn whom they may 1 then you get sink. Nearly all rheoeaa- W. F. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- bo exhibited. tivm, tw»(lsche«, liver trouble, narrow»- rap'itlcs. Office over Western ne*. couaUpattea, diraineoa, sl<«pi<wsnrM, The moat pardonable spendthrift In i I Union. Res. Î59-R; office 21T-R. bladder disorders ooma from sluggish kid the world 1.« he who after n proper I i neys. generosity to his dependents puts ■ W. T. TOMPKINS. D. 8. T. Nervous The moment you feel a dull neb» in the and chronic disease«. Office. Claus money on his own back, finds pleasure I kldatye or your back hurts, or if tha In being an object of enviable adml- I Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. uri*» is elondy, offensive, full of sodi- I ration on the street mid when he con m"nt, irregular of peaeagn or attended Thin rnmpinj I« known by ita many Phy- fronts hla fellow man for bn«lne*s or, Î RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. I ■ by • MM*UM of «calding, get about four «leían and surgeon, X-Ray equlp- pat rows. ouoees of Jad Ralls from any reUabl* ment. Office in Masonic Terapie pleasure looks »« If optimism were WHY’ pharmacy aad take a tableapoonful la hl« bosom companion nnd Worry the 1 Bldg.. phone 21-L. a glM* of water before brsakfast for a jk I Irra nee It ichrr them a Hquarr Deal Inst tow thought of self-indulgence In few days end your kidneys will then net ATTORNEY* his soul. fine. 7 his famous aalte is made irons H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. tb» aeid of grapes and lemon Juice, eoje- Practices In an State and Federal SAW VALUE OF STEAM POWER tuned with llthia and h«« been used for 7th unti G Htrreta Courts. First National Bank Bldg. peneratinns tn flush clogged kidney« and stimulate them tn activity, also tn nsu- G. W. COUVIG, Attorney-at-law. i Nawspaper of 1821 Hailed With Joy tralias the acids in urine so it no longer Grants Pa* Banking Co. Bldg. i th« Passing of the Day of th* eamww irritation, thus ending bladdsr dis E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practice« Divining.Rod Is floor Guosser. order». traini**« Dicesse. Sailing Vettel. In ail court«. First National Bank Antlrslla't Royal floclety of Vie- J ad Balts is inexpensive and can That Ghia scientist who says that Bldg. The cloud* of prejudice «nd fear fort* has derided, after an Investiga •gotlam Is « dl«rnse of Hi* brain Will not injure; mak«w a delightful effer- vvuoent lithla water drink «blah all reg O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-iaw appear to recede at the test of exiierl- tion of the dlvlnlng-rnd at a water-find- have ta guets stain. Rralnleaa as** ular _ __ meat __ eater* _____ should take _ now and Gdlden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. ment and reason, sny* the Notional er, that It 'N» ns * subject for Investi- alw*ys develop egotism--Cincinnati then tz> keen the kidnava «lean and the gntlon by the psychidofist rather than Enquirer. C. A. SIDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma Gazette nf Ort 4, 1821. The steam- blond pare, thereby a voiding serious kid* sonic Temple, Granta Paas, Ore. ship Robert Fulfnn »vns full of pas the geologist.” Disceveri«« are tom«- ney auoiplicatioa*. »Ime« made by -hanct, but f»w hear GEO. H. DURHAM, «Attorney-at-law. sengers from New Orleans and about thetnany failure«.—Pepblar Sci Referee In bankruptcy. Opera charleston. ami each trip which Gil« »plendld vc*»el makes not only phen ence Monthly. House Bldg. Phone 120-R. JAMES T. CHINNDCK. Lawyer. ample proof of atufety nnd dispatch, but adds to the number of Converts In First National Bank Building. Eleventh Csmmindmtnt favor of steam navigation mi the ocean. A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer, Tulls Bldg. Whnt a gigantic improvement In sci Amwering * question as to the re Practice in all courts. ence! Those who »re tn the hnblt of ligious significance of the an-called V. A. C. AHIJF, lawyer, practice in crossing tho Atlantic who »re com Eleventh Commandment, a reader state and federal courts. Office pelled to pii»- dnys and weeks In a states thnt the answer la found In th* over National O»u g St oi re. dead culm, when the unfUlKatl surface hook of John 13:84, In which Jesu* of the ocean tlmt reflects like n mir Mid: “A n«w commandment I glv» . ........ ' ■ 1,1 ' ror, and when lhe «tin pours down his unto you. that yon lev* one another.** fierce nnd Intolerable rays and the — sails flay to and fro, can Imagine whnt their feelings must 14 at seeing tho HE violent paroxysms of coughing steamship pass them rapidly; the noon caned by Dr. Ring's New wheels In quick motion and the smoke Dtscovtry. Fifty yearn a atandxnl rolling In curled volumes from the remedy for colds. Children like it. No harmful drug«. All druggixta, 60g. furnace; to sec myriads of well-dressed passenger« walking the dock». Will Ba on Kale The next Improvement of value Is to mnke atennieblp* carry freight—any kt lfio tons of fine good*; and those which run from Montreal to Quebec may forColdsan^Cou^h^ serve us models. There Is yet much to be done In tills way nnd from the Make Bowels Nortnni \ o u- , enterprise of our citizens there is no way is the way o( Dr. King's Pills— doubt It «HI be done In Hine. grntly and firmly regulating the bowels, for tho eliminating the intestine dogging waste. At nil druggists, 25c. Beautiful Coconut Palm. P PROMPT! WON'T ORJPB The coconut palm 1« a beautiful tree. No housewife will fall to enjoy the hew table seta of oilcloth with their | The trunk seldom dxeeedn 20 Inches In cheerful borders of pi.v flower* nnd I diameter nt the base, and rise« in s during fruit*. They are much handsomer, ■lender, graceful column to n height than the «ter.riled ple<-ea and many 1 of 80 or 100 feet, where It burst« into women use them for the dinner an a canopy of dnrk green foliage. It well as the breakfast table. Thw i ha» been likened to n rocket, rising sets consist of n centerpiece, plate tn a hundred feet or more and borat dollien and «mailer doUie«. The fruits I ing Into n shower of frond«. The UBt*eon and flower» In tho set pictured are «pa«-e bew-tilh In cool «nd Inviting, in their natural colors nnd the oil- piirtl.v and sometimes wholly shielded All «talions »her* the one-way faro from tho rays of the tropical «on. A '.•loth In n deep cream color. coconut grove on a coral beach, washed dor« not exceed 32a.OU Quarts and Placer location notices by the waves of a tropic sea »nd When yon »re suffering with rtlMi- «plashed by the filtered beams of a for sale at the Courier office. i matiirn so you can hardly get around Minimum rollini trip tare 12.50 «livery moon, Is mi enchanted place, iust trv Red Pepper Rub »nd you will »nd lh»t one on the Inland of Oul- nave the quickest telfbl known. BAL« DATER DECEMBER 22, 23,21 Nothing has sigh eoneerttrtteii. pen THE OALfFORNIA AND OREGON mara* across the strait from Ilolld, etrating heat as red peppers. Instant s»s a fnlry land. well-Atted »« the fi N al reti r N L imit J anuary i OOASt RAILROAD COMPANY relief. Just as soon as you apply Red dwelling plnm of tlm entrancing Do Time Card Pepper Rub you feet the tingling heat. lores In ' Floi iidorn." For further partlciitar*, ask Agent« In three ihinntes it warms the »ore spot through and through. Frees the blood Trains will run Mondays, Wednee- circulation, breaks up the congcxtion— days and Fridays and the old rheumatism torture is gone. Leave Grants Rasa.............. 1 Nerve for Taxi Drlvors. PM. Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from < Arrive Waters Creek......... 2 P.M. red peppers, coxts little at any drug Tn Pari», taxicabs on the highway* jfMIN M. SCOTT, Leave Water« Creek........ 2;30 PM. cross each other without relaxing store. Get a jar at once. Use it for Arrive Grants Rasa........... 4 ____ P.M. Gen ral Passenger Agent lumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff neck, »ore niuseles, cold» lr chest. Almost For Information retarding freight speed »nd often miss each other by instant relief awaits you. Be sure tn and pawtenger rate« cal’ at the office Indies. It Is said that each driver de get the genuine, with the name Rowles of the company, Lnndburg building, pends upon the other to retain 111* on each packet« nerve. or telephone 131. SANITO MARKET A FfeManf P/aoe io Fraife PUBLIC MARKET WE PAY CASH For Cream MUTUAL CREAM STATION Dont cough Oil Cloth Table Sets T Excursion Tickets Dr. King’s, New Discovery One and 1 2 Fare Round Trip Christmas Holidays Southern Pacific Lines r. King's Pills