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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1921)
<-K> <- < FAGM TWO- ■Ï I Published Dally Except Sunday A. E. Voorhie*. Pub. and Propr. Entered at ixwtoffjce. Grant* Fa*% Ore., a* second-Ciasa mail matter ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per inch........... ...... 85c I Local-personal column, per line.... 19c Readers, per line............................... Sc ♦ Ht Y THESE ITEMS NOW — ’ DAILY COURIER ¿Ry mail or carrier, p*r year...... »6.00 • Jy mail or carrier, per month- .50 • WEEKLY COURIER ;U.v mall, per year . NOTE QUALITY" 1» 90 tnomoN Ai um al ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Why Not ALL NEW BRASIL NETS CIA STER R ktSINN W \L\l TH ALMONDM <N>M1*ARE PRICES 'MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED I'RESd ‘ The Associated Press is exclusively ■entitled to the use for republication ■of all news dispatches credited in this "or all otherwise credited in this jtaper and also the local new* pub lished herein. • All rights for republication of spe- •eial dispatches herein are also re served Grants Pasa. Ore- NEW SHOW TODAY OREGON WEATHER Weather for the Week Pacific Coast States: quent rains in Washington. Ore gon, and northern California, and probably extending into generally .♦ central California; ♦ fair in Southern California. Nor mal temperature. ♦ .♦ Tonight and Saturday :♦ and continued cold. - ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦> ♦ ♦ Thomas Metóhan of world has universal peace ap peared so close to the grasp of an eager civilization. Never before has there been such a keen desire on the part of the people of the differnt na- - tions for an amicable settlement of vital questions which affect them. The cry for peace is the natural re sult of years of war and starvation and misery. The interest grows daily in the Washington conference OSCAR WILDE says: and each day sees some new- develop ment in the negotiation* which brings the world a step closer to the final objective—the prevention of future wars. Japan raised objections to naval ratio of fighting ships and for a time it looked as if the conference might fail. The trouble was SUNDAY Harry (larry "THE l-'OX” force of public sentiment. "When good American* die they go to Parts, but some don't wait that king"— HOWEVER nee what "BIL LY" KANE (“TOMMY MEUÓHA.N) dues in Pari» City of-of-of-why vay more'.’ sur- mounted without great diffjptity,_ ijapa».‘a toader» glvotg way to* th/* A compro RIVOLI mise waa affected whereby they will be allowed to keep the giant Mutsu —the pride of the Japanese 4 ♦♦ Charlee H Day. wife and little daughter. Frances, who ar* here from Portland to visit »Mrs. D*y ‘a ¡tárente. Dr. and Mrs. Loughrldge. are spending the dai at Central Point visiting Mr. Dk> '* grand parcuta. Mr. and Mr». Scott. Salvation Army Want* t bulling^— What have you tu Clothing, shoes, second hand furniture of any kind? Will call for. Phone 330. Army Di-charg’’ Filed— I’rvln L. Vinson, of Waldo, we* in * the city Thursda: While here he made a trip to the county clerk'* of fice. and bad his discharge from the army recorded. IdulicK to Me sM- The Good Citizenship department of the Ladle* Aoxitiary will meet bn Saturday afternoon. December 17. at 3:30 tn the lecture room of the li brary. The problem* will be the fol lowing subject*: "Who can become naturalised, and by arhat proeees;" "The laws concerning alien* which Oregon has enacted;" "Are the chil dren of Chinese. Japanese, etc., bom in Hawaii or California citizens of the United States'" There will also be dlecumilon on the tax fug the 1*13 fair, and a summary of current events. All member* of the club are Invited to be present THE PROGRESS OF PEACE Never before in the history ♦ Etri' Saje On overhauling and reboring Ford motora, 30 bucks Amenta Auto Re pair and Machine Shop. &9 • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10. I IK* I * —————————__ _____----------------- 1 the FUI I »A Y. hKCMII^K Idi, IMI GRANTS l’.ViS BAU* Y <<X'MIKit navy, which is said to be the most powerful Through discussion power than Japan. England cannot only with the elimination of the hor and compromise an understanding allow thia increase and Japan un rors of war, but are also striving to was reached which was agreeable to doubtedly would not stand for it. find some effectual means of reduc France would build ten capital ships, ing the great drain on the resources . all parties. warship afloat. Novelty Sets For Men Golden Rule Store Prices and Quality Merchandise Make This Sale a Big Success s Kersey Wool Pants (T9 (JO at this Sale - - - «póeJO Sample Store will ultimately bring about the end New Rinl Eatato Buciac«» toward which the Washington con- I have opened up au office in the ferees are striving, cannot be de- Observer building, 311 South Sixtl- feated. Street, and will transact a general real estate, exchange, mining, rental and insurance bnalness, and solicit Air Necessary for Human Life. Every time we breathe, we draw your patronage in this line. Bns- thirty cubic Inches of air into our incee entrusted to me will lie bandied lungs; supposing that we take fifteen in an absolutely reliable and business breaths a minute for the twenty-four like manner that will obtain results lionrs of the day, we use no less thsn by the -beet advertising method*. I G4X.0fK) cubic Inches of air, which have tor sale acreage, city lote, would weigh over thirty pounds. One the beat homes, choice ranchos, day’s supply of air for one human (Jet your dairy farms, pri -od to sell being would be sufficient to fill 1.12B I two-gallon cans; a year's supply property with me if you want to sell would weigh more than five tons, at th* right price. I am lined up to From these figures It may be seen do busineiMi. Will also tako care of how necessary it Is to keep window* your rentals al. a very reasonable open so that there may b* a continu charge. Special attention to insur oua supply of fresh air. ance bueineas. Call at the office, phone 339. Mill make special ap pointment to coasider any thing you Belladonna. Ed. Belladonna is Italian for "fair want to buy. sell or exchange. 59 lady,” and the drug wa* given this L. Schmidt. name because Italian women employed the Juice for staining their skin and to beautify the eyes by giving them a glistening appearance. / Pmsrms HOPPIMG I • » . PERIOD MODELS ♦ The latest word in V ICT RO LAS and BRUNSWICKS Now on display at The Music and Photo House StAnton Rowell, Prop Grants Pass, Oregon FURNITURE Household Appliances W. CHILES «oí a KTRsrr ------------------------------------------------------------ Moro Mall t'hwka— Twenty-five extra railway mail clerks will be placed on the Fortland- Ashland division to handle the Christ ina* rush during tbe holiday season, beginning today. These are in addi tion to the regular men now in the train service. A Now Year's Eve Reminder— During this busy holiday ****<>n. don't forget that we are going to dance tbo old year out and th* now year in at Murphy. 5* DON'T DESPAIR OF DULL BOY Mairtagv Liccwwt I kximn E— Net Infrequently, Beckwa rdneee in A marriage license was issued last Yeuth le Followed by Brilliancy in Manhood. before noon to Floyd Harrison Van Piper, a fireman on the Southern Pa An ex headmaster of 23 years' ex- cific, and Gladys Long, a waitress, by perirne* bus cenf-s«ed that he wa* the county clerk's office. anything but a model hoy at school, lie is not exceptional. Soin* boys kHolitlay Recce» Soon— who hai* no lack of brains have not -Pupil* of the city schools have on* the "examination mind.' and In aotue more week with their »tudie» before the Intelligence I* too vivaci»** unit the Christmas recce*, which will be original to be Interested hi routine gin Friday. D*ceu>bor 23. The work. There are boys w I m > are really school* will remain closed until Tues dull and will never Ire auythiug else, day, January 3. The first semester but there ore also boys who nr* mere ly unconventional and boys who nre will terminate Friday. January 20. apparently dull only because they are •low. < brLunas Jaaa— Human beings are Ilk* pl*»**- It At the Waldorf hall Saturday is not always the tree which grmv-t night Dance ticket» 55e. Extra and fratta the quickest that gives ilia ladies, loo, including war tax. 5» best crop In the end. The brilliant boy does not always fulfill the exp*e- l*ow er Off Sunday— tullons of his friends, while th* boy In order to complete repairs to whn was supposed to bé dull ores- the power linen between Grant* Pa*' slonully surprises everybody In after and Medford It will beneceaaary ti life because hl* mind was of the sort turn off the electric current Suada). which takes a long tini* to mature. No hard-and-fast rale can be laid December 17 th. from 1:30 o'clock down. But, as Dr. t’tialmers Mitchell 59 p. m., until 4 o'clock p. m. has ¡minted out. It Is a general rale In nature that the longer the period of IxHs LovcJaco W <-«k— youth the greeter la the Intelligence Mias Lol* Lovelace surprised her of the adult.—London Dally Mall. friends the first of the week by quietly slipping away and marrying EARLY NEW YORK HISTORY M. A. Harrison, in Yreka, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison are visiting with Part of Manhattan Known at the Bat. Mrs. Harrison's sister. Mrs. Leo Cas tery Was Once Just What the sidy, of Weed. Nam* Implied. . Today France presented her desire subsequent to 1925. There is little of the nations engaged in naval com ;tor a great increase in naval strength to warrant the construction of this petition. Italy, one of the poorest is little nations of Europe, states that if which the British point out would powerful navy and there ■ upset the ratio of five-fire-three and liklihood that it will be permitted. France is allowed to go ahead in con Lighting Comfort— Give your family a “belter lighted • which would give her greater sea The great powers are concerned not struction, she must also do the same, home a* a Cb-rtstmas ^ift. Go over increasing the taxes on an already your house critically and see how overtaxed people. much you can add to their comfort I Other stumbling blocks have been and happiness by a few more light 4 surmounted safely. It is safe to ing outlets. Then, when you have prophecy that France, when she sees made *ure that you have the best the universal disapproval of her de possible arrangements for lights, fill • very socket with an Edison Mazda Arm bands and garter combination sets in Holiday boxes 5Oc, 03c mands. will agree to a compromise. lamp and make sure of having the and *1 .OO. The French people are too tired of best possible light. The Southern All leather belts with fancy buckles in Holiday boxe* 30*. ‘war to knowingly work toward an Oregon Electric has a complete stock leather belt and silk knit ties, special Holiday box. per set. Bl.15 59 other. The desire for peace, which of Edison Mazdas. All leather belt and white silk ties. Holiday boxed, per set, set. fit-M3 Men's dress susiienders in Holiday boxes. 5Oc and Bl.iM* Men's good quality initial handkerchiefs, 23c. Men's pure linen initial handkerchiefs, 5Oc. Men’s pure linen plain handkerchiefs. 3Hc. .Vfc art«l 73c. Mens’ Sealpax handkerchiefs, special Christmas packages, 23c each and 2 for 25«. >(0Ü HAVE OHLY That part nt Manhattan known aa the Battery was originally what It* name Implied. It extended from Whitehall and Water streets to Green wich afreet and bristled with guns. Where the elevated structure now la via water. Three hundred feet nit shore stood the building now used for the Aquarium, it was a fort, and be came known a* <’a»tle Clinton. With Fort Lafayette and Castle Willlama It constituted a part of the defense of New York. It bad been ceded to the Federal government by the state, and In 1322 wa* ceiled back. Here It was General Lafayette landed when he visited the country more than 40 years after the dose of the Revolution. The fort had then been roofed over, and It bad been rei-hrlstened Cnatl* garden and wa* a place of uinusenient. Jenny Lind, the “Swedish Nightingale,” made her New- York debut in it. The work In filling Io th* grotind from the old Battery to what la now the sea wall, and the making of the park, continued and in 1H.53 It ba mine the Immigrant statimi for th* receptlop of future Americana. Photographing the Littl*. The art of photomicrography ila* made a great advance through the ap- plirntlon of the electric arc light. Heretofore It has been very difficult to make good photographs of minute objects magnified more than one thousand diameters boeauso the ogy- bydrogen light employed to Illuminate the objects wm not sufficiently uni form in Intensity. With the electric arc light this difficulty has been largely overcome, and fine photographs have been made of objects magnified five thousimd diameter*. Microscopy Is f*r ahead of as tronomy io the magnifying power* that It cah employ. It la seldom that a power of so much as one thousand dhimeterH can be usefully applied with a telescope, and In photographing the heavenly bodies comparatively slight magnification «'an be used. A photo graph of th* moon with a magnifying power of five thonannd diameters would he a wonder Indeed. , Jack.-on Get* l-’alr <«rotin«l»— With a dozen small precincts still unreported it is certain that the mill ’ levy for county fair grounds improve ments was carried at Wednesday’!« “A GOOD OLD-FASHION£D special election tn Jackson bounty by PHYSIC” Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole -a margaln In the neighborhood of 100 some physic, thoroughly cleanse the votes. The vote, unofficial. Is 14 36 bowels, sweeten the stomach, tone up yes, 1000 no. with 12 rreclncts to th* liver. For indigestion, biliousness, Hence there Is much bad breath, bloating, gas. or consti hear from. pation, no remedy is mors highly rec i rejoicing in Medford generally, and ommended. Wtn. O. E. Bielke, among the progressive residents In Hancock, Mich., writes:“I have given I all parts of the county at this assnr- Foley Cathartic Tablets a thorough | ance of an annual county fair heri- trial and I can honestly recommend Hardly! them as a mild but sure laxative. They I after held In a properly equipped fair The fellow who said talk was cheep permanent work without : griping.” “ Give ' stout ■ grounds with adequate evidently never spoke to hla own wife persons a free, i, light feeling. ■ ‘buildings.—-Medford Mail Tribune. over tha long distance telephone. i HAVE YOU KEEN THE Haag Washing Machine Simplex Ironing Machine In Mock. It’s a gnml o n e make* Ironing a plivuurw instead of a task. Both nf titear machine» will make fine Christina» l*rrwcnte. U's alao haw many other spplkuicr« I lust n|>l Im apprtwiatrd and will bo a plnivnre for years to mine. » XMAS TREE LIGHT8 Grants Pass Electric Co Christmas Stationery Crane Papers la maay different "ire". M)lo" mwl «tot». ENGRAVED UHRIHTM3M (URDH tULUO ANU TlMHl K PA PEU Demarav’s Drug and Stationery Store A Wardrobe tailors and Cleaners Members National Ass’n Dyers and Cleaners Two Plants Tailors—Phone 72 Cleaners—Phone 147 First-Class Servloe with First-Class Workmanship TRY US We've got lumber in the rougfr Wn've gut It »oft, we’wi ¡got It tnugli. We’ve got. It Slirfaretl, we've got It eized. We’ve got It dry—you'd be wtirpristM. We’ve go! the grnd<w you're look ing for, la ceiling. »Ming, or for floor. We’re ftnlslxwl lumber, fir or pint», Alvo cedar, which is fine, Jua* take the phone, and gently any, “I’m calling one eight seven J.” Borland Lumber Co | * t Shingles We Have E’m Three C’s Lumber Company Lumber, Istb, Mh in glee Foundry und Writ G HI*. Pacific Ore Reduction and Chemical Manufacturing Company (Incorporated) Manufacturing Ptant Granta Pa*», Oregon HOME INDUSTRY The above Plant, is prepared tn give you a Fertilizer Io meet nil conditions of soils in this vlrinit.y. Wo uro now {Invoking orders and wo would lm pleuAcxl to have you make use of our Laboratory and disease your needs with our cliemlat*. ,