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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1921)
* AMOCIATKD PREHA SERVICE. sc WHOLE NI MBER AIM. GRANTA P ABB, JO6KFII1NE COUNTY, OREGON V4JU XII., No. 74. «¿s t'.-ZS BOY HELD FOR DAVIS MURDER IS RELEASED EFFECT DEC.27 INTERSTATE COM M Fill E COM MISSION UPHOLDS REDUCED CJ9AJI4IEH ON RAILWAY« ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ F 4 A Madrid. Dec. 16 (A. P.) - The Hpanlsh gunboat Bonlfaz captured two French sailing vea- »el« conveying arm« to the Mor- rocean Insurgents «nd ««ink sn- other eng«g«d In the »ame oc- oupstion, »«Id un official report today. e ♦ ♦ ♦ : : DELEGATION PREBKNTH PRO- ♦ Pendleton. Dec 16.— (A. P.) —One of the most vital needs of Irrigation districts Is more set tlers of the right kind, said ir rigation «ongrapx delegates at a round table «dlxcuMlon last night. The chief difficulty la finding people financially able to leave their homes and come woat, it was al imtrd. The dele- gates this mortilng irtilng toured the Umatilla Irrigation project. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ his cabin at Molalla, were with ♦ ♦ Oregon City, Dec. 18.—(A. ♦ P.)—Authorities who are seek ♦ ing to solve the murder of E. E. ♦ Davis, an ex-lieutenant killed In ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ BALFOUR STATES THAT ENG. ♦ ♦ LAMI» WILL ASK CURBING OF ♦ UNDER SEA CRAFT ♦ out a clue today. Harry Fried man, taken in custody In Port land with another youth, was arrested after being questioned. He said he came from Montana with Davis and first knew of the murder when he read of It in the newspapers. BOTH HOl'HEM GIVE MAJORITIES DOG HAVER LARGE IJM4H ♦ FOR BILL CREATING FREE POKAL TO «'ONFERENCE AHK BY RETRIEVING GO14-’ BALM ♦ STATE IN IRELAND ING MORE VRRHEM (Anaconda, Morit , Dec. 118.—(A. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ■ P. > One of th«« caddies employed) Lit the Anaconda Country Club ha«) AI/BERT MOORE) ACQUITTED SENATOR REED STARTS HIS Arri-CTtn achieved no little success In training! d,,, to retrieve golf bells, accord-1 ATTACK ON NEW TREATY Celfax. Wash . th- 16.—(A. P.) — ■ Ing to club official«. A creek, which [ Albert Moore was acquitted today on Washington, Dec. 16.—(A. P.)—- I form* a hnzzard on one fairway, for Cora and Other Coarac Cereal» Must merly coat the I oh « of numeroua' Building Program Would Incliwle Ten the charge of murdering his brother- Naval Opinion of Other Power« Said Senator Reed attacked the quad Body Attempting to Find Some in-law, Clare new Gray, October 13. VlrsuiH of Acceptance Without De To Be Tliat Contention Not J uh - Be Glvrw Further Itcduclion» of ruple treaty today in the senate. ball«. The dog h«« now been train- , Ku|H-rdrrwdnaugtila in Ten Year« Moore, who shot Gray when the latter feating DeValera t if led — Will lie in Open Session Following IE0 Almut IO Per Cent e«| to div» to the bottom for them.j interceded In domestic difficulties, INTERN inOMAL AGRICULTURAL Ono of ths moat difficult problem* plea «led »elf defense I (M»NFERENCK MAY BE CALLED faced by the young trainer wa« to London, Dec. 14.—(A. P.)—Both Washington, Dec. 18.—(A. P.) — _______________ habit of biting _ | Washington. Dec. 16.' (A. Re Washington. Dec. 18.—(A. P.l — break the dog of the Calgary, Alta., Dec. 14.—(A. P.) houses of the British parliament to Arthur J. Balfour, head of the Brit- Reduced rate* on grain, grain pro the ball» too hard. "He carries th«m ¡The Frenrh delegation today pre Washington —The calling of an international ag day ratified the treaty creating the ducts and hay west of th« Mississippi like egge now," wa* tho youth'« sented a proposal for so greet sn In conference, gave notice today that ricultural conference will be urged Irish free state by overwhelming ma rlvsr which carriers sought to have proud boaxt recently. crease In the French naval atrength In a resolution which is to be offer jorities. »uspendsd for six months, were suo- ‘ Country Now Prafthally Free From Great Britain would propose to the Hcvernl Hludmta Return — , that the British declare such a pro conference the total abolilton of sub ed at the convention of the United talned by the Interstate commerce DlMcase Epidemics Florence Buell. Ilelnholdt Schmidt, gram would upset the whole plan for marines. Balfur will take the ques Farmers of Alberta here next month, commission today. They will go In- I Dublin. Dec. 18.—(A. P.)— The tion before the open session. Naval according to officer« of the organiza Dall Elreann continued In secret ses to effect December 27. The reduc- | Leonard Kendall and Harry Edger a flve-flve-three reduction. Nl»h. Jugoslavia. Dec 16 —(A. P.) The tion. The international conference ton arrived thia morning from the lions «versg« about 18 H per cent —Serbia today is practically free of opinion in the American. Japanese. With I British understand the French plan epidemics of disease The popula- French and Italian groups is under- Is urged for the dtscnsslon of vital sion todsy, largely in an attempt to and ar« further decreased by the eom- Oregon Agricultural College. provides for the construction of 10 find a way to accept the treaty with m teal on’s order today, which requires Edgerton we« Howard Wlckershsm, superdreadnaught« of 35,000 tons i lion never enjoyed better health or stood to be opposed to the British questions relating to international ag out registering defeat for DeValera, I ricultural trade and tariffs. of l-o« Angele», a fraternity brother that corn and other coarse grain» be capacity, in 10 years «obsequent to more genuine contentment. The bos- contention that submarines are of who opposes the acceptance. All farmers' organizations through carried for 10 per cent leas - than who will »pend the holiday« here. 1925. The vessels, of * type similar I pltala never held fewer patient*. The necessity "weapons of assaslnatlon. out the world wouIA be Invited to at Many other students are expected to wheat and other breadstuff grains. ____________ to the American battleship Marylsnd death-rate aeldqm has been lower., tend, the cost to be met by a levy arrive thl« evening from the same would give France a capital ship ton Doctor* have rarely found it so dlt-' Bazaar Well Patronized— on each organisation represented. The school and the University of Oregon. nage of 350,000 against 315.000 for 1 ficult to make a living. Thl* la re- 4<NN> .ACRES OF IDAHO LAND The Christmas Bazaar held today BEING RECLAIMED FOR USE i resolution, according to official«, Japan and a preponderance of the garded as remarkable in view of the > by the ladles of the Presbyterian calls upon the Canadian council of I new "Post-Jutland" type craft over fearful scourage* which claimed half BOBBIE GEODES church was well patronized, some of 16__ agriculture to make arrangements for Bon nera Ferry, Idaho, all the nations. Italy, although in It* population during the world war the lines being sold out early In the Now Htewiiinhlp Une Start««! nelwven , . 1 day. Indications point to complete (A. P.)—Work is being continued ¡th* ”»•*»»»«• dicating her disapproval of such a and the post-arm*ltice period. Portland anil South America The correspondent, who visited Ser- this winter on drainage operations i building program. Is said to have closing out of all lines by evening. told the arms conference that If I bla at irregular interval* during)which eventually will reclaim 4,000 IRISH LADY BARRISTERS Lima, INiru, IJec. 16.—(A. P.) France constructs 10 such «hips, Italy «1918, 1919 and 1920 recently made acres of farm land Just west of here. The Peruvian consul in Portland. must carry out a similar building another journey through the coun- The work was started last August Ore, In a communication officially | try. He noted an amazing change In and will probably not be completed program. notifying the government of the es ■ the apnearanee of the people. The before next summer, it is said. Two tablishment of the newly organized ) men and women looked strong, vig large lake*. Fry’s and Mirror, are Highway Commisnion Will Inspect “Latin American Une" of steam orous and well-fed They wore the to be drained through Fish creek to I Wallula Road Previous to Artion ship« providing regular service from finest homespun clothing. The chil the Kootenai river. Portland and other United Slates dren trere fat. rosy-cheeked and full ports on the Pacifie to the principal of life. The babies were plump, bright Portland. Ore., Dec. 18.—(A. P.) French Mehtod» Vary Greatly From ;H»rt« on the West coast of South —Following a debate between High eyed and smiling. All were warmly À Thone of Thl« Country America, calls attention to the fact way Commissioner Barratt and H. J. clad. Everywhere the home« were , that there are now five regular lines Ottenhetmer, of the Portland Cham example« of cleanliness, comfort and | Versailles. Dec. 18.—(A. P.)— abundance. of stsamera on thia «Pacific route be ber of Commerce over the proposed Mayor Demaray Receives I«etter Writ tween the two continents. Americans who attended the Landru No «uoh picture could be found in Wallula cutoff, which Otteahelmer ten in French Freni Allied Chief trial, and they were many, could not Berbl* In years previous, Tn 1918.) irged the highway commission to Three of these lines have clthur refrain from commenting upon the for example, when the armistice mer- designate as a road of primary Im been establish««! or reestablished Mayor Demaray generally is able radical difference between the clfnlly intervened and saved Serbia 1 to read all correspondence that ! portance. Chairman Booth said the since the beginning of this year, de French law of evidence and manner from extinction, the correspondent reaches him In his business and ca- commission would go over the ground noting * steadily increasing trade be of conducting a trial for murder and saw men and women clad In rags, padty as city official, but recently and investigate. Barratt indicated tween Booth America and the West the American courts.' opposition to the cutoff, while Yeon ern const «Illes of the United States. afflicted with disease. homeless and he received a letter that was beyond , favors it. Otienheimer urges It in While the numlier of lines be The letter was written in Jurors iu France are not escorted hopeless, dying of inanition as they ( hlm order to get more tourtet« from the tween here and the Unite«! Staten by uniformed policemen and every walked. French, upon a French typewriter Yellowstone to the Columbia River Atlantic ports remains the same, ser night they return to their homes in ¡equipped with the graven accent vice between here and Europe Is con highway. complete freedom having taken the 1 marks peculiar to the official court stantly Increasing, especially notice oath "not to discuss the case with language. Miss Genevieve Yannke,' | Chairman Booth today said the able being the resumption of regular “Cal! day" in the law courts in Dub commission was running so low on instructor at the local high school. Bobb«« Geddas, flltsan-year-old son any one." They are chosen with more service by the German "Kosino«-Rol of ths British ambassador to ths rapidity than either in America or Man Taken I ncossrious From Train appealed to, and translated the lin was made notable by the calling to funds that it would within a month the bar of the two first lady banisters appropriate what can be spent and" line to Hamburg. Ur had Statar England. In Gives Name a» George Martin whk,h 11 *» follow«: ------ --- ! "Mr. Mayor—The zeal of the peo- of Ireland. They are Miss M. Kyle each county and could not exceed The prosecution and the detente After waking from a restful and p|e of Grants Paas In coming to (left) and Miss A. K. S. Deverell. that amount. have 12 peremptory challenges each normal «leep Thursday afternoon, greet me at the time of the passing and no more. Thus 36 names chosen ) from the electoral list of the depart- the stranger taken from the train in of my train through your city. De | ment are thrown Into a hat and 12 an 'unconscious condition the pre- «-ember 2, last, has touched me pro- are picked out Should the prose vlous day was able to establish his foundly. "I extend to you all my thanks cution and the defense both choose identity as George Martin, of St. while asking you to be the interpio- to exercise their prerogative of chal Paul, Minn. Martin has been operated upon by ter of my very real gratitude to the San Francisco, Dec. 16.—(A. P.) — mill« have reduced their force«. lenging 12 jnrors, there always re Unemployment in December shows Building «how« a continued activity mains enough names In the hat to the Mayo 'Brothers, famous surgeons, kind people of your city. an Increase over November In Califor In the large cities, and In some trade« swear in a jury. The Landru Jury but slight pressure upon his brain "May you be pleased to accept. Mr. Harbor, Washington, Dec. 16.—(A. P.) — 93,000; Yaquina Bay and causes occasional memory Mayor, the assurance of my most dls- nia, Oregon and Washington. J. A. there 1« a demand for help. Ship was chosen in 15 minutes. Neither still Celllo An expenditure of approximately $300,000; Columbia River, LXelly, district director of the em building at a standstill. Iron and the prosecution nor the defense chal lapses. It is for the purpose of an tlnguished esteem. $43.000.000 for rivers and harbors Falls to mouth of Snake River, $13,- ployment service of the United steel industry far 'below normal. Ac lenged a single Juror. other operation that he is on his way (Signed)—F. FOCH." Clat in the fiscal year 1923, exclusive of 500; Snake River, $10,000; to the Itetterman hospital. States department of labor said in cording to preliminary data, com a proposed $7,500,000 for the Mus skanie River, $6,200, and Willam X He was able to state that he had his December report made public piled by the state highway commis cle Shoals, Alabama, project in the ette River above Portland and Yam $200 and many papers and letters in here today. sion. over $1,800,000 will be expend «Tennessee river, Is recommended by hill River, $43,000. his possession when he bought ai Washington— , Major General Beach, chief of army "Unemployment is due chiefly to ed for highway construction during ticket In Portland, but for two hours*! the yeah 1922, Present employment engineers, in his annual report to $17,700; Cowlitz Lewis iRiver, cessation of seasonal activities," the was unable to remember anything. School Teacher Given Mayoralty in day to the secretary of war. River, $11,000; 8kamokawa Creek, report said. "Some frinii crops In of the commlsHion totals 4,600 men, Old Chinene Miners Return for Buried He was under the Impression that he Utah Town—I« For Good Rond» Principal harbor projects are: $2,000; Grays River $2,000; Wil Wealth in llriti»h CVtlumhia certain districts are yet to be i>ar- with prospects of over 6,000 being had been robbed while In Portland. New York. $2,900,000, Including lapa River and Harbor $265,000; Pu . • vested. Agriculture, exceptlng fall employed before the end of the pres Martin left on a later train for San Salt Iteke City. Utah. Dec. 16.— $2.200.000 for the East River and get Sound and its tributary waters, plowing, is at an end. Housing short ent year. State officials in charge of Princeton, B. C., Dec. 18. — (A. P.) Francisco, after being unconscious (A. P.)—‘Miss Steen Scorup, a high $350.000 for the Hudson River chan $30,000; Waterway Port Townsend age still exists, although building In various construction projects are —Out of the Tulameen district, south tor nearly 24 hours. school English teacher, who recently nel; Philadelphia to the sea. $3,660,- Bay to Oak Bay, $10,000; Lake dustry shows a marked activity. Lum strenuously endeavoring to hasten of here, has come a mining tale con “I have seen hundreds of similar defeated her brother, P. C. Scorup 000, including $500,000 for Phila « Washington Ship Canal, $40,000, ber has shown some Improvement in their work. "Oregon Season for farm work cerning four Chinese and six pounds case« in the zone of the sdvance," for the post of mayor of Salina, delphia Harbor and $1,500,000 for Swinomleh Slough, $5,000, and Bel the northern part of the district hut and canneries closed. Those employ of platinum. Thirty years ago Ah said Dr. E. J. Bllllck, commenting Utah, declared she intends to advo Liston Range; Savannah. $1,025,000; lingham Harbor. $4,000. la yet far below normal. Shipbuild ed In latter do not as a «rule enter Foo and throe Oriental brethren la upon Martin’s case. "Even though cate good roads and an improved Norfolk. $500.000; Los Angeles, Alaska— ing practically at a standstill. Iron Con bored faithfully at their mining on they may be unscrntched, it la the af water system. $300,000; Humboldt. Cal., $400,000, Nome Harbor, $10,000. and steel trades very dull. Much other lines of employment. the Tulameen river below Granite ter effects of war that bring grief Miss Scorup «aid she did not want and Grays Harbor and Bar Entrance, unemployment among unskilled la struction of dwellings and public creek. and suffering to the ex-service man." to win the election but her brother Washington, $660,000. bor. Approaching holiday season buildings continues active. Other In As the sum total of their labors, is glad he lost and was the first to Principal river projects include the CALIFORNIA COTTON SENT has, In a measure, stimulated retail dustries, excepting lumber, and iron PORTLAND MARKET« the Celestials accumulated six and steel, are working nearly normal. congratulate the new head of the city Columbia and lower Willamette be TO EUROPEAN COUNTRIES trade. Food stuff manufacturers pounds of platinum which they cach low Vancouver and Portland, $850,- 17.00 government. Choice steers ...............$6.50 are operating to capacity. Textiles ‘Woolen mills operating two shifts. A "Washington—Conditions general- ed In the ground in a square-faced Cholos dairy calves....18.50 "I did nothing to bring about suc 000. Miscellaneous items Include 19 »0 are In excellent shape, particularly sakl bottle. later they returned to ! ly do not show any improvement over Bakersfield, Cal.. Dec, 16.—(A. »8.25 cess for my race for the mayoralty," $548,000 for the California debric Hogs, prime light ..... $8.00 woolen», some of which are operating last month. Lumber yet far below China. At the time the platinum was Best lambs........... ....... $7.25 P.)—Kern County, California. Is $S.00 MI m Scorup said. "I even campaign commission. double shifts." normal. Fruit harvest and ranch worth about 50 cents an ounce. Re East Mountain Lambs. $8.50 Projects of the west grouped by shipping cotton to Czechoslovakia. A $9.00 ed for my brother." In spite of this Portions of Mr. Kelly's report cov work practically over. Building cently quotations reached as high as Eggs, buying price............. 40 shipment of 150 bale« was recently f 48c the brother was defeated by 14 votes states Include: ering the three state« follow: »hows some activity. Except ship $75 an ounce. dispatched under arrangements with Miss Scorup was born at Salins California- I 80c Eggs, selling price............ 48 "California—.Although some trades building and Iron and steel the other It dawned on Ah Foo and his as Eggs, selling candled .......41 San Francisco Harbor, $10,000; government aid that the high quality 3> 50c and ha« taught school there for 15 have shown an Increase In employ ’Industries are normal, or nearly so. sociates that they had a fortune Eggs, white henneries___52 Ì 64c years She «aid she always consider Oakland Harbor, $100,000; Rich cotton be sent into central European ment. Industry In general shows a (Textiles are brisk and factories are burled In a bottle in the Tulameen. Butter, extra cubes ...„.<Io ed it a citizen's duty to accept nomi mond Harbor. $260.000; Petaluma countrie«, impoverished by the war, decline Agricultural pursuits are working full time. Housing condi All four embarked from China and nation for public office and decided Creek, $50,000; Crescent City Har to be made into expensive clothe and Butter .......................... .......... r practically at an end and most of the tions are improving, Retail business returned to British Columbia for Wheat .......................... $1.06 to accept the nomination offered her bor, $50,000; San Jouquin Rlcer laces and distributed to world mar- packing plants are closed for the win Is looking up. with promise of fur-( their fortune, said to be something because she thought It was her d'itv $33.000; Stockton and Mormon kets. Grower« will not be p^ld nn»P ter. Lumber In some sections «how« ther improvement. Considerable un over $7,000. Having found the bot- Portland, Dec. 16.—(A. P.)—Cat to do xo and also 'because she f~1t Channels $10,000, and Sacramento these laces and cloth« are «old. b’t Increased activity, w-hllo In other employment la expected during the tie and sold the contents, they re tle and hog«, steady; sheep, 50c tc her acceptance would at least add river $95,000. the war finance board will flnsn-e parts of the state camps are «hut winter, particularly among unskilled turned to China, where each expected »-.00 higher; eggs, weak; butter variety and novelty to the life of the Oregon— the growers by extending loans on down for the winter, and some of the labor. to live like a millionaire. steady. town. Coos (Bay, $220,000; Cobs River, the shipments. CARRIfQQ ntulinN lAnniLHu nrrtLItU .,«■ M, ««„KH MIN ESTABLISHES IDENTITY CQ|J|||[||[J opposed