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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1921)
* « ‘.vi I fir ” - ? - Ut - Jf 1 - VoU XII., Wo. 7.1. PRESS SERVICE. GRANT* PARU, JOHKPHINK COUNTY. OREGON ■ SC Ä5 USE OF GAS AGAINST RIOTERS IS PLANNED SPIRITS--NOT LIQUID- GET MEDIUM IN WRONG Ht. Louis, Ma., Dee. 15.—(I. N. 8. ) ■-Convsraallon with "ih« spirita" la espansiva, Mrx. Minili« Wsters, oli« of ih« 12 "mlnlatars" of Ih» Missouri Bplrlluallsllc associatimi, will tal) thè world. When found gullty bere of "telllng fortune«" * $Hr* Waters was fined »100. STRANGER TAKEN FROM TRAIN ,♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ YMMTERDAV NOT ABLE TO EI.MEB IMiVEIt, OF TACOMA, IH GIVE NVMK ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ! ♦ I UNABLE 10 PAÏ Jackson, Ky.. Dec. 15.—(A. Seattle, Dec. 1 5.—(A. P.l — P.)—The state guards planned Rivers south of here that ♦ ♦ to use tea» gas grenades today threatened to do serious dam- ♦ ♦ In an effort to drive from a ♦ age are receding. North Stan- ♦ H ♦ cave, three alleged members of ♦ wood, which suffered from the ♦ lb» mob of mountaineers who ♦ breaking of dikes along the ♦ ♦ stormed the Breathitt county ♦ Skagit river, is still under wa- ♦ ♦ Jail last Saturday, killing one ♦ ter. Dikes below Stanwood ♦ ♦ man and fatally wounding a ♦ I were blasted to allow the wa- ♦ _____ ♦ REPARATIONS COM MISSION ♦ HARRY FRIEDMAN PICKED VP IN IM woman. When discovered in > I HUGHES, BALFOUR AND KATO ters to escape. PORTLAND—MAY KNOW OF END CONSIDERATION OF NEW the cave and ordered to come ♦ TOLD THAT COUNTRY" CAN DAVIS MURDER out. the men sent word that ♦ NAVAL PROPOSAL NOT MEET PAYMENT KM NIMM ENDED Foil POSITION DAIL EIREANN CONSIDERS when they did come out. It HOME RtT-E PVT IN SECRET would be "feet flrat.'* Washington, Dec. 15,—(A. P.) — Dublin. Dec. 15.—(A. P.)—As the The nomination of Elmer Dover, of Dall Eireann met today to continue Tacoma, as assistant secretary of the ST. IXM'IH WOMEN USE THE I in secret session, the signers of the ¡treasury, to have charge of Internal MOST PAINT KAYS DKUtMllHT Irish pact said that they felt certa I h ¡revenue and cti«toins, was recom- St. Ixril», Dec. 16.—(I. N. S.)—St. of'an nltimate majority In favor of Admission Made That He Stayed Shell Shock Thought Cause of Con- mended to the president by Secre Decline In Vainc of Mark Gives Ser- L>uto women have the ojd-time In- I’oninilUi* of 1.1 Callo! to Take Up the treaty. With Veteran Several Weeks. Number of Ship» to Be Allowed the Pau» Outlook to Nation — 1 ‘ rewu-s ditto»— Wires Sent North anil ■ tory of tile Treasury Mellon. I dlans completely backed off the Companion Also Held Lreser Sea Pow er» Ruay IVintlng Paper Money Harath by Ls-al Officials Lindon. Dec. 15.—(A. P.)— The I boards, according to Edward F. Hel- IIY NON NAMED ASSISTANT blg, manager of thia city's largest House of Commons continued their TO DINTBKT ATTORNEY debate on the Irish treaty today. For ! wholesale drug concern. > Portland. Dec. 15.—(A. P.)—Th« Th« vail of mystery still surrounds Berlin, Dec. 15.—(A. P.) — The: st. Doula women. Helblg declares.! Washington, Dec. 15.— (A. P.) — mer Premier Asquith heartily com Salem. Dec. |5. —(A. P.) —Allan German government Informed the re-^np^n<| |3,ooo,ooo annually for face Consideration of the naval ratio quea- mended the treaty. police are holding Harry Friedman, th« young man taken from th« suiifb- kul/.n that lu .-I — « and .. ■____ __ Hf*u - sale 1 here __ - - of a , : H/tn m I >l«kt Pt I tO(iaV aged 18. who was picked up last | parskions /wirnm commission that I* It will will E be paint rouge. The Ho» waft w“» Cf» completed today 11V by thft the hi? big bound Southern Pacific train Wed- I By non. of Salem, has been notified '»«»«¿ night on information that be had EAHL Y BIRRS PROTECTED tie »day afternoon. All efforts by that the attorney general has ap- : Impossible to mwt the reparations paint and rouge will average ,255 - j three—»Hughes, Balfour and Kato— been employed by E. E. Da via, the ¡after a revised proposal retaining the local physicians to bring forth some proved the recommendation of I>is- ! payment« due on January 15 and 000 per month, Helblg asserts N.' overseas veteran who was killed on _____ _______ | 5-5-3 ratio, but Increasing the ton- OhillicoChe. 111.. Dec. 15.— (I. sign of rocognltlon and attempts to trlct Attorney Humphreys that he be ! consequently asks a Moratorium, S.)—Thay say the early bird gath his homestead near Molalla. Another ««tabllsh his Identity ar« unavailing. appointed aaelatunt district attorney. Hv ers in the worms, but the ambitious youth was also taken Into custody Th« decline in the value of the I.iltlo Is known of the well built, Bynon han accepted 15 was then called to consider the hunter who shoots the early bird in because he was in Friedman's com refined appearing stranger, other i tierman mark, normally worth 21.8 made this vicinity must pay. So said Game pany, but no charges were . .. „ _ French and Italian ratios. cento before th« war, to a fraction than he had told passengers on the Ib-legatcN Assemble From All Parts Warden Hahn in making the arrest against either. The police said thay of a cent and perhaps, “the vanish- J train he was on his way to th« let of state for Suasion» --------------------- and so realized W. H. Even as he would be turned over to the Clacka Ing point." greatly complicates the terman hospital In San Francisco tor Pittsburg, Kans. Dec. 15. — (A. paid an even »25 fine for shooting mas authorities for questioning. financial outlook of every nation of: an operation, and that his mother Pendleton. Ort., Dec. 15.—(A. P.) Friedman is said to have admitted ducks before sunrise. was «apposed to meet him at hla des P.)—Three troops of Kansas cavalry, tho world. < —Delegates from all parts of the 1 that he «toyed with Davis 18 days. % The "tobogganing" of the mark ' tination. 11« la about 27 years ef the first contingent of guardsmen | state vitally Interested In irrigation, EDWARD EYRE HUNT aga, with wavy reddish-brown hair ordered to quell the militant women has been attributed by German fin and many experts from other sec- Committee Makes Report on Road and wears a mourtache. All Identi arrived In the trouble xone this morn* anciers to the forced payments on Legislation for .Special Session lions were here today for the opening Next C. of C. Luncheon— fication marks have been removed Ing the allied reparations of »33,750.-' | of the eleventh annual meeting of there With troops on the ground F. C. Reimer, of the Talent Ex from hla effects, and he had no let 000,000, while others see in their al-J Salem. Ore.. Dec. 15.— (A. P.)— the Oregon Irrigation Conferees, periment station, will be the speaker ters on his person. Ills clothes are of were no further disturbances today. most negligible value the result of! which will be in session until Sat- The special committee appointed by at the regular noonday luncheon at an excallent quality. It Is thought unfound finance, cut-throat export the governor to consider road legisla MODERN SIAMESE GIRL urday evening. / the Chamber of Commerce forum sales and the rush of the German poastble that he had met with foul tion for the special session of the An elaborate program, with nu- Monday. December 11. Mr. Reimer ■ masses to the «tores to exchange play, or that he had mad« his eacape I legislature today reported that three merous prominent speakers, has has Just returned from Japan and their commodity. German printing j been arranged, and thorough discus-¡bills wilt be sirbmitted. from some hospital. They re- China, where he was engaged in presses have been so busy pnttlng Endeavoring to draw forth i 10 91r "oo 000 *lon Propo**<* Irrigation plana in icommended that highway police pow- making an investigation of horticul name. Dr. E. J. Bllllck wrote out pai>er marks eastern Oregon and adjacent terrl-’ ®rs be transferred from the secre tural work, and he will probably talk were issued in one recent month I own name on a piece of paper, and tory was expected to feature tha de- tary of state to the highway commis- on agricultural conditions In these that some of the currency ¡has ap- then pointed to himself. The strang liberaliona of the congress. sion; that the public service commis- countries. The committee in charge |M*ared engraved on only one aide. er nodded that he understood, and The chairman pf the executive I »Ion be given power to regulate com- of the, the luncheon is Jim Martin, took the pencil. With trembling H has been said that Germany board is to report on the Sall Lak« I merclal vehicles using the state hlgh- Al lx-.Mass and Geo. P. Jester. hands gripping the pencil, tha man does not possess one-half of one iwr Irrigation conference, according to w»y«. and that the motor vehicle faltered, and Inally wrote the let cent of tho gold required to meet her annotfheement by Frank Spinning. l*w he amended to revise the speed ter "o." After a pauae. he contln- tons and tons of paper obligations. secretary of the Oregon Irrigation [ and weight schedules and to place lieti hnd spelled "operation." This Representatives of the government of Congress, in hlx call for the present additional fees on certain comnier- “shell shock" are the only words France, as an Indication of this, re meetlng. j cUal vehicles. cently arranged terms with Germany would write. He made a re Pendleton had made provision for mark at one time alxiut a "bad man at a conference In Wetsbaden by Chamber Would Make Northern i suitable entertainment for the dele NEW ORGANIZATION WILL BE took »175 — dlamond ring." It la not which Germany has agreed to deliver Road Primary Highway gates to the congress. FORMED BY" BUTTER MAKERS believed that this robbery occurred seven billion gold marks worth of I z , recently, aa his fingers shewed no i building material. German bankers Portland. Ore., Dec. 15.— (A. P.fc Portland, Dec. 15.— (A. P.)—'But signs of having been circled by a have repeatedly urged the necessity —The Portland Chamber of Com ter makers attending the Oregon ring. for an international conference and ; merce has gone on record through Butter and Cheese Makers Associa Wires hare been dispatched north the declaration of a three-year mora the adoption of resolutions strongly tion convention have decided to form and south In an effort to locate tho torium to enable Germany to recover Movement Startes! for Fund* to Keep urging the state ^highway commission a separate organisation at the next Dwelling From Decay inan'a friends or relatives. A long her equilibrium. to designate the Umatilla-Wallula annual meeting. They appointed a creese in the stranger's skull, tho i The sub-committee, known as the cutoff as one of the primary high Polyana, Russia. Dec. 15. committee to arrange for the new words he writes and the fact that he guaranties commission of the repara ways of the state. had a discharge button, lead to the tions commission, has gone to Ber —(A. P.)—Mlaa Alexandra Tolstoi, I organbatlon. Butter makers of Ore The resolution definitely stipulated gon, Washington. Idaho and Califor belief that he Is an ex-service man. lin to investigate whether German the favorite daughter of Count Leo however, that no money be expended and that the Injury to his head wax marks really have any value. In ¡Tolstoi, the novelist and chief liter nia will be invited to join the new by the commission on this highway will canisetl by a piece of shrapnel. event of finding them worthless, all ary figure la Russia during the half organization. Cheese makers until Walla Walla county. Wash., have an organization of their own. lie waa reported to be sleeping 'century preceding his death In 1910, Edward Eyre Hunt wit executive builds that portion of the road with Is Miss Cium W. X n vier De foreign trading with Germany con • quietly at noon, without the aid of BIlMidh Kostin, daughter of the Sl ducted on a paper currency basis, to the leader of the movement to secretary to the national conferenco in that county; until the Oregon any drug, Physicians hope he wlll ameae minister at Rome, He Is one will cease and the Ebert government save «he great writer's home from on unemployment at Washington. trail through Pendleton, La Grande From 1914 to 1916 Mr. Hunt was In and Baker to the Idaho state line be able to tell hla name when he of the very enlightened Slnmese men may face such a crisis as will neces , decay and to make here on the es charge of tho province of Antwerp for awakens. who believe In a western education sitate new action by th« allied pow tate a popular university where lov is graded and macadamised, and un the American relief commission In for women. He line n family of ten ers. Prior to the war. German marks ers of Tolstoi's writings and creed til the LaGrande-Joaeph highway is Belgium. Later ha was connected with children, nil girls, and Is sending Ills In New York were third In import may come, study and even settle In-| Whlte-Bean Molding— completed. The Chamber urged Im O. A. C. to Give Instruction During the American Red Cross In various im I*on Tecnmsh White and Frances dHUgbters to Englund to be educated ance in foreign exchange transac definitely. Coming Christmas Holidays portant capacities, both In this coun mediate construction of all these In the professions. One of the min Alwllda Bean, of Kerby, were mar The Tolstoi home Is in a condition I tions. the British pound sterling and highways. try and In France. ister's daughters Is n nurse, another a ried at the courthouse this afternoon the French franc being tlrat and sec typical of those few Russian homes Oregon Agricultural College. Cor doctor, and this daughter, Clara, Is which have escaped the ravages of vallto. Dec. 15.—(Special)—A vaca by James Holman, Justice of the the only Slnmese woman who tins tak ond respectively. j revolution. The ropf has not been peace. en s course In a maternity hospital. tion program for farmers will be of painted for seven years. As a conse fered at O. A. C. December 26-3». She Ims received the diploma C. M. B quence, the tin has rusted and Is let r;< W. Clarke returned Wednesday from the City of London Maternity ¡low to farming cos and ting In water that Is rotting the raft- nt the same tliut conserve soil fyr;.l-| from a business trip to Portland. He hospital, and tlie South Lindon hoc- pt tn I for women and children. 'ers and making dislocations In the It.v will be the main theme of the reports rath the first of the week. Meeting of Men From Coast States i walls, so in a year or two the bouse week's program. Each departm-nr I to Be Helft Next Week | will be beyond repair. The chimney of the school of agriculture will de Riga, I4ttvla, Dec. 15.—(A. P.) — said that the very fact that a com ' flues are breaking open and threaten vote Its best effort to the application j Russian peasants and laborers tired mission had to be appointed for the A three-day conference of berry at any time to let fire into the wood of somo scientific agricultural prin growers will be held In the offices ; of promises of a communist utopia, liquidation of Illiteracy "shows, to en portions of the house. The lat ciple that will help the farmer who ¡and have come to the "show me,” of the Oregon Growers Cooperative say it as gently as possible, that we ticed porch, used by Tolstoi and his attends Farmers' week reduce his stage. Premier Nikolai Lenine said are something like half-savages. association at Salem, December 20, family in summer is already minus unit cost of production and at the in a recent speech before a congress For in a civilised country, it would >1, and 22. leaders in the dlffer- one corner. The tiny “A Illa Thor same’time build up his soil, ent branches of berry production of political educational workers, at be considered a shame to create com- eau." a small house built some v Manoheater, Eng, Dec. 15.— (A, though the general drift of tha and marketing within the state and Dr. Robert Stewart, one of the Moscow. missions for the liquidation of nut- P. I—New York is the principal free world’s wealth from east to west from Washington and California will yards from the home and once used leading authorities In the United The full text of this sensational eracy. In other countries they have gold market, and all tho world owes must continue to give 'New York far address the meeting, A large at- to accommodate visitors in summer, States on soil fertility, will deliver speech, parts of which relating to schools where they liquidate illlt- Is tumbling down. her money, but Lindon still remains igireater prominence as a financial tendance Is expected. a series of four lectures on how to Lenine's admissions of economic eracy. They teach, in the first place, It is estimated by Miss Tolstoi the world's financial center. This center than she bad before the war. Among the most Interesting of the conserve and maintain soil fertility failure were cabled from Moscow at to read and write. As long as this was the keynote of an address by O. yet Ixmdon's pre-war position has speakers will be G. D. Bill and J. L. that »100,000 will be required to re- without decreasing yield. Several the time it was delivered, has just fundamental problem is not solved, R. Hobson, financial editor of the not been very seriously affected, nor Stahl. Mr. Bill has had a great deal store the homestead and other bulld- government experts will be In at reached Riga, as reported by the of it is ridiculous to talk of a new Manchester Guardian, at a meeting of need it be yet awhile,” the speaker of experience as manager of one of Ings. tendance during Farmers’ week to ficial Moscow Pravda. economic policy." the Manchester and District Bankers went on. lecture on certain definite lines of California’s most successful berry "There was a time,” Lenine said, Lenine said that soviet laws and PORTLAND MARKETS Institute. Referring to tho tendency among marketing associations and Mr. Stahl agriculture. In addition to the out "when declarations, proclamations, propaganda were good, but could «41 Though America’s loans to Eu-(banks to amalgamate, Mr. Hobson cames from the Western Washington Choice steers.............. »6.50 »7.0(1 of state speakers several well known decrees, etc., were necessary. We not succeed until the masses of peo rope : run 72.. Into thousands of millions > ctxerved that high banking authori exporiment station where he 1s thor Choloa daily oalvoa....»»,50 »9 00 speakers engaged in different lines have had plenty of these. There was ple helped the relgme. sterling, America has not yet learned ties agreed that 'but for this consol oughly familiar with berry growing Hogs, prime light ...... »8.00 Several hundred thousand “ob H.H of agriculture within the state will a time when It was necssary to show the art tof foreign investment," Mr. idation movement, ¡British banks conditions In the famous Puyallup Best lambs................... »7.25 ,8.00 take part In the dally and evening the people what we wanted to build noxious and useless communists," he Hobson said. “She Is not able or would not have been able to weather valley. # Sheep, east mountain »8.00 But can we continue to show and said should be expelled from the »$ 50 programs. willing to lend to foreigners at rates the slump. Tho Inherent soundness This Is to be the first annual meet Eggs, buying price............ 40 The railroad companies are offer only tell the people what we want to party. "Russia," he continued, r 48c competing with London rates. Again, [of the British banking system, he ing of the berry growers of Oregon. Egga. selling price............ 4 8 ¡> 60c ing a special one and one-half fare build? No! Even the simplest la “should have culture which will despite the remarkable success of tho ■ concluded, has stood tho strain and The program la arranged to fill a Eggs, selling candled....... 4 S> 50c to those who attend Farmers' week, borer will then scoff at us, saying: teach us to fight red tape, corrup Federal Reserve system, New York no disaster had befallen it compar- real need and Is well balanced. Dif Eggs, white henneries...... 51 Experience has Ì 54c provided a minimum of 250 ask for 'You are always talking of what you tion and bribery. has never yet been able to establish ' nble to the collapse of the Mercnn- ferent phases of the Industry will be Butter, extra cubes...... 41c It. To secure this reduced rata it want to do, but show ua now what shown that a politically educated a proper d toco tint market, the smooth tile bank of the Americas. For the discussed by those who have had Butter .................................... is necessary to ask the local ticket you can do. And if you can do state knows no bribery, whereas and economical working of which ¡next few years, the course of British practical experience with growing agent at time of purchasing a ticket nothing, then go to the devil.’ And with us, bribery is rampant.” Wheat .......................... »1.02 has done so much to popularise »he j banking. ho predicted, for Corvallis for receipt. At the he will be right.” would be and marketing the crops under dis , Lenine said the government was bill on Ixindon all over ths world. ruther in tho direction of consolldat- cussion. Experts from different ex Portland. Ore., Dec. 15.—(A. Pi) time of registration for the class Speaking about the absence of ed- facing three principal foes, first, cem- "Although Ixindon has lost a cer- ir.g the position already won than of periment stations will discuss disease —Cattle, steady; hogs, 25c lower; work the receipt will be validated ucation and the prevailing illiteracy, muntot arrogance, seoond. Illiteracy, tain amtint of business to New York, entering now fields. ’ Control. sheep, eggs and butter, steady. for a half fare rate return. of the Russian population, Leninejand third, corruption and bribery. ♦ i ■: 5-5-3 RATIO IS MAINTAINED J IRRIGATION CONGRESS MEETS THREE BUS TOBESUBMIUEO 4 a WHOLE XrMHKR »157. THURSDAY', DECEMBER 1.1, ItPJt.