» ASSOCIATED PREMS SERVICE. ——c=... GRANT« PAHS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON VOL. XII., No. 72. w rw I SOLDIER BONUS WILL BE TAKEN UP AFTER RECESS MflKr hi I $ Ar r N ♦ ' If Illi »L lawwall k 111 I ! fl Al I I I II L I I J l/LIJV |l|l U r W J * ♦ .... /..f ú? h on«« way« and mean« commit* boiiUH would 11« taken up linnie- dlateh after l1ie <'hrlslnius re^ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ OI'TH||»E HELI* THOUGHT NI < i.s. HOLLAND* Ql I I N tu MAND* Ntltl FNill THE MEN TO GET MORE REt ENI F H»R CROW AW tY ---- - ----- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I The Hague. Dec. 14.—(A. Pi­ I Holland ha« decided to rtUso the (crown revenue from 600,000 florins ll«in<-nt I m NI by I nknown | rngard the Increa«« as a maximum Party Is IBOIef of «»fflcero—One iand not to use It all linlasu it is neces- Rcfii">«M U> Isutvc Ceil '«ary ■■ i—r :—la-.-m WHOLE XI MRFR 3434. WEDNESDAY, DM EMBER 14, 1021 »»' MARSHAL FOCH RETURNS TO SUNNY HOMELAND PACTT0DEC.15 Portland, Dec 14—(A. P.» —County Judges in session are considering a resolution asking that peace officers enforce traf­ fic laws to the letter. T.hey ap­ plauded Hl^iway Commissioner Yeon when he protested against five ton rtneks damaging the highways. New York, Dec. 14.—(A. P.l — Marshal Poch sailed today for France with every honor Amer­ ica could bestow upon him and six great cases filled with gifts. M»RD M IVOR GRANTED FI LL PAY ON YEAR'S VACATION RATIFICATION « »1C REJECTION NAVAL RATIO AND SHANTUNG Bradford, Eng, Dec 14.—(A. P.) DIKK BREAKS. DELUGING THE VALLEYS OF SKAGIT AND IN PtlSTPttNKD I NTH. PI II- ARK NOW THE OUTSTANDING —Councillor T. Blythe, the labor lord FRANCE WLLLIN4J Tí» GIVE STILLAGUMISH ISSUES LK1 SESSION mayor here, has been granted a year's MORE TIME FDR PAYMENTS leave with full pay by his employer, who In politics is a conservative. Paris, De. 14.—(A. P) —France Blythe has been associated with the Is willing 4o temporarily forego rash firm for 58 yearn and his employer reparations fmyments from Germany, | told him to call around for his wages | a high offlrlal told the associated whenever he found it convenient. I press today. people and Cattle Take to Hills in King Exprrv.se« IIof«- That by Agree­ Jiqtan to Keep New Baltlndiip Pro­ Order to Be Safe—Home Is Over­ ment the "Strife of Centurie« May ONE IN THREE CHILDREN viding I'nlted Sial«, Retain- Two turned Near Mount Vernon of Newer Vessels Be Ended" ATTKNDR SUNDAY SCHOOL WATER COVERS THE LOWUHOS BICYCLES MUST HAVE LIGHTS ------- -- j hna|>|i Buys Gnxrierla— Denver. Dec. 14. <1. N. 8.)—De-. / tyceil Officer Here to Enforce Dim. Seattle. Dec. 14.—(A. P.)—Thir­ Charles "Bud" Randle. Harry Price. Guy Knapp, formerly of th« Baa­ Dublin, Dec. 14.—(A. P.l — Ratifi­ !daring th« need for more adequate j Washingion, Dec. 14.— (A. P.)—I tiling—Man Trade» Horse for Car Bert Llvesle». Janies Talbot absent >■«< «to»* ha» bought th« Grants cation of th« Anglo-trinh agreement 'spiritual training for ehlldren. the The naval ratio and Shantung ques-l teen live« have been lost and dam­ Thia 1« the report of Bill Hchroe- •’“«« Groceteria from the Evans iu- by Dall Elreanti has tiesn postponed : Denver Council Of Sunday Schools Itlons are now the qutatanfling issues: Bicycles must be equipped with age estimated at half a million dol­ Mr. Knapp lias returned untU Thursday when a public seaaion and Religious Education has decided ¡of the arms conference. Both are la j lights when used after dark. lars done during Western Washing­ ■lor. jailor, when he checked his terests ■•barges al th« county Jail at 6:30 from Ashland and is glad to return will b« held. Meanwhile Dell is in to petition the Denver School Board (a cruical stage today, but with | This is the edict of J. J. McMahon, ton floods. o'clock this morning. The four men Ito this city. secret eeaalon discussing the dispute to permit children, upon written re- ; varying prospects of immediate set-1 ftate traffic inspector, who is now Everett. Dec. 14.—(A. P J—The escaped some time after midnight between delegai«« to the London con­ quest of parents, to be excused from tlement. Some delegates believed in Grants Pass. The speed officer Tuesday. ference and DeValera, as to whether > school two hour» weekly for religious the agreement ratio would be reach­ also declares that cars not equipped dike above Stanwood, dividing the the delegate« had th« power to con­ instruction. led by the "Big Three” late today. with dimmers ihust have a spotlight, Skagit and 3tillagumish valleys broke That lb« m«n mad« their getaway clude the agreement. It was asserted that only one out of Regarding Shantung, Japanese dele to be used when passing another ma­ today. through an outside agency In the l>e- (lur|Mr I« Tlial of Everett Davi1 every three children of Sunday school (gates referred to Tokio China's pro­ chine, at which time the headlights M«f of George Luwls. sheriff, and Er- l*ot|at the tnlt«d were on the machine at that time. between Mount Vernon and Burling­ building when the prisoners were route to Washington, D. C„ from 9tatM retaln the newer ''‘“I«*'™ locked up for the night. A pick found I Earl Grout was arrested Tuesday ton. was overturned. Mrs. Davis and Mather Field, Cal., where he attend- o,orado and Washington In place of for cutting corners, and appeared three children were rescued by men Innida the building waa evidently Pittsburg. Kan., Dec 14.—(A. P.) ed the forest fire conference. Ithe Delaware a»d North Dakota. before the court thia afternoon. in boats The water is reported to used to force the lockn. In pausing — National guardsmen have been BwdnoM Poor Since 1014--- Natives 9 “If we are to remalt, a nation of • ____________ from the building th« hint*« on th« be receedlng. lo*ok for B*strr Comlitiuaa Soon ■■ailed to check the women coal mine wood users we must become a nation wood eg exterior doom were pried rioters near this city. HENRI LANDRU from their places Dow Gibson, nn- Alexandria, Egypt. Dec. 14.—(A. of wood growers.” declared Colonel V Hr DIQ CTAPC DIP DCIIUIflU WATCHED ••SKIRT”— other prisoner In the name cell with |P.)—After the proverbial "swven Greeley, who poicted out that the Kl Ul 10 OlnUL DIU riLUIllUll WILL RECOVER - than I those '»ho sees ped. refused to leave. United States produces more CHARLES S. WILSON ' lean years.” Egypt is anticipating Banquet and Music Featured — Big of the seven years of prosperity In the tour­ half of the entire lumber cut "Bud" Randle waa serving time Wooster, Ohio. Dec. 14.—(1. X. 8 ) Parade Planned for December 27 ist business. Since 1814. the gar- world, and uses 95 per cent of the for bootlegging, and had but twoi —Mike Levovlta. junk dealer, was i amount “ right here at home. ” cons de hotel, the guides and drago­ weeks remaining. He won also far-' watching a girl who wore * «(hort ------------------- One of the biggest affairs staged by j Ing a similar charge in Jackson coun­ men. the vendors and antiquities, the ■ skirt. the Iqcal Knights of Pythias was held ty. but waa released under $500 donkey and camel drivers have had The horse he was driving nearly Tueaday night, when nearly 60 m m-: but the leanest of plckiugs from the bondn, the burden to rent upon his collided with an auto. bers of the organization gathered for impecunious military. bundumen. “ ■ ' 1 on the lines a When Mike yanked the homecoming and reunion. But, already the news has gone Third Harvest Since War—V. H. ..»«»sasraw 11 carl Al Harry Price waa being detained as runaway eaast resulted. One wheel passed It was after 10 o'clock before the forth that seven Mediterranean First, Cambia Third in i Production a wllu»Hu, while Bert Uvenley was In over Mike's neck. He is recovering feed was spread, and the show start-! cruises are being organized in Amer­ for Uootlsggfng. Th« fourth prisoner, nicely. ed in earnest. Following the ban­ ica. From the porters and cabby Jatuen Talbot, wan found guilty of Winnipeg. Man., Dec. 14.—(A. P.) quet. Senator C. A. Thomas of Med-| drivers st Alexandria to the humb­ — France ranks second among the robbing the Merlin store. In conjunc­ lest donkey boys at I«uxor, Egypt, is wheat producing nations of the world ford spoke and some excellent music tion with George Garvin. by the D. O. K. K. orchestra of Med­ rejoicing and counting in advance according to figures compiled As the men were worklug outside by ford enjoyed. Medford was repre- the American dollars which will glad- the International institute of agricul­ the Jail, and a receipt signed by th« den their hearts and lighten their ture here. The United States is ' sented by a strong delegation. Sev­ county oourt tor the men. the sher­ Huge Tract of Timber Near Ashland eral new members were taken in by 4010- iff's office la not responsible and can­ Being Destroyed by Pest first. Canada Is third. I both Thermopvle Lodge. No. 38, and In the bazaars, stocks of brass not be held for the escape of the pris­ The United States produced 740,- l by the D. O. K. K. organization. ware, silks and satins, amber clga- oners. Ashland, Cre.. Dec. IS.—(A. P.l— 665,000 bushels: France 315.639,- An attendance of nearly 500 is ex- reties and oriental perfumes. Owners of a belt cf yellow pine tim­ <•00, and Canada .94,388,000, these to l)e )n (;ranL, pagg Tuesday,' abs and amber beads are being pre­ ber extending from Ashland to Lgikt- the figures shown. December 27, when Fuhat Burkan pared to bewilder the American lare The » !■•«. c.’iui r »’ng 1,200,00:1 acre report stat.w that this year s Temple ,Xo 224 of Medford colneg tourists and entice from them their han-e.t „ the tblrd France haa grown are prepa» ng to begin in Fsi.na-.' up for a big street parade and gen- prec oils io ars. since the armistice and notes F ‘ ieral jollification. Delegates are ex- a war •»* reermination agsli.". tta tllat Failure Io RoM|*ond to .Man's hxr lv"k beetles which are destroy” x nothing could tell more eloquently ( p^t^”from "various to7n« between great quantities of the best yellow Brings Death to School Teacher MflDC 1DADTMCIIT? ADC DIIIIT ,han ,’“1’ Rreat harV<*t ot the rehab‘ Eugene and Yreka for the event. pine in this region. Whether or not MUI i L fllAn I IV il II I 0 Ant “Uli I or the sturdy French nation------------------- from the federal Waukon, Iowa. Dec. 14.—has accomplished t the u~ 'sontalive citizens of Portland and iences, in the new buildings now be­ could not be ascertained. ilous fiscal year and is more than i t'he last fiscal year, says the annual ly cause bitter feelings and chargee In the senate the survey showed twice the estimate of $350.00 which report today of the chief of the nrili- of bad faith; it will crurfh the pres­ flrst step In planH for the 'holding of the state, however, have general ing taken over by the American fam­ a world's fair here In 1925—endorse­ (plant in view which will be put Into ine!* Work on these apartments that out of a total of 96 senators the Mr. Davis makes for this fiscal year tia bureau, under signature of Brig- ent rising tide in the organization of ment by the voters of a $2,000,000 ¡execution na soon as definite decision was started about two years ago to church affiliations of 23 were un­ under the operation of the restric- adier-General Jesse Mol. Carter, ra­ our second’ line of defense.” tax levy to be spread over three years has been made by the state to sup- alleviate, as the Germans put it, “an known and only four were non-mem- tion act. tired. On last June 30, the report Appended to the report are state­ —and attention is now directed to . port the project. More than one-fourth of the aliens says, the guard numbered 113,630 i ments from army corps area officers unbearable situation,'* as "no roof ben. ths second effort in the financing of Accepting the exposition as a virt­ Is large enough to cover two fami­ admitted last year were Italians, the with 331 organizations allotted, but as to progress In organization guard PORTLAND MARKETS the project, approval by the i>eople ual certainty, various eectlons of lies." Additional quarters for non­ number being 222,260 as compared not yet organized. units in the various corps. of the state of a $3,000,000 tax. Portland have engaged In a spirited commissioned officers and their fam­ Choice steers ............... $6.50 On the basis of expansion during Colonel F. O. Johnson of the »7.00 with 95.145 in the fiscal year of which added to the amount Portland rivalry for the location of the fair. A ilies are also under construction. »»00 1920. Numbered by race, apart from last year. General Carter estimated eighth corp« headquarters at Fort Choice daliT calves....»8.60 will raise and $1,000,000 to be ob­ I halt dozen or more available sites the that before the end of the currant Sam Houston, reports favorable pro- Hogs, prime light ...... »8.00 »8.50 nationality, the report says. tained by public subscription will have been offered, and the commu­ 13 RECOMMENDATIONS ARK fiscal year the guard would number grass in guard development In Art- »8.00 Jews arriving numbered 119,036. Best lambs ................... $7.25 complete the financing. te« In Charge hoe Issued a question­ MADK BY BIG COMMISSION Sheep, east mountain $8.00 Chinese admitted numbered 4.017, 160,000 men, or some 10,000 more zona, Colorado. New Mexico, Okla- $8.50 A skate-wide election will be neces­ naire intended to develop all facts Eggs, buying price.... ® 48c in increase over the preceding year, than in the regular army. Pointing home and Texas. sary to get sanction for tlhe $3,000,- (concerning each proposed location, Washington. Dec. 14.—(A. P.)— Egg», selling price.... In the ninth corps area. Colonel © «0c but the admissions of Japanese de- out that available funds for this year 000 tax, and thi« will not be held un­ and careful consideration will be Thirteen recommendations. Including Eggs, selling candled . © 60C creased from 12,86 8 in 1920, to provide for only 122,000 men, the re­ Robert S. Noble, reports from the til the primary next May. In the given each before a site Is selected. legislation of cooperative marketing Eggs, white henneries © 54c 10,675 in 1921. In Hawaii the port says that unless Increased ap­ Presidio, Cal., that It is "confidently meantime the state legislature In The fair, officially designated as combinations, lowering of freight Butter, extra cubes .... 41Hc Japanese arrivals showed a slight in­ propriations are allowed “there will expected that all units allotted by special session will be called *tpon to The Atlantic-Pacific Highways and rates on agricultural products and Butter .......................... be trouble ahead” for the militia the militia bureau for fiscal year ......40c crease. with a total of 3,699. eubmlt thia proposal formally to the Electrical Exposition, was projected the establishment of agricultural at­ Wheat bureau. 1 ending June 30, 1922, will be prompt­ $1.05 © $1.06 | to celebrate completion of transcontl- taches In European capitals were set people. Mrs. A» C. Nickerson. Mrs. Dan As existing law prescribes the pay ly organized.” His report covered Pending the final approval of fin- nental highways land the centennial forth In a report of the Joint con­ Portland. Dec. 14.—(A. P.)—All Falvey and daughter, Bessie, of Mar- of the guardsmen, General Carter organisation work In California. Ida­ anelai plana the working out of de- of the invention of the electro-mag- gressional commission of agricultural livestock, and butter, steady; eggs lin, were shopping in the city thia af­ says there appears to be no way to ho, Montana. Nevada, Oregon, Utah, ;_ (net. (net. talla of the exposition are hold In ten- ternoon.. Inquired filed today In the senate. avoid creation of a deficiency except Washington and Wyoming. are unsettled. FRANCE SECOND WHEAT GROWER BEETLE O IS PLANNED SOON