TIKES THE PLUT Op PER5SN/1L ÏÏÏ LOCAL ] A DAY BOOK ss or journal in your accounting -ZZ-L2 If CrtfCK BOO* Mi *• Ui - - II *'*y ___ - —H 1 system. Vse your check book supplied by this hank, an5 W. C. Smith and J. M. Jelly of Modford. were in the city today Genuine Pyrex Oven Glassware. 53 tf Rogue River Hdwe. Vo. George G. Hewitt was a visitor last night from Medford. You will enjoy your night's rest if you sleep on a Sealy .Mattress. 66 Sold only at Holman's. Ashland visitors in the city Mi»n- [day weroO. I'. Harrington and U A. Hawkes. Speedmobile and Auto Wheel I coasters. Rogue River Hdwe. Co. tf J. E. Enger was a business visitor I in the city this morning front Kose- burg. J. H. iE. Cramer, of Merlin, was in the city Monday afternoon trans­ acting business at the courthouse. A new shipment of library and ’ Itavenport Tables. “Holman's the 65 little store around the corner.” W. C. Hovey, a mining man from IMurphy, was transacting business at ¡the courthouse Monday. Community Plate Silverware at ; new reduced prices. Rogue River f . S3tf Hardware Co. Among those registered at the I Grants Pass hotel last night were J. r\V. Grover of Medford, and Mrs. R. |C. Kneden of Tacoma. Wash. Try a Tigar Downy Rest Spring. See them al Holman's. 55 J. J. McMahon, state traffic In­ spector. arrived in the city Monday night, and is registered at the Jose­ phine hotel. Cream mixed candy, 25c lb. Horn« 1 ¡tig’s Shack. Spec.nl price by ’ the EOD pall. Among those registered at the Josephine hotel last night were i Shir- ley Itns; Ihtmc iin|H>rtanl ritorti». Don't keep them at home it herí’ they are »object to fire, theft or ”»potif«ni«>u» di»np|»-«rnnte." Keep them bollimi lo knl Hfrvi «Uor« In Ihr »afri) of Uil« bank. Act now for safety first and always. * Hand Painted China Brighten up your dining rooms anil your wife's face— Vuaaa, Plate«, Salta anil Peppers, Creamer and Sugar— Each one a rimi gift Barnes, the Jeweler Suggesting Just a Few of the Many Gifts to be Found at Our Store FOR THE BOYS Wagon» Iteti Rider» chair» Ill’ll Flyer« Rocking < Imli-M Kiddy Kurs outdoor drama with •cene« a» great, a» those in "WAY DOWN EAST.” PRIHCELLA DEAN RAWLINSON HERBERT Icaul a company excep- t Ion al pl»yers. Will THE MEN Ea»y Chairs Tomorrow Buy His Gifts Here Our Store For Men No Woman Knows” Framed Picture« Morri» < hair» Neck­ Men, wear our made-to-order »nits, «22.AO and up. AUTO GLOVES Woodward’s Shoe» and Men'» Furnishing» Walk a Block and Save a Dollar Shoos for the Family from the amazing novel— FOB THE GIRU4 Doll Ruggir» tint! Carta Doll lieti» Aluminum nml Chiun Tea Hot» Rock Ing Chair» Framed INcture« llatldsonie Vase» FOR THE BABY BiH'kaliy SwingN High-chair» Baby Ruggir» Baby Platen and Mug* Badly WtUkers Bal>y < ‘rib» 512 South 6th Belt«, vmii II k Grants Pass&Josephine Bank Smoking Set» Rlippers, Shoes, Pajama», Hosiery, Handkerchief», wear, etc. mr$. Dellie Deas More Satisfaction for You (Ytrtatmaa Candie» Lyon» Glace Fruits and Chocolate« at the Bonbonniere. Carrier Boy Wanted— Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ferguson, who have been visiting Mrs. Ferguson's parents, Dr. and .Mr*. Flanagan, were entertained for dinner at the Towns­ end*« on A street Tuesday evening. Tfroee present besides Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Towns­ end were Volney Dixon, wife and daughter, and Mrs. Waft, of Med- ford. Dr. and Mrs. Flanagan, Mr». Trene Walton and daughter, and Norman Kendall. Music by the Fer­ gusons, who are both artists, was much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Fergu­ son leave for their home in Seattle Wednesday morning. < I'I m I n «nil !«<» Wi>l Move St< Tom C. Booth, who conduct« a sec­ ond hand store ut 111 South Sixth street, will move to the building for­ merly occupied by the' Boswell Min­ ing Company on G street. Possession will be taken the first of the year. N|>ecial Announcement— Hicbardson's Skating Rink will be open Monday, Wednesday and Sat­ urday nights for ladies and gentle­ men; Tuesday and Friday nights for small boy« and girls; Thursday nights for ladies only. Free admis­ Do You BmttW— sion for all parents who wish to ac­ We can yon many dollars on your purchases of clothing, shoes, company their children to the rink. 63 bats and furnishings. Peerleaa Clothing Co. 4Jtf Printed calling carda—Courier. One route now open for boy with wheel, Apply at once. Courier of- fice. New Silk Hose Den,-« at Riverside— Community Club on December 17. Are ion coming? Depot 1» llaidnl— It Is reported today that the sta­ tion at Central Point was entered by robbers during the night, and an at­ tempt made to blow the safe. The dial controlling the combination was destroyed. Implements used In the attempt were secured from a near-by tool house. It is thought probable Ri’hekab« Attention— Regular meeting Monday night. the work was by the same gang that December 13, 1921. Several candi­ visited Kinney & Truax Saturday date« to initiate. Refreshments will night. In that the system employed be served. Mrs. W. H. Hull. Sec. was similar to the local robbery. Frrguaon« Entertained— WELL FOR THON»; NECESSITIES. REMEMBER WE HAYE WHAT YOU WANT AND WHEN YOU WANT IT. IJ-'JJ Are Colin tAl— "•“w | I NION GASOLINE Oils nnd tlrvnaiw Auto Aifcaaorit« linylou Tire» and Tub«« Repair Shop and Storage Auto Palm Shop l'|Mtalrs VALLEY GiltlGU Phone NT All II Nt Four bounties for pelts of depre- dory animal« were paid at the county clerk's office Monday. T. W. Beagle, of Provolt, collected on a coyote, while Marion Darnellle, of Murphy, J. R. Tucker, of Salem, and Frank Perry of Murphy, each had a bobcat. Going to Portlaoil— A. J. Green, contractor who ha» Juat finished the bridge on the Cres­ cent City highway near Selma, drove to Portland thia morning to attend the meeting of the highway commis­ sion and county commissioners there December 15. He plan» on being ab­ sent on business affairs for a week or more. rmr, iwcrwrirn is, toot. •I Spccxler I» Flneil— It coat Iaiwrene» Bureau flO and cost» to find out he was (raiding at an excessive rate of speed on Sixth street .Monday. J. J. McMahon, spe­ cial traffic officer, made the arrest. Special A. F. nml A. M.— There will be a special meeting .McMahon also stopped a car this of Gratrts Pasa lodge No. 84 A. F. morning on Sixth street, bearing one and A. M. Tuesday evening, Decem­ of the 1922 license plates. ber 13th. commencing at 7 o'clock. Work in the M. M. degree, Visiting I Dollars Saved— Pre-HolIday sale on all goods at brethren welcome. By order of the 43tf 55 Peerless Clothing Co. W. -M. Bounties tty t K THE LADIES China Dinner Set» Floor 14inip» Cedar Chest» Pyrex Ulna» Ovenware Bug«, All Kind» Wool Blanket» Hand Embroidered Lunch Set» "The lithTcoS’around •‘FANNY HERHELF" by Edna Ferber Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Cornei