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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1921)
AW, WHAT’S THE USE Carry Two Umbrellas np—r - FRUIS Your maid la proud to serve your guests or your family with products from our bak ery. Whether yon wish breads or eakse for yowr table ysw will find the snper-sxcellent here. The best ingredients combined with the art of ex perienced bakers makes this possible at reasonable cost. Classified Advertising DOYLES Ask year Grocer for Bread baked by the BITLDTNG CONTRACTORS Xmas Suggestions GRANTS PASS BAKERY 64)3 G stress 8OONER TAXI—Phons 262-R for Jitney Luke or Outler. Calls an swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf TAXI—Call Clemens Phone «8-R. Reel- Closed ear. Price- W. G. White. 21tf The value of bak ing powder is based on its leavening strength. You can't judge it by the size of the can—or by the amount you get for your money. You must estimate it by the amount of baking powder «¿rd in each baking and the results you get. New Chairs SHORTHORN CATTUK, Duron hogs Young bulls for sale. Conningham Bros., Glendale, Ore. 74 F. G. ISHAM, dray age. tsanefer. pi anos. safes, fumtnre. moved, ship ped. packed, stored. Phone 124-T. FINE MINCE MEAT—The kind mother make«. Delivered Tfcura- day. Dee. 22nd, 50c par pound. Mrs. Lottis La Flamme, Wllder- ville, Oregon.85 is the greatest value ever offered in Baking Powder—it has greater raising "/orc/’—it goes farther __ than __ many __ .. of _____ the other brands. You use only a rounded or heaping teaspoonful where many others call lor two teaspoonfuls or more. Lloyd’s The House of Satisfaction But Baking Powder is not E. R CROUCH—Asaayer and chemist. Registered chemical engineer. Of FOR SAJJC—Collie pupa. « weeks fice: Schmidt Bldg. 58 j old Two and one-half miles narth I on Pacific highway. Rd. 1, Box 10. FOR EXCHANGE 87 TEAM, harness and wagon, will ex change for Ford touring car. must be in good condition. J. L. Taylor. Palace Hotel. 62 FOR TRADE—10 acres of good red land, running water, to trade for goats. See Derricks. 59 all you'll save when using Calumet. You save baking auto- rials. Calumet fails. The last level teaspoonful is as powerful as the finL Calumet is perfectly manufactured— keeps perfectly— and is moderate in price. Call Up the Advertising Department L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., Practice limited to diseases of eye. ear, nose and throat. Phone 63; Ree. 239-J. MEAT CAUSE Of « HUE Take a glaas of Salto if yeur Back hurta or Bladder bother»—Meat finta «rio acid. If yon must hare your meat every day, eat it. but flush your kidneys with «alto occasionally. says a noted authority who tells 11s that meat forms urio acid which almost passive-« the kidneys in their ef fort« to expel it from the blood. They become «higgish and weaken, then yoe ■offer with a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated nnd when the weather is bad you have rheuaaetie twingee. The urine gets cloudy, fall of seduaeat, the channel* often get sore end irritated, obliging vou to seek relief two or three time dariag the night. To neutralize these irritating acids, to cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body’s urinous waste get four ounces ot Jad Salta from aay pharmacy here: taka a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a lew days and your kidneys will then act fine. Thia famous salts is made from the acid ot grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generationa to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys^ ■Iso to neutralize the acids ia urinet so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Tad Salts is inexpensive; cannot it» >VTe, sad make» a delightful cfferveneeat lithia-water drink. 11 ■■■ ■ ■ iia ■ I., a Medford Iron Works Foundry and Machine Shop E. J. BLLLTCK, M. D., Physician, sur geon, 3challhorn Blk. Phone 64-J; ras. 1004 LawnrMge, phone 64-L. The Courier is Progressive | W. T. tOMPKlNS, D. 8. T. Nervous and chronic diseases. Office, Claus Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. We Want and Do Have Satisfied Advertisers RALPH W. STEARNS. M. D. Phy- alctati and surgeon. X-Ray equip ment. Office in Masonic Temple Bldg., pbors 21-L. A Courier Ad Brings Results- VETERINARY SURGEON TRY U8 DR. R. J. BBMTUL, Veterinarian. Residen» «3« Washington bcm le va rd. phone 398-R. It’s the TRUTH ! Call Up the Circulation Department if you have any complaints to make in not getting your Courier. Watch Your Label. this splendid school of Nursing just completed- ENROLL NW! Call Up the Job Printing Department Keep U* Busy—We Like It Estimates Cheerfully Given J. R. Griffith, Manager Advertising, Circulation and Job Departments The new jt4.15.000 building of the Stanford School of Nursing, connected with Lane and Stanford University Hospitals, will ready- i«n- uiry 1st to receive titty more students a won derful opportunity to prepare Ibrnuroing, teaching in training schools, supervising in hospitals, or community service work. Aside from completely equipped fiboratoriea and superb educational facilities, you will find here a real home atmosphere. The course of three rears is available for High School Gradu. atrs who are* tR years of age or over. Write to the Superintendent of Nurses, Stan*, ford University Hospital, San Francisco./ STANFORD SCHOOL OF.NURSING San Francisco FOR RENT—Afalfa. Grain and Stock ranches with and without irti gatta», »r win sell at bargain pries« on leng time easy payments. Rsncbea In Jackson and Josephine county. One ranch under ditch 3 miles from Grants Pass. on river. Gold Ray. Realty Co., Owaers, Medfdrd, Owgon.___________ 06tf FOR HDNT-*Five acre tract with 5-room bouse, pumplag plant, bam. onthnlTdlngs. garden spot, family orchard. Call at 120« D street for terms.________________ 5« WANTED—Odd Jobs, such as carpenter work, ¡mating, I pruning, etc. N. A. House. ' Ea>t D 8L plwiue 506-J- ACCOUNTANT AUDITING—’laeonte lax. profit and loss and financial statements for 'Partners, Corporations and Indi viduals. Ivan Uvtngstou. Incor porated Aceoantant. Theme 389. DENTISTS D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Practices in all State and Federal Courta. FJrst National Bank Bldg. W. OORVTG, Attorney-at-law Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practices in ali écarts. First National Bank Bld«. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 370. C. A. 8TDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma sonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law. Referee tn bankruptcy. Opera House Phone 120-H. JAMES T. CHINNOCK. Lawyer. First National Bank Building. A. C? HOUGH—Law yerT fnffs Bldg. Practice in all courts. A. C. AJ1UF, lawyer, practice in state and fcd«nV courts. Office over National Store. I MlSCELLANWlUS THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON 1 COAST RAILROAI» COMPANY I REPAIR SHOP—Steam fitting, pipa work plumbing, boiler and pump work, installing. 505 South 6th St. Phone 306. G. A. Bryan. Traini will run Mondays, Wednee- days and Fridays BANKERS LIFE COMPANY—Dea Moines, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston, Leave Granta Paas................. 1 P.M. Arrive Waters Creek______ 3 P.M. District Agent. LeavB Waters Creak....... —2:39 P.M. P.M. Arrive (Wants Pass.............. 4 REAL ESTATE For Information regarding freight 15. T. MeKnWTRT. «03 G St., phmta and passenger rates eaP at.the office 255-R. real estate. Best of soils for of the company, Lundbnrg building, fruit, hay or general farming. or tslspbons 131. Specialize in Mining and Sawmill Machinery and all Contract Work P. O. Box 1084 Phone 40 11.W North Central St. Medford, Ore. DID PAW DISTURB YOUR SLEEP? IFF pain and torture of rheu matism can be quickly relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. It brings warmth, ease and comfort and lets you sleep soundly. Always have a bottle bandy and apply when you feel the first twinge. il penetrates without rubbing. It '■ splendid to take the pain out of tired, aching muscles, sprains and strains, Stiff joints, and lame backs. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggists—35c, 70c, $1.40. T Sloan^ liniment Are You A Weak or Ailing Woman? Here is Something Worth Reading. Year Health ia YOUR MOST Value able Asset. Brockton, Mont.—“After the arrival of ray Ixry, 1 was So worn-out and run down I could scarcely jzet my work done and at times I was so drowsy it was just like trying to work in mv sleep. Having known of the satisfactory result of th» use rd Dr. Fiewe's nieduin** (my father having taken the Golden Medical Dis covery with great success about aix year» ago, I wrote Dr. Pierce describing my case, and was advised to take the ‘Favor ite Prescription' and the 'Irontic Tab lets’. After taking four hotties of Meh I could see a marked impiuwiiMitt nt my health. To all affl¡rated as I was, with a run-down, worn-out newrato system. I would recommend the use of these two mediciacs. "—M»s. Eva E. Jenlun». Health st wealth. Do raw neater* tba moat valuable asset yon have Write Dr. Pierce, president Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo. N. ¥., «nd receive *vwi utedwal advice in return, free. Send 10c (or trral pkg. of Lruutic (iron-tonic) tablets.