PAGE TWO. “"■T" GRANTS PASS DAILÏ COURIER _ Published Dally Except Sunday__ A. E. Voorhles. Pub. and Propr. Entered at poetoffice. Grants Pas*. Ore., a* second-c>as* mail matter. Christmas Suggestions Children’s Umbrellas With Fancy Handles ADVERTISING RATES Display ¡apare, per Inch .................Me I Local-personal column, per line .10c Readers, per line. ....................... .. 5c DAILY COURIER Ry mall or carrier, per year ... By mail or carrier, per month . WEEKLY' COURIER By mail, per year....................... JS.OO MHMBFR OF AS8OCIATKD PRHB8 The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republicathiii of all news dispatches credited in this! or al! otherwise credited in this | paper and also tho local news pub-1 lished herein. AU rights for republication of spe- 1 cial dispatches herein are also re- < served. Tl MBDAY, IH <T MllEll lit. IWJI, GRANT# PASH DAILY «YHUURll "JJ J1 Ktersharp Pencils, ladles or gents *1 and up. Couklina Fountain I’oiis. «2.75 and up. See our display of dolls, ABr mhl up Also Pyralln Ivor). Shaving Mirrors, Box Perfumes... ■ «tost Books, both copyright and re print. «1.00 «ml tht.lHl McDonalds Chocolate« In boxes, «t.50 mid up. Polychrome Candles and holders «nd many other Items. * f A Nice Christmas Gift a—«««•—■»«■—«« 1 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18. «021 is based upon some moral or legal I Mr. and Mrs. Will Schmidt after an absence of several months have re ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ obligation." ♦ The normal rate of tax, 4 per cent turned to Picket creek. ♦ OREGON WEATHER Sueceseor Io Geo. C. 8abin, Druggist ♦ on the first >4,000 ot net Income G. H. Griffin Is having his house ♦ plastered. , Weather for the Wi-ek ♦_ ♦ | above the exemptions, and 8 per Mrs. Henry Polock ot Three Pine« Pacific Coast States: Fre ♦ j cent on the remaining net income. spent Tuesday and Wednesday at A ♦ quent rains tn Washington, Ore ♦ ! FOR SAI4C—A No. t turkeys, been ’a ♦ gon, and northern California, , remain* unchanged. This applies to 11. Hnssey corn fed for 9« days. Write Mr*. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Van Dorn are eicltixens and residents ot the United H. F Bryant, Rd. 3, or phono ♦ and probably extending into spending a week at Grants Pas*. 602-F-S. 56 •» central California; generally ♦ States. Alien non. residents are taxed Mrs. Leater Briggs and Mrs. Con ♦ fair in Southern California. Nor *!to the full 8 per cent on income re- ner were at Merlin Friday. FOR SALE—Placer claim and qnarts ♦ mal temperature. claim, beat location In county. ♦ reived from sources within the Untt- Dick sad Al Every are hauling ore Good cabin on premises Como ♦ ♦ Non-resident aliens are from the Jack Fenton mine on Pick and inspect and we will surely ♦ Tonight and Wednesday, rain ♦ ed States. ett creek to Merlin. make a deal. Rd *. Box 88, Granta in west and fair in east portion. > allowed only a single personal exemp- j Wm. Downing, ot Portland, is vis Pass. Ore. Colder tonight. ♦ tion of *1,000. To overcome the iting hl* aister, Mr*. John Farmer. FOR KENT—One apartment ♦ disparity in the amount of normal tax furnished. »37 Washington Blvd. I in the case of two taxpayers, one ot 60 NHW TOIMLY INCOME TAX EXEMPTIONS Tide question ot the income tax is , whom is Just wtthin the lower *2,000 EVERBEARING red raspberries, *5 WANTED TO BLY Morris, adj ast able chair or comfortable rocker now taking the thought of those who , exemption, the other being just wfth- I a hundred delivered. Valley Hard (WI1XG FVF.NTN Reasonable price. Phone 503-R ware. O. F. Webster. Rd. 4, Box are fortunate enough to have income , in the higher *2,500 exemption the; 106. 56 60 13. Tue.eday—K. of P. reuulon. upon which Uncle Sam will exact his act provides that the reduction of: 16. Frlday Prashyterlan La FOR SAU?—Hupmobtle in good con WANTED- »■‘ridsi and Saturday. De the personal exemption from *2.500 percentage. Probably the most im- dies Chrlstma* Bnzaar. dition Call 398-«, 60 cember 16-17 Is the time to mar portant change of the law in the to *2,000 shall not operate to in WANTED- To exchange a turkey ket your live turkeva. bring them Dee. 31-24, Wiidnesday-Saturday to Burkhalters Feed store and get Tcachera' exainlnatlon for siate year, as it affects the man of mo- crease the tax. which .would be pay gobbler Mrs. J. M Branscombe. your cheek for them and full certificato at ilio courthouse. able if the exemption were *2,500, by phone «02-F-23. ___ 66 derate income, is in the exemption*, weight. Phone 38M-R or 363. 58 more than the net income In excess of chjust .M \3 TREKS for sale. Also Under the 1921 act a married man ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ — . *5,000. For example, a married man oak. pin-, and fir wood. Phone A Christmas AMUMMENTB with a net income of 55,000 and less . . , • „ . 326-Y, House.' Uro*. 59 Engraved calling cards make head of a family has a net Income;----------- :---------------- ----------------------- ► ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ is entitled to an exemption of *2,506. or appropriât» gift. Order now to • for 1921, or .-n.« • _ GOOD, modern, nnfnmisked home *n.010. Assuming that |WJt Sco Iiu|a(, Be>t 5- “Conflict" nt tho lllvoli Under the revenue act of 19IS this sure delivery. Priuted calling c I Mental and physical punches cope i he has no dependents, his tax, it he FOR SA I Ji- One good top buggy at on short notice. Confier office. exemption was limited to *3,000. The for first place in "Coufllcl," Priscil a reasonable price J. F. Byer*, revenue act of 1921 also provides for were allowed only the *2,000 exemp la Dean’s starring picture showing phon e 532 -R, 300 Park St. 59 each person dependent upon the tax tion, would be *120.40. Under the FDR SALE—Good corner lol at 7th Overcoats— tonight for the last times at the Rl All-wool overcoats, 611.85 to ,26 voll theater. The clashing of differ payer if such person is under eigh benefits ot the above provision how and B streets Please make an otter. Write J. L. Smith, Rd. J, at Peerless Clothing Co. pre-hollday ent emotions and temperaments fur teen years of age or Incapable of self ever, his tax is *110, 4 per cent on Box 151 A. Fresno Cal. 59 sale. «3tf i nishes subtle mental drama, while 'the amount of his taxable Income of support because mentally or physi FOR PAINTING, paperhsnging and tho big log-drive on the angry river cally defective—an exemption of *2,500. or *100, plus the amount by kaisomlntng. call Welker. 266-R. furnishes enough excitement tn ««de BORN which hi« net income exceeds *5000. ; All work guaranteed 57 *400. The exemption under the reve SEELiEY—To Mr and Mr*. George fy the most ardent theater-goers. fÌRETKNDABl JC tXHT RANCE— Al 1 An Interesting hit of reaiisni in nue act ot 1918 was *200 for each i Seeley, of Grants Pts*. Tuesday. Hues. Bee <T. M. Stott. Buick aaJhe- p-------------------------------- —• connection with the filming of this December 13. a 10-i>ound son. such dependent. Thus, a married rooms Phene 520. 43tf I '■ FERRY FERRYDAIÆ DAU | powerful drama took place during man with two dependents whose net! the haiulliiig ot tho huge log*. Miss income for 1921 was *5,000 will 'pay | I Mr*. Carl Yancey, of Weed. Cal.. IJean was so wrapped np in getting this year a tax of *68, compared with j ba* been visiting her sister, Mrs. Dan her big acenes across that her life was endangered at one time, and but *104 on the same income for 1920. Robertson, the past week. for the heroic effort« of her leading The exemption of *2,500 applies' Glen Pruitt was visiting In Ferry man. Herliert Rawlinson. ehe wonhl also to the head of a family whose | dale Tuesday. .Mr. usd Mrs. Harry Neely was I probably hav» been swept Into the ’ net income for 1921 was *5,060 or ' visiting Mr. and Mr*. Tho*. Ogden ¡roaring river. less, an increase of *500 compared ; Sunday afternoon. with the 1918 act. A head of a ! M. E. Hunt was at Grants Pass on Jan. 1, 1922, will be in the family, as defined by present Treas- business Wednesday. Mr. and Mr*. W ill Anderson were . ury regulations, is "a person who Building next to Rex Cafe at E. C. Neely's Wedpesday actually supports and maintains in Mrs. I*eefeid was calling on Mr*. ope household one or more indf- A. I. Hussey Wednesday. Toledo Range, «7O.OO. M«ttre»nra tri low «.« «7.7.5. < n|i» nnd .San- cer», «1.75 |xr «1 and np. IO )xr rent red nr lion on Solfease» The Ferrydale Sunday school is • victuals who are closely connected «nd TraveHng R«tm. 2 or 8 oak dresser« «5 bnrgafw prices. Itogli- working on a program for Christmas. with him by blood relatinship, rela- lar 75c broom for 55c, while they Inst. R. E. Stephenson. D. G. and F. N. tinship by marriage, or by adoption, Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. E C. Neely ; or whose right to exercise family con- were were Ferrydale rerryda,„ people peOple that were • trol and provide for these dependents geen jn Grants Pass Wednesday. Christmas Special Large Cabinet Columbia $85.00 $125.00 Value 15 10 inch Records Free Easy Payment« $10.00 Down, $7.50 Per Month Other Wonderful Bargains. “Corne a runnin’” The Music and Photo House Couch’s Pharmacy Booths Second-Hand Store is Going to Move ! At a special meeting to be held at th« office of the clerk Monday even ing. December 19. 1921. at 5 o’clock p. m.. the iBoard of Dfreclora of School District Mo. 7, of Josephine County. Oregon, will receive scaled bid* for the sale and delivery to the said district for the sidiool years of 1921-1922, of 400 tiers of b«ty fir wood, said wood to be cut In two foot length* and delivered on tho ground al the varliwi* school houses ot the district, at the option of the board, well piled ready for measure ment by the board. All wood must bo cut from the body of sound green trees free from rot, dote or pnnk and diameter to lie, not lens than four Inches and not more than ten Inches (seven Inchee round timber), round timber not to exceed 20 per cent, of the entire delivery. The Board reserve* the right to reject any and all bids. EDWARD 8. VAN DYKE. Clerk. Is Style the Only Thing You Look for When Buying a Petticoat ? The arerage woman buys most pittiiiMt« leca use »he likes the style, or Ilio <a>lor combination, hot in order to protect her pur- ehaae we have to 1>e mighty particular aliout the qualities we buy. LOOK CAREFULLY row PF7TTI« OATS ARE MADE A GOOD Nl GfiE.STION In buying your next |iet1lrr»at see that It Is liberally rut, bmutifnlly styled, and has a lion-rip placket as a1! '‘Fitrite" petticoat» have. New I'itwtf Blootners also receiver iu this shipment. ALL PRICES FROM $4.25 to $7.85 Golden Rule Store I i Electrify Your Home It Makes House Work So Easy Think of washing the hoar*. An Electric Wawlw-r will «1«» It In «wie, anil ra»lcr ,. An nl<l ftwdrioned la»tp is Diriy Mulita arc the thing. Toast and lot» of trouble. Electric I yowr bread. make year waffle« mid coffee right mi Ilio tililo, <lo ynnr ironing with an Electric lion, then < Iran tlin lionne with a Rojal Ukancr In otte third of ihr time you ma with a broom—and do It belter. We have a good line of «lirlktuuw flirt» to linai»« from. Come in «nd see us. Ladies’ $4.00 Wool Middies $1.98 at the Big Sale Now in Full Blast. Come » SAMPLE STORE Grants Pass Electric Co. Wardrobe tailors and Cleaners Members National Ass’n Dyers and Cleaners Two Plants Tailors—Phone 72 Cleaners—Phono 147 First-Class Service with First-Class Workmanship TRY US A The Borland Lumber Co J Il'r'ir gut lumle-r In the rough We're got It «»ft. we've got II toltati, We've got It kurTnetnl, nr'»« got It slxrd. We've got it dry—you'il In. »urprisril. Wc'»e got the grade» you're look- Ing for. In retting, aiding, or for floor. We've flnl»htvl lumber, fir or pine, U m * restar, which I m fine, Ju»t lake the |dinn<>, «nd gently mij , •'I'm calling one rtghl arten J." I A New Supply of BEDS, SPRINGS and MATTRESSES Have Arrived. At a very reasonable price. Used Car Bargains MSM Ml *2.* m ».< mi INMM4E PtlHI.ilO 51)81» Till ItlU ( III MNID TO! Rlkti »200 fMMM MYXWEI.L »A.VI IHI Kiltl) TO! lilt«. «I.VltHt C. L HOBART COMPANY Going' to Build? Whet lu T ynu plan on building thia fall or repairing pmr bnlldlnga consult mt. Wo can quote you attractive prie«» on all building material« In onr line. Three C’s Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Rhin gl on Foundry and West <1 KU. E. W. CHILES 401 G STREET Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY I «are Grant* Pass 1:00 p. m- Leave Roseburg 1 p. m. Grants Pass- 4 T. C. Booth Phone 71 All of our “Mtrtto" Jersey« ,w Hewn with an rlastie stitch and the Satins and Taffeta# are sewn with a iloulile needle to prevent pu>ling of the soft ma terials. A non-rip placket gii«rdn the iceakest pan of the garment and m I hmm I doubles ita life. * Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY PHONE 85 OR 100 LRAVE GRANTS PARS 10:00 ni 1:00 P- ni, 4:00 P- m. «:1S P. m. LEAVR MEDFORD H <MI a- 11:00 a. 1:0O p. 4:80 p. We connect with «tage« for Ashland and Jacksonville Text Book of Wall Street 11122 Edition now ready for free distribution Met ALL, BILKA' A CO. Member* Consolidateti Stock Exchange ot New York 20 Bromi St., New York Pacific Ore Reduction and Chemical Manufacturing Company (tncoipkiratod) Manufurtnrltig Ph*nt Granta P ohm , Oregon DOME INIHSTRY The «linee Plani is pi epuri ti lo ulve you a Ferlilhmr lo Hieit all londiilons of m >II s In Ibis vlcintly. We uro uoiv ihookiug orili»« and ss woulil I mi plenseil lo bave ioti nmke uso of our luaboralory and i II hcush your tieeiis «Hit our <Ili-mista, Ik