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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1921)
MM ♦ I I U 1 Z fr *’/•« / i. ‘¿•hi VOL. XII., No. mi ll*. AMOCIATED PREHS HERVICE. — /TN P.AWI, JOHEPHINK COUNTY, OREGON SATURDAY, DECEMHEIl 10, IMI = » ------ — WHOLE NUMBER S4ÄS. ■*—* M FARMERS’ COUNCIL ASKS GUARANTEE WHEAT PRICE Washington. Dao. 10. —(A. P.l Th« Farmers' National : Cornell announce»! llial congress ]♦ would lie asked to revive the ♦ United Stales Grain Corporation ]♦ with a government guarantee of ♦ probably $2.Go per bushel for ♦ wheat. ♦ HABILIMENTS NEW TREATY OF THE QUADRUPLE PACT IS APPROVED BY DELEGATES ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ — A EIGHTY CENTS IH TOP FOR CANDY I’EH POUND Washington, Dec. 10.—<A. P. ) itene Viviana, head of the French delegation, declared tbe armament conference bad "ful ly and entirely suceaeded," ami that Franco adhered to the pact presente») by Senator ixxlge without reservation. Arthur J. Balfour, head ot the British delegates, asserted tbe new arrangement would benefit international relatlon- ships. Tokugawa voiced Prince Japan'» , gratification. beipoke Senator Echanzer Italy’s satisfaction. Minister Hse. of China, ex pressed "great gratification" over tbe new treaty. The conference adjourned without discussing the naval ratio question. I ■ mm\ Poughkeepsie. N. YDee. 10. (A. P.) Charges th*^ agents for James A. Stillman, banker, attempted to bribe prospective witnesses in his divoroe suit, were made by the defense coun sel In the hearing today. ; COURT ACT ♦ ; ♦ GERMAN TOYM ARR1VNI« TOM Hiai GHTER, WHO TERROR ♦ tXSMMISHION A.NN«MN<EH THAT IZED PENITENTIARY' AT LIT ♦ DECISION ON HOLDIERN' BO- TI Hon vllle, Ohio. Dee. 10.—(I. N. TLE ROCK, iS KILLED ♦ NU» DELAYS 3 )—German-made toys are arriving ♦ , In tha United States in large qixntl- l ♦ ---------- ties, according to a local dealer, who ’ I Chicago, Doc. 10.—(I. N. 8.1— J said he expects these toys will be an ¡When you pay more than eighty important factor la helping Germans i cents a pound for candy you're pay to pay the war Indenmdty. He said ing for the ribbons, tinfoil and the prices of 10, 15 and 25 cents are ' fancy 4>ox. of latrai Patrol Ge«» Holiday Greenery Author Mays the Par*» la Full . Josephine County Will Be < ailed for goods similar to Ameri One of Them Tells Officials That He You have the authority of W. C. Had 1km Responsible for the From latutls liuti Arc to lie Clear Minning an<1 of Importance la Upon to Pay .0077/M Per Cent of can-made toys that sell at 25, 35 and ♦ [ Hughes, secretsry ot tbe National Death of Bad Man ed for Farming Veil Heason Furthering W«>rM Amity the Total 50 cents. I Confectioners' Association, for that ♦ I / I I I L' x ». ... ^statement. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦♦♦ e JU Hughe* says that manufacturers Utile Rock, Ark., Dec. 10.—(A. Holly wreaths, mistletoe, fir trees Washington. Dec. 10—-JA. P.l Salem. Dec. 10.—(A. P.l—The have cut their prices 40 to 50 per FOREIGN DEBT FUNDING p.)—Tbe body ot Tom Slaughter, and other emblem* of Y niellile are Draft of the proposed treaty between JUVENILE DELINQUENCY state tax commission today announe-j >«nt. His organization, he said. Is AGREED TO BY SENATE the bandit who escaped from the being used by merchants and by the the United States. Great Britain. INCREASES IN KANSAN ed that until tbe supreme court de planning a national advertising Am- LitUe Rock, Arkansas, death bouse Hoy Scouts Io dress up Granta Paas France and Japan, which Is to sup cides on the validity of the bonus palgn to teach people that they can Washington, Dec. 10.—(A. P.) — ufter liberating six fellow prisoners, to welcome th« arrival of the holiday plant the Anglo-Japanese alliance Topeka. Kan., Dec. 10.—(I. N. 3.) act the commission will be unable Agreement was reached today by the buy good candy without paying fancy was found by possemen who were th« coming year. Almost season and an<t pave the way for acceptance of '—Juvenile delinquency throughout to make the annual state tax levy. price* for fancy boxes. senate finance committee on the bill searcblng for it today. hourly another display window re American proposals for naval reduc Tbe commission today announced i Kansas has Ingreased 41 per cent Candy, by the way. Isn't a Luxury, for funding the foreign debt into ob Five of the men who escaped with ceive* It* Christmas decoration*. tion. was formally laid before the during the last year, according to the per cent of state taxes to be paid according to Hugh«*. There is no ligations which would mature not Slaughter were captured yesterday, Boy scout* from the local patrol I arms conference today by Senator by each county, based on tbe per Juvenile court records kept here. reason, ha bellates. why It should | later than June 15th. 1*47, and in spent th« afternoon In the country Friction between the parents in | cent of equalized value of taxable terest on which would be 5 per cent and one of tbe five. J. C. Howard, not bo a dally food In the same clas% Lodge. told the officials that he had killed with a truck, gathering up fir trees It Is a ten ynar azroement In th« horn« ha* been cited as the chief property in each county to the total per annum, payable semi-annually. with pies and rake* Slaughter In the Saline county hills. and greenery to be used in festoon taxable value of the state. ' which the four nations bind them- oause by Rev. W. E. Blackstock, who, ' Search for the body was then under- ing the lamp posts of the city. Green The Josephine counfy per cent of the) selvmi to respect their existing rights . has been making a study of DR. W. A. EVANS EXPF.RT ON HANDSHAKING taken by the official* and the body branches and Oregon grape will be in iuaular possessions and dominions alarming increase of crime* among; the state tai is filed at .007754. was found as Howard had stated. placed about the posts from the Ox in the Psalflc, and In case of dig children. ford hotel us far north as tint court putes which cannot he settled by dt- The records show that between G NORTHERN AND NORTHERN ONE BORN EVERY' MINUTE house. In the spirit of progress, th* ; plomacy agree to a Jolnt conference July I, 1*19. and July 1, 1*20, there; Columbus. Ohio. Dec. 10.—(I. N. PACIFIC GET ANTORIA LINE Uoy Scout* are obtaining their sup among themselves. were 3 55 boys before tbe court. Dur 9 1—A man walked up to tbe window ply of material from the lands to be Any one of the parties msy with-1 ing the year following, ending July where a giK teller, was on duty at the St. Paul, Dec. 10.—(A. P.)— The cleared for farming amt Irrigating In draw on twelve months notice after1 1, 1921, there were 502 boys before purchase of the Portland, Astoria Central BgUding haan and 3aVngs the spring expiration of the ten year period, j tho court. Compaay. No. 4* Bost Gay street. and Pacific railroad by the Great Although the Chamlwr of Com The treaty requires confirmation by ; request for She Northern and Northern Pacific, was merce will not divulge its plans, tly^ tbe senate. Upon recelv- change f announced today. The price is ap seerrtary announces that a surprise d her she had ing the c In presenting the treaty Senator proximately two and a half millions. la In store for the citizen* of Granta given himl instead of a $20 Ixidge »aid he waa gratified to lay I’ xm in th» way of street decora ve him *18 more, bill. The the draft before the conference, de Game Licensee Received— tions to be provided later. mer left she found After the f claring it was full ot meaning and ot Many ►'riendo Stupri-»' Mr. an«l Mr*. Fishing and hunting licenses for Tripods were placed In front of switched the $2 bill out that he flmiKirtance to the world's peace. the coming year have been received Thomas Ferguson of Seattle the poiHofflce and on the corner of in substitution for the $20 bill which by F. L. Coon, county clerk. These Sixth and G streets by tbe Salvation she had given him in tbe first place. ' *’1!l not be available nor placed on In honor ot Mr. and Mis. Thom»« Army thia morning, to receive con iX1“1« J‘nu^ ’ Ferguson, of Seattle, ACQUITTAL KIR WOMAN tributions for a Christmas tree for ------ --------------- Fporea was host»»»* to nearly 30 j CHARGED WITH MURDER the children of ths poor. An imita friends at a surprise party given at Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 10.—(A. tion camp firs with s kettle on a II ihim ' of lairds Hear* Argument for the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. )—Maude Moore, arrested recent tripod has also been placed In ths House of Hapsbtirg Flanagan, «18 North Sixth street. ly In Tacoma after a nation-wide entrance to the Golden Rule for tbe Friday evening. Mrs. Ferguson was search, waa acquitted today of killing same purpose by the Salvation Army London, Dec. 10. — (A. P.l—»Pleas formerly Miss Winifred Flanagan of PorUand Man New Proprietor Leroy B. Harth here in 1919. people. Sixth Street Pharmacy for former emperors of Germany and this city, and is back in Grants Pass Austria-Hungary were made In the on her first visit since her marriage. Dr. Francisco X. Sanchelll of .Jew For thirteen years Geo. C. Sabin York city has written to President house of lords recently when Lord By a special request from her <’. of C. l.iiiKh»sm— has been "delivering the goods” in Harding giving him details of his Newton, raising the question of the mother, Mrs. Ferguson delighted | w; a . Evans. M. of Chicago, With a speaker of exceptional a- chairman of the Health Institute In exclusion of the Hapsburg dynasty those present with several piano se Grants Pass. Today he has turned “hygienic” hand shake, which has Price of the Canned Product Is Also .«•en adopted by various persons who blllty, Mrs. S. W. Swantou of Port its 1*21 program, given under tho sue- from the (Hungarian throne, said lections. chief ot which was Bee the job over to Harry E. Crouch, fnder Previous Years rave much of the “gripping” to do. who comes here from Portland, and land, an unusually large attendance piece of the American Public Health that the Hungarian people evidently thoven's sonata. Op. 81a, in three The doctor ’ s method is based on the j having purchased Sabin’s drug store. is expected at the midday luncheon aeeociation, National Health council desired to have a king. movements. The selection, which re 'heory that having your band shaken San Francisco, Dec. 10.—(A. P ) "Why,” he asked, "should the quires 15 minutes to play, was one will continue the establishment un- jars the entire nerve system and of the Chamber of Commerce. Mon New York Academy of Medicine, Now —The estimated 1921 salmon pack ; der the name of “ Crouch's Phar day, December 12. Mrs. Swanton is York oily health department, New Haimburgs be exclude«! any more ■ chosen by Mrs. Ferguson when she causes not only muscle strain but n of the Pacific Coast. including Si general manager of the Oregon Hu York state department of health, and than any other dynasties that were I played at the studio ot her instruc macy." being now in possession. The I train of the entire body. The idea, beria. is slightly more than r>0 pet drug store had previously beeu lo United *10(00 health oonrloe. | still allowed to rule?" How could says, is to shake the other person’s mane Society. tor. Carl Tlerre McNeely, in Seattle, cent of the 1919 pack and about 70 cated on West G street, but only a md. As to the proper “grip": Clasp the attitude of the great powers be on December 4. Mr. Ferguson sang few days ago was transferred to Its the right baud of the person greeted per cent of the 1920 pack, accord- I reconciled with the principle of self several numbers, among which were I new location on Sixth street, where and then place your left hand over hl* ing to statistics compiled by a lo- -determination? It was. he added, a Scotch selections. right. Thus the exertion will be even cal commission firm, Thls estimate i Mr. Crouch will continue It. i gross and intolerable Interference Both Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson are ly divided and the strain lessened. is 4,500.000 cases, against 6,892 The uew proprietor will remove with the government of a fr«>e na ; studying music in Seattle. Mrs. Fer- 1 his family here from Portland as 000 in 1*20 and 8,840.000 the year tion. Many Shop|iers in City— i guson socializes in instrumental I before. I»rd Orantnore and Browne re- I music, and is a pupil of McNeely's, soon as he finds an available house. Attracted by the bargains offered Prices for 1*21 are considerably Mr. Sabin, the retiring proprietor, 1 gretted that Britain had agreed to I who studied under Josef Lhevine has not made his plans for the fu- j by Granta Pass merchants, an un lower, the opening figures for reds I act as Jailer for tho ex-Emperor Chanute, Kan., Dec. 10.—(A. P.) ntan lias beeu diversified. He was for three years in Berlin and under ture, but will continue to be a Grants usually large crowd of shoppers being *2.25 compared with 83.25 - -The fighting Instinct which won born In Kendalvllle. Ind., October 2,1 1 Charles of Austria-Hungary and had i Rudolph Ganz for four years in New Pass booster with more time on hfs! were in the city Saturday from many the two previous years. For pinks _ | become responsible for sendlug him for the Rev. Earl A. Blackman, the 1883. on a farm and received a com-i York. ! hands for the boosting. For the of the nearby towns. The nearness a case this year the price is 81.15. newly elected national chaplain of mon school education. He studied i to a new St Helena. Mr. Ferguson is Interested in vo 'present he will give his rather exten-j of Christmas, with but two remain Last year it was $1.50 and in 1919 Lord Phllllmore. an eminent law- the (American Legion, the title of I stoam and machine designing in cal music, and Is st,«dying under Al- sive property holdings in the vicinity.' ing Saturdays is responsible for the $2.25. Chubs In 1921 were quoted the "Fighting Parson of the Thirty- Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y„ fol- Xer, asked what authority the pow ■ fred Rollo, instructor of Alice Gen at $1.05 and In 1919 $2.15. and particularly under the new ir- sudden Increase of visitors. Fifth" during the worlil war. has lowe»l engineering and electrical ers had for telling the people ot tle. said to be the foremost mesxo stood him well In hand since He work including firing a locomo Hungary who should be their king or soprano in the country, and a mem- cgnio back to hl* peace-time voca tive; assistant engineer on a steam not. or whether they should have a ; ber of tbe Metropolitan Opera com- tion as pastor of the First Christian yacht In Now York harbor; chief en klug 1st all. IHe protested against l»any in New York. church here. Enlightenment gained gineer of an Interurban power house any interference in Hungary's inter Accompanied on tbe piano by his ' In his war service created new ideas In northern Indiana and worked In nal affairs. wife, Mr. Ferguson will sing a solo at Ue thought it was a mistake to the Presbyterian church Sunday as to the scope of religion* activities. an automobile factory at Kokomo, Man Served Government From Grant **The new planks he Inserted in the Ind. These activities overlapped have dethroned the Hohenzollorns. morning. The young couple plan on to Harding church's platform created consider some with farming and going to col "because." ho said, "with a chas returning to Seattle on Tuesday, Washington, Dec. 10.—(I. N. 3.) inally authorized by congress, would tened Emperor on the throne, "we able opposition. But thus far the lege where he earned his own way. where Mr. Ferguson is engaged In Vallejo. Cal.. Dec. 10.—(A. P.l— —Secretary of the Interior Fall, one be completed next summer, but that "fighting parson" has won. While attending the University of would have had a more steady Ger business, and to tbe studio of Mrs. Retirement •'papers were issued here time railway builder of the West, is hardly seems likely now." Kansas he helped pay expenses by many, an<l have stood a much better Ferguson. recently to Campbell Whltthorno. going back to his old Job. I A large portion of tbe road is al "I do not favor the uso of the evangelistic singing, preaching, run chance of getting our money back.” who. it Is said, has served the Unit He plans a trip to Alaska to direct ready in operation, principally in sanctuary in the church for any pur- "riie Earl of Crawford, replying ed States government under every personally the work of putting the carrying coal from the Alaska mines, pose other than worship, but be- ning a traction engiue In the wheat for the government«, said that he Pl(',lic C. of C. Membership— lleve the church could well have a fields, private boxing lessons and could not discuss the question of the In Tuesday's issue of the Daily administration from President Grant finishing touches on the govern but also doing a small freight and ment's railway between Seward and passenger business. It is Secretary dancing floor in a building adjacent selling automobiles. Courier the Chamber of Commerce to President Harding. In 1914 ho tiecamo pastor of the restoration of dynasties. Whltthorne’s first appointment to Fairbanks. Fall’s intention to inaugurate freight to the church, or in the same will publish a classified list of the government service waa made in "It will take $4.000,000 to fin- and passenger series over the en building; also billiard tables, social f hanuto church and hns held thia members of the organization. April 1, 1875. when he was appoint ish the railroad," Y'all said. "A bill tire line as soon as possible. and card rooms If they seemed to position rlnce, with tho exception oi ed deputy collector of internal reve providing this sum has been reported The opening of the Alaska rail be required to meet tho social two year* spent in milltxrv service. Mr. lllnckman was commissioned nue at St. Louis, Missouri. At that out of committee for passage In the road Is part of a new policy the Hard needs." PORTLAND MARKETS first lieutenant and chaplain and W.TJ time President Grant was in office. senate, and it seems certain the sum ing administration has decided upon Mr. Blackman's church has a mo mustered into federal service A li Hight. Grade Ore Discovered by Pros Choice steers............... $6.00 O $6 50 In 1878 he was transferred to the will soon be available. In respect to Alaska. This Secretary tion picture machine, for use in con gust 5. 11 17.. He saw a year g se r- pector in Grass Valley "When it is I am going to give Fall described as the "open door” Choice dairy calves....$8.50 O 19 00 lighthouse board as a clerk, and nection with services. Indications vice overseas. Hogs, prime light ...... $7.76 © >8.25 later served as a clerk to his father, explicit Instructions to the chief of policy by which the resources of the are that bls policy Is popular, On Due tn the opposition within hi« Grass Valley, Cal., Dec. 10.— (A. Best lambs ................... $7.25 o $8.00 who was chairman of the house na operation and construction and his rich territory will be developed to this point, Mr. Blackman said: church tn his policy ou on amuse P.l —«Gold iiearlng ore is being ship Eggs, buying price..... ....40c < r 48c val commitee. Resigning that post engineers that this money will have the utmost and lands and their min "Our church has outgrown Its mints. Mr B'ackman once each year ped from a field near here, which | Eggs, selling price..... ....48c ( i> 80c Whitthorne was clerk of the Nevada to over all the expense of finishing eral content placed in the hands of present plan. A Jot has been pur- has submitted his resignation, lest has been under cultivation for about i Egg». eUJng candled ..... 46* Ì 50c Indian agency for a time and then. up the road, including rolling stock settlers. I chased and a new building la con- spring it was rejected for the third 60 years. The ore Is said to run Eggs, white henneries .... 52c i J> 54c In 1888. came to the Mare Island and other necessary material. As the first step In this direction templated. Tho church usually Is time anil a raise In »alary wns vote»l several hundred dollars to the ton. navy yard here, where he was writer "And I’m going up there to give a bill is pending In congress for con Butter, extra cubes ... 410 © crowded Sunday evenings, about him. This he declined to accept, Recently a wandering prospector Butter ........,................ in the labor board and later clerk to some personal supervision to tbe solidating the 38 commissioners and three-fourths of the audience being however, stating that he made discovered a ledge a short distance Wheat ........................ „1 the hull department officer. One or work. I used to help build railroads bureaus now directing Alaskan af young people. Frequently many are money In addition to his salary by below the surface of the field and two years were spent out of the ser In the West, and I think I can help fairs Into a central body, to be mode turned away 'before the service starts refereeing boxing bouts. His new explorations disclosed the ore. The Portland. Dec. 10.—(A. P.)—Live vice. but during the Wilson admin the Alaskan project along tn a rather a part of one ot the governmental so crowded is the auditorium.” (lutine as national char'aln will not ore Is being sacked and shipped to stock, steady; eggs, weak; butter, istration he waa appointed asslatant practical way. departments, most likely the depart The career of the Rev. Mr. Black- Interfere with bls pastorate. a smelter for reduction. steady. appraiser at San Francisco. "I had hoped the road, as orig- ment ot the Interior. SUPPLANT ANGLO-JAP ALLIANCE / : COUNTY PERCENTAGE IS : — m FIVE ESCAPED MEN HUE CAUGHT Htó PLEA FOR FALLEN ROYALTY k a a COUCH BUYS Stólli DRUG STORE Zr^Ts».« StCRHARY OF THE INFERIOR WILE OVERSEE IHE