FRIDAY, MH HMMKH Ufi. Itoli. UHANTH l' W DAILY <«M H1KK rAGK FOUR 1 1 ' What Is so Rare as a Sleep in the Sleeper? AW, WH Ars THE USE SA-t to>*1ll» T»UL THAT CAriC IN THl no mrmafpv PARTY SNORING K0OM B» Q uiet MB AT - _ BMNGsSTOMAN w «• BOTH FOOD AND HCAT Mythology. Hebe was the goddess of youth, who poured out the nectar with which the gods pledged each other. One day. upon a solemn occasion, she tripp'd and fell, and was forced to resign her office. Her father, Jupiter, secured as her successor the beautiful youth Ganymede. Hebe retalued the power of restoring »he bloom of youth anti beauty to the aged and, according to some accounts, it was only after became the wife of Hercule* that gave up her office of cupbearer, even succeeded In reconciling mother. Juno, to Hercules, who fered all his life from the hatred "f the queen of the gods. Hercule* was deified as a reward for his achievement*. DOYLE’S Japanese Lunch Cloths 4NvtH »1.21» Each 72x72 .. ........ SEN» Each Napkin* »2.15 Each !H>c Dozen Bungalow Sets 04-inch I lol It made ol Indian Head-»uh :<-inST MODERN 7-room house, close in, lot LOST—Coin purse with several dol­ lars silver in front of Claus 50x100. Cheap for quick sale. Schmidt’s grocery. I .eave at the Inquire of owner, 411C St. 25tf Courier. 43 WOOD FOR SALE—O^k. »3.50; dry­ pine. »2.75, and m'.niauita, »3.75. LOST—Ladies hand bag. black silk, containing «heli rim glasaes. pa­ C. W. Lambrecht. Rd. 1. tf pers. memorandum book. etc. WOOD FOR RALE by carload—Oak Finder please leave at Courier of­ and big fir. will sei! large amount fice care No. 37 4. 39 on ground. Work up in 16-inch or in cords. Pine and small body Bl ILOI XG CONTllACTORS fir, »1.75 per tier. »3.50 per cord. We will contract sawing HARPER i SON—Building contrac­ with buu saw or with drag saw. I tors. Shop work, furniture crating. Shop »10 11 St. Res. phone 143. Walter Davidson, Grants Pass, Rd. No. 2. 42 I A. J. GRHEN—General contractor. FOR SALE—And the price U right, . Estimates and plans made. Noth­ second hand ;Ch«vrolet 4 90 ing too small or too large. Shop I Mighty good buy. Smith’s garage. 211 Sixth St Pbone 33-J. 3ttf INSTRUCTION IN MITWT FOR SALE—1920 Ford. Starter, shock absorbers, etc., »390. line CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC -Mrs. Jas. M. Powers, piano; Mrs. Pearl condition. Address 273 care of Beveridge, voice. 4 23 B. Phone 1-J. the Courier. 4 4 I Chairman State Highway CommiMÌon Coal Pewdsr. from "Atomized" coal—different merely "powdered" coal because tery minutely divided—I* a new product that I* finding Im port n nt use*. It 1* used for making a high grade paint and also ss a substitute for lampblack In the manufacture of Ink. Another valuable employment for It I* In ’’facing'' foundry mnlda, to give th« surfaces a «inooth finish In prepara­ tion for castings. rpHE USE of Oregon Products is fanda- mental or even elemental if Oregon is to prosper. The population of Oregon cannot be sustained if Oregon payrolls decrease. It is a matter of vital intereat. then, to every inhabitant of the state to keep Oregon dollars in the state I To buy our own products and use them is like eating th» cake snd having it, too. It ie keeping the products and the money also. Let's do it with renewed energy I Let’s pat­ ronize those merchants who feature Oregon-made mer­ Tha Days That Are Gone. "You used to say,” sl|p complained, “that you couatejl that day lost when you did not hear the sound of n>y voice.” “Yes, 1 know," he replied. "and I shall never cease Io long for those dear lost days.”—Bustou Transcript. Let an Oregon product give ua pleasure and gtrength at every dining hour. Let a go to the greatert extant reasonable to build and furnish our homes with Oregon Products and let us daily as we enter ths store rooms and shops keep before ua an obligation that wa cannot gbift—BUY Selling Furniture Heating Stoves and Ranges Goitre Sufferers Benefit ted Without Pain or Knife at your home. No need of your friends or com­ panions being the wiser, as to the course of treatment If you use (DR. HAY88E.VS FAMOUS GOITRE OINTMENT, which has been recommended by physicians for over 30 years and is in greet­ er demand than ever (where once used. Ask your Druggist for "The HISTORY" and full information, regarding Dr. Haysiwn’s Famous Goitre Pre|>arations. Now carried in stock by your drugg 1st. SOONER TAXI—Phone 262-R for FOR RENT—Afaifa, Grain and Jitney Luko or Cutlerv Calls an­ Stock ranches with and without swered anywhere, anyWn* 8 Glass and Tin Churns. A patent was granted In England in 1851 for a cylindrical glass churn, ami these were tested at the exhibi­ tion of 1851 in competition with French tin churns, and the old English wooden churns. The small wooden family churn worked tu, well that It was awarded n prize medal over Its more aristocratic glass relations. — Sdentine American. 1 1 .Motors, are Call Up the Circulation Department These things are all practical Rills. THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON COAST RAILROAD COMPANY Time Card , s , Trains will run Mcndays, Wedne*- days and Fridays Leave Grants Pas*........ ........ 1 P.M. Arrive Waters Creek........... 2 P.M. I-eavo Waters Creek........... 2:30 PM. Arrive Grants Pass..............4 P.M. For information regarding freight and (MMNIlger rates cal’ at the office 'of the company, Lundberg building, or telephone 131. —■ NOTH E TO REPAIR GltAXITE WALK* Have You Thought About That Christmas Gift ASHAYERH GAREY W. JOHNSON—Metallurgi­ cal engineer, assayer and chemist. Office 104 West E, Grants Pass. Oregon. 46 70s onraoN buudino PORTLAND AWOCIAHD INDUSTRIES OF OREGON if you have any complaints to make in not getting your Courier. Watch Your Label. Grants Pass Electric Co. j Ï..3T Phone 390 Will Get Us t Used Car Bargains FORD TOTR|NO CAR OVERLAND FOUR DODGE TOURING OAR IIODGE TOI RING CAR mimmi ..»WMI . «LVI »500 1 We Do All Kinds of Job and Commercial Printing Estimates Cheerfully Given I C L. HOBART COMPANY I M»TI< 14 OF HALE OF MILL NOTICE IH H4CRBHY GIVEN, that I. the uu’leridgnrd will offer for **ln and sell for cash In band, to tha hlzhret bidder the following saw- mill properly ou McMultou Creek, about seven mile* east of ffeltnn. Jo­ sephine county, Oregon, to-wttî A* I*, one complete Circular Mill of about 18 M capacity, two donkey enalmv. «onia cable. Scaled blds for the «bore men Honed i roperty to b>< submitted to the untleralgned on or ’«for» Decem­ ber IVth A D. IMI. «I 10 o'clock a. m when the sam» will bo »iwwied and ronsldered at the office of Colvin A Coburn, attorney*, Tulls Bldg , Grant* Paas, tire. Tile right Io reject any and all bld* reserved. C. C HOWARD, llreclvcr A|>cx Lumber Co., Insolvent ****>• l921’ n WANTED PHONE 166-R, OREGON JOURNAL —raul Allen, Agent. 50 j chandise. 401 G STREET FOR SALE or exchange—High grade I_______________ TAXI 3-year-old D’J roc Jersey boar, ex­ WHITE T.1NE TAXI—Call Clemens tra good. A. E. Sheehan, phone Phone 46-R. Resi- Drug Store, Wllderville central. 40 Closed’ car. Prices dence 3SI. ax 31tf reasonable. W. G. White. FOB BENT Widi h fur Mr. ilappi 1‘arl) By R. A. Booth W. CHILES IX)R SALE—Assay furnace and small MRS. CLARA TUTTLE FENTON, teacher of piano and harmony, concentrating table. See them at Tuesday. Friday and Saturday. Johnston’s assay office. Addresa Studio at 618 F street. No. 273 care tbe Courier. 45 THREE FURNISHED sleeping rooms for rent at 720 East D St. 42 A Ringing Appeal to Oregonians Keep that physical furnace of your* going with th» proper sort of meat-fuel. Folk* ara doing a lot of talking now- aday* about th« number of calorie* In an ouncn of food. Buy your nieata of u* and you'll got ull of the purity you ara looking for nad your •Rotted number of celrbrnlnd Calories J. R. Griffith, Manager Advertising, Circulation and Job Departments SALTS FINE FOR ‘ ACHING KIDNEYS W« Mt too much mtot, which atogu Kidctys, then Beck hurts and Bladder bothers you. Mret folks forgat that ths IcUlaay*. Hks tbe bowels, iwl slupgish and cl'Wgsd snout four ounce* of Jaa Kslls from any good drug store bare, taka a tfl,lea|H» nlul ia a glas* of water 1 before brraklast for a few day* aad your kidney« will then act fine. This famous aalu is made from the acid et grape* and lamon jnica, combined with lithic, and ia harmleao to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralize« th« aoMg In the' urine ao it no longer lrritotue, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Balts is harmless| inexpensive! mokes n delightful effervescent di th la­ ws ter drink which everybody should tak^ now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoid! eg serbum ooasplleatiooe. • A well known local druggist says he sells lota of Jad Salts to falls who heliaew In overcoming kidney trouble while R to . only trouble. Is That Cold and Cough Hanging On? A/ftU will l>c ronvincctj that Dr. " King’s New Discovery docs just wliut it is meant to do—«ootlieu cough­ raw throats, longest ion-tormented chests, loosens the phlegm puck end. break* the obstinate cold and grippe attgc k, relieves the congestion m tha head. No harmful drugs, lherefora jphh I for children as well as grownups. Right away you will notice the change for the letter. Has a con- t incinj’, healing taste that you will appreciate. Huy a I mj III c at any drug» gists on the way home to-night, 60c. Dr. King’s New Discovery Lazy People, Liuy Bowrlii.^lhm't neglect constipation. It undermine« the health, takes alt vim out oH You. Dr. King's PiH. will invigorate lite system, stir up the liver, move the Ixiuch. All druggists, 25c.