GRINT* rxs* |>WY COURIER ~F «IX FER52NAL ÍÜ LOCAL "Know the true value of time; suatili. »<■«««', and enjoy every mo­ ment o( it. No idleness, no l.ixi- nc»s, no procrastination; Never put off 'til tomorrow what you can «Io today < h<»t«“rfleld. m ss r. i 1 . " — M. F. Brown, of Wolf Creak, was The I aid lea Home l.eugvu Of the Salvation Army will have in the city Mouday. William F. Grimmett, of Holland. their Christman sale IN«*ember 9. All kinds of little gifts for Christ Ilina s|M>nt the day in Granta Pass Office stationary—Courier offic*. Come aud buy your Christmas gifts allow true and how valuable W 33 George S. Calhoun made a bus­ of us. these words fur every day pi ai lice > I in«“» i trip to Kerby today. ——an«! csqieehdly for Saving Money. J. B. Byer« was a Medford visitor Kerby People Marrie«!— Roy Wells and Marian F. Corson, during the day. William Anderson, of Williams, of Kerby, were married by Judge Kc- was in th«« city today trausai'tlng lus Pollock at the courthouse this afternoon. business at the courthous«*. R. K. Ross returne«! last night from Portland, where he spent a Legion Meeting Tomorrow Night — OF SOUTHERN OREGON week or more on ‘business matters, The regular mooting of the Ameri­ Save with us. The habit grows. Pop corn that will pop at Horn- can legion will be hetld XV«slneaduy 29 night. November 9. X large attend­ Ing's Shack. Mrs. Katherine Gray and Mrs. K ance Is expected Curtain Ruby Demorest of Klamath Falls. With a s.'ore of 3« tn >1 the local Engraved cards—Courier office. high school team yielded the victory iT'iJijViA l'kT.u ■ frSrffR¿H05t K. P. Head Is Herts— to the Grants Puss team Saturday L. F. Finseth, of Dallas, grand afternoon on the field opposite the chancellor, and W. G. Gleason, of county hospKal. The visitors had Portland, grand keeper of record«i about 400 pounds in weight to the .... , ..Z» . V. and seals, of the Knights of Pythias, advantage of the local hoys. ' The arrived in the city today, and will re­ game was well played and clean from MAIL ORDERS NOW—SEAT SALE HATI II* main for the work of the order this start to finish, though some com­ DAY, NOYHMBER 12TH eveniug. Members and visiting broth­ plaint was made regarding some d< - PRICES — Lower Floor, *2.00 and *1.50 ers of the organzation are welcomed ■ clsions. The gam* was folowed In the to attend the affair. Balcony *1.00—Plus JOG War Tax evening by a grand masquerade ball at Endert's hall where the Ute op­ ponent« met In happy catneraderle Will Tour California— Mr. and Mrs. XV. H. l^onard leave and danced the evening awuy Into the Del Norte Wednesday morning by automobile 'early hours of dawn for southern California and wilj re­ ' Triplicate. main until about March 1. They will stop at Yuba City, Sacramento, NEXV TODAY San Francisco. 1-os Angeles. San CHARLIE AB0T Diego and in the Imperial Valley. FOR RENT l«irge garage with two justified the claims of Lis sponsors as being Their address will be Calexico. Cal., entrances, near business section the FUNNIEST MAN IN ALL THE where they will visit Mr. l^onard's . Call 423 C street or phone 10C-J. WORLD. Ills travesty jurist in ‘‘Light 28 brother. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Rogue River Hardware Co "ffïXCMSTJSA »Tone 1DÎI7OT I ?MONDAY Night Ki V ULl^NOVEMBER 14th MARCIJS SHOW «ozi CE OF ROME ’em,” a take off on “Lightnin’,” is a gem of humo^. If you can’t laugh your’s hopeless. are enr- o." the outstanding hits of the show. Buch rtunt* were aefer snen before H - 37 several valuable hints as to future handling of th« business. FOR SALE—Two milk cow < at the Bristow place, corner of II and Tenth street - 31 Klamath Falls Man Injured— Dr. o. F. Demorest, retired dentist WANTED- Window cleaning, ho-ise of Klamath Falls, received a severe cleaning, lawn work. Phone 215-R 2S cut on the back of his head as a re­ Geo. Seely, <12 West A St. sult of an automobile accident on ESTRAY—There cam* to my piner Merlin hill Monday evening. One of November 8, 1921, two pig’ bis daughters was driving the ma- weight about 50 pound*, black with white band bark of shoulders. chine, when the lights failed, Be- Owner can have same by paying fore she could stop, the car was bad- damage» and for this ad. Ed. If ly tipped and her father thrown out. Allen. Rd. 4, Grants Pass. Ore. 3 2 With Dr. Demorest in the car were FOlCsALE -A fine piano In goo<1 bls wife, and two daughters, Faye condition. A bargain. *130. Ad- and Ruby. The party were on their dress 423 B street, phono 1-J. 27 way to Portland from Klamath Falls. FOR *»ALF—Tokay trrap«». 3c a Under original plans, they were to nottnd while thev la’» bring votir spend the night here, but at the last boxes. Glen Ook Farm .Tones moment decided to go as far as they Creek. II. I,. Edwards, Manager could that evening. Hubwribe to your favorito mng- azlne* at the special reduced prices. Chic Chick Chorus of Marcus Peaches a score and half graceful, eaiMHng yees wlm like attractive <*m Ironmeitts In which to work." BUILT IT WITH POTATOES Custom-Made to Your Measure us show you what expert tailoring ran do to fit you in garments comfortable, vus), well fit* ting, nml which keep their shape indefinitely. This Is pair <>j*|M>rtunity to get tiie ts-.l suits at the lowest price. At the Ni|m of Y* j .. ii > Utile Taller GEO. S. CALHOUN tm:f <á Stris-l Hart, Schaffner & Marx Vi Suits and Overcoats Peerless Clothing Co Opportunity Follows a Bank Account Be ready for opportunity Open a Bank Account at the *1» *1111 u rsDfMAi urstmr SIMM How the Cltiaens of Patricia. Alberta, Obtained Their Much Needed Town Hall. l'ntrh-ia needed a town hall. Being only two years old. this was a problem to the Infant vllluge in the southern Allx-rta prairies, tt’uys and im iiis were dlscu»»«-d. It was finally tatm*s. Twenty acre» were plowed ami planted to spud«. Brenkltig the kind, sctsllng hiii ) cultivating »ere nil done by volunteers. Everybody took a luiml. The community |»>tuto patch now promise« ii heavy crop. The entire town tends It. When the Hr-1 potato plant p--«|s-ira ago th« entire country ulsitit Patricia was open prnlrl« with not u liuiiiiin habitation In the round of the horizon. The first house was built In ltilU. Today then- uro JO.iMSl acres unili-r cultivation. Grants Pass and Josephine Bank Don’t Cry or Swear when you drop your watch. Take it to Letcher«' and they will make it as jfood as new again. Oiitoiinitrists Seed Pearls Used as wtedleln«. For ill«“ low ch's* of seed pearls He re Is ii <-,ai»“init atlcnt» ns for inuny Ills. 10(1 South Util Going' to Build? COMING TOMORROW TOM MIX in liis most thrill­ ing pictiirc “HANDS” OFF” WTictlier you plan on building tills full or repairing buildings consult us. Wo can quote you attractive price* on all building materhiis In our line. Three Cs Lumber Company Lumber, luitli, Sliliml«* Fournir) nuil West (• St*. House Furnishings— MAX GOODS XIIRIXING I < >R Till: I X l.l. Ilt.X DE. MX STOCK is Now COMPLBTK IN Al.I, LINES, I t IINI- Tl HE, FI,OOR < OX EllING, < ROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, RTOVEN AND HANG IM, A 1,1 MINUM AND PY­ REX XVARE, BEDS, SPRINGS,XI XTTKESMES, COMFORTS AND BLANKETS. IN FACT ANYTHING YOU MAY NEED FOR THE HOME. Holman’s Furniture Store (105 G Hfrcet Wo Do Picture Framing