p (¡HANTS PASS DAIIA (NHRI ER age two . BOSTON TO LOS ANGELES ÜRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday t A. E. Voorhte*. Pub. and Propr.1 Entered at po»toffice. Granta Pa*a Or*., as second-class mall matter UVE STOCK NEWS Beautiful New One ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch............... _.$5c bocal-personal column, per line....10c Readers, per line------------ ------------ 6c DAILY COURIER of new Lace Guimpes, Vests and Collars, also the new linen collar and cuff sets. ■y mail or carrier, rer year-----$6.00 •ty mail or carrier, per month.. WEEKLY COURIER rty mail, per year........................... $2 00 MEMBER OF .ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press is exclusively •■titled to the use for republication •f all news dispatches credited in this ir all otherwise credited tn this 101 & 105 N. 6th caper and also the local news pub­ lished herein All rights for republication of «pe­ stai dispatches herein are also re­ served. the great tranaportation dressed to the people of this vicin­ 1112! MONDAY, NOA EMBER ity. Mr. Sproule acknowledged re­ ♦ ceipt of an invitation to be present OREGON WEATHER al the celebration, and exiuessed ♦ hi* regret at not being able to ac­ ♦ cept. but he said that he wished Weather for the Week Pacific Coast States—Gener­ ♦ conveyed to "the officers of the ally fair in Callfohtia. consider­ ♦ Grants I’ass irrigation district and able cloudiness and occasional ♦ to the people in Grants Pass and of rain in Oregon and Washington. ♦ Rogue River valley concerned my ♦ gTeat interest in this development, Normal temperature. ♦ believing that Judicious distribution Tonight and Tuesday fair in ♦ over the laud of the waters available cast. Unsettled west portion. to the valley* of Southern Oregon ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*•♦ ♦ ♦ wiU serve tn bring into full ileveioi»- ment the natural resources and at­ MR. SPEDI LE WAS INTERESTED tractions of their lovely region, Vice President McCormick, repre­ hope all their expectations front senting the Southern Pacific railroad project now auspiciously opened company at the celebration Saturday be fulfilled." brought greetings from President That a great newspaper like Eproule. and read a telegram which be had received from the bead of Portland Oregonian recognizes Men’s and Boys’ Mackinaws NOW IS THE TIME TO Bl A MAt KiNAAAS. BOYS MACKINAWS, 94.05, 94.M, 9S.3O. 9O.OÔ. 97J*5 MEN'S M A< KIN AAAS, 97.45. XK.M5. 910.75. ». DI» RANGE i l I'ATTH N*. »1.1 BIXBB — The Courier has received a circu­ lar with a request that we publish •»ote of a coming mass meeting of tne non-i>artisan league iu Portland. AA’e are glad to make note "e would also gladly make note of the fact that a rattler was poised to strike if your life might be saved by the wanting. So we warn Oregon that she is in deadly danger if the I league should get a footing h«re. j The experience of North Dakota! push, to be sufficient demonstra- < Ron of the poison ir. the non-'iar- ; •isait 1‘ague fangs. BUILD UP YOUR HOME STATE Our funds stay here and are in­ vested in farm mortgages. used to build your school houses and road*, pave your city streets and construct water systems. INhT.lbI.EI» IN YOl'K CAR AT 107 MX TH FOI RTH STREET. Universal Service Station 1 Valley Garage FORMERLY COLLINS AUTO CO. 511 H Street PHONE H7 Dayton Guaranteed Tire?» & Tul***, (’ords, 10,000 mile*, Fabric 7500 mtlen. AA I. M AKK s pgrtrnont of Agricultura on 30- Aero Fisld in Maryland. Columbia Talking Machines ami Columbia Records we offer the following outfits at these extremely low prices: $32.50 Type A 2 Graphophone and 5 85c Records $75.00 Tpye D-2 Graphopiionc and 10 85c Records $125.00 Type E 2 Graphophone and 15 85c Records $150.00 Type G 2 Graphophone and 20 85c Records $165.00 Type H 2 Graphophonc ami 1 4 A HA 20 85c Records I 1V.L Va $30.00 60.00 85.00 125.00 $225.00 Type K 2 Graphophone and 1 MM 25 85c Records JLUV»W $275.00 Type L-2 Graphophone and 25 85c Records laits nt the lx"* kicked when they limi to hike n few miles «luring ilia late wnr. lutt others so enjoyed It that 'hey still insist on hiking, own though 'hey are out of tlie army. Tus.- for instance, Tom M. Harney of Boston, Tom deslrvil tu attend tlie .American L< glug meet In Kansas t'lty. mid tn >lslt n fi'iF buddies it Los Angclt-ta «o he p.ii ki'il up his old hiking outfit Uni starti I mi f'x»t to Los .Angelis. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ in for Development here provides ad- ditional labor, iatbor employed buys products from the farm and store. Build tip your home state and place your next policy with the Qrcgonlifc Insurance Home (Wire Porfían«!, Oregon A. It. < ORNI LI.. HIST. MGR. tirant* Pass, Orc. Birds and Cyclone*. One naturalist has expre-*cd the opinion that birds habitually make use of storms in traveling from one pnrt of their range to another. He points out that if a bird cannot find shelter, it must be more comfortable on the wing than on tlie ground during a stono, because in the fiercest gules the air, as a mass, 1« m rest ; that la, the bird Is In n t oing, ipporting mediani, like a swimmer in a strongly- flowing river. Keller Ha* Vitiation— Adolph Keller, messenger tor the Western Union telegraph company, is taking a two week's vacitlon. Dur­ ing his absence Al Patterson is tak­ ing care of delivering the messages. Wimivn's Anso'imhwi Mii'llng— The Womens .Association of the I’resb.i ter Ian church will meet at 2:30 Weitiws liiy aflerniHin at the home of Mr* Roeroe Bratton. North i Third street, ami ou Thursday there ’ will be an all day meeting in the I church parb#* for sewing. COMING EVENTS i Nov. 9, Wednesday— M. E. Ladies' I Aid bazaar. 27 i Nov. 11, Friday—Armistice day cele­ bration. . Nor. 18. Friday Darktowu Enter­ tainers. 18tf You willbe surprised how many Xmas Gifts You can make if you attend the sewing class at 233 G Street even’ Thursday from 2 to 4 and Wednesday, 7 to 9 Phone 289 Mrs. Carlson and Mrs. J. Hansen Engraved cards—Courier office. Printed calling cards -Courier. Se- •> Selling Furniture Heating Stoves and Ranges Columbia 10 inch Records 75c Each Columbia 12 inch Records $1.10 Each The Music and Photo House GRANTS PASS. OREGON Do Your Eyes Bother You? ice Hinn win obtained In tills Instam-e. In such a system ns the hs | flow of ! milk in the ewes, produced good 1 growtli tn the liimbs. and, after wean­ ing. put the ewe* In gixxl condition for full breeding. The ewe* mid In mb* were all pure- bred Southdo* ns. Some of the ewes ‘ raising lambs received s half-pound of grain each dally until May 1<>. nnd 22 In'iitl of ewes lu n fall-breeding experi­ ment received a light feed of grain dur- ' Ing September and October. All Um Imnlis wore kept for breeding purpones and wmv Ted some grnln throughout He summer. In calculating how fur I the feed urtunlly produced would go ! for grown sheep It wn« cornddered that ! n Innib ate one fourth na much ns a sheep until July I, nnd after that one-lmlf ns much. A lotti I of 520 hours' work for a man mid a team i was rixpilrcd for plowing und seeding | tlie do acres used ill 1910. Under the conditions of this experl- meat fall-sown wheal mid spring seed- IlVgs uf outs and |ieas sown logetlier at the rate- of 1 ’i bushels per acre have been most satisfactory for graz­ ing in spring and early rammer. Key beans are ready for grazing about the middle of July and furnish most of Hie feed until October, In November fall-sown wheat mid rye have been used most, though lute Heeding* of corn and velvet beans were used In IMO for the first time on 1 Ai »ere« that had received nn extra top dies*- Ing of manure. The niinilier of day* of grazing from one acre of each crop In 1919 was ns follows, calculated on Its pasture value for one mature ewe: Days. Rap* ........................ rn C’nwpfan boy bean* ....... 419 Alfalfa . i iuta and t>eas.. il* Barley Wheat ................. 3Ui> Hy« . « M*ay Unira you bam bradai he or lour sight blur* so liailly that )<>u out hardly ami. Right than you think of a new pair of glarava. That I* not always wliat is Ihr matter. Yim have n<-*rr thought idiuut year lights, lu Marly eii-ry <-aar your room Is no* eiirrwtly IlgiiU-d. A our ohi glulaw do not givo you Ihr light thry should. Good light dora no* rod any more Ilian |»xir and you g.-t so touch nuire satisfai thin ili.it you are tfninrr every timi’, full na up, or iimir see us ami let us torreet Ihr latti! for you. Il won’t cnat you anything lo limi out. Il's our I usine», and wo know how. Weal- IngtioiUHi lampa never fitti to giva satisfaction. Grants Pass Electric Co. Barnes, the Jeweler Across from the Peerless Across from the Sample Store Across from Cramer Bros. Next door to Josiah Pardee Remember the Place reproHi nta the wry latest and mout approved bathroom equipment and piping, faucets tilgt work easily ami don't clog up. white finished basin* and tubs Hint you can keep cl«»“ without effort. It's II ploasiire y have our «■< | u I: ■ nii-it t In yoiii Day*. . II. RAN NIE • 17 O STREET TYPES OF BABY BEEF COWS Three Important Factor* Should Be Kept in Mind in Making Selec­ tion of Breeders. selecting cows from which baby is to lie produced, three very Im- portant factor* should be kept in mind: loi G HTREET 1. Thu oral should have at least ii fulr amount of beef liiixxl. Pure bruin uro not necesaary, but two or THE CALIMHINIA AND OREGON Hirer cro; os of such breeding Is es­ sential. ('oivs with it preponderance COAST It AILROAD < O.MPANY of ilnlry blood will not do for the pro­ Time Card duction of baby beef. 2. Cows best suited for tills type of Trains will run Mcrtdays, Weduea- breodfhg usually weigh itotl pounds or day* and Fridays Leave Grants Pass... 1 PM over In thrifty breeding condition, So Arrive Waters Creek....... „.2 P.M. long os early maturity |H not narri- Leave Waters Creek.......... 2:30 P.M flced, the heavier cows are the most P.M suitable for baby-beef Arrive Grants Pass............. 4 production, Por Information regarding freight Size of frame rather titan weight and passenger rates cal’ At the office should govern In selecting cows which of the company, Lundburg building, uro to be used for this purimae, nr tolc-hone I il I 3. Tlie cows used to prisllice baby beeves should produce enough milk lo keep tlio calves fat mid growing W 5 HE l»M MONO KHAM». X without much additional feed up to Ee-H- st ¿ofc y'»*r l»miraini ft A\ i • hl < li. F-ti'f « !H»»mi.n«l Ilrnn4//\\ womdng time. k 1’11!« In !<••• t" ‘ Itt addition to these three factors, • 1 1 Mite no 9tfc»r »WT •£jtt!ts.X fl l/rnifar*"*- fil x-TF.fi N Hindi tilings in constitution, uniform­ ' niUoMI IIKAM» I’lLI.M, I , 2.a ity of breeding, color, size uiid early jrr.kt 1 known an Afwsy« P.r!hM9 SOlDBYDHLWilSISEVfRYWNlRL maturity should be considered. AVo repair and make every type unii style top and slip cov­ er—uitl f tluit us . m I In thè i'X|a'rliiieiil, lite depuri un'ut slieep specialista -ay. hut noi mori- (timi etiti he ublnlniMl frinii ttie la-st blue grifi i«i»turr*. ««'mi intuì uwl fnr »neh a sitcceaaion of teniponiry imi '»tur.-a -liottld produce freni 50 to ino |a»r cent more puatur- importance of the development work that was celebrated Saturday "as clearly evidenced by the promi­ nence which it give the proeeedit: of the day. The-ietper placed no limit upon the amount of matter the correspondent might put upon the telegraph wire, and even sent a spe­ cial writer here for the occasion t > handle features other than the pure­ ly news features. .Millions in life insurance pre­ miums leave the west annually— most of it never returns for in- vestment. UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER TEMPORARY SHEEP PASTURES U'i i or» l b» th» l'n» I Siati-* Ih’part- mi ni et Aia» iillurvci Do a Itti acre ilelil in Maryland. um «I Grants Pass, Ore Gigantic Reduction Sale! ■ omorrow Night ♦ A MADE ANOZ ff IREÄ1 G.B. BERRY Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY Loavo Grants Paas 1:00 p. ni- Leave Hoaelntrg I p. m. LEAVE LEAVE GRANTSI MEDFORD I OHIO n. 9:00 I ¡00 P. 11 :OO DAILY AND MUNDAY I : OO I'- I :OO rnONE HA OR 1(10 «110 !’■ 4:30 We connect with stagni for Ashland and .laCisonx ill« tirants Pass- Medford Stage I