Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, October 17, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    MOY1HY. OCTOHI’R IT, invi.
Get Value Received
The thrifty man knows bow- to spend money
ciously as well as how to save it.
There is a wide difference between the "good" fellow
and the "wise" fellow. The one has friends only so long
as ho spends his money freely. The other make uro that
his money is safe, and spends it only when he knows he
is getting value received.
Save with us,
The habit grows.
For Quail Shooting--
A Winchester Shotgun with Leader
or Repeater shell gives you a hard­
hitting. evenly distributed shot pat­
tern for upland game.
Rogue River Hardware Co.
Mr«. George Elsey, of
spent the day shopping in the city.
Mrs. 3. A. Douglas, of Albany.
Is visiting friends in the city. ■
Red clover and alfalfa seed nt
Pardee and Gebers’.
H. H. MacD.mlels left Sunday for
Marshfield on .1 busitK" (rip.
G«»oi :e Cotter spend the .week end
in Medford on business.
Mrs. W. A. Wing aud Mrs. J. Far-
' ren. of Waldo, speut the day in
I Grants Pass.
Car of Eastern corn just arrived
I is selling at |2 per 100 pounds.
Cracked. $2.25 per 100. Josephine
County Flour Mill.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Page, of the
Rand Ranger station, are in the city
Mr. Page is with the forest service.
Mr. and Airs. J. K. Mauuel return­
ed on Saturday from Kinsley. Kan.,
where they spent the r-ast two
months with Air Manuel’s parents.
Rev. F. Q. Hart, of Garfield.
Wash., occupied the pulpit at the
Presbyterian church Sunday. He left
for his home tills mornins.
A crew of men is etisag>»d in re-!
pairing the Crescent City-Grants
road. The roughest portion Is Ore­
gon Mountain, just this side of the
state line.
Guests at the Josephine hotel over
the week end were Mr. and Mrs. F.
H. Lamley of Holland. .Allises Mabel
and Alary Carter of Crescent City. R.
Booth of Eugene. Herbert Nunn.
S. Jayes and H. McNamara of
At the Oxford. Chas. A. Gilmore
of Holland. Elizabeth Horn of Rogue
River. L. I.. Lewis of Roseburg. W.
B. Lyon and wife of Ttocilma, Geo. A
Hall and wife of Corvallis. Mr. and
Mrs. Moore, Mrs. N. Proatt, R. E.
Allen of Eugeue and Frank Scritch-
field of Almeda. were registered dur­
ing the week end.
A Group Picture is a visual record
and history’ of the evolution of the
family, which every family should
possess: No heirloom is more sacred-
ly treasured in after years than a
fine large picture of father, mother
and the children. The time to sit for
that family group is now—some­
thing might happen to prevent next
week or next month. You may ar­
range for Sunday sittings at THE
PICTI’RE MILL... Phone 283-R. 08
Former Resident Here—
Henry Ruch and wife of Salem,
I arrived Saturday for a week’s visit
with Mrs. Ruch’s brother, D.
| Hayes. Mr. Ruch was formerly man­
ager of the River Banks Earms, and
now is engaged in managing a large
hop farm near Salem. This is his
first trip to Grants Bass since he left
here ten years ago. At that time
Sixth Street had just been paved.
and many changes are noted in the
vicinity. His eon, I-eonartl Ruch,
wife and daughter. Alta, accompanied
him on the trip.
Just Received
A full stock of Daniel Green’s Cumfy Slippers
for Men, Ladies and Children—New Fall
Felts, Ribbon and Plush Trimmed.
Men’s, Ladies’, Children’s Shoes and Rubbers.
Men’s Furnishings.
It isn’t what prices once were, it’s what they
are today.
Price and Quality Always Right
Woodward’s 103 North 6th St
Shoes for the Family
Big Reduction
Oliver Plows
Get Our New Prices
Cramer Bros
Odd Fellows Block
I««al l oiiplo AAtsI—
Alfred Westrope and Grace Briggs
were married by Judge Eclu« Pol­
lock yesterday afternoon,
Wonderful Selection
Pre«« Erector la-uies—
•R. W. Rogers, erector of the new
Goss press at the Courier office, left
Sunday eienlng for RosebuRt
Rogers has been In the city for about
three weeks, superintending the erec­
tion of the press and in instructing
the local force In handling the ma­
Hoy I« Improv lug—
After completing his bus­
Fred l.iiikhart. who
iness in Rosebui . Mr. Rogers will
upon for
return to California.
Samaritan hospital. Is reiairted to
l>e getting along very nicely.
The Human Calender—
Is at work to start the sinking
fund tor a eommuuitv building. Oc­
tober Is -villi it« ami will give an
eutertainmint soon. Witch for time
and place.
Of Fall goods, Im hiding nilllliieiy,
dresse», coal«, etc.
>1 <-■•<-<<it< hing, nil color« lOr yd.
W E II WE < ulls for '-rape juice or
tuto Top« nu<l Triuuiiing—
conserve at 2c a lb AA J. Sturges.
Tops dressed and repaired, auto
103 I North l entil St
painting. The Auto Craft Works.
oppo. Round House. Grants Pass. 20 FOR SALE OR TRADE Improved
mi acres, private water for 7 A.,
family orchard uud berries. Will
City Pisqile Married—
trade for smaller place close In
Alight consider town property.
Clarence George Emerick and Vera
have you.
I.oui«a McCalvy, well known young
Grants Pass.
people of this city, were married at
111 o’clock Saturday ti — ht by the Rev. CHIMNEY SWEEPER
Prices very roa ions l'io.
Knotts, at tho Methodist parsonage.
wishing them to come out notify
Mr. and Mrs. Emerick left Sunday
the fire department. Bill Smith Hi
morning for Wood, Cal . where ho 1«
FOR RENT Furnifth<*<l room, < | oh <*
enga ged in the logging industry.
In, prices reasonable
62! 1» St .
7 th, opposite
Engines Harr Trouble
Engine trouble is not confined to k\»R SALE Fresh row, g¡ vlng 14
ignorant motorists exclusively. Sun­
to Ki quarts, with calf
Holdings ranch Jerome Prairie
day an engino on a soulhboutjd
Southern Pacific passenger train be­
came stalled at Gold Hill. It was \\ ANTED Rubber tired, top buggi
T. H IL Taylor. Grants Pass. Dri­
necessary to send to Ashland for re­
lief. latter In the day another en­
gine pulled out a drawbar, also at CHEVROLET Practically now. nml
Dodge touring car in fine condi­
Gold Hill, and held up northbound
tion for sale nt the right price. J.
passenger traffic for some time.
F. Burke. Eash ion tiaruge
MEDkYHlD IXITS Two corner lots
Moonshiners Are Jalltxl—
In Tuttle’s first addition, all clear,
Jack Casey, Jack Maloney and Joe
will sell or trade for Grants Pass
Ray, all of Grants Pass, received a
property. See me quick.
M. Morrison, 622 L street, Grants L
sentence of t>0 days in the county Jail
of Multnomah county and a fine of
1200 each from the federal court In FOR SALE Oil Tit ADE Two story.
plastered , house, one
session at Medford Saturday. The
block from Sixth street, slinde
men were up on three different
tree« all around house, lights nml
charges. A special venire wan called
sewer connected, city water In and
out. also rood well on bm-k porch,
by Federal Judge C. E. Wolverton,
out buildings, lot r.’xion. tu XI'S
This case Is the last of the liquor
paid and nil clear, Chas. M. Mor-
cases to come before the federal
risen. 622 L St.
SEASONED OAK. pine nnd fir wood
at $3 00 per tier while the road«
Fire Damage Slight—
nre good. No orders less than
2 A» tier or toad. C. W. Lam-
The fire department responded to
br»>< ht. Rd 1.
a call from the , business section
about 1 o'clock Monday morning, to DE PE N D A B T E
iln««. Sc« T. M Stott, Buick «•!*•-
extinguish a blaze In the awning of
rooms. Phone 520.
the Rogue River Hardware company.
It is the opinion of the department MODERN 7-room h«»»« do«« tn.
rood location, lot 60x106. for «ale
that the fire was started by someone
Priced especially for quick «»Io In­
carelessly throwing a lighted cig­
quire on premise». 411 CSt 72tf
arette from the window above the
COAL AND WOOD—When yon buy
awning. The fire had just begun
your real and wood from in vo»i
ret two thing» that ar« ea«o«’t»|
to consume the wood work around
todav—quality «nd *«rv|ce.
a window when the department ar­
llama Wood * Coal Co.
Office phono 71.
1 TutrlcM Hansen W«vl«—
dance 902 East D street, Iainx
Charles “Ole" Hansen, local tire
hauls taken. Furniture moved OX
man. left the city gome time ago,
E. L. GALBRAITH Real estate. In-
leaving his friends, with the excep-
«>irenco «nd plato «Ins« liability.
tlon of a few who were in possi-rsion
Old Banking Bldg., «th and II Sts.
Phone 28.
of inside information, with the im­
pression that he was on a business
trip. Mr. fflansen quietly wedded Mis» NEW TODAY—Simmon« 2-lnch |«i«t
Jessie Anderson of Astoria, at the Steel Inni und XevcT-Sag spring»,
home of her parent«, 4 o'clock, Sat­ camp and saddle blanket», extra cup«,
urday afternoon. After a short wed­ oak dresser, 2 range«, writing desk.
ding trip, the young couple will re­ Phone "I. T. C. Iltartli.
turn to Grants Pas« the latter part
of the week. An enthusiastic wel-
Fight Locusts With Airplanes.
come is being arranged.
Tin- locust plague in southern France
is being fought with the aid of air-
A Suggestion—
planes. One hundred thousand ncres
Arrange now, to sit fo« those pho- of fertile land have been devastated.
tographs that you have been plan­ The pests are hutching out In Isolated
ning on for «0 long. The holiday spots on the great Grau plain, mid each
rush will soon be on and as the pol­ new “nest" gives birth to many mil­
lions of locusts. It Is of vital Im­
icy of The Picture Mill Is "first come portance to destroy the young Insects
first served” it would be well to before they urn strong enough to fly
phone 283-R for an appointment. 08 fur, and this Is when- the airplanes
are proving so useful. Pllots now
dally scour the whole of the Crau
I’rort Fritz Surcttmlm—
l-’red Fritz, known for years as plain, flying extremely low, When
ono of the ruling spirits in the they locate u breeding ground or '‘nest"
Portland north end, died Friday at of locusts directions uro Immediately
telephoned to tlie antl-locust head­
the family home, «04 East Broadway,
quarters nt Miniums. If there is long
according to the Oregonian. He was grass near, petrol Is poured on It
59 years old. The funeral will be and It Is set allrs. Otherwise the
held at St. Joseph's church at 9 Infested urea Is strewn with sawdust
o’clock tomorrow morning with bur­ .miked In iir-enlr. Thl« kills the locusts
ial at Mount Calvary cemetery. Fu­ it mice, mid also any eggs that ure
neral arrangement« are fin charge Ullliiitclicd.
of Miller & Tracey. Mr. Fritz was
Cleaning a Photograph.
well known In Grants Pass, having
To rlenn n photograph wipe with n
been connected with the Boswell
mining properties. He made a trip soft cloth wrung out In wurin water
and n little ammonia and dry with an­
here recently.
other cloth.
rors, nellie neas
Price May Appeal to a Man’s Pocketbook
but quality Invariably win* bln confidi-tue nml long-
temmgo. Fair lirico null quality go band
iii-liaud with clothing iiiuilu iiy
Over .lilrrn »r*«r» beni itonli-r
at New Low Prices
now arriving at
Corn 5how
l*re|Hire your Exhibit for ihn Corn Show whli h
In-Id al tirant« I'«»»
Premium lisi Nili le» «nnouuced later. All liirnur«
vvlimn ne itavi» Eroe Kc-ol Cora uri» esperirti to Evlillilt unii
all othrra wlio liave misi'il Coni thl» )i-nr «re urgi-il
«■»mi au exIUlilt.
Tlu» AA Inning Exliibit» nlll l>e fornnriled to thè State Coni
Show at Portland. Send exhibits to
libimi uruavi
■1 s i r -1
Grants Pass and
Josephine Bank
Grants Pass
Going to Build?
Whether you plan on building thl« full or r<l>ulrlng
building« roBMUlt us. Wo can quote ymt attractive price»
on all building materials In our line.
Three C’s Lumber Company
I.umle-r, lutili, Hlilnglc»
Foundry anti Went <■ Sin.
Burning Up
You ari* liumlng up motigli fud In tliat old heater lo pny for n
gissi economica! one. Our alork 1« completo and ri-iiu-iiile-r you get
a good «love board, rlbow and two Jolnta of bcavy attive pipo olili
’s Furniture
003 G Street
Wo I hi Picture l-'mmlng
Noted Boxer Visit.«—
Joe Gorman, wife and baby arriv­
ed Sunday afternoon from Portland,
to visit Mrs. Gorman’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Boesch. .Toe Gorman
last Wednesday defeated Abe M1sh-
klnd, of Salt Lake. Gorman after
arriving here received a wire from
I his manager, Evan», from Denver
calling him to New York to meet
Sammy Sieger In a boxing match at
fho Madison Square garden October
28. After that he will meet Kllbane,
featherweight champion of the world,
provided he 1» successful In defeat-
I Ing Sieger. Gorman’s contract
with Tex Rickard, the noted promo­
ter of Now York. Mrs. Gorman will
remain in Grant < Pass until her jius-
band returns.
Merchant sales books at Courier
Do You Know
Gypsy Cream
ts.oo to $55.00
gives the quickest relief
Poison Oak
Hunbiirn and
All Skin Eruptions.
Tdirgo bollili