u end AY, <>< TOI»EK I, iirjl GRANTS l’AÄi DAILY COI'HIKK FACE TWO I GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday A. E. Voorhles. Pub. and Propr. Watered at postoffice. Grants Paas, Ore., as second-class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch............ „...35c Local-personal column, per line....10c Readers, per line................................. 5c New Shipment Silks Including tile new and |>opular Mitin faeixl Canton Crs*|H's. X lxx«iiiiful line. Wo an* always glad to show our goods. DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year...... 16.00 By mall or catrier. per month . .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per year......................... 82 00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Insist on Minerva Yarns The Associated press is exclusively •«titled to the use tor republication Grants Pass, Ore. 101 & 105 N 6th of all new* dispatches credited In this or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local new* pub­ lished herein All rights for republication of spe- NEW TODAY a'al dispatches herein are also re­ death of the Southwestern Oregon served. News, published at Marshfield. FOR SALE Famous Melotte separa­ tor in perfect order, also one Pet­ Yet there are many people who TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1921 aluma electric iucubator. 329 criticize the newspaper and main­ West G street. 103 ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ tain the publisher’s bed is one of ♦ roses. It may be. but there are al­ FOR SALE A late model Buick Six OREGON WEATHKH Splendid condition. Dirt cheap it ♦ ♦ taken right now. 605 South Fifth ways a large number of thorns buried XVrather for the Week street. 102 ♦ beneath the sweet-scented petals. ♦ Pacific Coast States—Normal GRANTS PASS AND MEDFORD ♦ temperature and generally fair, ♦ truck—W. H. Johnson and D. H. Holl, successors to Geo. Lutz, so­ ♦ ♦ except rain on nojth coast. licit your patronage. Phone eith­ ♦ ♦ er 301-J or 49-Y. 102 ♦ Tonight and Wednesday, fair. ♦ blood hound pups. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Relief Supplies of Clothing to Be Sent I JOST Two Finder please phone 366-R or Jas. to Suffering Europe* 9 s Trimble’s blacksmith shop. The following has been printed In Indications are that the coming OVERLAND TOURING ear In good the Medford Clarion: condition to trade tor cattle. See winter in Europe is going to be no 97 Isaac Best. AN NOU NCEME.N T less hard, and especially in war-torn On account of unsatisfactory labor middle Europe, than the last few GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose­ phine Lumber Co., at wholesale conditions, it being impossible to years have been. With little money, mill prices. All kinds of planed obtain enough of efficient help, The exchange excessively low. factories lumber. Our truck delivers any­ Clarion will temporarily cease pub- demolished or stripped of machinery, where. Phone 188, 107 North 6th Icatlon as a daily but will issue street. 92tf raw materials scarce, the only effec­ weekly, Friday. In the next issue a tive relief from suffering must come DEPENDABLE 1NSI RANCE All fall explanation will be made. lines. See T. M. Stott, Buick sales­ from America. rooms. Phone 520. 43tf Th« weekly will be large and in- The W’hite Cross circles and the terestlng and the paper will be de­ MODERN 7-room house, close In. good location, lot 50x100, for sale. llverpd to every subscriber as us- Baptist churches in the Northern Baptist convention will fill a ship Priced especially for quick sale. In­ ual. quire on premis« i - with supplies for the destitute peo ­ Th- management takes pride in ple of Poland. Czecho-Slovakia, Lat ­ COAL AND WOOD — When you buy having issued the brightest and your coal and wood from u* you via and other sections of Europe. neatest daily newspaper of any in get two things that are essential the state outside of Portland and Both new and partly worn garments today—quality and service. Wil­ will be acceptable, and the commit ­ liams Wood & Coal Co. 75tf expects to resume shortly larger and tee listed below will gladly receive, better than ever. FOR SALE—Cull tokay and blue pack, and forward such gifts as you grapes, 3c and 4c a pound. J. H. A short time ago we read of the may wish to donate to this immedi­ Ahlf. 656 N. Sixth St. ate need within stricken Europe. LOST—Black velvet purse with ster­ They will wish to send all pack­ ling top, Saturday night. Finder leave at Courier office and receive ages parcel post or express pre-paid reward. to European Relief Warehouse, 348 East 23rd Street, New York City. Al­ I am SELIJNG lots of wood, batter Phone I get yours before It rains. so. all packages must reach ware­ 375-Y. Jud Taylor. house before November 10, 1921. Particular effort will be made by the committee to group gifts, have the same ready to be shipped from our STAKT city not later than Friday, October 7. This Is absolutely Imperative In All outside rooms order that supplies sent shall reach their destination in Europe for thf Rates: Single, 5Oc, 75c, and St Christmas season. Special rates by th«' week The supplies needed In large quan­ Dining room in < onn«*«'tion AT tities are: Clothing, shoes, stockings, First class home cooked meals underwear, caps, mufflers, blankets, family style, 40c towels, soap—the only essentials are. (they must be clean, whole and warm. Also shoes, stockings, underwear, (Chistrian Church) mittens, gloves, suits, overcoats, caps for men and boys. Woolen dresses, coats, petticoats, shawls, scarfs, for the women and girls. Baby clothes, blankets, sheets, towels, wash cloths, , soap, thread, toys, dolls, safety pins, handker- ! chiefs, mufflers, for i all ages and for I ' both sexes. So supplies which may be left with Mrs. Roy Hackett at 615 B street, or with James Madison Powers at 4 23 B street, or taken to the Baptist church either upon Wednesday or Thursday of this week will all be carefully .packed and forwarded to 401 G STREET European Relief Warehouse, 34 8 East 23rd Street, New York City. Jl’D TAYlAXR’S oi><* ton truck will haul your wood, fruit, liny or graiu Phone 375-Y. »8 I WANTED TO RENT An Irrigated farm, not particular about location Iiquire 356 care Courier. »7 NOW IS THE TIME to lay in your winter supply of apples. Eight varieties. 25c to 4'*e per box Bring your boxes and pick them yourself. Dropped appl«*•»«• Rœel»urg I P- “* I xmvc Grants I’asa 1:0« p. m Grants Pass- Slage DAILY AND BUNDAY PHONE NS OR 100 LEAVE aiujm FANN I 1O:OO a. 1:00 I'. 4:OO I». 0:15 P» LEAVE MEDFORD H . OO 11:00 a. I :OO P- 4: SO P. We connect with ■ lattea for A*iila»<1 «nd Ja< kx>u« Ille» chambers of Southern Oregon signi­ fy their intention to participate the call for the Ashland meeting will be sent out.’’ Tho object of the organi­ sation Is to advance the welfare of this section of the state an a whole. NEW TODAY’—I uuiltrc« «lightly u»«*«l, Bicycle, fine condition, daien- port couch, oil h«vat«*r, New Home M*w Ing machine, guarantivsl, writing d<*«k and IxiokraM», a few (blue hl rd) ■ aid dish«*«. Phom* 71. T. C. Booth. H'tlh otknowltdginrnti Io K. C. B. Lucky ? Why, man, I’m the Human Horseshoe ! I CERTAINLY was born. • • • UNDER A hi , t«> Ml AND THE Very next day. • • • SLIPPERY ELLUM slipped. o • • TO FIFTY FIVE. 60 NOW I’ve gotten. • • • BACK MY bonds. Eat less meat if you feel Backachy or Bladder troubles you—Salt* is fine for Kidneys. AND BABY’S rot new shoos. Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks the kidneys in their efforts to filter it from the system. Regular eat­ ers of meat must flush the kidneys occa­ sionally. You must relieve them like you relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, diz­ ziness, your stoniiich sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinpea. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times during tho night. To neutralize these irritating acids and flush off the body’» urinous ’viste get about four ounces of Jad S ~ I Its from any pharmacy; take a table- spoonful in a glass of water before break­ fast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine and bladder disorder . dis­ appear. This famous salt» 1» ti. from the acid of grapes and lemon ftiico com­ bined with lithia, and bps been ii d for generations to clean and stimulate slir;- gish kidneys and stop bladder irritation. Jad Salts is inexpensive; harinh .< aid m.'ikes a delighttul efferves'ent lithia- water drink which millions of men and women take now and tlr-ii. thus avoiding sarioua kidue/ and bladder diie;*„: . AND NOW my regular smoke*. • • • ARE THE cigarette*. THAT “SATISFY." St«’............nearest stand nnd invest m Chester- ficld This combination of fine Turkish tobaccos, blended with Burley and other Domestic leaf, will give you a new measure of cigarette enj. ymenL You’re in luck from that day on. x Licorrr At M yer * T obacco C o /)<» i/o« ¿m>n> about thi Chctierfirld ¡mrkagr qf lOf