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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1921)
talreriiiy ot Ore Library ♦ ♦ > L ISHtXIATEO l'KKMH HEHA K E GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE <X>L'NTY, OREGON VOL. XII., No. li. Tl'EHDAY. <M TOHEB », 1921 WHOLE NUMBER 3307 X E New York Reported Woriml Up Game» Start 2 «»'< 1<>< k Eastern Tim«»—11 a. in. Faville Need Has Come Into Existance Within lhe Past Fifty Years, Declares J. N. Elliott, at Opening of Annual Session ot American Bankers in Southern Cal. Washington, Oct 4.— (A. P.)— STATE FEDERATION OF LABOR New York, Oct. 4. (A. P.) The Edward E. Brodie, of Oregon City, mulropolls Is all worked up over the WANTS WAR DEBTS PAID BY’ has been named U. 3. minister to World Series which opens tomorrow THOSE IT ENRICHED Klam, in the selection of eight Amer afternoon between th« Yunke«.*s, Am the ican ministers to Latin American erican leaguo champions, and ‘lllnntn. National league champions and Old World countries it was an- i I All games are scheduled to start at I x > k Xngeles, Cal., Oct. 4. (A. I*. I elation bus been of notable service j nounced today. This virtually com-' The banking profession has come along this line, as well as In more . pletee the diplomatic roster of the | 12 o’clock Eastern lime, correspond- within the last 50 ytrars to feel the technical fields. It has made us' new administration. ling to 11 o'clock Pacific time. need for cooperation with business feel more clearly the community of General Wage Suggestion to Be I ii i:i i NATIONS INVIill» declared J. N Elliott, lx»s Angeles Interest and the necessity of coopera ELECTRIC LINES FORSAKE Fought by Organization—Com Now OU lllilne Will Li) TO VI I END CONFERENCE banker, In an address of welcome to tion. OLD TIME JITNEY CHARGES mittee Will Handle Affairs on One of lour Casket» "Again the willingness of bankers day at the o|>enlug of the annual ♦ Washington, Oct. 4. (A. P.) Atlantic City, N. J., Oct. 4.— (A. meeting ot the American Bankers all over the country, wherever they Invitations have been extouded to Association. are able, to join In the formation of P.)—P. H. Gadsden, of Philadelphia, Portland, Oct. 4.—(A. P. ) \m«r- Helgl um, Holland and Portugal to P.J—The Paris, Ort 4 (A "It seems to me,*' he said, "that pools for the assistance of some par- { president of the American Electric icu'a unknown soldier who will find attend a conference on Far Eastern the outstanding development during tlcular industry is but an evidence of Railway Association, declared today Oregon State Federation of Labor an honored acpulchr« In the Arllng- subjects prepared today at the state that period has been the growing re the wider view of things that we at the opening of the organization's adopted the resolution introduced ton cemetery In Virginia, will be se department. cognition of our unity of interest ’ have at the present time. We also annual convention that most lines yesterday demanding that those who lected by a non-commissioned offi with men in all walks ot life; with , tee) that the man we must assist is had shaken off "the five-cent fare fet- profited by the world war should pay a just proportion of the war cer from the American forces now II all classes of business; with all sec 'the producer, and I especially wish ’ lsh .” debt, also a resolution protesting on the Rhine ut Chalons-sur-Marne, tions of the country, and lastly with to bring to your attention for study against a general wage reduction. October 24th. and will leave Havre all parts of the world. Their pros ' the cooperative marketing associa i 'SITARIAN CHURCHES AKE L>s Angele«, C#1 , Oct. 4.— fA. P.) Resolutions recently adopted by October 25 on the cruiser Olympia. perity 1« our prosperity. Their trials tions which have developed in this RESULT OF WOMEN'S WOMh Ix>s Angeles must Improve her The bodies of four unidentified the American Federation of Labor : part of the country to a greater ex are our trials. soldiers who fell while engaged In harbor to keep the Pacific fleet. Ad "While doubtless many bankers 50 tent than elsewhere. Detroit, Oct. 4.—(A. P.)—There were referred to the resolutions actual fighting, one from each of miral E. W. Eberle, comamnder-ln- years ago knew that no great pros are Unitarian churches in America ' committee Resolutions on fire pre of the the four prominent American ceme chlof. told the members Izos Angeles, Oct. 4.- (A. P.) — today because women gave fairs and ' vention were ordered prepared. perity could come to their institu teries In France, will be assembled Chamber of Commerce recently. tions unless the country also pros ''There Is nothing In the domestic suppers and bazaars to build and sus- j near the railway station. The non pered. there were some who felt that or International situation that can tain them and shouldered the routine commissioned officer selected by \< Il ES bard times could be utilized by the sustain a pessimistic outlook or des work to leave men free to devote! Gimerai Allen will then be ordered banks to exact excessive interest and pondent vew that the world has sunk themselves to scholarship and theol- ■ to place his hand on one of the four otherwise take advantage of the sit into a permanent depression," said ogy. Rev. Julia N. Budlong ot Kala- 4. — (A. Redgefleld, Wash., Oct. coffins Ml». Wurtz bargee to Face Trial for P.)—Going to school Is not without uation Under such narrow views of John S. Drum, of San Francisco, at mazo. one of the eight women minis- ■ Killing Husband, September 4th I Its Joys to the children living along banking ethics, is it a wonder that the opening of the American Bank ters in the Unitarian church, told (A. P ) — Washington, Oct. 4 er's Association convention today. the public was suspicious? the delegates to the 29th biennia] laike river near here, for. each day When the body of the unknown •ol- Portland, Oct. 4.—(A. P.)—The "But. of Iste yesrs. the broader "Gradually the Influences prevent meeting of the general conference of they go and return home by boat. dler that Is tn be brought I fro m and other Christian ■ federal grand jury today indicted The school district employs two "kid view of banking responsibilities has ing the lustoration of stable condi Unitarian France for burial on November 11th Mrs. Wurtzbarger for the alleged boats," gasoline launches, as well as permeated the whole fraternity and tion« are disappearing. There are churches at the opening session here' Is placed In the rotunda of the capl- murder ot her husband on the Che- a "kid truck." automobile, to convey the business field and has also spread problems in the way of restoration, today. tol on November 9 ¡1 will lie In state mawa Indian reeervation on Sep to a large proportion of the public but the forces working to solve these th« children Ths *amo catafalque that was used tember 4. This great American Bankers Asso- problems are Irreslstable." Dividends Are Declared— for IJnco'n Garfield and McKinley < ornell« Return From Fair— The Josephine County Building will he used Tl>o s-ii ds of persons in all '»alks Mr. and Mrs A. B. Cornell return and Loan Association has declared i f life, hoping to get rich quick. It week ’ s attendance ed today from a was stated, have Invested heavily in its first semi-annual dividend of 4 *. the state fair at Salem. They the German currency, whic'i recently per cent. A similar dividend will be liaise of t.a» Priem Not Op|M»»< > <l l»y were accompanied home by Mrs. Geo. ecl’spsed to a point be’ow one rent declared next March making the rate Film Actor aixl Two < oiii|>anion» Or» Pre»» Shown by Investigation Harvey, a cousin of Mrs. Cornell's, for the first time In financial history of interest 8 per cent annually. The <l<*re<l Arrested for Having Liquor who will enjoy some Southern Dre- II iiiiih « llistorj for Centurie« Effe« t- The h1 ring first start?.] in t»e association was incorporated the 28th , Toklo. Oct. 4.— (A. P) -Charges gon climate. Mrs. Cornell took her «si by triiuiiiirnt <'«>nfcrcn«c midsummer of 1919, whoi the mark of last February, and now has a paid i San Francisco, Oct. 4.—(A. P.) — ow 11 textile exhibit to the state fair that Japanese newspapers and Japa- up stock valued at $5565. whose pre-war value was 23.8 cents Arbuckle and two others were or nese reporters were bribed to induce 10 out of 11 exhibits secured and Inverness, Scotland, Oct I (A. dered arrested tomorrow for an al- them to refrain from legal Investiga was selling at 7-A» to 8 cents apiece. flr,t prizes. P i Lloyd Georgs, in a speech con leged violation of the prohibition tion In the price of gas In Toklo have New York appeared to be the dis .Moonshiners Out on Bond— cerning the unemployment question, Line County I'ltblixli«'» Booklet— S. F. Pace, deputy United S’ates law. been made in legal investigation into tributing center. deviated in Ills Introduction to re Facts not commonly known about the Toklo (las Company marshal of Portland, has arrested fer optimistically to the forthcom Line county are contained in a new William DeForrest and Bob Black- The revelations of corruption in Buenos Aires. Oct 4.—(A. P.) — ing Washington conference on arniu- booklet entitled "We Don't Put Nil clude charges, also against members burn on a charge of manufacturing The purchasing power of the Ameri menls. He declared. "It will con Our Eggs in One Basket," by the of the Toklo municipal assembly that liquor and having a still in their can dollar in Argentina increased stitute one of those outstanding Eugene Chamber of Commerce. Th«> they accept money In exchange for possession, The men will be held from 100 to approximately 130 per events which will affect human his population of lame county is given as their official authorization of the In for investigation by the federal grand Bank .Near Spokane Held Up by Two cent between January. 1920, and tory for centuries." 36,166 of which 8,176 are school crease in the price of gas. Masked Men Who Get Away June. 1921. according to the Revista jury. Pending the inquiry, the two Referring to the Irish conference children. The area is given as 75,- men will be at liberty on a $700 de Economia Argentina Octol««r II. he said It "can only 000 square miles, of which rnore bond, given jointly. S[K>kane, Oct. 4.—(A. P. »—Two ■ucceed If those who ,-nter it make than half is In the national forests masked men entered the Spangle up their minds to trust to common of Oregon — Portland Telegram. state bank at Spangle, 18 miles Sheriff's Office Empty— sense of their own people and do not George Lewis, sheriff, and Ernest south of here this afternoon and Armagh, Ireland. Oct. 4.—(A. P.l School official Coming— try to reconcile extremists." Lister, deputy, have been called to shot Miss Ruth Jennings, assistant —Armagh, the primatial city of Ire i W. M. Smith. Assistant state super land. both Catholic Cardinal and Pro Homecoming to Be F oh I ukx I by Bar Medford on the Jack Maloney, Jack cashier in the army. Both bandits intendent of schools, will be one of becue—Annual Football Game Casey and Joe Ray trial, The trio escaped with a sum of money, the testant Primate having their seats the speakers at the Jackson county A were arrested tor oi»erating a still amount of which is not known. here, was shocked when it learned teachers Institute according to ad University of Oregon. Eugene, Oct. last November. Mrs. Lister is the posse left here at 2 o'clock in an that Michael Collins, minister of fin vices yisiterday from Sales. He will [ A barbecue lunch will only regular member of the office effort to overtake the robbers. JÍH Awards Won nt State I- «It---- IMI ance in the republican cabinet and 4 (Special! visit the institutes at Canyon City. lllliboii» Tnkcn Tlii» Sciison member for Armagh In the Dail Eir- be a feature of Homecoming week that remains, and she is being kept Burns, Lakeview, Klamath Falls, rean. was to hold a political demon end at the University of Oregon No-, very busy by people coming in to pay Medford and Grants Pass and will be vember 18-19-20. The luncheon will their taxes. Herds of Guernsey and Berkshire stration here on a Sunday. accompanied by Earl Kilpatrick of be given on Saturday noon, Novem breeds from the River Banks Farms the University of Oregon, E. D. Ress ber 19. just before the big game with , I nspiation Being Made— •cored high at the Oregon State ler of the Oregon Agricultural col 1 »»emite'» Beauties Seen by More O. A. C., which this year will be held f^iir, winning one grand champion- Local firemen are busy making lege and J. ill. V. Butler of the state Titan fMt.OOO This Season on Hayward field. their quarterly fire inspection of the ■hlpw three championships. 13 first normal school.— -Medford Clarion. Additional bleachers are being business district, checking up on all prizes. 7 second prizes, one third, Yosemite. Cal.. Oct. ».— (A. P.)— Organization's Head Urges to "l’ut built around the field and there will fire hazzardr ?nd menaces. Begin two fourths and two fifth | prizes. Assistant Flro Chief Back— Newspaper advertising sent Yosemite I One Mori' Man on the Job" be accommodations for a crowd of ning with '.ne of the year, it Is These awards were made out : of a i Tap Cole, assistant fire chief, has 15,000, acording to Jack W. Bene- the plan of th« department to make National park's 1921 attendance lip field of 128 Guernseys and 55 Berk- returned from a week's trip to Salem. Chicago, Oct. 4.— (A. P.)—"Put fiel, graduate manager, A covered a complete insertion of the resi lieyond the 90,000 mark this year, A. ■hires on exhibition. Cole reports a very profitable week, one more man on the Job” is the lat Rlvnr grandstand which stretches along dential section. Next month the B. C. Dohrmann. San Francisco, pres Thus far this season the I as he attended the fireman's school est message of Harry E. Karr of Bal one entire side of the field will ac state fire marshal is due, and he will ident of the park company, declared Banks herds have won 90 ribbons, ‘ held dully at th« fair grounds. In con- timore. president of the International recently. The increase over last year commodate 4500 itself. go over the ground covered by the The herd Is being shown tills week I naction with the department station Association of Kiwanls Clubs, to that local lads, and check up on their re- was about 22,000, putting Yosemite at the Linn county fair nt Albany, ed there. Roll call was held nearly organization. He points out that in first in the race for attendance hon port. where It is expected more awards every morning at 8 o’clock, and from asmuch as every one of the 60,000 ors among the nation’s parks. will be received. | five to six hours a day were spent in members of 'Kiwanls are owners of "Nothing can take the place of PORTTaN» MARKETS I Instruction work, rescue and fire pre their own business or chief executives paid advertising in the press.” Mr. vention, which was specially empha- in prominent corporations .they are More Than Three Million Believed Choice steers............... $5.50 Ji $5.75 Dohrmann said today, "and the com | sized. Friday the class was lnter- in a position to relieve the present Ix>st Eleven Years Ago Choice cows, heifers $4.25 @ $4.50 pany will continue to buy as much ' rupted by a real fire on the fair unemployment situation to no mean Prime Light Hogs $11.00* ® $11.65 space as It can afford consistent with No Moro Arrivals From Foreign grounds, when the old dance pavil- extent. Not only would the job re Norfolk, Va., Oct. 4.—(A. P. ) Hogs, extreme high ................... $11.10 its needs." ! Hon caught fire. Lumie Wanted by Republic F ceivers benefit but the 200,000 peo Search for sunken treasure amount Hogs, prime light.. $9.50 (g $10.00 4 ple dependent upon them would be ing to $3,000.000 and which has been East Mountain Lambs $6.00 @ $6.50 Ilisastrous Fire at Medford— \g«»<l Woman Dies— il N. S. > Mexico City, Oct. 4 at the bottom of the ocean 11 years Eggs. buying price, plain. 36c @ 38c materially helped. Fire broke out this morning at Mrs. Mary Eunice Matthews, aged Because 'Mexico already has multi In the wreck of the Ward Line Eggs. white .......................... 40c © 42c about 11 o’olock in the basement of tildes of poor people the government 74, died early this morning at the steamship Merida is vigorously going Eggs, selling mixed ......... 44c @ 46c the Barnum apartments, a three foreign home of her son, Frederick F. Mat wants no additions from on at a point 60 miles east of the Eggs, storage ........................ 42c @ 44c story brick building, at Medford and lands. For this reason n decision thews on East A street. Mrs. Mat Virginia capes where the Merida Eggs. white henneries ................... 50c seriously damaged the structure, has been reached that immigrant« thews. whose home was In Detroit, went down after a collision with the Eggs. selling, candled ...................... 44c rendering 20 families homeless. The from Europe must possess 1 ,000 Midi., came to this city about two *p<«< illation in German Mark Is Great United Fruit Company's steamer Ad Eggs. fancy selects .......................... 50c cause of the fire has not yet been pesos, or $5tHl, to be admitted I Into months ago, nnd hns been making —South America Is Also Hit miral Farragut. Word has come Butter, extra cubes 43c definitely determined. A young her home with her son. She WHS Mexico. from the treasure hunters that they Rutter, prints ___ 42c lady, cashier at the Rialto theater This Is to prevent an inrush of born In Coberg. Canada. May 33, New York. Oct. 4. (A. P.1-—Spec believe they have located the wreck Wheat .......................... $1.02 @ $1.09 discovered the blaze and gave the divert: stricken families which, In- 1 846. Funeral services will be cop- ulation in the German mark in the of the sunken vessel aud expect soon alarm, and then went to her room •lead of developing farmland a ii <1 ducted by lhe Rev. Dozier from illiill's United States since the armistice has to bring to the surface of the ocean Portland, Oct. 4.— (A. P.)—Cat to save some personal effects, She adding to the wealth of the nation, chapel at 2 o’clock Wednesday. In reached an unprecedented point, ac the gold, silver and precious atones tle. steady; hogs, 25c lower; sheep, became trapped in the building and would Immediately enter Into com terment will la» made at the Granite cording to International bankers which had to be abandoned when the steady; f.’esh eggs, steady; butter, was rescued only after having her here. petition with Mexican wage earners. Hill cemetery. vessel sank steady. hair and eyebrows singed. PM BRIBED ISM MGE I E. Brodie, Oregon city, Ose of Eight Ministers Named by the New VlminiMration MANY PRIZES GIVEN LOCAL HERD l(l«OTIO EMPLOY MORE