Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1921)
ORANT8 PAHS PAU,Y OOURIKR MONDAY, 4M TORER », 11*21. ... ........................... '■■■■. OlH ADVANTAGES ARK YOVRK It is conceded by all business men that banks ar«> equipped with the best facilities and ad vantages to carry on financial and business relations with dis io the tant organisations, transaction of your distant business we offer you all of the advantages that banking gives us. Our customers find it a simple matter to get credits the country oxer. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON The habit grows. Save with us. "Wear-Ever" LIMITED Special Otte, capir 95c 1-quart Aluminum Stew Pan For ONLY On or before Oft. 8th SEE th« difference— FEEL the difference KNOW the difference between ordinary alumi num and "Wear-Ever" This Special Offer is made so you can see for yourself that aluminum utensils are NOT all the same. “Wear-Ever” utensils are made from hard, thick, cold-rolled sheet aluminum — metal which again and again has been passed through gigantic rolling mills and subjected to the pressure of huge stamping machines. Get your Stew Pan today! WIAIHVEP Rogue River Hardware Co WtASEVtff TPAjt MAM Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of LUMBER, all glades. Lath, Shingles, Doors. Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work. Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST Foundry and West G Grants Pass, Oregon. Civil C am ' Setti«1«!— Hugo Kroll, who brought suit against the Grants Pass Improve ment asociatdon for the loss of a watch, chain and charm, has settled his suit. Kroll, it is alleged, entered the bathhouse on the river, leaving hia valuables in custody of the worn- i an in charge. These were stolen during the swim, and the suit follow- , ed. The association settled for the ¡loss of the watch, giving Kroll 170. Suit was brought to recover the amount of the other articles, which, I it was alleged, were valued at $43. A compromise was effected, Kroll re- ' celving $35. LOCdL PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Knapp, formerly ot ♦ ♦ 4444444444444 4 4 ♦ ♦ NOTICE IX» St 11NCIUHKRS «'■rants Pass, were Sunday visitors ♦ ♦ ♦ from Ashland Although several hundred ♦ Geo. O. Wolgamot and daughter, ♦ j Iai Blanche, and son. Oscar, of Grave ♦ subscribers took advantage of ♦ ♦ the Courier Bargain Day. there ♦ Creek, were shopping In the Mt). Mr. and Mrs INive Dobbie and Mr. I 4 are other hundreds who did not. many of these are owing from a ♦ and Mrs. Vallard Truax spent Sun 4 month to a year, and the aggre ♦ day at Aberdeen Villa. 1 4 gate amount runs into four fig ♦ Mr. ami Mrs. A. .1. Fulk and Mr. ♦ ures. There are also many ad ♦ Kerby, were city and Mrs. Striker of ♦ vertising accounts puat due. The ♦ visitors today. ♦ Installation of the Courier's new ♦ The muai and athletic dapart- press means a total expenditure 4 ments of the taidies Auxiliary wlll ♦ of more than $S0O0 and It Is ne ♦ '♦ meet at the Chamber of Commerce ♦ cessary that the accounts ow ♦ rooms at 7 o'clock Tuesday evening. ing the Courier be paid, :4t a le ♦ Mrs. Alice M. I: icon, county super nient# are being sent out as fast ♦ intendent of schools. la visiting as possible but it Is hoped those ♦ ! ♦ schools In the northern part of the 4 ♦ county. She will return Wednesday. I4 who are owing will not wait for a statement. We are paying In 4 While lifting a heavy piece ot 4 lumber, Mrs. A H. Johnson, of Wil ♦ terest on the amount you are ♦ owing, and you should not ex 4 i liams, tell, breaking bone bones in ♦ pect us to do it. If the paper Is 4 í her left limb ♦ being sent to anyone whose sub 4 Dr. M. C. Findley, ot Salem, was ♦ scription has expired and who 4 visiting In the city Sunday, at the ♦ does not wish the paper any 4 home of 8. Ixiughridge and the J. E. ♦ longer they are requested to no- 4 Hair family. 4 ♦ tlfy this office Five large deer were shipped to ♦ 44444444444444 ♦ ♦ 4 Portland yesterday by members of the Honeyman party who have been Iler«« From < <M|Uille— in this vicinity hunting tor the past Bob Cruger, former police Judge 10 days. of this place. Is spending a few days Miss Adah Morrison, who has been here on a visit lie I* now located ill with appendicitis at her home in at Coquille. • Twin Falls, Idaho, is now well on the way to recovery, according to a la«st l>ay for Payment of Taxes— letter recently received. To avoid interest without penalty O. A. Colby has returned from a is October 5. 97 few days business trip to Portland. He reports the merchants at Salem as Klamath Man to Visit— enjoying a very brisk trade due to Earl Smith, ot Klamath Falls, ar the large number ot visitors at the rived Sunday for a visit with his par state fair. Jack Scarbery. representing the ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Smith, and Amazon Rubber company, is leaving i other friends. for a few weeks trip over the terrl- | tory north ot here He will cover October 5, laa-t I mix — For payment of taxe* to avoid towns in the Willamette valley, and penalty. 97 visit Portland before returning. Among the guests of the Josephine last night were Mrs. Jennie M. Try on of Crescent City. II. K. Montgom ery of Sheridan. IB. J- Griffith and wife of Eugene. Miss It. F. Smith of Selma. O. R Fouts of Medford. H. Egeberg of Glendale and B. F. Per due ot Canyonville Lloyd |gtwren«*e of Eugene. E. P. Osborn of Takilma. Miss G. V. Pearce and Martin J. Pearce of Seiael Valley. G. H. Murray of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. of Klamath Falls. C. P. Barrett A. A. Clauson of Eagle Point and C. D. Hansen, of 1925, were among the guests at the Oxford last night. John Cooke and family, of I the Cooke home near Gasquet, s|>ent i Fair Week In Grants Pass. Ore. Mr. Cooke si>eaks highly of the stock ex hibit. in particular that of swine, and his advice is for Del Norte farm- ers and dairymen to consult wfth people of our neighbor county in re better gard to better stock and prices.—Del Norte Triplicate. I>ay* Are smoky— The blue haze of smoke which lies over the community is caused from the burning of a great many slashings around Kerby and Williums. accord ing to the forest service department. Shoe*— All the new ones have arrived at Peerless Clothing Co V'tf Medford Mail U««l Herbert Gene Ktauiie-r, of .Medford, and Iva Christina Nolf of Selma, were married in the parlor of the Field hotel at 4:30 o’clock Saturday afteruoon The Rev. A. .1. Edward*, officiated The bride was dressed in a brown traveling suit and carried a bouquet of roses. Flowers were scattered In d>rof union through >ut the room William Regan, father of the bride, gave the bride away, while Miss Effie Murray, of Medford, was brld«*smaid. A representative of the Courier acted as best man. Follow — ing the ceremony, the couple left for Water White— # ' a short bridal tour amidst a shower Pure comb and extracted honey at {of rice, old shoes and boxing gloves. , Kinney & Truax. 96 ¡They will make their home in Med- I ford. . lao«t l*«> for Payment of Taxe«— To avoid Interest without penalty 97 Pay Tax«* lU-fore (S tober ,V— is October 5. In order to avoid penalty. Discharge Is Filed— John H. Nettleton has filed discharge from tiie army with ' county clerk. Pay Taxes Before October 5— In order to avoid penalty. hi* Odd Fellows— Work in the initiatory degree. the Wednesday, October 5th, all mem bers requested to be present. Geo. W. Swinney, Secy. 97 I 97 Fall Suits— A full line of new -'all Suits now on display at Peerless Clothing Co. -, , October 5, Last Ifay— For payment of taxes to avoid pen alty. 97 FREE! FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY NOW PLAYING! A.NOTH Mt KM* per cent RIVOLI PROGRAM FOB VOl Nitrogen Filled Headlight Globe— A cl«xar white light—no glare, at Hobart’s. 101 Attention Rebekahs— / Jam«* KirkwocM as Bol> Hamilton “BOB HAMPTON Of PLACER” A Marshall Neilan Triumph With JAMES KIRKWOOD—MARGERY DAW WESLEY BARRY—PAT O'MALLEY Larry Semon Comedy “THE HICK” COMING WEDNESDAY ZANE GREY'S “RIDERS OF THE DAWN" RIVOLI We are going to postpone our party until a later date. 96 Empty— Vinegar barrels and burlap sacks at Kinney & Truax Grocery. 96 Removal Notice On and after October 1, 1921, my real estate and fir<< insur ance office «111 be l«*ca(e«l in the old Grants Pass Bank build ing, South Sixth and It Streets, with entranc«« on H Street. Big .TOc -lar of Wonderful <«>M- III NATION CREAM JO.NTEEL with the purchase together of one SOc box of Face Powder Jonteel and one 50«: compact of lt«*uge Jon Leet. Three Famous Beautl. Hers for the Pri«e of Two. We make this exceptional offer ho that you may g«-t a«X|Ualnted with thiH most delightful face cream. A cream for softening, healing, Jaututifying the complexion. Himply wonderful an a base for powder. You love to use It—It's *«> fragrant, «fading and refresh ing. Stimulate« the tissue* an«! make« you feel—an well as look —lots younger. FACE POWDER JONTEEL is n soft, invisible powder with a re markable clinging <|iiallty. You notice the difference at once. HOI GE JO.NTEEL is HO lifelike. Match«* your mn natural fluwli perfectly. Comes in convenient compact form to carry in purse or |H»ck«M. You can secure these Jontcel Beauty li«s|11isite« only at The Itcxall Store. CLEMENS Wesley Barry as “Buddy” E L GALBRAITH SELLS DRUGS aa* 1 . '■ Spanish and Casque Combs Fancy Colors Leather Bags All New Styles Hemstitching, nil colors I th y<l. mr$. nenie Deas The Finest Tailoring Possible The Greatest Wearing Quality Possible The Best Clothes Value Possible Anybody can use words. Our grtxiltwl snllslac- tlon is tn proving ours. At (lie sign of Vo Jolly Little Tailor GEO. S. CALHOUN <>%rr ìinii ** I amh I Ihwlrr NEW FALL GOODS at New Low Prices now arriving at Peerless Clothing Co. •CbW A Friend That is Responsive A hank account is a friend that is responsive to emergency or opportunity. Make the acquaintance of huc I i a friend now -open an account with the Grants Pass A Josephine Bank. Four per cent interest paid <»n savings accounts. Grants Pass and Josephine Bank Grants Pass If you arc going to buy a Heater he sure anti see my line of Colonial Heaters and get my prices before you buy. I also have a complete line of Florence Oil Heaters and Colonial Ranges «at reasonable prices. Holman’s Furniture Store Shoes for the Family Buy School Shoes —at — Woodward’s We «Io all kinds of Jewelry repairing ns well as fin« watch work. It you are In a hurry bring It to us. LETCHER Optometrists & SON