Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1921)
GRANTS PASH DAIL» UOIKI KU MONDAY, 4M TOBI41 fl, |I»JI. s Buy Your Blankets Now DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M D. First-class deriiatry. 103'4 H. 6th St. VETERINARY Hl KG EON DR. It .1. BBSTIJL, Veterinarian Residence 83k Washington boule vard, ¡»hone 398-R. ATTORYEAS ¡1 u. .NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Practices In all State and Federal Courts First National Bank Bldg. W. UOLViG, U'.orney-al-law. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. c. n VAN HIKE, Attorney. »Tu lice* in all courts First National BaDk '¡•.¡¡ding (I rt. BL a N i i IAKI», .noil»«» Ul law Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270. Ma- ú ." a . >'*>LEK, Altoru«y-at law. »onte I *<u:de. Grants Paas, Ore. GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law referee In bankruptcy. Masonic Temple Phone 185-J. J vm EÌ F ÖM1NNOCK. Lawyer First National Bank Building A C HOUGH Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg Practice in all courts V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice tn state a ad federal court«. Office over Nations* Drug Store u. $1.95, $2.15 Classified Advertising Foil HAL»: STOLEN 90 ACRES 40 acres bottom under paid up water right for aule. »6000. Address No. 202, car« of Courier. 99tf STOLEN Now Crown bicycle stolen from curb In front of W.O.W. hall Friday night. Any Information Friday night. Reward for any In formation leading to Its recovery. E I*. Bureau, 701 E St. 100 DRY SEASONED OAK. fir mid pine wood for sale. R. F. D. No. 1. Box 11. C. W. l-ambrecht filtf POTATOES at 2c ul ¡»lace 2 miles from town on upper river road. C. H. Pol !•! FOR SALE Do you want n winter Job? Have a good team working on long job. The man who buys the team gets the Job. Phone 313-J or 38« R If WOOD FOR SALE Fir »3.25, pine »3.00 per tier. Roy Pike, Box 68, Rd. 4. Hl 2 TON NASH 1920. used «0 »lays in all For quick sale, »1600. Term» 99 J. W. Alderson. FOR RALF: An up-to-date law Il brary and furniture at the Wurta- baugh law office In the Fianna- gan block. Office open afternoons from 3 to 5. Come at once if you wish to li'iv. '-'5 FRESH GRAPE JUICE always In stock at the Public Market. 115 MIST STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP. M AN AGI mini . ( IR< I LA TIOS, ETC. I j OST T wo logging chains on high way between Grants Pass an<l ¡Required by Act of August 24, 1913. Three Pines. Josephine Lumber ¡Of the Grants Pass Dally Courier, CO . 1"? North Sixth St. 98 | published dally at Grants Pass. Ore- 1 gon for the six month» ending Oc MISCELLANEOUS tober 1, 1921. Average number of copies of each REPAIR SHOP Steam Otting, pipe issue of this publication sold or dis- work plumbing, boiler and pump trlbuted through the malls or other- work. Installing 505 South 6th Bt.l*1”* to J”"*' j”lrln! lhe ... ' , „ „ »lx months preceding the date shown Phon«* 300^ 0. A. Bryan. Iahove n66’ I'libllsber. A. E Voorhfes. BANKERS LIFE COMPANY—Des Editor. Wilford Allen Moines, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston.' Managing Editor. A. E. Voorhies. Business Manager, A E. Voorhles District Agent Owner, A. E A’oorhles. Bondholders. mortgagees and < ARNl.Tt-GAYETTY IRON WORKS _____ - General foundary and machine °H»er security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of work, mine, mill machinery, chilled I bonds. None. saw carriage wheels, live rolls, ' (Signed) WILFORD ALLEN. pipe fittings. Grants Pass, Oregon/ Subscribed and sworn to before 'trie this 3rd day of October. 1921. HEMSTITCHING, pecotlng. beading. CLARA E. TREFREN. 801 East H street Phone 265-Y. Notary Public 117 (My commission expires September 9. 1923 * 17*x22* California Special all DRESHM IKING steel hay baler, »76. In good working order. H. M. Button. DRESSMAKING ladles tailoring Williams. •• and furrist, men's tailored silk FOR SALE Petite prunes. 1*4«' ¡»er shirts to order, with or without pound at Whitney Adam» orchard material furnished. Repairing and south on Pacific highway. Bring alterations quickly and neatly boxes. done. Every line of pleating*. FOR SALE CHEAP -Small house, Prices Rush orders a specialty, can be movod or wrecked. Inquire lower naturally, Call at parlors. W. O. Andrew», 905 l.awnrldge 97 opposite postoffice on Sixth street over Basl.»'t grocery and get estl- FOIl SALE 3 or 4 dozen pullet«, ¡nates. Mrs. W. R. Swoape. Phone price reasonable. Ruby Dover, Rd. 606. 98 ,_______________ 9_5 I A PAGE IHRES Acme Cafe Meal« from 5:30 a. tn. to 12:00 mldnlglit Regular meals from 3."c up t'leanllnrsa—White help only Courtesy and cordiality to guests GOOD FENCES ARE REQUIRED Fowls Running at Large Haetroy Gar. dens and Flower Bede—Confine Them in Yards. (Prepared by th« l.'nlled Klates Depwrt- ni-nt of Agriculture » Confine the back-yard flock; other- wise tin- hens will stray into neigh bora' yards and garden«, where they may cuuse damuge und ure almost sure to cause 111 feeling. The yusd should be Inclosed by a board or wire fence. Wire fencing Is preferable, us It Is <ti»-a|x-r nod the hens are less likely Io fly over It, say poultry spe- claBsla of the United Stutes Depart ment of Agriculture. If cats prove troublesome where one Is raising chickens. It may be necessary to cover the top of the yard with wire also. A board should not be used at the top of u wire fence, us this gives the hens r visible place to alight and tends to teach them to fly over. A 5-foot fence Is high enough for moat conditions, but if the liens show u tendency to fly over such a feme the flight feathers of one w ing should be dlp|H-<i. Leghorns need a G-foot fence. The larger the yard which can be provided the better the hens will »Io. us It not ooly gives them greater opportunity to exercise, but also makes It possible to malntnln a sod on the yard, in most cases not enough land will I m - uvullable so that a mm ] can be maintained. If rhe yurd Is fairly large. It can be divided into two parts und green crops, such as oats, wheat, rye, or I»warf Essex ra|»e allowed to start In one yurd while the hens are confined to the other. The green crops should be sown very thick, and the following quantities will be found satisfactory for u juid 25 by SO feet: Wheat, 2% pounds; «ata, 1*4 pounds; rye. 3*4 pounds, rape, 5 ounces. When the growing stuff reaches a height of 3 to 4 lu>'hes the beo« can be turned u[H»n It and the other yard be siml- larly sown. • Where It ls Iliadvlsaldr to divide the yard It Is possible to keep a sup ply of green sluff growing by using a wooden frame 2 or 3 Inches high cov ered with 1-lnch-mesh wire. A frame made of 1 by 2-lnch lumber, 6 feet long and 3 feet wide, with an addi tional piece across the center to sup port the wire when the hens stand on It. will be found desirable for a small yard. A part of the yard as large as this frame is spaded up and sown, the frame ¡»laced over It, und the mate rial u I towed to grow. As soon as the green sprout <j reach the wire the hens SUERAI AN OltTON New 'Iimager l'oit SA IJC—Chevrolet car. Al shape. Carl Gentner, phone 19. 98 HARPER A SON—Building contrac tors Shop work, furniture crating. FOR SALE At a bargain, stock of Shop 5to H St. Re* phone 142 general merchandise. Will Invoice about »1200. Williams Creek store THE PKMOM» IIRWIK A Bertha O. Carter. Provolt, Or»-. 98 A. J. GREEN General contractor W Lad hat AaiiTonr l»ruigl»lf t/A < M-rhaxa-I« r a !>l«»uind Tiraiiif/AX Estimates and plans made Noth- I'llla in K« 4 «n.| Co 14 « rt»llk\V/ FOR SALE Cook stove, reasonable, walexl v»tth Blu« R it Ing too small or too large. Shop Take na atbrr. Hwy of jour at 730 North Sixth street. 93tf 9 l»rnCVla<. Ask i*«<TI|.< IO K-TF-B 0 211 Sixth St Phone 33-J. l>IAB<»sn IIRIMI 1’ll.lAf r »4 FOR SALE 9 Jersey milk cows. year« b noon M Be*t, Safest. A Nays Reliable Sutton ranch, 2 Mi miles south on SOLDSYDRLGGISTSEVf RYWNERE Pacific highway on old Fruitdale road. "" THE WORLD MOVES; so do we Bunch Transfer Co. Office photic FOR SALE Two story brick bus- THAT FLATTER 396; res phones 171-R, 316-L. Iness house. AVell located, paying over 20 per cent on Investment. F. G. ISHAM, dravige, transfer; ground floor for lease, Inquire anos. «afea, furniture, moved, ship 99* fill G st rent. ped. packed, stored. Phone 124.Y one and RUSH SALE A farm one half miles front Grqjits Pass ft’« A< < Ol NT ANT 9« a «nap. Apply to Isaac Best. AUDITING Systematizing. Dally or FOR SALE Virginia Beauty appl* ", monthly audit service. Ivan Liv seconds, 25c a box. Cornice pours, ingston, Incorporated Accountant. seconds. 50c a box. Petite prunes, l’-jclb., dek them your - elf Brin/ Phone 389. Address: Grants Pass. containers. F. S. Ireland. 9» Oregon. IT WILL PAY you to Investigate that INSTRUCTION IN Ml Sit house on Howard street that Is for sale st a bargain, If you are look CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Mrs. ing for a homo you had better Jas. M. Powers, piano; Mrs. Pearl »SO«». lOOk Int" this. I‘rl« «• '■ F. Beveridge, Voice; I-eonard C. Hnrrv Electric lights and range. Petit, violin and harmony. 4 23 I) 97 S. Clapp, owner. St. Phone 1-J. MRS. CLARA TITTLE FENTON »••OK REXT teacher of piano and harmony, Ffilt RENT Afalfn, Grain in I Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Stock ranchos with mid without Studio at 618 F street. tf irrigation, or will sell at bargain price« mi long time easy payments. Ranches In Jackson an I Josephine ALM \ WOLKE- Instructor in piano and harmony. Fall term opens county. Onn ranch under ditch Sept. 12. An accredited teacher. 3 miles from Grants P ush , on river. Gold Ray Realty Co., Owners. 06tf 1’IANO TUNING Medford. Oregon. FOR' RENT—Light housekeeping PIANO TUNING—Leave orders for Mrs. Turner. 315 rooms. inquire L.,.... ,.ie the tinisliing touch to the Immediate fall tuning. Tuner hero 11 South Ninth. costume, mid they make or mar Its short time only. Rowell's Music success. There is a hat for every WANTED House. 97 face, one iluit will enhance Its good points mid be kind to Its faults. Three WANTED at Savage Rapids dam Carpenters, wages «5.50, board. widely different models for full and e t . M c K instry , 603 g st., phone SI 25 Apply Mr. Neilson at th«' winter, ns shown above, reveal that 355-R, real . t ite. Best of i-o'L; for dam. 93,1 l> . ils ,i. ; c.abroltlery are playing lead fruit, hay, or general farming. ing parts in tylmmlngs ami that shapes WANTED A woman to assl t In in «' son mid i>e< »»tiling. cooking at the County Home. ( all or phone 502-F-2. Typewriting paper -Courier office W ANTED Girl or woman for ho office Htntlonary—Courier office. work, 2 m family. 131 Almond Engraved cards -Courier office. St.. Medford. Ore. 98 S. DOUGHRIDGE, M. It.. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls WANTED Some ono Io Ink" attended day or night. Phones, for honey In Grants Past ind vi- ion R cm : h ;9; Office. |_8 2^r,th mid 11. cinlty. IL S. Brayton, 310 Hoyt E. I. rilLI.ICK, M. !>., Physician, sur St., Portland. 9? geon. F hnllhorn Blk. Phone 54-.I; i res. 1 mt I Iztwnr'dge, phon»' B4-L. TAM Effective Nov. 24, 1919. I» W. F. Rl I'ilER. IRI) Mmi .nl thc- alt t will run Mondays, Wednee- rnputlcs. Ofli ’ over Bnr'i»s' low - elrv. IPs. 259-11; office !17-H. day« and Fridays eave Grints Paas............. 1 P.M AU 8 W. T. TOMPKINS, D. 8 T. I if) rrlve Waters Crock.......... 2 P.M. mid chronic dl. '.'»«•». O’: '*»> '.Vaters Creek.. .2:30 P.M Schmidt Did". Phon» 3 I vh Grants I Pass........ .. 4 P.M TA W. STE R ' forma' ¡•in - hi regarding freig) nul »»«songer rafea cal’ al the office Ol’ftc n ru4 if the company, Lundburg building, -L ihon«' a. telephone 131. B uster B rown S hoes Broken Lines at Bargain Prices < hilds Scuffer, k I zck 5 to M «1.75 < Ili Id* Sculler, Sizes K‘i to 11 «2.00 < bild« Scoffer, -iz«-s 11 Ai to 2 «2.25 l.lttl« Gents Hi Topa, aises 11 A4, 12, 12*4 »» “n<> 1»H. splen did valu«- ........ «3.00 Youths Hi Top, sizes I A4 to 2...................... «3.00 Boys Hi Top, sixes I to It* only ...... «4.00 Growing Girla Hi To|a«, sizes 3, 3J4, 4 and 4 *> only ....... «41.00 WATC H FOR ol'K HOSIERY Buster Brown Shoe Store SALE SOON grants '’ pass Everything for the Auto t X C L. HOBART COMPANY CHICHESTER S PILLS A METAL CORNICE of pretty ornamental character adds greatly to the appearance and value of certain type of houses. We are specialists in putting up such cor nices, also metal ceilings and dis tinctive design and great service. R. ILAN NIE G STREET -M' UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER Commo,I Foultry Netting Makes Very Satisfactory Fence. a will begin to pick thepi off. but since they cannot eat them down to the roots the sprouts will continue to grow and supply green material. Tills frame can be moved from place to place In the yard, and In this way different parts cultivated. Th<' yard should be stirred or spaded up frequently, If not In sod. In order to keen 1» In the best condition. This will not only tend to keep down any odors which might arise, but also allow the droppings to be absorbed Into the soil more readily, and, there fore. keep the yard In better condi tion for the liens. Although It Is necessary to keep the hens confined to their yard most of the time, It Is sometimes possible to let them out where they may range ill,on the lawn for an hour or so In the evening when some one can he at hand to watch them or at certain sea son» i'f the year to allow them to run tn the garden plot. This will be en Joyed greatly by tho hens and will be very beneficial to them. CONTROL INTESTINAL WORMS Best Way Is to Change Ground Upon Poultry Run, Especially If Fowls Are Crowded. Changing the ground upon poultry run Is the best means of con trolling Intestinal worms In |». because the worms or eggs » worm will stay over In the :: from one season to nnofher. e<i ly If the poultry Is overcrowded. RIDES LIKE AIR, MORE CASING MILEAGE—TRANSFERABLE FROM ONE CASING TO ANOTHER—NO PUNCTURES, BLOW. CUTS. INNER TUBES OR Uli. INSTALLED IN VOI 11 CAR A l IO7 SOI TH FOURTH STREET. Universal Service Station