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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1921)
I GRANT* CASH DAILY COI RIER PAGE TWO GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER moxday , october ¡». OWL XEAA TODAY OVERLAND TOURING car In goou condition to trade for cattle. Published Daily Except Sunday Isaac Best _______ FOR SALE Pure filtered grupc A. E. Voorhies, Pub. and Propr. juice, 50c per gallon. Call at Entered at postoffice, Grants Pass. vineyard e,.st of Jouos creek Ore., as second-class mail matter XOAV AA E It AA F, THIS AAOXDFRFt I, Bl.I >111.1. CHF.EsE IX bridge or phono 61 l-F-4. UHILK^XI» PIMENTO. Edwards. ADVERTISING RATES IX Till: NEW LARGE FOUR O| XUE PACKAGE. Display space, per Inch...................25c GET YOUR LUMBER tr. :n the J -<• l ocal-personal column, per line....lOc ph I lie Lumb r >'o. at whules.i.' DIRECT SHIPMENT JUST REt EIA El» FROM FACTORY. Venders, per line......... .................. — 5c mill prices. AU kinds of planed lumber. Our truck delivers nnv- THIS IS ONE OF THE WORTH AYHII.E UREI SE. HAA E IT ON where. Phone 188, 107 Nor h < i ■ DAILY COURIER street. YOl R XEXT ORDER SI RE. ry mail or carrier, per year...... $6.00 Ry mall or carrier, per month.. .50 DEPENDA BI.E INSU R ANCK lines. Seo T. M. Stott, Buick sales WEEKLY COURIER rooms. Phono 520. By mail, per year . >2.00 MODERN 7-room house, close good location, lot 50x100, for sale MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Priced especially for quick sale. In Insist on Minerva Yarns The Associated press is exclusively quire on premises. 411 C St. 7211 entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited An this COAL AND WOOD- When you buy 101 & 105 N. 6th Grants Pass, Ore- or all otherwise credited in this your coal and wood from us you paper and also the local news pub get two things that are essential lished herein. today qunltty and service. Wil All rights for republication of spe Lands that have been lying idle, an I'atns Wood & Coal Co. 75tf George Dennis, Irene Chase and cial dispatches herein are also re laiA'on Allen were guests at lunch of E. L. U«.L2B AITII Roni estate. In absolute liability upon their owners' served. surance and plate glass liability. hands, yielding nothing, but always the Hamilton's Sunday evening. Old Banking Bldg., 6th and 11 Sts The D. D. Dodge family intend to MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, HrJl Phon« 2«. 1 a drain for taxes, will become pro- move into town soon for the winter. FOR SALE Cull tokay and blue ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I ductive if effort is put into them. Mr. and .Mrs. Youngblood, son. grapes. 3c and 4c a pound. J. H I They will become more of n libiallty, ♦ ♦ ORE GO X WEATHER Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey 96 \hlf, 656 N. Sixth SI. ♦ ♦ however, should their owners choose and little daughter called on the I/»ST Black velvet purse with »tor- Weather for the Week ♦ not to develop them, for every acre Stanbrough's Sunday. ling top, Saturday night. Finder 4 leave at Courier office and receive Pacific Coast States — Normal ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Silliman of Medford ■ must aid in the maintenance of the reward. 9? ♦ temperature and generally fair, ♦ and Mr. and Mrs. Neilson celebrated ♦ big project. ♦ except rain on north coast. their mutual wedding anniversary at TOMATOES Best quality, at farm ers Warehouse. 1 ’x e per ihiuii .I ♦ ♦ The chief reason for celebration the Neilson home Sunday. They had Bring vour boxes. J. C. Calhoun ♦ Tonight and Tuesday, fair. ♦ upon the completion of the project is as guests, Mr. and Mrs. Gregg of 97 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A ♦ ♦ ♦ Medford. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms not to give vent to the feeling of joy Allen Underwood and family spent for rent at 419 G street. The Rai at the accomplishment of a wonder- their vacation last week with his sa Army 101 A GREAT DAY IS NEAR ful enterprise, but particularly to parents on the ranch. WINDFALL APPLES on the ground Plans for the adequate observance Fruitdale is justly proud of its Bring your sacks and pick th arouse ourselves to a full knowledge of the day when the waters of the up tomorrow for 3 5c a »ack. of what we have and what must be showing at the Fair and the number AV. Canhv, upper rlVer road. Rogue are first brought under abso of ribbons the displays received both the plan for the future. There is at lute subjection through the comple on the booths and individual entries, FOR SALE 2x4» at $15 per M. 315 E street. present an apathy on the part of among them Fiorenz Breitmayer tion of the Savage Rapids dam are ' many land owners, who apparently showed what tine vegetables, fruit POR SALE genuine leather, now being revolved in the minds of sized, bed davenport. A bargain. ' do not realize that the hour has ar- and grain could be grown on a dry Phone 292-R.___________________96 our citizens, and a definite program ranch. Fred Roper got three rib I rived when their acres must be made I AM SELIJNG lots of wood, better must be arranged in the very near bons on his Shorthorn durham bull, get yours before it rains. Phone I ready for production. If a celebra- future. The great structure is now the flrst. champion and grand cham 375-Y. Jud Taylor. 98 I tion on opening day will drive home pion. also three on his Duroc sows, nearly ready to be delivered over by JUD TAYLOR'S one ton truck will this one thought, end will arouse the the Senior, Champion and grand | haul your wood, fruit, hay or grain its builders to the irrigation '»istrlct Phone 375-Y. 98 Ruth and Marguerite enthusiasm of the community as It champion. in a completed condition, but before Breitmayer got blue ribbons on their WANTS® — Mill men and logger». should be aroused over the success- this is done all the machinery is to j Apply 107 North Sixth St hand work and the Grange took sec ' ful issue of a project that will awak be tested out, the big pumps operated , ond prize on their general display. WANTED TO RENT An Irrigated en the slumbering possibilities of an Now it is np to Fruitdale to take the farm, not particular about location. by the turbines, and water put into Ilqulre 256 care Courier. 97 empire, it will be worth any cost that first prize at the Pacific Coast Expo all the ditches, the higher points be CLEAN COTTON RAGS W.ANTEI» sition. may be put into it. ing reached by the energy of the Apply at the Courier office. Mr. and Mrs. Neilson, Anna. Rob river itself. It will be a great day ert and Ernest attended the Rebecca for the Grants Pass district, for it I XEAV TODAY*—1 matt re»» slightly I entertainment Tuesday evening. FRUITDALE Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, their daugh nuril, Bicycle, fine condition, daven will mark the turning point in in-1 • L. L. Jewell and son, Robert, of ter and Miss Blggeman, of Hugo, port couch, oil heater, New Home dustrial conditions here. A new era Portland, were dinner guests of Mr. were all night guests of Mr. and Mrs. «ewing machine, guaranteed, writing f of development will open, and bus and Mrs. Robert Harris Sunday Hamilton Friday. ileak and ibookcaee, a few (Hue bird) iness and enterprise will find new Carlotta Wiseman of Grants Pass odd di«hea. Phone 71. T. C. Booth. paths marked out for the future. visited Anna Neilson Monday. ABERDEEN A II I, A Spreads Like Butter Little Tin Soldier is one of two splendid ducts by— r &TRU J. F. Russell, who has been at the GIBNEY To Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Villa the past three weeks, has left Glbney, of this city, October 2. a for San Francisco. son. Mr. and Mrs. George Esterly of SMITH To Mr. and Mn Claude O. Waldo, were dinner guests Saturday. Smith, of this city, Octolier 3. a Other guests during the week daughter. were: N. G. Phaney. J. W. Gibley. Rodney Calvert and C. D. Fles, all of Grants Pass. For Twenty-five I»ollnr«— You can buy a new fall suit or overcoat at Peerless Clothing Co tf WESTERN HOTEL All outside room Married Satnrday— Glenn C. Ballou and Alice Lamb- son. both of this city were married Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Julia Erickson. Rev. C. M. Cline officiating. >ipglr. .’He. 75c, nnd Bl S|>« m ini rate« by the week Dining room In < onwctlon First da«« home cooked meni« family style, !<>«■ Merchant Printers—Courier. Office stationery—Courier office Prop. MRS. E. D. YENNY Boston » Medium Price (an Do It We are upsetting a tradition here this Fall. We are proving that a MEDIUM PRICE can buy clothes so finely designed and tailored as to wipe out the notion that good clothes have got to cost a lot of money. Olive Kline- Elsie Baker A song of childhood with a quaint march interlude that might stir the heart of any tin soldier. On the reverse side a pickaninny song— • “There’s a Corner Up in Heaven ' Vklv, Blu- tu>b.l R mm U. 0211 I’ll Take You Home Again, Kathleen” and When the Corn is Waving, Annie Dear” are two bcuutiful and popular numbers Sung by Henry Burr and Peerless Quartet Victor LX-uLU laivd Two more popular songs—sentimental as love songs should be— “You Made Me Forget How to Cry Sung by Henry Burr “Emaline ” Sung by Vernon Dalhart Victv, Dovl.u-f.o-d HKv<d. IS7S2 You'll find them among the New October Victor Records and you’ll find us ready to play them for you Rowell’s Music House SHOES — at the — SAMPLE STORE » ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I nit se . men rr* ♦ ♦ What may well be described a« u classic of the silent drama 1» Marsha! I Neilan'i up •ctacular, colorful and thrilling production, "Hol; Him dm of Placer." whlrh ' • •"in at the Rivoli yesterday. One of the most picturesque per iods of American history (Iguru« In "Bob Hampton of 1’1 '* tian" 1 I the Indian uprisings which followed I the Civil war And 'n the climax ti thli production. which I h udapteu i’ro;n Han<lalI Parrish's st< y of f » same name. G it . ral CisU r’s f:::i o’" last . tand against the Rli, ix 1» retiro- ;duced and Immortalized mi the» r<ei. In n most f: elnnUn- ..■! dramatic manner. j Interwove, -kllfully In this thril ling background 1» an ah»orbing amt i beautiful »lory of faithful comrade ship and love, a wdi of adventure Druggist Says Ladies are Using Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. that loses its color and tustre, or when It fades, turns grsy. dull find lifeless, Is caused by a tack of sulphur In the hair. Our grandmother mad* up a mixture of .¡ago Tea nnd Sulphur to keep her lock I •! irk and l> autifiil, ai 1 thousands of wuiuus and men who ’•slue that ev- n color, thnt beautiful ■lark shade of hair which la Ko at tractive. ure only this old-time recipe.' Nowadays v.e > et this famous mix ture Improved by the addition of other Ingredients by asking at any drug store for a bottle of "Wyeth's S.i«o mi Sulphur Compound." which dark- ■i the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell It hat been applied. You just dampen a nonpe or soft brush with it and draw lids through your hair, taking one email sfrnnd at a time. By morning II ’mmerniiii Lon,; tu lx colors s' th» gray hair disappears; but what delights the ladles with Wyeth’s Sage Cnurfcr nifi ■• and Sulphur Compound Is that, be sides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications, It also brings back the gloea and !• Ira nnd gives It an nppearanco of abundance rHERE’3 THE MOST Wyeth's Sago und Sulphur Com pound is a delightful toilet requisite IMPC/tTANT RULE to Impart color and a youthful ap- penrance to the hair. It Is not In OF Thu tended for the cure, mitigation or pre vention of disease. MOPE <h* PLUMPING Seiling Furniture Our clothes are famous ones: Heating Stoves »Styleplus $25, $30, $35 If you want to learn the REAL power of a mod erate price, you’ll find it best expressed in the style, the all-wool quality and the guaranteed satis faction of our Fall Styleplus suit and r* rcoats. Other Suits and Overcoats from liu.uu io 425.00 Golden Rule Store 18781 and Ranges fVumber • • e The flnest rcgulatioi: for the modem home is perfect sanl- tatlon. I’roper plumbing will prod .icn the desired result. A tolephonn fall to mi wlll pro duce tho pluniber «Ito wlll giva yon mi estimate of thè rost of thè work yon wnnt dono. Why noi, let n i gel ut thè job righi away? p . D chick 511 F Hin «T ’III,XE .lus .1 E. W. CHILES till G STREET $10.00 REWARD II I ot* i 'iii'ii cf ;'ortfol..■ during fair »><•■', iintiiiii« al of I'oriLon l'l< 1 ui*(-s. ' C. A. Winetrout