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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1921)
I'ulrersity of Ore. Library ♦ ♦ rants jjass Baity Courier AMMMTATED I’KKMH HER VICK GRANT* PAH«, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 10*21. WHOLE NUMBER ¡MI»«. -------- — ---- PLAN FEDERAL Giri's Offer to .Marry for an Ed*ca- tlon Brings Answer* From 1OO —Xbe Can't Choose Which officer« Scour Southern California and Meitcan Bord<-r When Fake Story Is Told u» Joke For The First Time io The History of The United States Í I lx>» Angel»«, Oct. 3. (A. P.) Joliet. Ill., Oct. 3.—(A, P.j — PllOI-OHED LOANS TO MUNICIPAL* Deputy sheriffs, detectives, postal in- a Man Who Has Served as Its Executive Becomes Catherine Peterson, 20, who a month TH» TO KEEP LABOR GOING »Itectors and railroad itfftonls, sent ago offered to marry a man for ,3000 DI KING SLACK PERIOD yesterday to southern California and Head of The Judiciary Department in order to obtain an education and Mexicali lairders seeking Roy Gard buy clothes, announced today It was ner, were withdrawn today after the now a question ot deciding which officers brauded as u hoax u story of Washington. Oct. 3. — I A. P.I — rnerce commission in rate-making man to take. She said she had re two boys who said they rode from Administration of the judicial oath and railroad control, the constitu ceived a hundred replies, which Bakersfield to 1x>s Angeles Saturday to William Howard Taft, new chief I tionality of the prohibitory tax im came from switchmeu, insurance night with a man who said he wae Justice of the United Statea. marked posed by the federal government up agents, clerks, business men and day Man) Featwr«*, Including .Music, Gardner. Today u man came to po •ss retary Hoover I rge* That litica .he reconvening today of the supreme on child labor, numerous issue« aris laborers. Cromi tien» S|M*itkem and tlltlefic Perfect Systematic Organization lice headquarters saying be was the court. Tlie oath was administered ing out of the enforcement of na Gantca Arrangisi for Members to Solve Unemployment one who had driven the boys and had l>y Justice McKenna tional prohibition and many land, NORWEGIAN EMMIGRANTS said be was Gardner for a Joke. The For the first time In Its history, patent, admiralty, bankruptcy, immi TO CELEBRATE IV 192.5 police said they believed his story. however, the court was presided gration, Chinese exclusion and mi»- Ou« hundred members of the Washington, Oct. 3.—(A. P.)— ------------------ ¡ over by a chief justice who formerly cellaneous cases. New York. Oct. 3.—(A. P.)— Elab latdlea Auxiliary attended the club's THIRD To BE TRIED FOR At the head of the cases assigned ! orate preparations are underway for Advisability of a federal bond issue was a president of the United States Ml BDER NOW ON TRIAL - Taft was chosen to fill the vacancy by the court for argument to begin I first social affair at the Presbyterian to create a fund for loans to aid mu a centennial celebration in 1925 in church Saturday afternoon. Autumn caused by the death of Edward Doug- on October 10 is one of the numer-j commemoration of the beginning of nicipal public works in years when colors and foliage predominated in Cleveland. Oot. 3. I A. P.j — Mar . Whit*- ous New York gas case« based on In-, the tide of modern immigration to jobs were scarce was considered to the decoration scheme ian McArdle went on trial charged In addition to the half dozen anti creased rates, The next case to be the United States from Norway, the day by a sub-committee of the na The policies of the year were out with the murder of Daniel Kaber, trust case» awaiting decision there heard by the court, according to foreign language Information service tional conference on unemployment Secretary Hoover announced that lined by Mrs. J. E llalr. president, stepfather She ie the third to be i are pending several boundary and schedule, relates to prohibition regu announced today. Boston and Cleveland have taken who also explained the department» tried, Mrs Kaber, her mother. and irrigation disputes between states as lations, In which Charles Cornell and The principal celebration will be anil giving the goal of each for the Salvator» Cala. are now serving life | well as case« between states alleg- George J. Ghlo seek to remove to held in Minneapolis but there will step» to put Into effect the emergency year The providing of furniture | sentences. The defense is to admit i ing trade discriminations, numerous their homes certain distilled spirits also be demonstrations in a number relief program adopted last week, for a club house, and the starting of i the girl's knowledge of the plot, but questions arising out ot government which they have had in bonded ware jot other cities, including New York and that he had been informed un officially that Portland. Oregon, and a sinking fund for a "Community I will deny »be participated In the alteration of railroads during the houses since before the constitution s and Chicago. Milwaukee were working on the same Center,” without asking for extru conspiracy. war. a railroad merger case, several al amendment was adopted The E. — line, "next step in emergency meas taxation were also discussed. Atten I. duPont de Nemours Powder com cases testing the rights of organized VLAN Wild. BE TRIED ures is a definite organization by tion was called to the worff of the labor during strikes, as well as Its pany case is the third among the as FOR KILLING PRIEST mayors in municipalities where this Ashland organization, and the ladles , responsibility for losses resulting signed cases, presenting the question has not been done systematically,** feel that "What Ashland can do. from acts of violence during strikes, whether stock issued by a newly cre Redwood City, Cal., Oct. 3.—(I. Grants Pass can do.” a large number of cases in which ated company for distribution among N. S.)—Charged with the most hei said Hoover. A ladle«' glee club In the near fu- Many Places Planned on Paper Ten railroads and other common carriers stockholders of the parent company nous of crimes, that of having false A ear» Ago Fail to Materialize j seek to have determined their lla- is subject to the federal income tax. ly lured a priest from his home un ture Is the plan ot the musical <le- ' hlltty for Injuries suffered by em- ! It will be followed by the reargu- der cover of night and the pretext partment, according to Mrs. Geo. C. Bend. Ore . Oct 3.—(A. P.» -Sev , ployea. several challenge« by states ment of the American Column t. Sabin, while Mrs. Clevenger urged that he was to administer the last the women to particularly Interest eral "mirage" cities, built on paper . of the powers of the Interstate com- Lumber case. rites to a dying man and then slay State Federation Convention Report themselves In work that is congen about ten years ago In the sagebrush Is Favorable—1925 Big Factor America’s air navy, according to a ing him in cold blood, William A. ial to their Individual cases Mrs. ' country of central Oregon along the Hightower went on trial here today • wW. * T ■ statement today by Prof. H. P. Cady, Ed. Van I tyke reported a total mem supposed route of a railroad that for the alleged murder of the Rev. Portland. Oct. 3.—(A. P.)—Labor of the University of Kansas depart fnll<*d to appear, are being turned bership of 107 as the result of the re Father Patrick E. Heslin, of Colma. condition in Oregon are rapidly re cent campaign, which Is expected to back Into acreage by refusal of own-( Forest Ker r ice Alloted *2<9M» for the ment of chemistry. Doctory Cady dis turning to a normal state, said Presi covered that helium was a constitu rmch 200 before the year la over I era of the city lots to pay delinquent Maintenant ,' of Natural Wontier Redwood City. Cal.. Oct. 3. — (A. dent O. R. Hartwig, in a report at ent of the natural gas of Kansas. Physical education, a new deisirt- taxes. P.)—One state witness, Marie Bi the opening of the state federation Oklahoma and Texas and performed Between the years of 1909 and ment In the organization, was ex I Official confirmation of an allot- anchi. and one defense witness, of labor convention today. He said plained by Miss Frieda Close and 1914. when the railroad was expect I ment of ,2000 to aid in the develop- notable experiments in the early days "Dolly Mason,” were missing today the 1925 fair is a big factor in the of the world war in developing pro Miss Laird, who will have charge of ed. ambitious city planners laid out i ment of the Oregon Caves has been as the hour drew near for William favorable outlook. A resolution re this work Mrs. MacDanlels told of several townsite» an<l sold lots to i received by E. H. MacDaniels, of the cesses for the commercial production A. Hightower's trial tor the alleged commending a plan for the payment of helium the plans of the educational depart l>eople In many parts of the I'nited forest service department. murder of Rev. Father Patrick E. of the nation's war debt was intro ment and a detailed account of prob- States. Salesmen took a few dollars This amount will go toward the Heslin. Catholic priest. duced by C. R. Alexander and Arthur able expenditure for a club house down and payments as low as 50c a keeping of two men at the Caves Brock, from the Typographical union week for the land. was given. 'luring the winter, who will spend at Portland. They proposed gradu IDAHO ROADWORK TOTALS The general program for the year, their time in replacing the wooden MORE THAN liMMi MILES ated tax on incomes, especially those as outlined bv Mrs Mason, includes ' ladders by those of steel. In many Recent High Water in Texaa Mark* "unearned,” also a graduated tax on such features as a minstrel show by FEW cases, where |>articularly beautiful Sixikane, Wash.. Oct. 3.— (A. P.) inheritances and taxation on land rawing of ohi Familiar Building the civic department, a concert by formations occur, the floor is too "Of the 1847 miles of roadwork un values. Salem Is making a strong ef the musical department, addresses New York. Oct 3.—(A. P.)—Re close to the celling, and wherever fort for the next convention The San Antonio. Tex . Oct. 3.—tA. P.) dertaken by the state of Idaho in by Ida Callahan, president of the fusing to conform to the edict of the practical, thia condition will be reme- formulation of a plan for a campaign 1920, approximately 1,421 miles will State Federation of Women's Clubs. majorjlty to move In "out of the i died by lowering the floor. Atten —Among old land marks which dis- be completed by November, and the for a compulsory industrial indem Sadie Orr Dunbar, executive secre rain," a handful of men -loo few, tion will also be paid to the drain api»eared partially with the recent remaining 66 miles will be completed nity by the state is to be considered tary of the Antl-tiil>ercular society. almost, to attract the notice of a age. Some of the openings will also I flood here, was the "Quinta" better by the first of the year,” said Wil also a campaign for the use of union known as the first post office on Prof Sweetser of the University of passerby in the crowded thorough- , be widened during the winter. made goods. The unemployment sit Dwyer avenue in this city. It was liam Hall, commissioner of public Oregon, utid a reciprocity program by , fare still congregate daily in Broad uation is to be studied. works, who was in Spokane recently. built some 160 years ago. and ranked the Greater Medford club street during stock exchange hours. with the Alamo in claim ot more TWO N. V. GIANTS ELIGIBLE Mrs. Gene Murphy, with Mrs. to buy the unlisted wares of the historic events in the city's past Sabin at the piano, led the members street broker HAVE PLAYED IN SERIES The structure was stone. It stood ! 1n singing the original booster song World's Sii|q>l) Found li»H<hx|m»te to on the bank of the river just acress of the organization, and the meeting CREDIT IS GIVEN <X»I’E New York. Oct. 3.—(A. P.)—Only I courthouse. A- the street from the Raise Giant Dirigible was closed with the singing of an two of the New York Giants of 1921 Hpicx Found to Have Been Employed Hill IRISH NEGOTIATIONS by Corporations in 1910 bout a year ago it was condemned who are eligible to play in the other song of a sniilar nature l^awrence, Kan.. Oct. 3. — (A. p.i to be razed to make room for widen- world's series have played with the Dnblln, Oct 3 (A. P.I—Credit New York. Oct. 3.—(A. P.j- The All the (Helium—non-explosive bal- ing Dwyer avenue, but before the or team in previous post-season inter- for Initiating the negotiations for commission of inquiry of the inter der was carried out the flood started loon gas now available in the world inajor league championships. These peace between the Irish republican , church world movement, tonight leaders and the British government would have been entirely inadequate the removal. The foundation crum are George Burn«, one of the capable made public a supplementary report to life the ZR-2. the dirigible that pled and one end and side of the outfielders of the McGraw organiza N. V. . Barber Now Gives Patrons Te» Is generally given by the majority of | to have been the nucleus of building is a mass of ruins. tion and H. F. (Slim) Sallee, pitcher. on the steel strike of 1919, describ an<l Cnke Will» Regular Service Irishmen to A. W. Cope. Mr. Cope ing the alleged use of "under-cover Is assistant undersecretary am men” or spies by the steel cori»om- New York, Oct. 3. (A. P.I—A eJerk of the privy council In the of tions and detailing its dealings and barber shop and hair-bobbing parlor flee of the chief secretary for Ire efforts toward mediation with the de luxe, whore tea and cake are land in Dublin castle. He came here Enited States Steel Corporation. nerved dally with music from 4 to 6 from the English customs service. Hundreds of original documents King of Swatters Hits .*!> Homers p. m., have been opened In the old I are quoted in the rei»ort on "under During Seasons—Better Next Year Hotel Knickerbocker on the site Got« a IVw I hicks— cover men in the steel strike," which where many men well-known along W. A. Colby spent yesterday on declares that "wide-spread systems of New York; Oct. 3.— (A. P. »—Babe the Great White Way were wont to the river, fishing and hunting, espionage are an integral part of the Ruth, who closed the season with 59 foregather, put one foot on the rail, went as far up stream as the anti-union policy of great Industrial home runs, is one short of the goal gaze at a famous picture of ol<! Klug dam. and reported having seen corporations." he had set, said he hoi>ed to make it Cole and do other things now for- eTai ducks. Three were brought 60 next year. bidden by an amendment to the con- homo as evidence. atitiitlon and legislation «uppiomen- PORTLAND MARKETS tary thereto. Woman Wouldn't Ride Further— Choice steers ............ »5.50 <i( 15.7 5 Yesterday afternoon a Ford was rambling down a particularly dusty Choice cows, heifers »4.25 @ 14.50 “Constitution" Found Poorly locat ed for Thousands of Visitors street. A man was driving, and his Prime Light Hogs... »,1.00 © ,11.65 Hogs, extreme high ............... ,11.10 passenger, a large woman, was riding Boston. Oct. 3. —(A. P.I- The fa Hogs, prime light..., 10.00 >t ,10.25 Kltsault River District in British In the back seat. Seemingly without duo forethought, the woman decided East Mountain Ijimbs ,6.00 if ,6.50 mous frigate Constitution, now at Columbia Opens Rich Vein she wanted to walk, anil without say Eggs. buying price, plain. 36c © 38c the navy yard, will be transferred to Eggs. 42c Pleasure Bay off the South Boston white ........................ 40c Prince Rupert. It. Oct. 3. (A. ing a word to her chauffer, attempted : »-ifl Eggs, selling mixed...........44c a 46c shore, where it will be more accee- I’.) Discovery of rich sliver oro on to change her form of location. The Eggs. storage ................... 38c © 40c sible to visitors, if plans now being the Kltsault river, Aline (Arm dis result was Inevitable. A huge cloud I 1 Eggs, white henneries .......... 50c made by Rear Admiral Cleaves, com * A hu- —— trict, ip claims close to the famous of dust marked the fall of a heavy * ———. 44c mandant of the First Naval district, Egks. selling, candled ............ Doily Varden mine. Is reported here body, while the man was unaware of __ - - - -Ì T?, 1 50c and the Chamber of Commerce, are Eggs, fancy selects ................ Three general samples taken free his loss until the corner was reached. À* . ..Æ. 43c approved. The constitution has been Butter, extra cubes from native silver average more than 110 returned to the woman, but she Butter, prints ....... 42c In at the Boston navy yard for 15 one hundred ounces to the ton. and would have nothing further to do The Grant memorial, located In (lit* Botanic gardens. Washington, is sat a to be very extensive It ties an with him, and continued her Journey now practically completed, Dedication exercises to have been held this fall Wheat ...................... ,1.05 @ »1.10 years. Officials estimate that 60,- 000 petsons have gone aboard dur average width of twenty-two inches on the sidewalk. A woman has. un have been post polled until next year owing to unfinished approaches to the Portland. Oct. 3.—(A. P.)- -Sheep, ing that time. The number would the body of oro of this richness Is doubtedly. the perrogatlve of chang monument, the completion of which Involves the removal of many buildings steady; cows, 25c lower; hogs, 50c be greater, it Is believed, if the ves and adjoins lower grade ore, which ing her mind, but she should use in the gardens. to 75c lower; eggs and butter, firm sel was more centrally located. discretion. carries good milling vaines. HELIUMGASN00BJECTT0ZR-2 Grant Memorial Nearly Completed ;*t<ssi RUTH FINISHES WITH ONE SHORT