Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, October 01, 1921, Image 1

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Vol., XII., No. 12.
Athletics lx»-u, 5-3 IP-for« Crowd Es­
timated at 25,00«)—Ruth Played,
But Failed to Connect
Polo Grounds, New York City. Oct. EVERET HOGUE WILL APPEAL
1.—(A. P.)—New York captured the
American league championship to-
ON 21000 BOND
Iday, its first in history, by defeat-
| ing the Philadelphia Americans 5 to
: 3 before 25,000 fans.
Babe Ruth
played but made no hit.
Washington, Oct. 1. (A. P.)
Tito number of illiterate persons in
Oregon 10 years old and ovor’in 1920
was 9,317, a percentage of illiteracy
of 1.5 per cent, as compared to 1.9
per Cent in 1910. The Illiterates In­
cludo 1,5 29 native whites, the re<
inalnder being foreign born, includ­
ing Indians, Negroes and Orientals
Holman'« Sentence Greeted by Out­
Officers Hey Plan Un» Io Hold U|» !<*1 i I iim to Expíela Il »r Slami In < «»in­
burst of Applause—Trial lawts
Car Willi iti« Day's Receipts at
munitalioB to Ute Foreign
Honolulu, T H„ Oct. 1.—(A. P.)
Less Than One Hour
—The tremendous effect that the
Ikmnl Intenda lo Doflblo Pr«w<-nt
Membership of 200— Hui'« Vln)
A I m » lie In<rea»><-<1
condition of the world's sugar bowl
1 8t n Francisco. Oct 1.— (A. P.i
has upon the life of the Hawaiian
| Information will bo filed Monday
Salem, Oct. 1.—(A. P.) A* the ! Peking, Oct. 1.—(A. P.)-Japan'» Islands was exemplified here recent­
A fine of $200 and 30 days in Jail
At a meeting of the directors of against th» three men charged with
the Grants Pass Chutnber of Com­ furnishing liquor for tho Fatty Ar- result of a tip from a woman that proposals for direct negotiations rela­ ly when the United States customs was imposed upon Everett Hogue In
merce late yesterday afternoon Lynn j buikle "party," Federal Prosecutor there was a plot afoot to rob the tive to Rhantung are rejected in a officials announced that there had the Ju tales court by James Holman
state fair treasury, two men were, note approved by the Chinese cabi­ been a decrease of $14,553,124 in this morning. Hogue was arrested
Rabin, of Portland, was unanimously McCormack has announced.
arrested last night, while the third ___
_ will
__ ____________
net. The
be submitted the territory’s exports to the main­ Thursday for having liquor In his
elected muiiaging secretary of th«
reported escaped. The two men. giv-1 u> the president and it is expected it land United States during the fiscal possession.
local chamber.
Ing their names as C. A. Hendricks *m be handed to the Japanese minis­ year ending June 30, last, as com­
Great interest was shown in the
Mr Rubin la u graduate of the Ore­
H. L. Allen, were arrested when ter next week The foreign office pared with the exports of the pre- case by the temperance workers of
gon Agricultural College where he
llaymond. Wash . Oct 1
(A P.• they went to a checking stand to propose* to send identical notes to vious fiscal year.
the city, and by 10 o’clock, the hour
was honored with the highest posi­
--Chief of Police Shumway, has claim a parcel containing two black all of the foreign ministers here, em-
set for the trial, the circuit court
tions In th« girt of the student body
v'lrott the Unital State« marshal at masks, a gun, two holsters and a bodying China's reasons for reject- RIFLE PRACTICE ATTRACTS
room was filled.
He Comee well qualified to handle
San Fianclaco to hold George Wilbur,
th« secrotarial affairs of th« local fo; mer restaurant keeper her«, for slingshot, the police stated Officers j Ing the plan
A plea of not guilty was entered
say the plot a as hutched to hold up
chamber, and. l»eHt of all. he comes
the defendant by J. N. Johnston,
Oregon Agricultural College. Cor­
Investigation In conn««ction with the the treasure car while taking the
equipped with uuthuslasro, Intending eseaio of Roy Gardner.
attorney. After George Lewis,
Oct. 1.— (Special)—More
day's receipts, averaging I
to make the management of commu­
had told on the witness stand
than 100 young women turned out I
from the fair grounds to the bank
nity affairs a life's work, At an I IIITIIQI IKE ROCKS
of the raid, smiles broke out over the
The men arrested deny any connec­
early dale a meeting will I» ,»■ eaU'd
SMALL TOWN IN UTAH tion with the plot. Police refuse to Former Railroad < 'itici Pienti With practice. As all the students inter­ crowd, as three men came into the
and the members will be given an op-
IpMultA <»f Trip Abroad
ested cannot be accommodated a court with the evidence seized in
divulge the identity of the woman
portunity to meet Mr. Sabin.
Salt latke City. Utah. Oct. 1.— (A who revealed the plot.
process of elimination will be used the raid. A test proved beyond a
The president announces that af­ P > Itepeuletl earthquakes at El»i-
Paris. Oct. 1.—(A. P.)—Walker letting only those who make a good doubt that the liquid taken was alco­
holic, to say the least.
fairs of the chamber will be «un- nore. 160 miles south of here, has
D Hines, of New York City, arbitra- showing stay in the class, and thus I
d tic ted on a different basis hereafter caused the alHindoiiment of all stone
After the evidence had been exhib­
tor of river shipping in Europe, who give all a chance. The young wom­
There will be a busincM-like admin­ and brick buildings.
is about to return to the United en were divided into three squads, ited. the jury jtassed out for deliber­
istration. with proper follow-up sys­
| States. says he has found that the the first squad to meet Monday and ation, only a few minutes being
tems and Intensive work, which will LAI
Arbitration or Direct Hettlemeot Said j countries Involved in his re-distrlbu- Thursday 10th hour, the second taken by this body, They returned
call upon public spirited cltiaena for
tion of river craft are showing a Tuesday and Friday 10th hour, and a verdict of guilty, which, after sen­
ta> IK« C imis «* of lx»ng IMuptite
their help at all times.
A ______
gratifying dlsposton to cooperate in the third Wednesday 10th hour and tence had been passed, was received
with a clapping of hands
(A. P l—The
Cleveland Oct 1
While the club is resimnalble fur
Saturday morning for practice.
Uma. Oct. 1.—(A. P.)—The 40- putting his decisions into effect.
Attorney Johnston, speaking for
obtaining the .road to the caves, it Is construct loti of a half-mlllion dollar ' year old dispute b«*tween Chile and
Mr. Hines was director-general of
himself and his client, said they had
not Intended that the work shall institute of laundering will be one I Peru has been aired again in th« railroads In the United States in STUDENT RBGISTRATÍON
MORE THAN 2,000 AT I . OE O, held no expectations of a decision to
•top‘there. The lighting of the caves of lhe principal subjects to come l»e- new»|»a|»ere here following reports ; 1919 and 1920 and quit that post
the contrary, but that the plea was
and props' «atiug ami sleeping facll- ' before th« 38th annual convention of
the lauiidr) Owners National Asso­ received from Chile to the effect tha' to accept appointment by President
Eugene. Oct. 1.— (A. P.)—There made in order that the case might be
i Continued on Page Eight)
Wilson to his present position
ciation here October 3-6. Funds for ¡that country desires to liquidate the 1 has
just been conducting a hearing will be a student registration of over appealed to the January term of the
the institute already are practically I Tacna and Arica question by "di­ in Europe with reference to his deci- ' 2900 for the fall term at the Univer­ circuit court.
guaranteed and the delegates are rect settlement” with her sjorthern sion given August 2. allocating the I sity of Oregon this year, according
Bond was set at $lu00, after an
ar- shipping on international rivers in to the pr«?diction of President P. L. argument between W. T. Miller, dis­
expected to approve lhe project. It i neighbor. Peru, however, favors Lima
probably will be constructed in Chi- , bitrution. in the opinion of the
| Europe such as the Danube, Rhine Campbell, who. speaking itefore the trict attorney and Johnston. Hogue
Majratic, World's Ixtrgest, M ill IU‘ cavo.
assembled student body Thursday I pro<RICed the required amount and
and .Elbe.
Reedy for Service In Spring
morning at the first weekly gather­ was at liberty a short time later.
"El Comerclo" In a lengthy Peru
I torial on the issue asserts that
ing of the college year, stated that The whole proceedings consumed
FIXE SPRING WEATHER 1688 had already been enrolled on Ires than an hour.
has always sustained a policy of ar-1
New York, Oct. I.--(A. P > An-
bitruttoii and that the "several at-( Sydney. Oct. 1.— (A. P.)—Aus- the local campus and an additional
nouncement that the world's largi-st
Members of the jury were W. J.
Verdun. October I -<A
ship, the Majestic, will l»e rredy for Foxes have multiplied greatly in the tempts that have been made to reach' i tralian springtime conditions justify ! influx of late comers is expected Thrasher, John Schmidt. J. S. Pool,
service between New York and valley of the Meuse, and in several 'a direct settlement have resulted in an optimistic outlook, say govern- next Monday. The present reglstra- H. A. Dillingham, J. L. Chrtetiieb
Southhampton next spring directs at­ districts have made their holes in the absolute fiascos." The paper thinks I ment officials The dairying season i tion is already more than the total ¡and W. 8. Phillips.
tention to the facilities for docking deserted French anil German trench­ that direct settlements between peo­ has opened remarkably well, lambing ' for the fall term of last year, said
the great ship at her pier on her ar­ es. The soldiers perhaps, had little ples of “un««qual military strength rettiiif were consistently high and I the president.
rival at New York and the methods idea when they nicknamed them signify the triumph of the interests j pasturage and wheat areas are in
The rains and
of the stronger while arbitration'
to be employed in doing so.
fox-holes" that sometime real foxes never can be entirely favorable to I i snow melting
have caused floods in Choice Steers . ............ $5.50 6 16.00
I snow mxltin? have
When the largest of the prreent would Inhabit them
one of the parties.
Victoria but lhe damage has not been Choice feeders ........ $4.50 @ 15.00 Red lUm Has Vanishing Tendency,
orean liners rant«» out. Just before
extensive, and any local material Prime IJght Hogs $11.00 ‘d $11.65
But Is Finally Dispatched.
the war, it was necessary to extend
Hogs, extreme high .............. $11.10
the piers at New York where they
Pueblo. Colo. Oct. 1.— (A. P.) —
.Hogs, prime light.. $10.50 © $11.00
are <lock««d. to prot«»ct their long
H. Weisgertibr. a telegraph opera-
East Mounta’n Lambs $6.00
$6 30
hnlls from traffic paaaing up and
Honolulu. Oct. 1.—(I. N. 8.)—
Eggs, buying price, plain..36c 6 v3c{(or. while touring the country in an
down the Hudson river Tho extend­ Plana have been laid for the holding Politice of Candidat«« Cover Wide
Field—One Now in Prison
ed piers will be a vary tight fit in­ of the Pan-Pacific Rotarian conven­
Eggs. white .................... ...40c e 42c automobile recently, had an exciting
Eggs. selling mixed......... 44c « 46c experience with a red racer snake.
deed for the Majestic, while the task tion in this city in 1923, and the
The snake, which was five and a
New York. Oct. 1—(A. P.)—When State nf Washington Rules Womev ! Eggs. storage ................... 38c
of getting her into her berth will working out of details has been turn­
feet l.rng. crawled under the car
present as big a job as the docking ed over to the Fan-Pacific Union of Father Knickerbocker gore to the
Can W«ir rants if They Want
.44c after havii.c bitten into the t>re. The
experts employed by the steamship Honolulu. The plan has the en­ polls at the city election, November
i Eggs. selling, candled ...........
.50c car was stopped but no trace of the
companies at Naw York have yet en­ dorsement of ‘the Honolulu notary 8, he will have an opportunity to
Olympia. Wash.. Oct. 1.—(INS) Eggs. fancy selects ...............
vote for at least six candidates for >—"Women have their rights,” the Butter, extra cubes
43c; snake could be found. Eventually,
mayor, though one of them is in Attorney-General of the State of Butter, prints ___
........ .......... 42ei it was discovered in the battery box
$1.96 @ $1.11 only to be lost again in the mechan-
Washington ruled ■'I>et them wear I Wheat ...................
i isui of the machine.« When finally
The oandidatre are:—Democratic, 'em."
(A Pt—LI ve­ located In the dust pan. it was
Mayor John F. Hvlan. Republican-
" 'Em" meant pants—the kind
ld butter, firm killed
Coalition, Henry H. Curran. Social- ' men wear.
1st. Jacob Panken.
The marshall of the town of Zillah
George K. 'Hinds.
Farmer-Iatbor. had complained to the Attorney-Gen-
Jerome de Hunt. Workers' I .eague eral that women of the village where
Washington. Oct. 1. (I. N. 8.1
tlon to the docket of a large number (communist), Benjamin Gitlow. Git- he tried to enforce the laws were I
William Howard Taft, the new Chief of cases, argued at the last term, for low. a former assemblyman, convict­ "carrying on" by parading through
Justice of the United States, will op­ J reargunu'iit During ll>«» recess of the ed of criminal atiarchy, is serving a the streets in "pants" and that they 1
en the 1921-22 term of the court court there have been few cases of term at Sing Sing prison.
refused to obey his command to j
'nation-wide importance brought up
here on Monday.
Preliminary skirmishes indcate "dress decently.”
San Francisco, Oct. 1.— (I. N. 3.) "Nature made It beautiful and every-
Chief Justice Taft succeeds in of- ! to the Supreme Court, for review
that the man battle will be between
So he appealed to the Attorney-
More character, more sense and a ' thing man haa done to it has made
Among other questions brought be- _ Mayor
flee the lale Edward Douglas White,
__ .... ...
_____ a candidate
______ for re­ General to end the practice.
deal more imagination than ' it more so. The only ugly things in
of Louisiana, who died last May. Two (fore the Supreme Court for final de­ jection, and Henry H. Curran, pres­
Hut the State official ruled against
months later 'President 'Harding ap­ termination in the cases pending are ident of the Borough of Manhattan, him—that they have a right to wear was displayed at Versailles should Japan are European houses and Eu-
enter into the November disarma­ ' ropean clothes. Every native thing
pointed Taft to the vacancy, the third , whether a clam is a Hah and mi­ who won the spirited^ four-cornered " 'em.”
ment conference in Washington if it even the humblest, like a woodpile or
Ohlom^to become Chief Justice. The grates in the waters; whether cattle­ primary race for the nomination bj
I is to be a success, in the opinion of a straw stack, shows the touch of
appointment was confirmed immedi­ men, Ju driving sheep and sheepmen a plurality of more than 30,000
i Chester Rowell, for many years a conscious art. The holidays comem­
ately by the Senate, but owing to the off public ranges, with the accom­ votes.
j leading California editor and now a orate usually not the anniversary of
close of the last term of court and panying shooting of a sheepman, can
' member of the State Railroad Com­ events, but the blossoming of flowers
the adjournment over the Rummer be hold guilty offorcihly preventing ml RIER WILL RECEIVE
or the pilgrimages to the famous
WORLD SERIES SCORES Xo Verdict in Trial of Man Charged | mission.
months Chief Justice Taft has never free passage over public lands; what,
Rowell recently returned from a beauty spots. It is respectable to
are the true boundaries between Tex­
With Being Slayer of Policeman
presided over the court.
trip to the Orient. He found in Jap­ rave over beauty in Japan and manly
Announcement of the batter- 4
The prreeiit Supreme Court term as and New Mexico, ixtuislana anti ♦
will 0)>en with about 575 cases on Its (have an unpleasant habit of changing ♦ ics anti 25 words descriptive on ♦
Portland, Oct. 1.—(A. P.)- After an much the same forces working to write Spring peotrv. .The same
dockett. During the term the dock­ Arkansas, anti New Hampshire and ♦ each inning of tlie worlds »er- ♦ being out since Thursday at 5 o'clock, that were uppermost in Germany be­ ; artistic sense prevails In the man­
eted cases are expected to reach a- Vermont, where the dividing rivers ♦ Ire,, which will Itcgin October ♦ a Jury trying I>an Casey, charged fore 1914, but declared that the good ners and life of the Japanese. They
bout 900 If tho business of the court (their course and washing away parts ♦ .5, anti the bare results on in- 4 with being one of the slayers nf Jas. sense of both the United States and are a graceful, attractive people who
does not fall behind the record dur­ 'of first one State and then another. ♦ nlnio* which arc scorcless, will ♦ Harry Phillips, railroad policeman, in Japan should be able to avert a fore­ have adorned a beautiful country. It
, is no wonder Impressionable travel-
ing recent years The death of Chief leaving the part washed away strand- 4 he mail«' on the bulletin boatti 4 a recent boxcar robbery, was dis­ seen calamity.
ora bring
hrinw back
hnrV a peotiz^d rnn
"Japan Is superAcially a very at-j ' ers
Justice White during the latter part ' ed on the shore of the bordering ¥ at the Courier office.
♦ charged at noon today as they were
trattlve country," Rowell deciares of Japan
of the last term resulted In restora- ' State
4 unable to agree.