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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1921)
♦ Limin courier timte ISSI H IVIED PREMS SERVICE GRANTN FAwH. JIIHEPHINK COI Y, OKKGON IlilDtV, SEPTEMBER 30, 1021. WHOLE M M BE II 3304 BEICHSTAG MAKES C. OF PEACE WITH I). S. Man Conili teil of Triple Murder Gia's to II I h I «siili W ith Popular Mong on Ili» Li|v> I Chicago, Hept 30. (A. P > Hing ing a popular song. Curl Wunderer, who murdered hl* wife, her unborn hübe und a "rugged stranger" whom he hired to stage u fake holdup, waa hanged at the county jull ut 7:1» thia morning. II« marched to the gal lows with firm step, took his place ou the scaffold and repealed a short prayer Asked If h« had anything 1‘rnferiisl Going Io .lall to Gli Ing a he replied In th« affirmative, to say. IU«nil Tlial They Would Not Again and aa the shroud waa adjusted. In « 'all a strike clear voice alarteli the song. “Old Pal, Why Ihm'« You Answer Me?" He was still Hinging when the trai> 1’ltlalturg, Kan . Hept. 3« (A P. > dropped. — All coal mines In Kanaaa are Idle today when Alexander Howatt und August Dorchy, president and vice Kuns.'is Miner* president of the union, began serving alx months Jail Brioni Islands, Istrla. Sept. 344 uenteiic«« for calling the strike Inni (A| T.)‘ The bund of ' the United February. Howatt and Dorchy hud State« cruiser St. lxnii» »cored a hit the i bolf of going to Jail or giving with the dancers of thia dazzling bond they would cull no rnorr summer resort recently when It play slrtkee in th« Kansas field ed for an affair given in the bull- ruum ot tilu lotlel. I'll» alut« bsd runoff At Tola and. Brioni being Just across the channel, the American The Bailors came over on leave, a band waa taken over to play • as Th« music produced dunce ■uch that girls clamored About the Americans urging them to continue .Much dissatisfaction ami illsap- playing without stop. The American pointmeiit was evidenced by the julzca w ere very liopular. large number of women who attend- •*<t the hearing of Everett Hogue at sll.k SPEZIAI, LEAVES 2 o'clock this afternoon when the Hilt EASTERN INIINTS case was postponed until 10 o'clock Saturday morning, Hogue wan ar* Han Francisco. Sept. 3o —(Spe rusted ’fhursd.iy for having liquor In cial >• The third special silk train to Ills poa|«H»loii. leave Sail Francisco over Southern Ho large was the crowd Pacific lines within a month, went office of Jarnos 'Holman, Justice of east this week carrying 131 ton» of the peace, »us filled to overflowing silk valued at well over a million before the hour set for the hearing. dollars Owing to the high value In jzriler I Ira I all might have ««sis. of the shipment and the necessity of the case »as adjourned to the circuit reaching jta destination as soon us court room, which also becaiue filled. possible, the train was operated on Judging from the amount of Inter passenger schedule The silk was net shown today, the crowd In the carried In cars specially constructed mornlhg »III he greatly swelled In for the transportation of thia com numbers modify. HOGUE CASE AITRACIS WOMEN THHFE GOADS COACH ALMAMATEfi i* n Washington. 8ept. 30. I President Harding Issued (A. P.1 — a procla mation today calling upon the peo ple to a two-mlnute silent prayer on i A. P. i Eugene, Or« . Sept 30 \rmi»tlee day. when the body of an Three Tnlverslty of Oregon grado- unknown soldier will I m * buried at Brick" Arlington national cemetery. ■ tea. ."Shy" HuuUuatou. .Mitchell and llart Kpellmaii. are di- reeling the football training I al the MIHONEV DEFENSE HAM COWVI.WTED TESTIMONY •lilla mater here, Al! three i played on Oregon teams together I In I »15 HeatUe. Hept 3(1. • < A. I’. I - After •nd Iti«. Huntington 1» heml coach, with J. H Deveny. defen»« C|tneae. testi Mitchell and Hiwllman as assistants fied he saw Mr» Mahoney alive 'six Hill Hayward, veteran Oregon train weeks after the date the state al er, la again nt his task of condition lege« she was slain, the defense rest ed today In the Mahoney trial. ing the men I'ornirr Triti»! Mates Are Now Engug' ed in the Instruit ion of tMliers C. PLANS Germany Ratifies Treaty 1‘roiiding for kinlcaMe Relations With the Ameritan People Steering Committee at The Unemployment Conference I Berlin. Sept. 30- (A. P.) --Rati Recommends That Public Work be Prosecuted During fication ot the peace treaty with the I'nited States was completed by the The Winter to Provide Jobs For Four Million Men reichstag today. DIREI TO ILS OF ORGANIZATION MEET TODAY TO <N)NHIDER PI BLKTTY CAMPAIGN Allen Improving— COMMUNITÏ ADVERTISING NEED Washington, Sept 30. (A. P. > — Recommendations tor providing work for the nation'» Jobless, estimated at (4,<*00,000, completed today by the steering committee of the national conference on unemployment, were based on th« principle that unem ployment In the main Is a problem for solution by Individual communi ties. that federal aid state govern ments aiding as much as possible The recoin inondations Included the establishment of emergency commit tee« In communities to coordinate the work of finding Jobs for the In voluntary Idle and for registration of the «memployed other recommenda tions are as follows: Publication of the number of un employed Establishment of part-time work y manufacturers Wllford Allen Jr., who has been Operation of factories and mills In confined at home with tonsilltis the making atock where possible. Continuation of repair and similar past week, Is recovering from hl» illness. He hopes to be able to leave work on a normal scale. Doiug repair and aRerallous uy of for Eugene early next week in order Will Engage Man Who Will Give His Time U» the Advancement of In fice building, hotel and home owners to resume his studies at the univer terests of tlie District during the winter Instead of waiting sity. until spring. ! Expansion of municipal work. A meeting of the trustees of the Establishment of part-time work Chamber of Commerce was called for by municipalities. Construction by federal goveru- this afternoon at which it is hoped inent of buildings aad other work« Home» anil Business Move» Held t'p some definite arrangement can be By <»|M-n Shop Campaign for which appropriations are avail reached regarding the employment of a permanent managing secretary able. I San Franciaco. Sept. 30—«(L N. 3.» for the association. A new system Hastening road building and other — A buildings trad« strike and lock of the paying of dues, preferably on work by atate and local authorities. Action by congress on road con out followed by a campaign of the the quarterly plan, was also to be Builders' Exchange to install the considered. struction legislation. Enactment by congress of a rail American plan or open shop condi "Grants Pass’ greatest assets.” way funding bill with expenditures tion* has »topped practically all said H. H. Allyn, who has been act conditioned on increase of employ building progress here for the past ing secretary, "have not been prop three or four months Thousands ment erly advertised. In fact, there ha* of homes, hundreds ot apartment « b<en no new literature, with the ex house« and scores of big business M»S ANGEL»» CIU»WD ception of a mining and mineral na WEIXYlMES FAT < OMEDIAN buildings have been halted in the ture. for the past 10 year». The ir- i course of construction This has i rlgation project, now nearing com ,i i ■ effectually stopped any downward ' Giunta Win National Inizile Honor pletion. has not been properly adver In some of the l-oa Angeles. Sept. 30.— (A. P.)—- trend in rentals. unii 1 linkere Have a (inch tised, and the only method the Cham i A crowd welcomed Arbuckle today at downtown apartments the trend teas ber of Commerce has of answering the station. Women embraced and even been slightly upward for choice Inquiries regarding agricnltural con New York. Sept. 30 (A Pi apartments. Builders, agents and ditions is through the writing of long The New York Giants won the Na- men cheered One woman mounted renters agree that until building is | a suitcase and denounced those who personal letters. A small pamphlet, t Ion al league championship through resumed In full blast there is little setting forth the entire irrigation the double defeat of Pittsburg yes welcomed the comedian prospect of rent reductions here. Re project, should be printed in order to terday by St. Ixiuis. The only chance establishment of stable labor condi facilitate the answering of such in- the New York Yankees have of los tions in the building trades promises q ul.-lee. ing the American league champion to be followed by a tidal wave of ship is by their losing the remain “Now that a road is being made home building Mid a consequent le»s- through to the Josephine Caves, ing three games and the ClexeUmd ■ V4'xiing oí purime 1»is. This inis jening of (iviiiciiiu demand ivr for « apartments Indiana winning their three remain Do Valera Says Hi» People Will Join | It is expected In another year will re w hoee fame has gone abroad as th» ing games. ‘Marble Halls oX Oregon.’ a wonderful in the Conference to Be Held ' suit in a dr..i' rental' C «st I dealoi. ro<«*rt more people aro -how- tri-‘ « /“**• *-^**M**> <*"‘- Philadelphia. Hept 30. (A. P.)—: I Ing an intereet in heme mrntns than i*l*. who will cot be fereeff to under I-ondon. Sept. 30.—(A. P.4—Ea go the ardors of a trip over a moun Today's New York-Philadelphia Xm I ever before. tain trail Thb< project >• the direct l'rl can league game was called off j mon De Valera has accepted Lloyd ----------» ’•». ■ '/ f I tl restlltof the work of the local cham because of a rainstorm The game George's invitation to a conference, PORTItA.ND MARKETS ber. through the state commission." will be played In a double header at | says an Exchange Telegraph state-1 »«.00 1 Choice Steers .... ...... $5.50 New York tomorrow. The Yankees ' n,®nt< ..... »4.50 6 »5.00 The Irish conference i» to be here (Choice feeders need to win but one game to clinch , October 11th. De Valera's note con I Prime Light Hogs »11 00 it »11.85 the pennant »11.10 cluded "We accept the invitation. Hogs, extreme high Our delegates will meet you in l*on- Hogs, prime ligat.. .»10.50 (k »11.00 don on the date mentioned and ex East Mountain l-Ainbs »6.00 it »6 50 Ventura Seeks to Edili ate and Inspire Possible Western Renident» plore every possibility of settlement ' Eggs, buying price, plain 36c ii 38c t I by personal discussion.” I Eggs. white ........................... 40c it 4 2c z Ventura. Cal.. Sept. 30.—(A. P.1 «fermait» Are Being Tolti of the Ail- Eggs. selling mixed.......... 44c ft 46c vantage* Awaiting Them in V. M. [ Eggs. storage ......................38c it 40c — Ventura's seventh annual county ’ Eggs, white henneries ...........I....50C fair, which opens here October 5 to New York. Sept. 30.— (A. Pil ' Egg», selling, candied ...................... 44c continue for a week is intended to 50c be "educational and inspirational to Immigration of flermans is increas- Eggs. fancy selects ............. easterners who are coming to Cali Ing and the advantages of the I’nited Attorney General Wants to Mould I Butter, extra cubes fornia to reside," It has announced. States as a ¡dace to which to migrate Butter, prints ___ Bad Characters Into Good The fair will be (more complete Wheat ........................ si.oe e are to tie described in an emigration and cover a broader range of topics exhibition to be held in many Ger Washington. Sept. 30.— (1. N. 8. Portland. Sept. 30.—(A. P.)—Cat- than any fair ever held here before, man cities during the winter. the — Prison reform that will re-mold tie and hogs, steady; sheep, low; There will be everything from stock foreign language information service bad characters into good ones, today eggs and butter, firm. »bows to chariot races. announces. The promoter of the exhibition has stood out as one of the big things 1 appealed to German Immigrants in that the administration must do to j improve citizenship. Attorney Gen- the I’nited States for exhibits. . oral Daugherty declared, discussing I a new system he has evolved for ; handling federal prisoners. Attorney General Daugherty’s plan, now about ready for President New York. Sept. 30.—(A. PJ — first with Louisville, then with Bal Position in Si rumble for American Harding'» approval soon will be Reunited after many years of glory timore and fiually with 'Brooklyn. 1 «lagne Pennant Is Retained , ready for congress. It calls for the and strife on the diamond a great His work as manager in Detroit 'establishment of a new federal vo trio of baseball players has brought came to a close with the season of so. Chicago, Sept. .. . . . <A. P.1- , . cational training plant, where pris the New York THants through this Cleveland defeated Chicago here to oners can be taught trades and Burkett came to the Giant* iu seasoua battles for the peuuaut. day by a score of 3 to 2. The team “otherwise rebuilt” so they may be- John McGraw. Hughey Jennings. 1890 as a pitcher but waa converted retained Its place in the scramble come useful cltlsens after their terms Jesse Burkett—the name* of all into an outfielder because he ctflild for the American league petinant. expire. three are written at the top of the 1 not control his left handed shoots, i And as an outfielder with New York, list of baseball heroes. McGraw Is finishing his 20th year Cleveland and St. lxiui». Burkett as manager of the New Yorks and i made history as one of the most in this year he has had as first assist j able batsmen in the game. The batting records of .McGraw, ant Jennings, his old team mate on the old team of Orioles of Baltimore Jennings and Burkett, combined, rep and Burkett, as the second deputy. resent 27 years of hitting over the The individual records of this trio .300 mark in the big show. Burkett at bat and afield stands out among batted better than .300 for 11 years, the greatest in the history of the McGraw for nine and Jennings for seven. Burkett was the mightiest game. Burkett has never had the good of the trio and In 1895 he batted fortune to manage a major league .423— • mark second only to Hughey pennant winner hut McGraw has i Duffy’s .438 of 1894. The New York Giants have won piloted the Giants to a goodly string of flags and Jennings won three five pennants in the National league including and since 1905, but they pennants with the Tigers. » McGraw was a third baseman, first have been victorious in only one .McGraw won with the great Baltimore club and world'B series play. Mr. and Mrs A. It. Gmven of Chicago have left that city on u water trip then with St. Ilaiuis and wheu he the world’s title with his team In ■ munti the world. They ar? going In their gas engine bout "SpeeJn«ks," IM landed in New York he retired as an 1905 against the Philadelphia Ath feet long by 17 feet wide They Intend tn erti’»« »round various waters for a active and became a leader— one of letics, and though he has had great year mid a half or two year«. Mr. Gowen estimates that he will travel I7.(MX> the foremost in the annals of the er organizations since, the American tulles before his return. game. Jennings was a shortstop— league champions overcame them. ICALIFORNIACOUNTY FAIR OPENS ——F REFORM SYSTEM IS ADVOCATED NEW YORK GIANTS READY FOR PENNANT BATTLE Berlln. Sept. 30. ( A. P. > Amer- . lean, England « nd German banking Interests have begun negotiations looking toward cooperation in the re habilltatlon of Russia through the financing of industrial enterprise» n the soviet republic, according to In formation which lias reached Inter ested commercial circles here. The proposed assistance would not be based upon a recognition of the present government of lluaala but would respect any contracts which might lie made,” one of the repre sentative» of a London house, which is promoting the movement, declared, ille added that negotiation» were be gun only "after It was established that the soviet government was no longer 'red’ but had swung to the right, and waa aiming at something eesentlally the same na the goal of other republican nation»." The Russian government la un derstood to have been Informed of the purpose of the \merlcnn, Eng lish laud German Interests and to have been told frankly there waa no Intention at this time of making Russia a fourth party to the contract. but only the object of ’’■ solicitous • nd profitable, movement." The Russians are believed to have takeu it for granted that the Inter national bankers were planning "a benevolent exploitation" of Russia, which would not only yield them profit but would help to stabilize the uncertain economical situation there Certain IRuaslans here who liuve displayed lively interest in these ne gotiations assert there is a possibil ity they will succeed regardless of whether the present Russian govern ment stands or falls, although it Is admitted that at this time the only result of the movement has been to secure the promise of a number of I nd I vlil u a I but strong. banking houses iu each of the three conn trie» to auppoitt he plan If good evi ilenee Is offered that the soviety gov ernment will give the foreign finan ciers a free hand. The 'Germans are particularly anx ious to cooperate with the English and the Americans, lie explained, for I «ven Individual commercial alliances represent to them "another link in a, friendship which may Inter result In :i new Germany, able again to take her place among the great financial powers of the world." Spec jacks Off for Tour of World