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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1921)
PAGE TWO BtAKSrilN A MARK OF HONOH 8RANTS PASS Dili! Eastern Published Daily Except Sunday 4. E. Voorhle». Pub. and Propr entered at postoffice. Grant. Pa«». Ore., as second-class mall matter TIIE REST GUADE OF RICE POIXX»RX LAX IX A St I’l’LY OF Tills YltTK I.E SPECIAL l’ilio: 12 pot XIIS H»ll Bt.tH» I RIDAI, SEPT. :tPlTI. ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per Inch............. t-oeal-personal column, per line. Readers, per line............................. WH I’OtHTlVKLY GUARANTEE THIS CORN TO 1X1» TO IIE THE BEST OX THF MARKET. DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year.... $«.00 «4y mall or carrier, per month WEEKLY COURIER •ly ma.i per year ..................... Flv. British R.gim.nts Won Right to Wear, at the Batti, of Waterloo. DO XOT FORGET TO HAVE Tills OX ORDER. POP YOt R FRIDAY $- 11,1 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press is exclusively Insist on Minerva Yarns entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited In this or all otherwise credited in this Grants Pass, Ore 101 A 105 N. 6th neper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights for republication ot spe- «•'al dispatches herein are also re tor.v flowers to grow for brightness of longings Several dollars is due him served. Fields is color and ease of cultivation, and for his work, and Mrs Till IWhAY. SEPTKMllfiH 2V, 1921. masses of the»«» can fill parking more than anxious for an opportun ity to meet him personally. She places along the streets at the mini guarantees to get her money'» worth ♦ ♦ mum of expense and trouble. Ar- out of the meeting. OREGON’ WEATHBR range before another spring to add Weather for the Week beauty to the setting and fragrance Ilrhh'-to-be Honored — ♦ Pacific Coast States: Fair in Yesterday evening Mrs. Everett O. to the atmosphere by planting pe- California, and ccusiderablc Bradford and Mrs Vallard T Truax tunlas or other flowers that come ♦ cloudiness and showers In Ore gave a shower at the home of Mrs. quickly and caaily. It will be a con Sam Stlnebnugh In honor of Miss 4 gon and Washington. Normal 4 temperature. stant pleasure (or you and will occa Olive B. Courtney whose marriage to sion many an exclamation of delight Leo DeVaney of Roseburg will be Tonight and Friday, fair and from the tourist. You can make no an event of next month. The rooms 4 warmer. were decorated artistically in bright better investment. 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ autumn leaves and red hearts and the table was centered with a min ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ HI’Rl ( ING I P THE STREET» iature bride and groom The even ADDITIONAL LOCAL At no period In the development » ing was enjoyably spent with cards ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ and music after which a Spanish ot Grants Pass has there be«« a more Preas Erector Here— lunch was served to the following better spirit for owning home» and Richard W. Rogers, of San Fran- guests: Miss Olive B. Courtney, Miss for beautifying the home places than cisco, arrived this morning on the Genevieve Pattillo. Miss Corlyss now. Improvements are living made Shasta and this afternoon he com Courtney, Mesdames August Goet- in homes, new ones are being < con- menced the preliminary work toward tsche. C. W. Courtney. Chas. Adair, strueted, and our people have ap- the erection of the Courier’s new Clyde Martin. Goldie Hull, Fred Col Goss Comet press. Mr. Rogers will lins. Clarence Rice. Karl Winetrout, parently become satisfied that this be here about three weeks, remain Amos Williams. Out of town guests Is a place where they expect to re ing to thoroughly try out the press were Mrs. Roy McGee. Mrs. Roscoe main. Some who return after having and instruct the Courier force in its Goel. Miss Hasel Taylor <>i Roseburg. once departed are the greatest boo operation. Mrs. Earle Browne, Mr». John Den nison of Medford and disses Irene sters ot them all. But while there and Clara Ixiverl Ice nt Monterey has been great improvement In the I’ay Taxes Before October .X— 97 In order to avoid penalty appearance of things, there is room \EU TODAY for more improvement. A few , Women Threaten Vian— FOR SALE—Cook stove, reasonable, flowers, a patch ot green lawn, grow at 730 North Sixth street. 93tf Harry Jones is said to have left ing tree« and shrubbery, these add to I town, and could not be found yester FOR 8AI-E— Ford car in good run ^the general appearance of things and . day afternoon, wheir Mrs. Clyde ning order and good tires. Price $225. 214 North Third St. !»4 Fields and Mrs Carl Gentner were prove a wonderful attraction to the looking for him. Jones, it seems, FOR SALE-- -Tomatoes ¡or canning. stranger. No where does nature re Ripe, cheap IVic a pound. 1031 was working tor Mrs. Fields, when North Tenth W. J. Sturges. 94 spond more readily than here to the she saw fit to discharge him. He efforts of the floriculturist. Many came np town and passed highly un DE ANJOU PEARS for sale. 50c a box. Peter Olsen. 50O-R-2. 94 flowers will bloom nearly the year complimentary remarks about her through if a little attention aud irri and .Mrs. Gentner, who immediately STOLEN - The parties that stole the sought personal satisfaction. Mrs. auto tools, pump, jack, inner tubes, gation be given. While water from box ot odds and ends, coat and Gentner stated she had whipped two sweater jacket from Ford car late the irrigation project is not yet avail men already, and was willing to Saturday night or Sunday morn able for all the city property, the take a chance with the third. A war ing, kindly return these things to avoid further trouble. People ca rates for water from other sourc«»s rant for his arrest was sworn out. llee without stealing. 1 have to are not prohibitive, and the return but no Jones was around. The be work for what I got and expect you lief that he has left the city was to do the same. If this Is the .vay certainly justifies the expense. The strengthened by a visit to his room, you make your living, you will petunia is one of the most satisfac-1 from which he had removed his be- spend your spare time in .fail if you are caught. Geo. N. Cain ibell. WANTED at Savage Rapids dam Carpenter«, wages $5.50, boar!. $1.25. Apply Mr. Neilson at the <1am. 93lf GET YOVR LUMBER from the J phine Lumber Co., at whole.« mill prices All kinds of planed CANÌBOSTEM Motber'« problem 1» solved when lumber. Our trick delivers any where. Phone 198, 107 North «''th •he buys that first Kutc Kut. For KUT HUTS street. :«-' It 1» the one playsuit thnt rubameli DEPENDABLE INSURANCE Ml lines. See T. M. Stott. B ilck sales the loveline«» of her little daughter 43tf rooms. Phone 520. —yet that's sturdy enough to with- MODERN 7-room house. c!o«e in. i tend the roughest play. good location, lot 50x100, for sale.I Priced especially for quick ^ r I c • r* • quire on premises. 411 ' >'• The smart style is ill lh<- wide I COAL AND WOOD -When you buy Dutch peg. an «-xclusivc Kutc Kut yonr qoal and wood from ns yo > feature. The durability I« in the ex- get two things that are «-i ntl.-ii i today—quality and servl« cellent quality of materials and skill Ham« Wood & Coal Co. 75tf ful tailoring. Kut<* Kut« won't rip FOR RENT—tl-rooni furnished —for ••en-rjr stitch I« guaranteed." house with bath. 730 North Sixth BtTML They won’t fnilo, for the colors are KINDERGARTEN «tarts Monday, Oc- Tr ily, they are built for siren- : tober 3 at 9 a. Beveridge <v youngster«. Powers. 4 23 B street. I’hone 1-J. I The Idea! °lay Suit For Girls XI AV *>IIII,MEXT IIS!' KM EIVED THE NEWEST PLAY SUIT FOR GIRLS Golden ïkule tStore “Josephine’s Best » U Flower oi Clematis ’ >i 1» no longer n<X'e»»ary t • |«j a fancy price to gel the best grade of bardwbewt flour. The !o< I mill is now making a straight liar duh at flour which »oil« for only M2.IM» |>er »:i«k. Enough of it has l>cen sold nnd lias proved so «allefadory that we fee' r uiflil -nt in «tating that it ivil* please the most ex.Kting. Ask for “Jos •di ine-« Beat” (hard wheat flour). lower «if (Temati«" i» m tellina at Si.7.1 .in« new ■r «.ok. Recvntly puldlsbed portralts of thè ktng or Englmid ut thè hhtorlc Brltlsh ■ eremony, “trooplng of thè color».'' m thè guani» pii rade Iti l.ondon »Imw bini vwniitig ilio high, sliuggy bearskln heuddrcss willeli nppears lo thè unlnithited io I h * a heaiy, UIIColll- fortnble urthJc ol' appnrel. As » mai ter of faci li I» llot us mieoiilfortillilr na It look». The beiirskln, ns H |. nillisl lo dl« tlugutsh II from il¡" shako mui busby, I» Illudo of thè skin ot th<- Riissimi l'enr nini »tretclied over n bnsketllk«' frntuevork. In reulity It 1» noi ani henvter thnn thè oldtline h< Imot. Tlic otie thè ktng vvure oli ibis occnnlon hnd n vvhlte piume on thè side, thè Innigtil» of thè Grenndlcr gunnls. of vvhleh regi meni King George Is honorury colonel. Flve Brltlsh tluuril reglnioiit» uri1 rii tltled to wrar thè beiirskln, n di» tlnetloii tlley w od ut Wnterlow ivlieii thè Brltlsh guerds drf> nted thè nld Guani of X'ii|Hile<>n. vvho worr thl towerlng forni of heniltlre«- Beshli - :lu Gretmdler guani» n reel incili dntlng from thè timo of Charles II, Ilio CeJdstienni, Sin:». Irlsh and Welsh guani», thè bitter forme«) dur Ing III«- World wnr, wear brarskinn. Tliey forni (he brigiide of F<«>t guani» In prave lime nnd are pori of thè hoiisehold Irisip». villose dulie.« Include thè guardina of Bucklngham nnd St. .lume» pulitore. Í This Stunner A VICTROLA You Ruin a kind of pleasure front the Victrola that nothing ehc . ... ,..c. To < »joy at any moment the uctuul intinc <>« the Ivic- most arlu!'. poa. ;,)lc llnouga t' \ ictrula alone. You ntay carry this deiigiitful privilege with you in the summer months. We have convcnn-ni tiiodek l.u.'du.^ and outdoor use that will niak Call oa us Loda. NEW FRENCH LINER ARTISTIC The Pari», Rrcsntly Launch«!. Has Eleven Decke and Is Like an Art Museum. The Music <ind Ph to House A writer In a r< ent number of l.e Petit I'urlalen de-. <•(<•» nearly n column of most p'xule pro e to the new «team ship Purls of tlie I'reni'li Ti niisiiilantlc compuny, 'uunchvd recently at Le Ilnvn* for the New York run. Tho Parts 1« a llttl«> more tliun seven hull- dre«l and »Ixty.eight feet In length (not quite a» long as the Mnuretiinla), Im« tl deck«, t’l lifebouts and three stacks. Her w«-lght 1« .'L’ ntwt ton«. While not palatial, the new liner Is descrtlH-d ns a work of art. She car ries n crew of (211 nnd about 3.<to> | »' tiger«. Among tlie ft ntures of her «■qulpinent an' mentlined a terruced eu'i and un eliiborute children’« play room. Tie vc-«cl Is an oil burner, and nil the cooking nn<1 heating Is done by electricity. Th< I'rench writer, above mentioned, observe« ihnt the Purls would do very nicely a» n inu«vutn nnd Is u "perma nent, lasting «alon of mbd«*m French art.” In th< grand drawing room. Ill'd with inniive woodwork, the Pain ter I-itllque tins employed n design <>f butterflies reptvsentlng the hour«, while h « eanv.'i« from the |ini«h of Albert I'l -'ierd pay« honing«* to Fnili'i' titid America. Uapie Sugar. The sugar, or rock maple ( bist Macchnrlnuin) tlrivvs l>e-l In <‘H til Cali;' a. itlid ill I"- »tut«» of VelliK'iit. New Humpshire and parts ul New York, but nowhere doe.» it thrive better tl rm in tin- piuvitie«' of Quel«-«, and esp,. ially in the hilly south- eastern part, ktioun aa the eastern lovvn«h.|«. The augur producing ar,, "f Quel» ' 1« much farg- r than tltut "f Vermont am! not so I rokeu In y teliec it 1« ii hilly country; In V« r rnont It Is uliiio-t -iiountulnous. Both areas pro ‘. kt line sugar, probably the best made anyvvli« : and especially those districts that ure fttx- of lime stone. W Him n**n a STANTON ROWE L, Propr Giants Pass, re. I O; 'I t" •.’ Oil:- ti. cout|tr. hi ami wide r< maker IÍI ‘ lie number hm « done French .’her n itable »' rk. She was n winner of the Prix de Rom«'. which «•ns (•»•nbll»hed in 1MR nn<! during nil that time «he wa« Hie only nn who contest« d for the honor. W! on -die win »«'lect.Ml ti e mvnrd nnrrow««l Itself down to n group "f “lx. $10.00 REWARD - For return portfolio lost during fair Contains album ot Ford ion tures C. A Winetrout. RUSH SALE A farm one and on! half miles from Grants Pus a snap. Apply to Isaac Best FOR SALE -300 land. 15 botto water, good 7 good ham«, r winter school, telep’’« her, ■ Million cords $20 >er acre and 1 0 tnent.’. See Mitch. Mi WAX’Tl.’D v woman to eookln.- nt ’h« County Home or phene 80Î-F-2. WANTED \ sood second h. rd wheel chair. Address George V. Swinney. cretary I. O. O. F Grants Pass. * t XT XV TODAY—ITi-ctrh- lr >n. nesrlv X’EW. X’cw «lilpnv nt of blue bird di«h<-«. mirror«, coff«-c ct»'««. tub«. «Ire«, w»«h lw!!t*r«, ri few good o cost«, ll.ith tub. Plionc Booth. bread. day for ti i.r«H-<r bak««l by GRAMS I ASS P-’vrn' »d rsrds—Courier off'c- i BAKERY m:l G Meet •» ■ r