AS84M I Vf Kl» PREHH HERVI»'E. GKANTW PASS. JOSII-JIIAK COIN TV. OHMIOS. VOI.. All., Ao. II». PARTY LINES Soutlicr»» Oregon l>i»(ri<l» G»-t Blue luhlem al slate l air AAitli Irult I Oiibit CONifSI IN INIIRISI DI FONO night. Coos dairy «core place WHOLE N EMBER Î3B8. FINALWORÜIS BIG REWARD IS GERMANY IS READY ROWEN MUST GIVEN IRISH BY, OFFERED FOR 10 BÍTIFY MY SERVE TERM IN LLOYD GEORGE MAIL ROBBERS f«-ad<T> Pave Way for Final Vote in I’. S. Senate on Ratificntion October 15th Salem, Sept. 29. (A. P.l- -Jack- INVITATION TO ( X» AI l-.RE, At E Is lll l’l I1LK IX8 III >1.1» ì HAT MAN sou count', with a score of 96.4, won BELIEVED LAST MOA I. BA THE FROM MICHIGAN SUOI 1.1» Kill’ first prize lii the county exhibit« at INTERNMENT Ills SE AT IA SI A A I i: ib» «tute fair, awarded lust Thu exhibit foal .red fruit«. county, foaturltig cheese and , roúi.> la, '■«« second, with a of 93.3. iDo iglú» look third with a score of 89.7. Till ICSI» A A , HEIT EMBER 2». 11(21. Berlin, Sept. 29.—(A. P.j—The HIGH < <>ERT AF'EIRALS SENTENCE IIIIRTA THOISAND HOLI.ARK IS foreign affaira committee of the RK II PRIZE FOR < Am RE OF OF the ; JOHKPHINB OOVNTY relcbatag today approved ratification HANIHTH t’lRCEIT lNECKT of the peace treaty with the Cnited States. MEET Will BE HEID OCI.IIIH HOLD-UP ON SANIA ft RAiLROAG WAS CONVICTED OF FORGERY Washington, Sept. 29.— (A. P.)— Agreement for a final vote by the . senate on October 15th on ratifica-] tlon of the treaty with Germany Is) I relu ml Told She Must lliw Her Rep- Six Men Part i<i|»au»l in Crime and AA as < barged With Making a Phoney E'liuti Aï-lion I», Ilio II ih I) I m Not Ev- II ARMONA ISREAAOTE AT now being negotiated by leaders. rs-sentntion« a« Member of British F ’ orced desk« to Hand Out Quit Claim lxsed to Property in | hmì < h I Io tome for Sl-HTIll 01*1 NING O1 LIMA Ml bi.I M Pouches Dominion the Illinois A alley Week« LIBERTY OF THOl’GHT IS RE4NJGNIZED IN HONDIRAS Um«, Hept. 29.- (A. P.)—A cor dial rappruachment ‘between the civ Ixindon. Sept. 29 (A. P.j- Sinn Oklahoma City, Sept. 29.— (A. P.) AA’«9li11>g11>1», Sept 29 I A I* I Tegucigalpa. Tonduras. Sept. 29. R. J. Rowen must serve three years ilized .peoples of the southern half Opinion« conflicting along party of the New World la the urgent and F.-ln leaders have been Invited to a —A reward of 130,000 for the cap- , —(A. P.)—Liberty of thought and in the state penitentiary at Salem tor lines were presented by majority and Immediate need of today, «aid Presi conference here on October 11th In ture of the six men in the mail car: free exercise of all forms of worship a forgery charge committed more minority member» of tin« ■«•nate priv dent A. B. leigula, «peakfng at the a note dispatched to President DeVa- 1 robbery near here last night on the . and religion are to be recognized by ] than four years ago and on which he ilege» and election cominltt» on the opening of the Hlmon Bolivar mu- lera by Lloyd George. The commu Santa Fe railroad was authorized to-I the constitution of the new Central was convicted in the circuit court, the American Federation, which is being an appeal to the supreme court of Ford-Newberry election contest from soum, one of the feature» of the cen nication. regarded a« Great Britain’s day through a telegram from Michigan. The majority report ) tennial celebration«. The museum final word, declares Ireland must postmaster general. Five thousand ] discussed in the constituent assembly the state having confirmed the find The provision was • ings of the lower court. His bonds cleared Senator Newberry of corrup building, the president recalled, was base her propositions upon self gov dollars is offered for each man. The | meeting here. tion charge» and recommended that th»» «ame in which Bolivar, liberator ernment M a member of the «later- : bandits forced the clerks to throw ] adopted after a fierce contention led men have been notified to produce off four pouches. A posse is search- [ by the representatives of the Catho him in order that the sentence may ho lie »eated. The democrats declar of the northern republic» of South hood of the British dominion«. ing for them lic clergy of Guatemala. Salvador and be served. The decision of the high ed that New berry had ven elected by Apierica from Spanish rule, drew up — Honduras. Illegal method» and recommended the the invitation and bakes for the con er court was received yesterday. MANY PROFESSORS ARE neat be declared vacant. .A decision gress of Anu ric: n republics and con Rowen was indicted by the grand by the neimtH i** not probable for ceived. more than a century ago. the jury on a charge of forgery of a quit IN NEW JI ’STICK «»I RT i HIRE IMMIGRATION STATION ORDERED BA’ H ARBOR HOARD claim deed to mining property on Idcu for a »octet! of uatlou» to serve rov ««r«d WR«*kn a» a "council in great quarrels and Everett Hogue Arrested by .sheriff’s the Illinois river, April 2, 1917. Geneva, Sept. 29.—(A. P.i—Pro < lit lie t barged With Boot »egging Ix>s Angeles. Cal., Sept. 29.— (A.] u point of contact In case of com Testimony in the case tended to fessors of international law consti mon danger«." tute a majority of the members of P.)—Construction will start within show that the alleged forged deed A raid upon the home of Everett the new court of international jus a few weeks on a federal immigra was presented to the county clerk by tion station at Ix>s Angeles harbor ] J. T. Gilmore, a partner in mining Hogue, 818 1 street shortly before] ———— ARBI < KI.E1 HEI.F1 ASED IS tice as just elected by the league March < »»»1» ito I’er » ent Over ll»2ti. OFF $8 »It IJ»S AAGEI.ES noon today resulted in the seizing of of nations. Its composition is as to cost $75.000 it has been announc deals with Rowen. The whole tenor A an li e Nearly Hack to Normal more than a gallon of moonshine of the testimony was to the effect follows: Five professors of law in ed by the harbor board. — San Francisco. Sept. 29.-—(A. P.) whiskey, a case of empty bottles that universities. Two who are both pro that those interested in the prosecu Rome, Sept 29 (.A. I’. I Rome -"Fatty" Arbuckle, released on ball had evidently been used before, and fessors of law and lawyers. Two GRIPPE KEEPS BABE; Rl TH tion never had possession of the al OET OF THE? GAME TODAY la »till the moat expensive large city latq yesterday, was In seclusion to a collection of Jug«. Hogue was re- leged forged deed. lawyers. One jurist. One states In Italy According to the latest fig- day lie planned to leave for Los Ieased upon furnishing bond of «350, j man. At least five are professors In examining the case, thr su New York. Sept. 29.— (A. P.) — urea published on the coat of living, Angele« tonight with hl» wife and and is to upi»ear before James Hol-: of international law; while one is Babe Ruth, the home-run king, is preme court decided that Rowen bad the Eternal City la 19 per cent dearer her mother, and hl» attorneys. The man. justice of the peace, at 2 1 a professor of the history of political confined to his bed with grippe. had a fair trial and no errors were than it waa in 1820. Thia, however, district attorney plans a trial soon on o'clock tomorrow. found, and affirmed the judgment of and civil institutons Ruth caught cold while motoring, la a diminution of the coat of living I the manslaughter charge Hogue, according to Sheriff George the lower court. club headquarters said he would be lj*wls, who made the arrest, is during the paat month« when, during Following the indictment by the back in the lineup tomorrow known to be an old offender. He March, the coat of living -soured a« j MAA RI.M Mill.I AG GARDNER grand jury, more than four years ago, much aa 30 per cent higher than last SEEN IN NORTHERN B»AA N was served with a warrant charging Rowen was not brought to trial un PORTLAND MARKETS the maintenance of a nuisance and year. til January 1, 1920. and received his The other expensive cities are Mi 15.50 (R $6.00 sentence a week later. The case was Portland. Sept 29 (A. P t -Of of having liquor in bis possession. Nearly Half Million A isitor» Expect Choice Steers ___ lan. Florence and Turin which ure ficers are working on a clue that a Relief by the sheriff that more Choice feeders ............$4.50 ® $5.00 again argued and submitted to the ed at E'air Grounds Oct. 8-15 a limit is per cent over the 1920 man resent »ling Roy Gardner spent than one still in this vicinity is oper Prime Light Hogs $11.00 ra $11.65 supreme court on June 23, 1921. He figures. Venice. and Trieat are lint last week at Raymond. Wash.. and ating was borne out by the nature of Hogs, extreme high ................... $11.10 was released on $1000 bonds after St Paul, Minn.. Sept. 29. — (A. P.) s per cent over the figure» of last left Friday night in a stolen automo the liquor seized The majority of Hogs, prime light....$10.50 'a $11.00 his trial, nearly two years ago. Mr. I —Approximately half a million vis year East Mountain I^tmbs $6.00 @ $6.50 Rowen has been employed in Med bile The proprietor of the lodging moonshine has heretofore been of a itors are expected in St. Paul to at clear color, while the product of Eggs, buying price, plain 36c if 38c ford as an auto salesman while out house where he stopped has disap the raid on Hogue's place was red tend the National Dairy Show and Eggs, white .......................... 40c ft 42c on bail awaiting the deecsion of the pea red. dish-brown. and of a very potent na the 17 big conventions allied with Eggs, selling mixed ....... 44c ft 46c higher court. , the dairy industry which will be ture. • Eggs, storage ..................... 38c ft 40c AVI ATolCS LU EASED held during the show at the Minne Eggs, white henneries ................. .50c BA STATE. EX «MINERS Annun/.io Intends to -<■(%•* Him Pro sota fair grounds October 8 to 15. 1*11« HER OF HROOKLKVN Eggs, selling, candled ................... 44c duct IHstinclive Annie HF.AIM4 NATIONAL G. A. R. Eggs, fancy selects ........................ .50c Sacramento. Cal.. Sept. 29. —(A. Butter, extra cubes ........................ 43c tlardone, Italy, Sept. 29 (A. I’. I l’.l Announcement of the personnel Indianapolis, Sept. 29.— (A. P.) — Butter, prints ................................. 4 2c Delegatee to AA orld's I’re»» < ungrots -Gabriele d’ Anminrlo, the poet and of the ulrcraft examining board, l«»wh» S. Pilcher, of Brooklyn, was Offered Rare Treat Wheat ....................... $1.07 © $1.12 hero of the Flume Independence, has which will have supervision over li elected commander in chief of the become a producer of wine In his censing of men outside of the army G. 'A. R. at the 55th encampment Says She Talked With Mrs. Mahoney Hilo, Island of Hawaii. T. H.. Sept. Portland. Sept. 29.—(A. P.l—Cat-j After Date of Alleged Murder hour» of quiet on the luke here. and navy who desire to operate any now In session in this city. tie. sheep, steady; hogs, slow and 29.— (A. P.)—One of the world’s "I produce very little wine h it * kind of air craft, has been mude by — weak; eggs and butter, firm, higher' greatest spectacles of nature—dem enough ao that I can call myaelf one Charles J Chenu, director of the mo Seattle. Sept. 29.—(A. P.)—Mrs. | tendency. onstrations of volcanic activity by of the Italian family of wine pro-1 tor vehicle department of the state Dolores Johnson, sister of James E. Kilauea volcano on this island—will diicers," lie told a friend recently. The board was provided for by the Mahoney, testifying for the defense PHOTOGRAPH PROVES IT very possibly be unfolded before ths •’I expect to produce a wine that will last legislature. in the murder trial today, said she eyes of delegates to the forthcoming Athletic» latae E'irM Gaine——4 liicngo talked with Mrs. Mahoney over the be the envy of the French .and Span World's Press congress sessions in OFF FOR LONG CRUISE ish producer». 1 will give It a new Eliminate» ( 'leve»an<l 3 to t> telephone two days after April 16th. Honolulu In October, according to name of my own coining no that it ' when the state alleged the murder | L. W. deX’is-Norton, secretary of the will not be confused with any of thh j occurred. Asked if she signed the] Philadelphia, Sept. 29.--(A. P. Hawaiian Volcano research associa wine» at present on the market." With Babe Ruth missing from the power of attorney giving her brother tion and an authority on the Ha line-up the New A’ork Yankees, fight control of Mrs Mahoney's affairs. J waiian volcanoes. ing to hold the American league Mrs Johnson, after a stormy tilt The itinerary for the Press Con lead, met the Philadelphia Athletics between attorneys, refused to answer gress delegates calls for their arri today In the first of a three game on the ground that it might Incrim-] val here on the evening of October series, defeating the Athletics by a inate her. 12 and it has been arranged that the 211 A anl-h in Vicinity of Puri» Since] score of 5 to 0, next two days will be spent by the First of January delegates at the volcano among the j Chicago. Sept. 29.— (A. P.)—Chi- I wonders of America’s latest nation Versatile«, Sept. 29. (A. P.j — Lcago virtually eliminated Cleveland al park. Since January first, 211 young wom [ from the American league pennant en have completely disappeared from race today, shutting out the Indians -'bantling Question Tender Point Faria and vicinity. 5 to 0. With the Island Leaders When this fact waa published. ______________ Henri Desire Igindru, who Is await THE SERA It E <VM.MISSION Toklo. Sept. 29. — (A. P. 1—As ) ing trial horv on charges of murder I’hange Made to Ri'nefit P tim I ik -!»- SI SPENDS INCREASE ORDER part of her fundamental policy at ■ growing out of the disappearance of Growers of Pacifi«- t oast the Washington conference on the i II women to whom he had prom limitation of armaments, Japan will j Salem. Sept. 29. — (A. P.) — The ised marriage, delivered himself of I public service commission continued not permit "scrapping” of the ”21] the following to one of the warders: The reduced rates on vegetables | until January 1st for further inves demands" agreement with China, i "It's lucky for me tliul I have been and melons from California and Ore tigation its order suspending in and will not tolerate interference in locked up here for nearly three years, gon points to Chicago, Mississippi creases from 5c to 8c on car fare In the Shangtung question, according to j otherwise they would accuse me rtf river and points west will become ef Astoria, Eugene. Salem and West the statement of a high Japanese of-i having done away with the 21 I also. fective November 3. according to O. Linn. ficlal to the Associated Press. He W. Luce, freight traffic manager, EI.K ARE <A>l A TED asserted that Japan considered these' Southern Pacific company. The re Business to Move— FROM AA AIRPLANE matters accomplished facts which 1 ductions were recently announced by Bert Barnes has leased the front of concerned China and Japan directly. western carriers. VIsa 1 In, Cal.. -.9. ( A. ¡’.I the old Grants Pass Banking com In general discussion of far eastern The rates on beets, cabbage, car Aviators flying from the govern pany building and after October 1 matters however. Japan was said to rots. onions, parsnips, potatoes, nient base Iheru recently conducted will occupy It with his Jewelrv bus he willing to frankly explain her po-1 onion pets and turnips, In carloads, I to Chicago, Mississippi river and u survey of the ¡Litton willow I. iness, moving from the location he sitlon regarding these questions. Mi- li. I. Willoughby of Phllailel- trier to determine the number of na ■ lie training ship Newport of tli-- lias occupied »Ince starting business plilii, who was formerly Miss Fuller of points west have been reduced, ef tive California elk roaming the hills ,vw York Stute Nuutlcnl school, with E L. Galbraith will occupy the ad Among the guests at the Josephine Milwaukee, Is n real flsberlady. Down fective October 3rd from $1.25*4 to and plnlns. They counted 100 elk imi future merchant marine officers joining room with entrance on 11 last night were Smith S Johnson of in Floibla leeeutlj she eaught a tar $1.10 ]>er 100 pounds. but believe there are many more in hoard, passing beneath the Brooklyn street with her real estate and Insur Honolulu. T H . C. R. Fonts of Med jam weighing 10ft pounds, and whleli the section Tn 1 970 there were but • ridge on the start of a four months’ ance office, removing from East G ford. W. R. Burner of Holland and men«un*'.l •" feet and 8 Inches. P. D. Hobbs of Medford, Is regla- rills»’. two oik in the section lered at the Oxford. <tre i. A Tl. Hansen of Medford. LIVING COMES HIGH IN ROME |$T.PAUl DAIRYSHOW ATTRACTS ITMIAN POET-HERO MAKES WINE NEWSPAPERMENTOSEEVOLCANO MAHONEY'S SISTER IS WITNESS YANKS. MINUS RUTH. WIN 5-0 WOMEN EIISAPPEAR IN FRANCE JAPS • CLING _ TO _ _ 21 DEMANDS S.P, MIN» NOV. 5