Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1921)
<,I(INIS PtHH DAILS OOt U HUM ADA Y, KEPT. 2M. ttr.’l. page rm.Ei' I DOYLE’S .75 5.00 Classified Advertising lull HALE 90 ACRES to acres bottom under paid up water right for sale, 16000. Address No. 202, cure of Courier. 99tf HIM I.LLANF.Ol H al) 17x22’ California Special steel hay baler, 175. In good working order. H. M Button. William«. FOR «4LF )’»tlte prunes. I'ic per pound at Whitney Admis orchard south on Pacific highway. Brine 97 boxes. FOR S\LE »3 der^ood oe W ■ i/trl ty »ewrlter. I',.one L.3-II. 92 FOR SALE CHEAP Small house, can be moved or wrecked. Inquire W O Andrews. 905 Lawnridue. 97 FOR SALE 3 or 4 dor.en pullets, price reasonable. Ruby Dover, RiL 3, (IrantH Pass. 96 FOR RENT FOR RENT Afalfu. Grain and Stock ranches with nnd without Irrigation, or will sell at bar mln prices on long time easy payment*. Ranch».« In Jackson mid Josephine county. One ranch under ditch 3 miles from Grants Pnss, on river. Gold liny Realty Co.. Owners. At ,1 ford. Oregon. FOIl RENT Housekeeping rooms. 232 West I. Four rooms and hnth- room, hot nnd cold water. Mrs. J. S Smith. No children. FOR RENT CHEAP Good 20 acre farm, all In cultivation, one mile from city limits, large house. par den land, some fruit, school tati a 92 pas '* dally. Phone 375-Y. W »STEP ENTI til NI ED apple packers ant ed. Apnly at Oregon Gtowei- Packing Cooperative plant. 9:’. ¡»LAI V SEWING neatly done. lie* tn bln price i. 33 2 Bridge St 9 a WANI'KD Position nu ranch tor th ( one ter by man and ■ f cullili ex’iorlenced with stock. Mr. Walter T. Morris, M.rtl ■ or, pròni’ Off». REAL ESTAT® E. T. Mc’ClNSTRY, 6i>3 G St., nhone 3r.5-R, r *;il ostite Best of «oils for fruit, h »y or general farmin«. Many Visiting Mason*— At the Masonic meeting held Tues day night, many Kerby member» of the fraternity were guests of the lo cal lodge. There was also a delega tion from Glendale, and others from several states. Supper was served to a hundred or more at 6:30. VETERINARY Si ItGEON REPAIR SHOP Steam fitting, pipe DR. R J. BESTIE, Veterinarian. Residence 838 Washington boule work plumbing, boiler and pump vard. phone 398-R. work. Installing. 505 South 6th St. TIMI Phone 306 G A. Bryan. DRY SEASONED OAK. fir and pine wood for »ah*. R F. D No. I. BANKERS LIFE COMPANY—Des Box 11. C. W. Immbrecht 6ltf Moines, Iowa Myron C. Gaston, District Agent. POTATOES at 2c at place 2 miles from town on upper river road. C. CAR.NKR-GAYETTY IRON WORKS II Peterson >102 - General foundary and machine FOR SALE l>o you want a winter work, mine, mill machinery, chilled job? Have a good team working saw carriage wheels, live rolls, on long job. The man who buys pipe fittings. Grants Pass, Oregon the team geU tho job. Phone 313-J or 3Sf. It 86tf WILL PAY liberal rate of interest for FOR »ALE CHEAP A 2-h. p. gas 1700 loan on good first mortgage engine and pump jack complete, a* security. Inquire No. 253 care a high grade Jersey bull from San Courier. 93 ford stock of Ashland, Oregon; a thoroughly overhauled Ford car HEMSTITCHING, pecotJng, beading. SOI East H street. iPhone 245-Y. for sale or trade for good cows or I 117 laying hens. For above call at DREtW MAKING North Tenth street, F E Jordan, 9. tho nuraorymau. DRESSMAKING—ladles tailoring nnd furrlst. men’s tailored silk WOOD FOR SALE Fir I ’. 25, pine |3 Oft per tier Roy Pike. Box 6k. shirts to order, with or without Rd 4. ________ Hl material furnished. Repairing and alterations quickly and neatly 2 TON NASH 1920. used 60 days In all For quick wale. |1600. Terms done. Every line of pleatings. J AV Alderson. Rush orders a npecialty. Prices lower naturally Call at parlors, FOR SALE Modern, furnished or opi>oslt<* postoffice on Sixth street unfurnished bungalow, attractive over Basket grocery and get esti terms. Phone 349-R. mates Mrs. W. R. Swoape. Phone FOR HALF, or exchange— For light 98 car or truck. 10 acre tract mostly III ILDING <'<)NTKA< TORS cleared and under ditch. C. E. Mo ran. 965 Mwnrldge Ave. 93 HARPER * SON Building contrac FOR SALE Seven passenger. Cole tor» Shop work, furniture crating Eight, In good condition, a bargain Pho;* '.!<) H St Res ¡hone 142. If taken at once. Call Sundays or evenings at 516 West Bridge St 93 A J OREEN— General contractor. Estimates and plans made Noth FOR SALE One fresh milk cow ing too small or too large Shop Phone 6O3-F-3I. Clarence Cox. 9 4 Matb m Fbon« gi i FOR SALE An up-to-date law li NALA8KOW8KI — Contractor brary and furniture at the Warts- J. Builder and Jobber Pboue 246-R baugh law offico In the Flanna- gnn block. Office open nfternoous DltAY IGF. AND TRANSFER from 3 to 5. Como at once If you wish to buy. 95 THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. FOR SA 14*7 Ono Jersey cow. one Hunch Transfer Co. Office phouo heifer due In 6 months and three 396; les. phones 171-R, 316-L calves; also brown leghorn hens, and two hogs 8 months old. Come F <1 ISHAM, <1iay*.:e. ir»n**f«r; pi and see. A. Grlshab. r. above Will -nos. safes, furniture, moved, ship Scoville’s. 94 t>rd. packed, «tor,-,! Phone 124 » FRESH GRAPE Jt’ICE always In V COI ST 1ST 115 sloe!-, st the Public Market. A ADDITIONAL MM AI* Allen* Male— .Mr. and Mrs. Niel Allen, who hav« been vlsltlng the Wllford Aliens for the ¡>ast teil days, left for Palo Alto thls noon. Mr. Allen will complete bis law Studie* at Stanford In about slg inonths. 1 • A«-vv Mriiilwrs Olitaitiiul— Seventy-five members have been obtained by the laidles Auxiliary so fur lit their extensive membership cutniialgn. The campaign will close , Saturday night, and It Is hoped that I 100 members will have Joined the or- l ganl atlon by th* n. TAXI Phone 262-R for Jitney I,nke or Cutler. Calls an swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf PHONE 160 Taxi. The Bonbonniere for 79tf TAX! Whit.* Line Taxi, city or country trip». Special trips by ap Prices reasonable. pointment. Closed car. Call Clemens Drug Store. 46-R; residence phone 391. M 1ST IXAST---Lady’s watch, Swiss move ment. with link wrist chain. I-oe-t the 9th. Finder please notify No. 254 care Courier. 92 "" Acme Cafe Mewl* from B:SO a. m. to 12:00 midnight Regular meals from Sftc up ricantine**—White help only Courtesy and cordiality to guest* SHERMAN ORTON New Manager Can’t do the Work 'RIGHT HERE WE WOULD! LIKE TO MENTION-WE \ ARE .STUDENTS OFFRE 7I0N UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER RIDES LIKE AIR, MORE CASING MILEAGE—TRANSFERABLE FROM ONE CASING TO ANOTHER—NO PVNCTVRES. BLOW- O! IS. INNER TIBES OR AIK. INSTALLED IN YOVR CAR 11 It’s too much to try to work every day against a constant, dull back ache or sudden darting pain in the small of the hack Be rid of it Try AUDITING Systematizing Daily cr D<. *n's Kidney Pills. Your neigh Ask your monthly audit service Ivan Llv- bors recommend them. In ston. Incorporated Accountant. neighbor! Mrs. T E. Wallace. 621 8. 4th St.. Phone 389 \ddress- Grants Pass, , Grants Pass, says: “I was subject to Things keep mo: I t ** **onnd fact Oregon 7<«if kidney and bladder trouble Mv kid tills shop. Despite the I neys acted irregularly at times and that we are kept very • busy we ' my back was so weak and sore I do not allow that fact : to inter- could hardly get about at my work. fere with the quality * of our T. R. DEAN—Assayer, Chemist. When I bent to make a bed or pick work. Every repair job we S22 East D strcet, Grants Pass, up something. I got sham, knlfe-llke tackle is finished in a w or li Oregon. 94 ■lain* through mv kidneys. I never I had anything cause me so much mls- m nlike manner, and the per 1 ery. Someone advised me to take son who crdsr?d it Is pleased Doan’s Kidney Pills. I used three CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Mrs. hove« of Doan’s and they cured mo to pay our moderate bill. Jas. M. Powers, piano; Mrs. Pearl nf the back-ache nnd kidney trouble.” F. Beveridge, Voice; l^onnrd (’. i (St- teiiii i.t -riven .March 21. 1916). Petit, violin and harmony. 423 B On March 23, 1920. Mrs Wallace st Phone i-J. ¡added: I always recommend Dem's Kidney Pills for they have always .511 I Street MRS CLARA TITTLE FENTON I ; helped mo when I have hnd needed PIIONF teacher of piano and harmony. ; to use them." Tuesday, Friday nnd Saturday. Trice 60c, at nil dealers. Don’t Studio at 618 F street. tf •4 tn pl n*k for i kidney remedy—get Done Kldnev Pills the same that NEW TODAY—Electric iron, nearly ALMA WOLKE Instructor In piano Mr-- Wallice h.-’d. Fovt-'r-Mllhurn NEAV. New shipment of blue bird nnd harmony Fall term opens p,. '"t- . Buffalo. N. V dislii'S, mirror*, coffee < vps( tub , all Sept. 12. An accredited teacher. size*, wash boll —. n fev- g<«nl over rill CALIFORNIA AND OREGON coats. Bath tub. l’hone 71. T. C. PI »NO Tt SING COAST It A II.RO Air I OMI’ANA Booth. Time Card PIANO Tl’NING Leave orders for Immediate fall tuning. Tuner here Effective Nov. 24. 1 91 9 short time only. Rowell’s Music House. 97 Trains will run Mondays, Weduvr days and Fridays Leave Grants Pass ....1 P I PIIYSh I AN AND St IlGEON Arrive Waters Creek .......... 2 I l.. Ó. CLEMENT. M. D., Practice Leave Waters Creek.......... ¿.30 t'.M F. ... limited to d' "" hi ’ s of eye. ear. no« * .Arrive Grants Pass V M 4 and tbr eit Photic . .*; Res. 239-J I For Information recardlng fret«’ On and after Octotier I. !>»-•. S. IXH’GHRIDGE. M. D. Physician and passenger rates *al’ 't the off!,-* my re .1 c* Into end tire lu-tir- nnd surgeon. City nr country calls of the company, I.nn lburg hulldh Hnco office will be located in niton I d day or night. Phones. or telephone 131 the old tirants P ush Bunk build- Res. 3C9: Office, 1821 6th and H in.-, South Sixth nnd H Streets E. J. BILLICK. M. D.. Physician, sur with cn’iancv on II Str* ,*t• geon. Sclbillhorn Blk. Phono 54-J; ros. 1004 Lawnrldge, phqne 34-L. W. F. IU THI 111 (>RD Manual the- raputlcs. Offici* ever Barnes' iow- elry^Res. 259-R: offl'e 317*R. W. T. TOM I KINS. D S~T. Nervous nti 1 chronic diseases. Office, Claus Schmidt Bldr. hone 304*R. IS RALPH W. STEARNS. M. D. Phy sician and sorg* *>n, X-Ray equip- i*ien‘ Otile** In M1I..O i< ■ T* mpl- P.ld.'., u'on? ,'l-L B. S. D. drick Universal Service Station verythhkg for the Auto C. L HOBART COMPANY We repair and make every type uni! style top nnd slip cov er—am! do the work RIGHT* Let us repair your present lop and, also, lend real distinct ion to your car with n smart eat of durnble slip covers. Sam ples, prices, etc., gladly snb- mitted. Removal Notice Selling Furniture Heating Stoves and Ranges DENTISTS C MACY, I». V. D. First-class . ulstiy. 109 L S. 6th 3t. W. CHILES 101 G STREET ■wwy-ai E. L GALBRMTH George Witchovscr, of ?.ledfo"*l. was a bnsincta visitor tn tho c’t<- Tuesday. 107 SO! TH FOVRTH STREET. G.B. BERRY Grants Pass and Rcseburg Stage DAILY AND St NDAY terne Grants 1‘ass 1:00 p. m- I^ave Roseburg 1 p. tn. Grants Pass- Medford Stage I* WLY AND SI ND 1) I’lllfNE M.~> OK leltt LEA VB Gt YN PS PASS 10.00 a. m- 1 :OO p. in. 1:00 p. tn. 0:1ft p. m. LEAVE MEDFORD MUM» a- in. 1 1 :oO a. in. t:oo p. ui. 1:30 p. m. We ronnect with stages for Vshlnnd «ml tm ksoti* tile