UKAMW PAGE TWO I' aä N WEDXl HDXV, SEPT. 2N. tWI. DAU.» COURIER »Ml M M EX in In- S hii 'I at tlie ill <dl I 'Mln) "That Gill Montana.” ■' ptcf.irisa- tlon of the novel or the same name by Varnh Ellis III ibit’h illamlK' Sweet I h starred, will be tin' attrac tion at the Rivoli theati'r today ami until tomorrow night. Briefly, the store 1» of a girl who seeks to tree herself from a llf<* df crime she detests In bur efforts, »he finds the mail slie had fuv. "<l was not her father but tin horn -tnnibler had run away with her mother She finds her father, a Just fat.« I befalls the villain and the girl and * her hero are nt last fre<- to bi'gln life anew. There are some real thrills In "That Girl Montana" und the action a smooth and fast It Is rich In hnim»n interest and the love theme la ten der and pretty. The locale Is laid In the Root mil country, which extends for mill s along the Cumidlan boundary line, with British Columbia on one aide and Idaho and Montana or the other GRANTS PASS MILU COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday ! A. E. Voorhfes. Pub ind Propr. Entered st postoffice. Grants Pass. Ore., as second-class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch.................35c Local-personal column, per line ...10c Headers, per line Till Till: Gt LBRAXM X ONIA TEN MIXITIS MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRE88 The Associated press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited in this or all otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news pub lished herein All rights for republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re served. It our »tore you ran prove to yinii'oelf in ten minuti* that the Gull ran-eii I» easy tor you to play veil—a mar velini» In st ru mein—iHi-ili vol) fasi inai- lug. The < on pun below tiring» you full information. WEDNESDAY, SEIT. 2H. 1021 ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ * OREGON WEATHER » ♦ where. Phone 188, 107 North 6th i WANTED— A foreman to assist in ♦ ♦ U e-nther for the Week street. 92If I cooking at the County Home. Call ------------------------------------------------- or phone 502-F-2. 98 ♦ Pacific Coast States: Fair in INSURANCE All ♦ California, and considerable ♦ DEPENDABLE DOST — Baby's white one-button lines. See T. M. Stott, Buick sales cloudiness and showers in Ore ♦ rooms. Phone 520. 43tf gon and Washington. Normal MODERN 7-room house, close in. ♦ temperature. ♦ good location, lot 50x100. for sale. Priced especially for quick sale. In ♦ quire on premises. 411 C St. 72tf ♦ Tonight and Thursday fair. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦•♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ COAL AND WOOD—When you buy your coal and wood from us you get two things that are essential XEW TODAY today—quality and service. Wil liams Wood A Coal Co. 75tf GET YOUR DUMBER from the Jose RENT- 6-room furnished phine Dumber Co., at wholesale FOR mill prices. All kinds of planed house with bath. 730 North Sixth lumber. Our truck delivers any- street Check here if you do not[~ own any plano or player- piano. Check here if >OU want Infor- mation about having a new Gulbransen player action In stalled in your present piano 1 or player-piano > □ Write your name ami address on the margin of this page and mall it to us. toasted to seal in the delicious Burley flavor slipper. Leave at Courier office ■93 Chas. Dungey. car. Al FOR SALE—Chevrolet shape. Carl Gentner, phone 19. Merchant sale» nooks al Courier 98 tifica TOMATOES—Best quality, at tarm The Music à Photo House erà Warehouse, l^c per pound Bring your boxes. J. C. Calhoun. Three Pines. Josephine Lumber Stanton R oh ell. Proprietor 93 Co., 107 North Sixth St 98 KINDERGARTEN starts Monday, Oc- Ri SII SAliE A furti, one and oik 1 tobar 3 «t i) a. in. Beveridge A half mlloH from Grants Pass It' Powers, 423 B street. Phoue 1-J. a «nap Apply to Iwaac Best i 95. E. U GALBRAITH Real estate. In ________ _ surance and plate glass liability. »10.00 REWARD For return of FOR SALE At a bargain, stock of 609 »i G street, phone lib. portfolio lost during fair week. general merchandise Will invu'ce Contains album of Fordson lx »ST Two logging chains on high about »1300. Williams Creek stole tures. C. A. Winetrout. way between Granta Bertha <> Carter. Provolt. Or.' H!3T0f?y OF THE RED MM SERIES » THE CONTEST BY " INDIAN ” MILLER fn the olden days the different tribes of the Southwest were proud of the prowess of their braves, There was one tribe in those days which excelled all others, Their medicine man was a great prophet and a wise man. He said in the council, '* We are few, but the great tribes shall fear us. “ How can it be so?’’ asked the old men “ Leave it to me, he answered. H« knew all the boys of his tribe. He had played with them and made them pretty things from the time they were babies, he had felt their muscles and watched them play from day to day. He had chastised them when they needed punishment; and he had encouraged them when they needed »ym pathy. With splendid judgment he picked thr»« of the boys who were about fifteen, Th«y were named Swift Eagle, Mountain Lion and Turkey Feather. To Swift Eagle he said, "Every morning you must run around Thunder Mountain be fore your prayers.” To Mountain Lion he said, “Every morning you must carry a stone to the top of Thunder Mountain before your prayers.” And to Turkey Feather he said, "Every morning you must shoot an arrow into the target on Thunder Mountain before your pr" yers.” Each did as he told them each morning. To Swift Eagle he would say, “Now run faster,” or “Now run twice around Thunder Mountain.” For Mountain Lion he would select a heavier stone. To Turkey Feather he would say, “Stand back farther to shoot.” At the end of a year Swift Eagle was run ning ten times around Thunder Mountain at great speed; Mountain Lion was carrying a stone as large as himself to the top of the mountain; and Turkey Feather was shooting the target on top of the mountain as far as he could see it The medicine man was pleased. Then he challenged all the neigh boring tribes to a contest in running, in strength and in archerv. Confident in victory over this small village each of the ♦ ' sent its best rren, each boasting of their prowess. To their chagrin they were all Vadlv beaten by Swift Eagle, Mountain Lion, and Turkey Feather. The little village enjoyed peace for many years, for other tribes feared the prowess of its warriors. Wise men of the Spreckels “Savage” Tire Company have deer, cd that no better tir. shall be made than theirs In their fabri D type tire they build with years of expet ence in that particular branch of tire con struction. In their new Cord tire they have embodied the select of recent methods and the latest in cord tire improvementr. And so Savage Tires are feared by the warriors of oth-r tribo for their excellence and perform ance in competition with the pick of other makes. HE SPRECKELS 'SnViltjL 'TIRE Ch. J >7 N blEGO, CfUIFURNIfJ J UP BEST OSSET IS THE SATISFIES CUSTHMEP LOCAL AGENTS