tuW*rsHy of ore. Library ♦ ♦ Dm In Courier route »SMrta4ion Act and Follows : on the draft. Ripley Idea 10 HOLO HEARINGS ON WEC1 ; { i ’ 0 DELEGATES TO CONFERENCE Newman, Cal.. Sept. 28.— (A. P. 1 PRESIDENT OF THE HOI BE OF —The body of a man believed to be PEERS WILL HMD THE George p. Stewart, according to pa­ LELEGAT1ON pers found on it. was found hanging by the neck from a tree near a San Joaquin river bridge east of here to­ day. A letter found in a pocket ad­ dressed to his sinter, Mrs. H. L. Wil­ son, Grants Pass. Oregon, dated September 24th, said he intended several Simmer» Are Sunk and Many Escaped Convict Told That He* Should The Four American Delegates Will suicide, and, judging from the con­ H«hwnim Are Reported Meet in tlie Near Future for Return to Federal Prinon of His dition of the body, he ended his life Missing Own Free Will Consultation cn that date. NEWSPAPER RECEIVES APPEAL AMBASSADOR TO U. S. MEMBER -------- - . y< | Mrs H. L Wilson of thia city in Tokio, Sept. 28 (A. P. I Several San Francisco, Sept. 28.— (A. P.) a ________ statement regarding „„„ the *,■=■»>> press re-• Tokio, Sept 28.—(A. P.)—Jap- Salem. Sept. 28.— (Spécial! In­ hundred persons were killed by a ty­ —Mrs. Dollle Gardner, wife of Roy port, said she has had no word of herl*ne8e delegates to the armament con- fluenced by th« large number of phoon In Central Japan centering up­ Gardner, published a letter in the brother since September 7. at which j ference will be Prince Tokugawa, young groves just coming Into bear­ on Nagoya on the Island of Hondo, San Francisco Bulletin today address- time he intended returning to Ne­ president of the house of peers; ing. the walnut harvest now in pro­ where the tidal wave destroyed both I ed to “Roy Gardner, Somewhere.” vada. He has not been In good health Vice Admiral Kato, minister of the gress promises to be Abe largest In crops and houses Several steamers asking him to return to prison. The for the past six months, and the only navy, and Baron Sbidehara, ambassa- the history of the Industry in Ore­ were sunk and many fishermen are letter said: “Dear Roy—In your let­ reason for his act that she knows of j dor to the United States. _____________ ter to President Harding you said is that he had been in a high alti- gon ft is expected that 300 tons reported missing. Washington. Sept. 28.— (A. P.) — you had ended your criminal career. will be guthered In the groves of the tilde too long. To show yon really mean this, go The first meeting of the four Amer- Willamette valley thia season : lean delegates to the armament con- back to McNeil’s Island. You cannot MORRIS BROS. CREDITORS Walnut growing Is fast assuming be a hunted man and lead an honor­ MAY NOW BUY ASSETS I ferenco probably will be held next propositions that will place walnuts _ week for consultation. in the list of major products of the Sto«,k From H»)I» A Harter Ranch able life. Show President Harding Portland, Sept. 28.— (A. P.)—An state for It is expected that the ton­ Judged II iteli »I State Fair at Salem ' and everyone you are the man I have always said yon were. Most anyone order enabling the organization of nage of nuts produced will nearly double each year for a time. Purebred Hampshire hogs from the . can be taken back, but it takes a Roy the creditors of Morris Brothers, Inc., In anticipation of large yields and Heart o' the Valley ranch near Mur­ Gardner and a thoroughbred to go to buy the assets of the bankrupt the increasingly large proportion of phy were awarded seven first prizes back of his own accord and take his company, for a minimum of approxi- I Heavy Film Aitor Not Guilty of Mar­ tints that will have to be sold in dis­ at the State Fair in Salem, accord­ chances with the rest The law ren­ mately a million dollars was issued ' der Is Police < ourt Finding tant markets, the Oregon Growers ing to a message received at the ders your friends powerless to help today by ..eferee Cannon in the fed- j . you under present circumstances. eral court. laa al Plant W III Hit I tili Stride l»y .Cooperative Association will place ¡ Hayes & Harter ranch yesterday. San Francieco, Sept. 28.— (A. P.) I Its walnuts on sale under four stand- ¡ "Models Descender" and “Sunny­ 1 Roy. do this one thing for my sake First of Neat Week — Arbuckle is held on a manala tigh­ PRESIDENT MEIER NAMES ( a rd grades thia year. slope Princess," boar and sow re­ and little Jean’s. I want to do the ter charge only as a result of the 1025 FAIR COMMITTEE Apple shipping will begin in earn­ spectively. were awarded first places best thing for you. That is why I Portland. Sept. 28.—(A. P.)—The finding of the police court at the est next week, according to C. N. CHOLERA Is SPREADING in their class, and were the senior ask this of you. Think this qver but executive committee of 39 from all conclusion of the hearing on a mur­ IN POTION OF ARMENIA Davis, local manager of the Oregon grand champion Hampshire* of the do not let others think for you. Lov­ parts of the state to direct the 1925 der charge. ingly. Dolly. ” Growers Packing Corporation The Constantinople. Sept. 28.— I A. P.l show A pair of spring boars, and exposition as announced by Chairman association started two carloads of Cholera Is spreading throughout a pair of spring gilts, none of which Meier includes O. P. Coshow, Rose­ Grimes, Delicious and Jonathan sp­ that part of Armenia which was the have yet been named, were also judg­ burg: O. T Hill. La Grande: Bert pies for the Chicago market iasi scene of the war between the Turks ed first and second junior champions, Hall. Klamath Falls; N. W. Harrah. University of Oregon. Eugene, week, and will ship a carload of and Armenians last winter, accord­ in their classes. Pendleton; C. E. Ingall. Corvallis; Newtowns Wednesday, It is estlmat- ing to a dispatch received here from Other first premiums were given Cooker Thinks to Get Rats—Captures Dorsey Kreister. Marshfield, and B Sept. 27.—(A. P. 1—Student health at the University of Oregon is well od that the local crop wlll require Tiflis and forwarded by Paxton the local exhibitors to their aged ; l-arge Feline Instead F. Stone. Astoria. safeguarded and epidemics have been 45 cars for movement About a car Hlbben. of Indianapolis. Ind.. Mr. herd, young herd, get of sire and pro­ practically eliminated by the work of a day will be loaded after this week. Hlbben Is a member of the group of duct of dam. The cook at one of the White, I the university health service which The crop this year 1s very heavy, representatives of the Near East Re­ Sixteen head of the stock was tak- ' Brown & l^eahy road camps on the this year has been enlarged and im- declared Mr Davis but Is nowise lief and recently visited Armenia be­ en to the fair last week by Mr. Har­ Oregon caves road, being somewhat i i proved very considerably. confined to the Rogue River valley, fore starting northward through ter. He plans to exhibit the hogs at of a genius, contrived a figure-4 trap 12th Federal Reserve Predicts New quarters for the dispensary as reports from other portions of the Russia to Moscow He writes that the Linn County fair at Albany be­ to catch what he thought were some crease Over Harvest of 1W20 i have been provided in the physical state and from Washington indicate the cholera Is due to lack of food­ fore his return to this city about Oc- : pack rats which had been stealing •«ducation beadquarters building that an unusually large crop will be stuffs and the consequent reduced re­ tober I, food. After baiting it properly he which is conveniently located on San Francisco, Sept. 28. — (A. P.) marketed thia season Yakima re­ sistance of the population to the In­ went to bed but was awakened in the I the campus. the -Harvesting of basic crops of ports the heaviest crop In years. The roads of disease middle of the night by a commotion apples being received here are of a in the trap. Thinking he had cap­ Twelfth Federal Reserve district re- very fine quality, much better than tured a whole flock of the rats, he veals that yields this year will be those of last season. jumped up and looked at the trap to: large in nearly all cases. John .Per- ! t hin«'««’ Too Small for Spoti-e—Ap­ Twenty-five carloads of pears discover he had caught a real live : 1 rin. federal reserve agent here, de- . peals to ('ourt» for Protection were shipped from here this year. Boston. Sept 28.— (A. P.l—Last wild cat; whereupon he held down i j dared in a report made public. S| m H Where North and South drank "The apple crop of 33.000,000 bu- ! in IMtt.'» Thought to Be Diseased 17 of them being Bartletts, while 8 ' \ear nearly 15,000 persons were the trap and lustily yelled for help. ; Honolulu. Sept. 28.— (A. P. 1 — were of the late varieties. A fair 1 burned to death with approximately He was soon reinforced by 1 4 stal-1 shels In prospect is 40 per cent great-i crop of grapes Is reported, though i 20.000 injured, a large percentage of Honolulu has a husband-beater Hus­ wart Swedes, but the question arose, er than it was last year,” the report Gettysburg, Pa.. Sept. 28.— (A. P.) this fruit will not be handled by the whom were Injured permanently and bands elsewhere will be relieved to how to kill the cat. as there was not said. “This Increase comes at a —Sprangler's Spring at which Union know that the victim in this case, 1 made a public charge on our citizen­ local association a fire arm of any kind in camp. Dick time when the crofe in the United I and Confederate soldiers drank to­ ship. T. Alfred Fleming, of the Na­ being too small to defend himself Rowley, the cave guide, who has a States generally is considerably less gether during a lull in the fighting tional Board of Fire Underwriters of with fists or club, has appealed to the cabin nearby was notified and soon | than half what it was last year. at the close of the second day of the court for redress. "The district’s potato crop of 40,- New York ('tty told the automotive arrived on the scene with his trusty j Battle of Gettysburg. July 2, 1863, The husband, a Chinese, caused | section of the National Safety Coun­ .44 and the ferocious animal was put 000.000 bushels is about the same as ■ may pass out of existence. Typhoid his wife, Mrs. Chung Sau, an Ha ­ last year, whereas the United States cil congress here today. out of commission. ■ fever garms have been found in the Porto Rieians Are Imported to Offset waiian, to 'be sumomned to court crop Is reported to promise a yield of Shortage on Islands water and the state department of where he exhibited a scar on his MARSHFIELD NEWSPAPER about 25 per cent less than the quan­ Steelhead Trout on Display— health has condemned it. forehead and wounds on his back, in ­ SI SPENDS PUBLICATION tity harvested in 1920. Honolulu. Sept 28.—(A. P.l- The A mess of the fighting Rogue river The Bpring is one of the historic flicted, he said, by his wife. He said "The wheat crop of the Pacific advanced guard of a new labor ■up* Marshfield, Ore., Sept. 28.— (A. she had several times threatened to steelhead trout are on display in the northwest at 115,000.000 bushels is ¡spots of the famous battlefield. Here ply, to offset the present shortage In soldiers of the contending armies window of the Eugene gun store and I’.l The Southwestern Dally News kill him. 15 per cent greater than last year’s the Hawaiian Islands, has arrived represent the catch of a local party I met. drank together and filled their suspended publication yesterday. considerably The wife, whe was record crop and is being sent to the here In the form of 430 mon and Manager William Y. Arthur said that that left here Sunday morning for canteens with water for their wound­ women from Porto Rico, accom­ bills receivable had been assigned to larger than he, was fined $5. The the southern stream. The Eugene principal seaboard cities in volume ed comrades when darkness stopped court ordered that their five children of 185 per cent greater than was the panied by many children. the working force to pay for the past be taken from the mother’s home to party was comi>osed of Al Cook, Dr. case during the same period of the the fighting that had raged steadily The laborers were recruited by R. T. Burnett. J. C. Price. Stanley throughout the day. two weeks' indebtedness. Tom T. 1920 marketing season. In Califor­ agents of the Hawaiian Sugar Plant­ Bennett, of this city, holds a first a safe place. Stevens and Captain N. B. Mann.— Thousands of tourists and visitors nia barley a similar tendency is not­ ers' ■ Association Their voyage from mortgage on the plant, 'but the oper­ McNARY WOIÌJ» REPEAL Eugene Register. to the battleground drink from the ed. terminal receipts so far this sea­ Torto Rico was reported to have ators and owners are 61 business spring annually. TRANSINHITATft»N TAXES son having been 530 per cent great­ been uneventful except for a slight men of Coos 'Bay. Work Jackson County Mine— er than those of last season to Sep- epidemic of Influenza which led to Washington. Sept. 28. -(A. P..— Ix-w West is in the city from his tember 1 and exports 566 per cent the placing of the laborers In quar­ Senator McNary, of Oregon, has of­ Deer creek home today, and is ar- greater. antine at Colon. Canal Zone, for sev­ fered an amendment proposing to ranging to remove to a mining pro­ eral days. They will he distributed repeal freight, passenger and ex- perty on Jackson creek, nine miles Blackburn Re-arrested Isist Night by among the plantations whoso need of PORTLAND MARKETS press transportation taxes January 1. from Jacksonville, where he will be Deputy on Federal Warrant labor la moat pressing. it wM an I Fertile lami! Io Be Settled by Fam* next. 4 employed during the winter. Mr. Choice Steers ...............$5.50 @ $6.00 nounaad. IIles Front Great Britain West has a farm on Kerby bar. at Choice feeders .......... $4.50 © $5.00 Bob Blackburn, who was fined Efforts will be made to Induce Boy Scouts Help Old Mail— the mouth of Deer creek, but for the Prime Light Hogs . $11.00 © $11.65 $100 for having liquor in his posses- more of their countrymen to come Sydney, Sept 28.—(A. P.)—A Five or six boy scouts from local here, the Planters’ Association snld. body known as “The Million Farms troop No. 1. put in “Cap” Simmons’ winter will have charge of the work Hogs, extreme high ................. $11.10 sion last Sautrday, was rearrested mining claim owned by Miss Hogs, prime light . $10.50 © $11.00 last night by Ernest Lister, deputy Committee” has been formed In Svd- supply of winter wood yesterday af- on the Minnie Ireland in Jackson county. East Mountain Lambs $6.00 © $6 50 sheriff, upon a special warrant iseued Man Ixwtca Bag— ney for the purposes of furtherlng ternoon. Thts, as well as many kin- I Melvin I-ewls, of the forest service, Sir Joseph Carruther's scheme to 38c by federal authorities, charging him Eggs. buying price, plain 36c dred acts of tly boy scouts, is part Eggs. white ....................... 40c 42c with left for his post on Page creek yes­ settle 1.000.000 families from Great of their creed to daily do some good Duck Season Opens Soon— intoxicating manufacturing 46c liquor in violation of the national terday. By the time he had reached Britain on available fertile lands in deed There are about 25 members Duck season will open Saturday. Eggs. selling mixed........ 4 4c 40c prohibiton amendment. the Applegate bridge he discovered Blackburn In the local organization at present. October 1, and will not close until Eggs. storage .................. 38c Australia. 50c had been released from custody upon that a canvas covered hag. bearing January 16. This year a limit of 25 Eggs. white henneries ......... Sir Joseph in at present stumping 44c paying his fine. U, S. on one side and containing pa­ the country In 'behalf of a fund of Sees Old School T<"«clier— ducks any one day has been placed Eggs. selling, candled ........... 50c fancy selects ............... Eggs. pers valuable to Mr. Lewis only, had $150,000,000 to carry out the plan. William DeForrest, who was ar­ as a protective measure, while the William Fiddler received a mess­ 43c rested with Blackburn last week, will been lost from his machine He Is Contributions for several thousands age from W. F. Herren, well known limit for any seven consecutive days Butter, extra cubes 42c be held on the same charge. Tt is not very anxious to recover the papers, of dollars have slresdy been obtain­ San Francisco business man asking Is 30. Not many ducks have reach­ Butter, prints ..... and asks anyone finding them to re- ed In Sydney, while other men of nf- him to meet a train as it passed ed this vicinity yet. according to local Wheat ................... $1.06 © $1.11 yet known whether the men will be turn them to either the sheriff's of- fnlrs have undertaken to provide the through the city. The two men en­ game authorities, and the game will taken to Medford for trial, or to flee or the Courier. Portland. Sept. 28.— (A. P.)—Cat­ Portland, though the latter city la land, homes and stock for given joyed a short reunion. Fiddler went not likely be plentiful until a hard tle. steady; hogs, weak undertone; thought the most probable of the Mrs. Ike Davis left last night to numbers of families as soon as they to school to Herren about 50 years storm drives the birds from the two by the sheriff. sheep, slow; eggs, butter, firm. north. reach Australia. ago. npend the winter In Pasadena. Washington H»»pt. 28. (A. P.j—- The Intemtnte commerce commission announced today the tentative plans for a consolidation of ull the major railroads Into 19 systems. It gives notice that hearings would be called on the project In the near future. Th« proposed consolidation was au­ thorised under the transportation act. In main the plan Is that drafted by Professor William Z Ripley, of Har­ vard university The commission said that while all of the larger rail­ roads had been Included, a number of class two and class three lines hud also been covered APPLE CROP BEGINS TO MOVE ARBUCKLE GETS MANSLAUGHTER