Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1921)
GRANTS PA4H I» AIL» «NM RIEH PAGE TWO hN»R SALK Petite prunes. I’jC er pound ut Whitney Adams orchard south on Pacific highwuy. Bring boxes. >7 GRANTS PASS OAO COURIER; EACH WEEK Published Daily Except Sunday A. E. Voorhie«. Pub. and 1 ropr. Entered it yostotfice. Grants Pass. Ore., m second-class mail matter ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch................... S5c Local-personal column, per line....10c Readers, per line................................. 5c DAILY COURIER ity mail or carrier, per year...... $6.00 *»y mall or carrier, per month.. .SO WEEKLY COURIER Ry mail, per year............... $2.00 Illi REtlllE FRI Ml SIIIPMI.Nls OF «.I1IM.I» SFEDl.Fsw RUSINS AND DROMEDAR» DATES. WE DO Ulis so AS TO FÇRNlsll vol STIM K AT ALI. TIMES. ANI» WITH FRESH Tin i s first . êTRII Kir HEMSTITCHING, pecotlng, be.«dim: SOI East II street Phone 2li5-A 117 FOR SALE or for rent Good Utt derwood typewriter. Pitone 223-11 9 2 LOST Lady's watch. Swiss move ment. with link wrist chain. Imet the 9th. Finder please notify No. 2 ■ l care Courier _ '• ' FOR SALE CHEAP Smnll house, can bo moved or wrecked. Inquire AV. O. Andrews. »05 latwnrldge 97 FOR SALE 3 or I dozen pullets, price reasonable Ruby Dover. Rd 3. Grants Pass. 96 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press is exclusively Insist on Minerva Yarn entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited in this Grants Pass, Ore 101 & 105 N. 6th or all otherwise credited in this N1AA TODAY—Fhs-irle Iron, nearly paper and also the local news pub NEW. New »hlpment of blue bini lished herein 'dishes, mirror», cortee cups. tuli», nil All rights tor republication of ape- r'al dispatches herein are also re conditions and home life. Mr. Towns world over, Mrs. Lindsay Is taking size». wash luillers, a few k « hw I ovrr- served end sang two solos which were a real no chances but is stocking her lar eoat». Halli tuli. Plum«- 71. T. C. der with the genuine old Oregon pro Booth. real treat to the congregation. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 1931 The Ladies Aid society met with duct front the splendid Dick Lindsay the president of the society, Mrs. orchard. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Lovelace, Thursday afternoon. There The busiest place in the Applegate ♦ ♦ OREGON WEATHBR was a good attendance and the cloa valley region just now Is the J. H. ♦ ing of the church year finds the so Robinson fruit ranch. The 3000-lb. ♦ Weather for the Week drier is running to capacity, corn ciety in good condition. Mivils from 0:30 a. m. to ♦ ♦ Pacific Coast States: Fair in Mrs. W. P. Chisholm is teaching gathering, potato digging, and wood 12:00 midnight considerable 4 California, and the Jerome Prairie school this year, shipments are all under way, and cloudiness and showers in Ore ♦ i the school opened last Monday. Mrs. Regular meal» from 33c up both Mr. and Mrs. Robinson are too gon and Washington. Normal ♦ I Chisolm is well known in t loaiilhie»»—libile help only the com- busy for words, but never too busy ♦ ♦ temperature. Court«*) and cordiality to welcomed for a pleasant greeting to their ! munity and she is cordially ♦ guests friends. ! as a near neighbor. Tonight and Wednesday, fair, ♦ 4 Jesse Lindsay and family will leave Our neighbor. Wonder, is to be SII ERM IX ORTON ♦ ♦ except for rain in the northwest Although congratulated upon its splendid New Mamigcr ♦ ! shortly tor Dorris, Cal. ♦ portion. famous the school. Miss Hazel King ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ' California fruits are teacher again this year. The very cows have a sleek placid look, due. no doubt to the •-------------------------------------------------- • that the last alfalfa cutting gives Rev. H. W. Rummeil filled the pul them the privilege of grazing in the pit of the Rev. Joseph Knotts at fields. Perhaps, too. they sense the All outside rooms Grants Pass Sunday. In his absence fact that butter fat is soaring around Rates: Single, SO«-, 75c, and St his own pulpit was filled by Messrs. the 30c mark. Special rates by the »<»'k Isham and Townsend of Grants Pass. « Mr. Isham and Mr. Townsend of Dining room in connection I Grants Pass spoke Sunday. Mr. 1 FERRYDALE First class home rooked meals • Townsend "As a Man Thinketh in family style, 40c The Ferndale schools are getting His Heart. So Is He." Mr. Isham's started for the school year. The talk was along the lines of every day Prop. Picket Creek school opened Monday lnterest—community life and help with Mrs. Cora Bell Finley as teach fulness. labor problems and labor er, the Sfhau Creek school with Miss Myrtle Ford as teacher, and the Mapleton school will open next Mon day with Miss Ellen Flint as teacher Harry White, of Rogue River, was at the Ford orchard Thursday after 4 peaches. Mrs. A. J. Hussey was visiting Mrs. Jim Noble near Grants Pass Thur.«- day. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Grants New -liipnient wool flannel niidies just received. Navy INSTALLED IN Y<»1 R I IR II Pass spent several days on their > Green. farm the past week. <>n»- hundred |x-r rent satisfaction guaranteed in Jack Tar Togs. Ray Neely and Al. Evers left fur Eureka the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson. F. N. Robertson and family and Grandma Robertson left for Crater Lake on Thursday. Mrs. McCalvey left fur Bremerton with friends who had been visiting them. They left Wednesday I. going through by auto. A goodly number of Ferrydale peo ple were attending the fair Frida.- and Saturday. Charlie Thompkins Is moving h The undersigned having puychn-ed the Public Market l'U»in<-- family on the Joe Hill place this from M. McQueen, respectfully solicits the patronaxe of the public. week. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will soon move to Grants Pass. We will handle an up-to-date line of groceries, smoked meats, dairy D. S. Robertson, G. M. Griftin and products an<l bakery goods, along with a full line <>f fresh market Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Neely were in produce. Grants Pass Friday. Acme Cafe WILDERVILLE WILDER VILLE * WESTERN HOTEL Henn !» show < liiiago I lie AAns Not Stintisi by O'l.eitry Ho»lnr> Chlcagq. Sept. 2 celebrat'd Mrs. O'la'arv and cow «III have no part In the observ- alter of the Hoiiil-ci>nlonnlal of tin Chicago fire, to Im held lu re Octo Imr 2-15, It wits disclosed today. Tin roitsoii being that u eurilt of the re cords of th« fire department shows that both Mrs. O la'sry and the row hud retired tin hour before the fire started, and hud nothing to do with starting the blaze, ulthough It did start In the O'la«ary cow-shed. A broken lump was found in the ruins of llto burn the day after the fir«. This gave rise to the report, now become a legend, that Mrs o’la'tiry bud gone to the barn In the evening carrying u lamp und, that tht> cow. ’piqued ut being disturbed, had kicked her nilslross. who drop ped the lamp, and ihn l>lg (lol iikh were on GENUINE fl DURHAM tobacco makes ^0 flood ciflarotlas for 10c We want you to have the beet paper lor So now you oan receive wltheach paakage abook ol 24 leaves of IRLkA ~ the very finest clQirctle paper In tlio world ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ AMINEMINTS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ latM Time» Today The final showing of "The Woman God Changed.” n beautlfill Con mo politati picture which 1« on vie* at the«> theater, will be hud to- day. Tills virile photoplay one to the tropics and many of rare beauty are unfolded. »•’••IM Owen and E K. Lincoln bead usually clover company of pia ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Everything for the Auto MRS. E. D. YENNY I ItA I IIE lit l.lill INSEN ONIA TEN MINI TEH It our »tore you can prove to yourself In ten minutes that llie l>u|l’rnn»en 1» c.v»y for you io play well—a insrnloil» In- »’rument—|H>«ltivrly fuse Innt- Ing. Tim i oupon below bring» you full It formation. C. L HOBART COMPANY Check here if you do notQ own any piano or player- piano Check hero If you want Infor- mat ion about hat int a new Uulbransen player nctlon In- -.'.'ll ■ - m I'tno for pltyer-plano) UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER □ Io7 »nt III Write your name und address on the margin of this page and TllAll It to us. lOlltlH STUFFY Universal Service Station I he Music & Photo House stitnhm I* r< »privi or Golden Rule Store Announcement TIRES Everything will lie ti e best the mar! et can supply. IF I’RIt E, SERVICE AND QUALITY will get your business, tve can count on you for ottr customer. Watch for our opening. Morning and afternoon deliveries. • V» • Illi > > GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose phine Lumber Co., at who! ■■ le mill prices. All kinds of planed lumber. Our truck delivers any where. Phone 188, 107 North 6th street. 02tf DEPENDABLE INSURANCE All lines. Sec T. M. Stott, Buick sales room«. Phone 520. 43tf Re-pect fully Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Potter MODERN 7-room house, close in, good location, lot 50x100, for sale. Priced especially for quick sale. In quire on premises, 411 C St. 72tf COAL AND WOOD— When you buy your coal and wood from us yo i get two things that aro essential today—quality and service. Wll- Hams Wood & Coal Co. 75tf FOR RENT il-room furnished house with bath. 730 North Sixth street. S8tf RUSH SALE—A farm one and one half miles front Grants Pass—It’s a snap. Apply to Isaac Best. 91 FOR SALE -300-acre ranch. 60 plow land, 15 bottom, 11 feet to raise water, good 7-room house, three good barns, range for 75 cattle winter and summer, two miles to school, 9 miles to Grants Pa telephone In house, some saw tim ber. a million cords wrffid, less than $20 per acre and 10 year in pay- ment«. S< e Mitch, Murphy. Ore. 93 Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND Sl'NDAl Leave Grants Pass 1:00 p. tn- 1>eave Roseburg I p. pi Grants Pass DAILY AND SUNDAY PHONE H5 OR 100 LEAVE Git I NT* PAHS I 10:00 u. lii- I : 00 I'. iii. 1:00 I>. tn. 0:13 V- m. LEAVE MEDFORIi M;OO I 1:00 1:00 1:40 We connect with stages for Ashland and Jackson i ille TUBES The Advantage of Using Revere Tubes UBES do not always make the tire. But a poor tube will often help ruin a good tire T Revere Red Tubes are built of layer upon layer of tough, elastic, quality rubber. Already they have brought more motor ists to a true appreciation of the meaning of tire economy than any other tubes that were ever created ERFECT ROTEI TfON Of,ICY P t 'overs Henil h Life Accident Disability RELIANCE LIFE INSCI! INCE CO. OF PITTSBURG THEO. P. ( RAMER. Jr General Agent ■2ol 'i N flth St. TUBE Hill "Z zj ~ " |ll(,I . •. '/J. 4 L. . h .. i./¡nii - í I l . * C. A. WINETROUT