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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1921)
i Orc U'»f*r> vub.r»uyn,ore L ISSO« | ATEI» PKEMH NERVICI. Have You a Crepis Handy? A. B. Houghton Wants One u ♦ ♦ Introducing the crepis. ♦ Traveling north in a high ♦ ♦ priced car, Dr. A. D. Houghton, ♦ ♦ head of the department of ge ♦ I Or^ptnlzation .Make» Ulan» for Dis netics at the University of Cal ♦ posing of Property—.Member» Get ♦ ifornia, stopped off In the city ♦ ting Fewer and Fewer ♦ Monday night, and appealed to ♦ ♦ th« forest service for aid in lo ♦ ♦ cating said crepis. This gives a ♦ Indianapolis, Sept. 27.— (A. P.) — BOOKKEEPER LOCKED IN VAULT ♦ clue to the nature of the, —er, ♦ WITNESS* SAYS THAT ARIII ( KLE Members of the Grand Army of the THREATENED l>YIXG LIKE IF ♦ ♦ plant. AMD LONE BANDIT GETS Republic realizing the organization is SHE DID NOT STOP ( HYING ♦ AWAY WITH CASH "The crepis." said Dr. Hough ♦ growing old, are planning to adopt ♦ ton this morning, "Is expected ♦ during the 55th annuabencampment ♦ to help solve some of the prob- ♦ now being held here, the “last will ♦ lems of heredity, and la a re ♦ and testiment of the G. A. R.” pro- Kan l'e«lro, < al., Sept. 27.—( A. I*.—Two mew. It. tarinin and t In* ♦ cent stride In the study of this ♦ viding for -the disposition of the pro- and much depends ♦ cent I’aulslM-rg, »« miik ii , lost tlu-ir live» when th«« I , H. submarin«« It-tl ♦ subject, perty of the order when the last ♦ »Muk, it WM» «>lti« hill) aiiiioiiti«« «I to«h>>. The third man iul»»ing early ♦ upon Its being found.” members are gone. ♦ Galay, lias I.« <-n «»< • «»untisi for. Specimens front Europe, Af- ♦ In.Ut ut ion Is Protected by Insurance ♦ rlca and South America are al- ♦ Wild Tim«« in Rooms of Movie Star and Hunt Is On for the Escaped ready in the possession of ♦ San P«««lro, Cai., S«*;»f,27.—— ( t. I*. ) — The I nit««l state» •ubiimrin«* Indianapolis, Sept. 27.—(A. P.) — Arc Rclut«*d by Zeh Pro%<>st in Robber III«' R-t» «• tnk in ts** Angele» lutrbor Insl night. tl un enrly hour l«al«iy ♦ scientists at Berkeley, but BO ♦ Organization of the Grand Army of the Trial T<xlay tlir«»* ni« n .«re ls-Ue»«sl lo Inni* lo»t theli- li)«*». tri «•!«•« Iti« iati iiuiiih I ♦ far no known plant has been, * I the Republic as a national organiza Spaul*«lM*rg ««>«•> Idoim frolli III«« »inking « rati l«y thè fxrce <>f tilt* explo- ♦ found on the North American ♦ tion will be commemorated with a Salem, Sept. 27.— (A. P.)—The »ioti. .1. Dicffcii, a .«.«mari, I- rcportisl lo In« itnpri»onc<l in thè» tinken ♦ continent. The doctor expects ♦ tablet to be unveiled here during the San Francisco, Sept. 27.— (A. PJ Oregon State bank, at Jefferson, a 55th encampment of the Grand Army <r««ft, «lille «inolile«- inai« i» though to liuti* goti«- down ««ith ili«« »tibiiia- ♦ to find a crepis along the coast. ♦ few miles south of here, was robbed - Zeh Prevost, show girl at the Ar- ♦ If he has to go an far north as ♦ now in session here. Mrs. Inez Jam- rlne. this morning of $3340. An unknown buckle party, testified today that Ar- ♦ Ison Bender of Decatur, Ill., presl- I»i««*r» working in ;IA f««<-t of water nlongsidr of ili«- nislMUurin«« aie ♦ Alaska. man entered the bank at 9:05, short buckle followed Virginia Rappe into dent of the Women’s Relief Corps, eiideuvoring lo fiv lu«u»«*r» in «>r«l«*r to rai><* III«* «mft. Il I*« |«o»»ll»»«* thal ♦ Sifting the vast num lier of ♦ the room adjoining the one where ly after opening, covering the book will unveil the tablet. unotli.-r man in-lde thè «>hl|> nilgiit bave r«*a< Inai un airtight <*<>ni|«artiii<*nt > scientific terms Dr. Houghton ♦ keeper. who was alone, with a re the party gathered, and three quar- ♦ used, the crépis is found to ♦ in wlih'h lite inlglit he »uslaimtl for IN hour». The first national encampment of volver, and locked him in the vault, tors of an hour later when the door ♦ ♦ Tli«« «refi l>«*uan to ««hip water, |«o»»ib|y freni a tortasi«» tube, nioat greatly resemble the dandelion, was oi>ened the women found her the Grand Army was held in Indian then made away with a drawer of of thè < r«-w had i -o aiHal throiigli a <onning lowrr ««h«-ti there «as an <*x- ♦ the leaves growing In rosette ♦ The clerk fully dressed, her hair down, moan apolis November 20, 1866, and was currency and change. ♦ form, while the flower is also ♦ ploslon. ing, "I am dying.” letter Arbuckle attended largely by veterans from quickly extricated himself. Although ♦ yellow. He knows of no local ♦ said, “It you don't stop yelling I’ll Illinois and Indiana, although there many people were on the street, none MAX STANFORD ST Vidi M ♦ term under which the crepis ♦ were a number of ex-soldiers pres realized a robbery was being done. is m : iring completion ♦ may he disguising Itself in this ♦ throw you out the window.” ent from New York and other eastern The robber escapd. The loss Is cov too good a time “We were having ♦ vicinity, so crepis will have to states. Previous to this meeting a ered by insurance. Miss Rappe and to notice what time Sun Francisco. Sept 27. <A. »'. > ♦ stand in the way of introduct 111 First W««ck R«»««i«l» In Brok««n; Arbuckle left the party in his suite." local organization had been formed More thun half the seats are in ♦ ion. Gain of l<)2 .Made replied Miss Prevost to a question at Decatur. Ill., by Dr. P. F. Stephen Dragon Agrlcrlt .ral College Sept place on the new -tadium being built ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ of the defense. "Miss Rappe sort of son. an army surgeon, but the meet 27. t Special i All first w««ek r«- gis- at Stanford t’nlverslty and there Is skipped into room 1219," she ex ing in Indianapolis marked the es- (ration record» at O. A. C. were every indication that th«- structure claimed. At the same time Lowell tablishment of the G. A. R. as a na- smashed last week when 3127 w pre will be completed In time for the an IieiiKMTMtic Senator*. Will Follow In Sherman and Alice Blake went into tional body. Illg Game" between signed up lu th«* first four days The nual football dividual Jii<UniM‘nt in Voting corresponding figures for last year Stanford and the University of Cal R«*c«-nt Arrivals Branch Out in Bus room 1221. the other room opening AMERICANS ARE VICTIMS off 1220, she said. When Arbuckle wore 2665, far ahead of any > ear Ifornia November 19. it was an- Washington, Sept. 27.— (A. P.)— iness Way OF MEXICANS AT ltOLORES followed Miss Rappe she did not hear non need here recently. previous. Thia year shows a gain of The democratic senators decided not I any bolt turn. She said she followed New turf is being planted on the 462. There are 2133 men and 994 —___ I to take a united party action on the The sale of the Public Market was Washington. Sept. 27.—(A. P. > — treaties with Germany, Austria and women. Of the totals, 2914 arc In stadium gridiron. For a time it was made today by M. McQueen to Mr. I I»owell Sherman and Miss Blake into collegiate work and 213 vocational. thought tito turf would be moved to and Mrs. E. G. hotter who will take room 1221 to powder her nose. Re The killing of two American mining I Hungary, but to let each individual Agriculture with 630 has n gain of th«« new field from the old gridiron. immediate charge of the business, turning to room 1220 she found the men. H. C. Smith, of Vinita. Okla I senator follow his own judgment in 46 over the number last year ut the This plan was dropped because al! Mr. and Mrs. Potter, who recently place empty, but Mrs. Delmont and homa. and E. B. Kilssinbury, of Los .voting on ratification. end of four days, Home economics the preliminury games this season purchased the Grants Pass Service Ira Fortlouis appeared on the scene .Angeles, by Mexicans at Dolores. before long. Mrs. Delmont was then has 512, four more. Commerce reg will be played on the old field Station, have had extensive exper- dressed in pajamas, said the witness. Mexico, was reported to the state department by the vice consul at Islers both men und women in about lence in the market and produce Chihuahua today. equal numbers and shown large In business and will make improve- crease. It also registers many stu tnents and additions to the business Three Killed in Brush Bet »«sen Mo dents for minor work as well as for later. Mr. Potter will continue to i'niversity of Oregon. Eugene. ro» and Ixx-al Constabulary degrees. Sept. 27 (A. P i A trip to Ha-, have active charge of the Grants slmk«*»|H*arc 1*- Essential to Admit wall, with its famous beaches and - Pass Service Station, while Mrs Pot- Manila. Sept. 27.—(A. P.)—The Candidate to liar scenic attractions. Is the prize held ter will devote her time to the Pub- New York. Sept. 27.— (A. P. 1 — fight between the Phillipine constab up to candidates for the I'niversity lie Market Enormous purchases of Liberty ulary and a band of Moros at Pa Dayton. Ohio, Sept. 27 —(A. P I bonds and Victory notes overshadow of Oregon football team this year. 1 rang, Island of Jolo, resulted in the I —All candidates for admission to litigi- ln-|Hs>iis of Garnet lt<»« k rotimi Seventeen successful players will be ed all other dealings in the stock death of a Filipino lieutenant of con ‘ the Bar should be complied to pass in the Mojave Desert exchange today. Almost all war stabulary and two members of the taken to Honolulu over the Christ 'examinations on the 'Bible and the mas holidays to play the I'niversity bonds rose to the highest quotations Moro band. Several were wounded ! works of Shakespear, in the opinion of the year. Victory 4 % notes being Sun Bernardino, Cal., Sept. 27. of Hawaii on Christmas day and an Eight on both sides. Million Fotti Wanted to . of Daniel W. Iddings. former presi- (A. P i Displacement of European all-star island team on January 2. taken in blocks from small amounts I dent of the Ohio Bar Association. Mr. F5|iiul |I»|:I ('<>n»uiii|>tion manufacture of garnet abrasive pa AU expenses for the trip will be paid Mrs. N. G. McVay, of Crescent City, to $250,000 and $400,000. One lot i Iddings has urged that all bar organ- of $1,000.000 changed hands. per for the Pacific coast, which uses by the Hawallans. was in the city today shopping. Ixmdon. Sept. 27.— (A. P.) —Eng ' izations Insist upon passage of such 13.000,000 worth annually. Is fore land needs 8,560,000 more hens in examinations as prerequisite to the cast In discoveries of large deposits order to get back to the estimated i taking of the bar examination pro- of garnet rock in San Bernardino consumption tor 1913 of 120 eggs . per and recommends also that candl- county -Majave desert. '.Many other Seattle. Sept. 27.— (A. P.) — The per jierson. asserts Edward Brown, 1 dates be quizzed on Blackstone's Industrial minerals have been fount! In the desert, Including fluor-spar, a state's case against James E. Ma secretary of the National Poultry i Commentaries. — valuable flux in making steel, high honey. alleged slayer of his wife, is Council. Mr. Brown says that tn the United grade silica rock, for making glass expected to be completed today. States and Canada it is stated the and silica sand which may displace average consumption is nearly 200 Importations from iHelgiuin, alumi San Francisco, Sept. 27.— (A. P.) cific Northwest mills in Atlantic eggs per unit annually, Basing his Only Two or Three I.arge Concerns num silicate clay, manganese, bar —Some actual improvement in the coast markets is stated to be less estimates on the recent census fig ium sulphate, used in making cheap Will Manufacture IJquor demand for lumber is reported from thau it was a year ago. indicating a ures for Great (Britain, he computes paints, gypsum and iceland spar, states of the Twelfth Federal Reserve heavy decline in rail shipments. The that each person in England last used In optical work. Eos Angeles. Cal., Sept. 27.— (A. District, John Perrin declared in a report of the Pacific Lumber lnspec- year ate 93 eggs. P.)—The wine making season is on report made public here today. lion Bureau reveals gains in water- in the Sixth Internal Revenue dis Stiffening of prices in the upper borne shipments to all destinations Portland, Sept. 27. -(A. P. 1 trict here, and indications are that grades of Douglas fir. stationary or at nine cargo markets and losses In Wirt Minor, prominent lawyer, of only 2.000.000 gallons of wine will declining prices for California red a like number with a net loss of 13 the firm of Teal, Minor anil Winfree, be manufactured under i»ermit com wood and white and sugar pine, and per cent. Shipments to European Miiltnoiiinh Club's Hops for Winning droppt'tl dead in Ills office today. Ap pared with 4,000.000 in 1913. .Manu markets show a decline of approxi decidedly more hopeful feeling as to oplexy was the cause of death. Eleven Are Much I» iiiii | m - iic <I Domestic l.ubot Scarce in New York. facture of wine by large concerns future business prospects also fea mately 52 per cent, to the West Coast Honaewlves l»o Own Work will be limited to two or three win ture the lumber industry at this of South America of 41 per cent, to Portland, Ore., Sept. 26. —(A. P.) PORTItANI» M Ilf KETH eries. others have arranged to dry time, the report said. Australia of 58 per cent, and to Chi —Failure of several stars to report New York, Sept. 27. — (A. P.) — the grapes. There have been many $5.50 © $6.00 “August production of 356,233,- na of 12 per cent. Shipments to for football practice at the Multno Choice Steers $4.50 © $5.00 Domratic labor is so scarce in New- applications by private families un 000 feet of lumber, according to re Japan, which is rebuilding six of her mah Amateur Athletic Club here has Choice feeders ports from the four lumber associa largest cities, showed an increase of dampened the hopes of the club mem Prime Light Hogs $11.00 © $11.65 York that in thousands of homes, der the 200 gallon limit. normally well supplied with serv Hogs, extreme high ...................... $11.75 tions in the district, was 26,890,000 31 per cent, bers for tt winning eleven “Little change appears in the log feet greater than the July cut, an George Phllbrook. coach at the East Mountain Lambs $6.00 © $6.50 ants. the mistress is doing her own housekeeping. Maids and butlers market. Stocks are being reduced buying price, plain.36c at increase of 8.1 per cent." the report Eggs, club, Is scouring the stat«’ of Oregon are said by employment bureaus to gradually and the tendency is to log white ......................... 40c at said. “ tin the corresponding four Eggs, for material for th«' steam to take the prefer being out of work to taking Stali* Eair Paasrol I p—Olcott’s Eco weeks of August. 1920, the cut was as little as possible and to use up 44c (a places originally assigned to fotmer Eggs, selling mixed jolts at less than the high wage all available material. It is reported 38c (a reported to be 468,491.000 feet. nomic Policy Fttllowcxl college stars who are not in the city Eggs, storage ... scales prevailing last year. “About 75 per cent of the lumber that mills owning stumpage are virt- Eggs, white henneries ..... or who have not reported. t’nlverslty of Oregon, Eugene. mill capacity in the Pacific north uallv the only one cutting, com mor Of many reasons advance«! b.v em- Multnomah's first game Is against Eggs, selling, candled ....... ployment agencies for the ft.ilure of Sept. 27.— (Special) The Univer west and 60 per cent in the inland cial loggers preferring not to trade Whitman College here October I. On Eggs, fancy selects ............ servants and employers to agree, sity of Oregon will have no exhibit Empire is reported as being in oper- except on a ‘camp run* basis (all October 8 the team go«>s to Corvallis, Butter, extra cubes Butter, prints ...... one of the most common is that pros at the state fair at Salem this week. atlon,” said the report, "while log logs from a given operation), while Ore., to play the Oregon Agricul pective maids seek work only be It has been announced here. Some ging operations are reported as 40 mills desire to purchase on stump- tural College. Phllbrook thinks the Wheat ........................ age, or graded basis, asserting that cause their husbands are Jobless and time ago -Governor Olcott appealed per cent of normal. Oregon Aggies will be the best team “Notwithstanding the tremendous the lumber market wilt not warrant Portland, Sept. 27. (A. P.)—Cat are refused places because prospec to all the state departments and in In the Pacific Northwest this year, so buying in any other manner at this hoj«es to mak«> a showing against tle, hogs, steady; sheep, weak; eggs, tive employers will not consider ap stitutions asking that every possible increase in water movement, the to tal volume of business of the Pa- time." economy be effected. plicants for temporary positions. firm and higher; butter, firm. them. I LOST; BLAST KILLS ONE Majority of Seamen Escape Through (onning Tower Before Explosion Occurs; Divers Are Working in 35 Feet of Water to Raise Craft OAC. NOW HAS 3127 STUUENTS NO PARTY ACTION ON TREATIES FWMOüCTNOÎNffl FOOTBALL STARS fill TO RETURN MAIOS REFUSE LOW WAGE SCALE