Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1921)
GRANTH PANS DAILY tXR'RIER PAGE FOUR 1 - . . ■ ■■■■ ■ PERSONAL <J .X treaty may sometimes be considered only a scrap of paper, but a bank check is something more than that Even after it is cashed it Is a receipt that can't be dodged. C X bank check is better than the cash because If lost a new check may be issued It money is lost It is gone for good. A checking'account is the modern way of doing business. Wc invite you to open an account at our Bank, where every courtesy will be extended to you. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON The habit grows. Save with us. One-Half Gallon Fruit Jars Atlas Glass Top Regular Mason $1.50 Per Dozen While they last Rogue River Hardware Co. The WINCHESTER Store B uster B rown S hoes Nothing but the best «rede up stock is UMd. Solid one-piece leather oak counter«. e»pe- cially adapted to hildren'» »hoe». Cut off Vamp« could be used, but instead Full Toe Vamp» ar« employed Instead of pieced heels, solid Sole Leather Heeia are used. H.mloikSol*» are uaed by tome, but only Govern- man« Standard Oak Sole Leather U UMd is Bui- turBrownShoea." South 6th St. GRANTS PASS J. F Huselton. of Speaker, was a Saturday visitor In Grants Pass. Mrs. Chas Harmon, of Dryden, was a shopper In the city X. Anderson spent Saturday in Medford. \\ hy snould there be a Western | I eetrlc Waster In every Home, 85tf Charley Horn was a passenger out I to Grants Pass the fore part of the v <*ek -Cres«-ent City Courier. Miss la>l* Loveless and Alice layve- less spent the week end at home In Wilder» tile. Bartlett canning pears. 1 *«c per lb. Grants Pass Rochdale Co. 94 Mrs. \\ illiatn Harris visited with friends ami relatives in Medford on Saturday. Have you written your letter? | "Why should ther«» be a Western Electric Washer in every Home?” ,2ft.00 in cash prizes given by Pauls' Electric Store for the best letter. 85tf Joseph Ponsler and J. F. Wlsecar- ver. of Holland, were In the city ou business Saturday. Sheriff J. R. Breen and Supervisor Alf Goodlin returned early this week from a trip to Grants Pass and Med ford. Del Norte Triplicate. Mr and Mrs. Amos Smith left this I morning by- automobile for Portland and will also attend the state fair at I Salem. New low price on Western Elec- trie Washers. «137.00 — an opportun- I tty—don't miss It. Mr. and Mrs J. R. Miller. Mrs. ! Maurice Clements and Miss Florence Thrash, of Xnchor. were in town to- day. James T. Young. route No I. has ■ filed his discharge from the United States marine corp- with the county I cleric. Mrs. Alice Bacon, county superln- t< ndent ot schools, is visiting schools In the northern part ot the county to day. Miss .Myrtle Wallin, ot Tillamook, who has been visiting the [¿etcher family for a few days, left for her home this morning. She also visite«! friends in Ashland. Ed M. Light, prominent farmer of Leland spent the day In the city. He reports the crops are about all har vested in his section, and that the cattle are being brought in off the range. Guests at the Oxford last night were K. J. Khoeerv of Takilma, Jos Schmitt of Gazelle. M B Taromaglan of Selma. I. U Lewis of Medford. N G w Parktaa and wife of Myrtle Point, and E 0. Hunt of Agness. Among the guests of the Josephine last night were L. M. Brainard. R. M. Lindsay and F. G. Lewis of Eu gene. Karl Pease and Nix C. Ketch am. of Glendale. Mr and Mrs IL II Wekter of Boston. Mr. and Mrs A. R. Bloomfield of Cincinnati. N. P. Shu- las and Mrs. N. P. Sbulas of Ashland and T F. Meeeh of Salem. l’iac<- DisturlMT Fined— A. E. Rees was fined «10 by H. H. Allyn, police Judge, this morning up on the complaint of L. O. Reynolds, proprietor of a local confectionery store. A girl employed by Reynolds, had quit during the week. and came in to see about her pay. She was told to return Saturday, Rees inter- fered and became boisterous in his language, and was ordered from the store The complaint and fine re- suited. SHOES — at the FREE! SAMPLE STORE FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of LUMBER, all grades, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST Foundry and West G Grants Pass, Oregon. Shoes for the F amily ■ STAR rvtwr mccl Buy School Shoes —at— Woodward’s I Big 5Oc Jar of ««'underfill OOM- Bl NATION CREAM JONTEEI, with the purcliaae tog«*th«-r of one .TOc bout <»f Place Powder Jonteel an«l one 5O< compact of Rouge Jontecl. Three Famous Reami- fieri» for the Price of Two. ««»■ make this ex«-«*irtJonal offer so that you may get ac<|iiaintcd with this most delightful fa««- cream. A cream for softening, healing, fwatilifying tli<* complexion. Simply wonderful as a Imae for |K»w«lcr. You love to use It—It’s so fragrant, cooling nnd refresh ing. Stiniulates the tissues and makes you f«<cl—s* well as look —lots younger. FACE I’OWDEIt JONTEEL Is a soft, invisible |H»w«1er with a re markable clinging quality. You nolle«* tin* «liffcrence at once. I«H GE JONTEEL Is so lifelike. Matchea your own nntiiral flush |H-rf«*<*tly. Comes In convenient compact form to carry In purse or |K»ckd. «’on ran secure these Jonteel Beauty Roqulaitrs only at The Retail Store. CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier LOCAL Pure Linen Handkerchiefs ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ in all colors, at popular prices hundred Although several subscribers took advantage of the Courier Bargain Day, there are other hundreds who did not, many of these are owing from a month to a year, »nd the aggre- gnt«> amount runs Into four fig ures. There are also many ad vertising accounts past due The Installation of th«* Courier's new press means a total expenditure of mor«* than ,8000 and It Is ne cessary- that th«> accounts ow ing the Courier be paid, State ment« are being sent out as fast as possible but It Is hoped those who are owing will not wait for a statement. We are paying In terest on the amount you arc owing, and you should not ex pect us to do It. It the paper Is being sent to anyone whose sub scription has expired and who does not wish the paper any longer they are requested to no tify this office. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ mr$. Dellie Reas anrics latt'Hl |u«lti-rns ami <«>loi-tiig» your intllv hlunl is 'I it by mail«' I* III«« tfl«Ml<'*l Miri <»f <*« GEO. S. CALHOUN El< IllUv«* I x M MI INKI G Ntrrrt S»*««*rn| in Salem— A. ti. Cornell and fumlly and C. Much and wife left vesterday to take in the state fair at Salem. Fall Suit»— A full line of new Fall Sults now on display at Peerless Clothing Co. Shan- U Inner« liiiMiunrr'l— Hob Morris. holder of »hare num- her 200. and John Shumacher. with share 161, were awarded the quilt Rogue at.. spread offered by the River Valley Grange association re cently. Your Bank Your Best Reference < red it Is a m-c«-»«ary fad or in l>ti-'in<-««. Iliisinr*** mm readily accept bank rvferenir—many demand II. Th«' Grants I’ass A JoM-pliim* llank invites, you to malt«' It your <le|MM>ltary, ami afford« you gissl fadlltlrs Io inert your r>N|Uir«'iii«-nls. rim MU ursoivt VIVIIS Grants Pass and Josephine Bank Grants Pass < 'orredloti of Error— An error occurred In Saturday's Courier, when th«* name of Mrs I.. W. Wood was giv«*n us having been uwurded second place In the song contest The second prize was given to Mrs Is W, Hood, whose words were set to the tune "Beulah I .and.” NEW FALL GOODS at New Low Prices Goto To Stanford Landa Gillette, who has been work ing at the Grants Pa.-s and Josephine bank this summer, left today for the south, where he will enter Stanford university. 'liscleay tannery < I om -«I— Fishing is over at the Rogue river and the Macleay cannery Is closed for the season. The pack this year has an average pack, there being 21,900 cases of Chinook. No sliver sides were packed The pack Is sold and delivered by the schooner Tramp to the docks on the bay and •hipped to market Coos Bay Har bor. For Twenty-five Dollar«— You can buy a new fall suit or overcoat at Peerless Clothing Co tf Eugene Fi«li«*rm<-n <>n Trip— Al Cook. N.B Mann. J C. Price. Dr. Ji. T Burnett and Stanley Stev enson made up a party leaving Sun day to spend a few- days this week hunting In the Rogue River country above Grants Pass. They will camp near Rock Point where the fishing is exceptionally good, according to Mr Cook Eugene Guard. src my Colonial Heaters anti get my prices before you buy. I also have a complete line of Florence Oil Heaters ami Colonial Ranges at reasonable prices. Holman’s Furniture Store I than that to which they arc accus tomed, that they have decided to re main In Grants Pass until some time in the spring. t i «lien Is III— W Ilford Allen, who Intended to re turn to the university last night. Is confined In bls bed with an attack of tonsllltls. It may be the last of Fir«* Chief la*av«*s— the week before he will bo able to ‘'Tap” Cole, local Dre chief. Is at leave for Eugene. tending the school for Dre chiefs In Salem this week. He will return 1 Saturday. Work In the school con sists of various drills, the Inspection ( of apparatus and the study of differ- ' ent kinds of fires among other All outside rooms things. Talks are to l>e given by prominent firemen of the state. • Rai«-»: Mingle, All«, 75c, and XI Special rat«-« by the week Wlsconsin People Here— Dining room In « -onnoctlon Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Mole of Mil- l-'lrst class home <<M>k«sl meals waukee, WIs., arrived In lhe city for family style, 4Oc a visit with their grandson, E. J. Schumacher. The elderly couple are so delighted with the climate an«l the Prop. prospects of a winter so much milder 1 Girl Shocks Men— Early morning passengers this morning were shocked by the sight of a nice looking little lady, dressed in hiking breeches and wearing a red sweater, strolling Up and down the platform, calmly smoking a clg- arette. She was an art student. whose home Is in Victoria. B. C., and had just arrived from a 100- mile tramp up the coast on her way to resume her studies. For some time she was engaged In newspaper work in her home city. Printed calling cards—Courier. Engraved card« Courier office. Office stationery—Courier office. Typewriting paper—Courier office Merchant Printing—Courier office. Peerless Clothing Co. I‘ire Destroy« Hhack— The hobo shack, half a mile east of the Southern Pacific station, was destroyed by tire about 3 o’clock Sunday morning. It has been sug gested that the men who stole the registered mall pouch had made a fire In order to have light by which the mall could be sorted Mlioew— All the new ones have arrived at Peerless Clothing Co. 75tf Rummage Sal«-— A rummage sale will be held the ! first week in November for the joint benefit of the public library and the city park, the proceed« to be divid ed on a .'»0-50 basis. The commit- : tees are desirious of obtaining a I large assortment of articles for the ' sale, and request those who have any ' contributions to make, to set them aside now. Anything that has any ' use left In it will be acceptable, from i plants and poultry to washing ma- ' chines and baby buggies. Help the I SHle and you help the town. now arriving at WESTERN HOTEL MRS. E. D. YENNY I TODAY and TOMORROW “67>e WOMAN GOD CHANGED” Mr. nn«l Mrs. Public: "The Woman Goti Cluing- <*d” Is "selling" Itself on Its merits ns a truly ar tistic mid highly dramatic photoplay. WEDNESDAY RIVOLI