Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1921)
- eftemiieii i.HlMS l*IMM MAILI OOl IUKK M, urn, PAGE TH KER W T TOMPKINS. D R T Nervous and chronic diseases. Office, Claus Hchinldt IBdc. Phone 304-R. DOYLE’S 111 X'l IS I S Blue Fliiiuiel Middies HUMMED WITH WHITE MIDDY llllllll—\LLslZIJ» $2.75, $3.45 and $4.59 HEAL I MT ITE r McKlN'iTRY, ',03 G St., phone 55-it. real ostato H- st of i!» for frult, hay or general farming. A \I W NHIPMEXTOE III MilMW IPHONh IX 1*111 I- n BTYUCS im > w I i.i, M »hl. , HU. IT, 41.111, Ml.hll, 4I.MII XXI» *2.1» I OK E\t HANGE Classified Advertising To TR VDE Will trade my re-ldenca on Park street, and 17 acres front- j Ing on river two miles from town for a desirable i ty re. Id-nee J. F Byers. 90 TV.XI SOONER Jitney EXPERIENCED apple packers want swerod ed. Apply ut Oregon Growers 90 ACRES 4 0 acres bottom under Packing Cooperative plant. 93 PHONE 160 Th* Bonbonniere for paid up water right for sale. Taxi. 79tf PLAIN SEWING neatly done. Rea 16000. Address No. 202, care of sonable prices. 33 2 Bridge St. 93 TAXI White Line Taxi, city or t»9tf Courier. MISI ELLANLO! S country trips. Special trips by ap Prices reasonable. pointment. DRY SEASONED OAK, fir an-I pine Call Clemens Drug (Toned car. wood fur sale. R. F. D. No. I. REPAIR SHOP Steam fitting, pipe Store. 4«-R; residence phone 3M. work plumbing, boiler and purup Box 11. C. W. laimbrechl 61 tf »>rk, installing. 505 South 6th St. IX MT POTATOES nt 2c at place, . miles Phono 306 G A. Bryan. IA.1S1 Gold ring with large ruby I from town on upper river road. set. Lost Thursday or Friday. Re BANKERS LIFE COMPANY Des C. II. Peter«on 102 ward for return. Address No. Mnlnes, Iowa Myron C Gaston. FOR HALE Do you want a winter District Agent 252 care Courier. 89 lob’* Have a good teum working HT(HtXi.lS on long Job. The man who buys CARNER-GAYETTY iron works General foundary and machine the team gula the Job. Phone 313-J H. D NORTON. Attorney-at-ls* work, mine, mill machinery, chilled . or 386-R. HGtf Pr-ictioq, in il! State ani '"editai saw carriage wheels, live rolls, Courts First National Ba-ik Bldg. FOR BALE CHEAP A 2-h p. gas pipe fittings. Grants Pass, Oregon.' engine und pump Jack complete; G W. COI.VIO. if'irs-y -t-l»» Harry a high grade Jersey bull from San PAI’ERH ANGING -Call up («rants Pass Banking <’o R’dg Jones at Colonial hotel for paint ford stock of Ashland, Oregon; n ing, pji't rhr-aging, calciminlng. u i thoro-tghly overhauled Ford car E S. VAN DYKE. Attorney Pra tlces FOR MALE for sale or trade for good cow* or laying hens. For above call nt North Tenth street, F. E. Jordan, the nurseryman. 92 in all courts. Building Firs' National Bank WILL PAY liberal rate of interest for $700 loan on good first mortgage as security. Inquire No 253 care O S. BLANCHARD, Attornry-at-l-• Courier. 93 Golden R-ft'i Hide Phon«* --?<• S - Contractor, Phone 2 46 G I Oil It XT DR »V IGE IMI TH INSFEIl FOR RENT Alfalfa. Grain and Stock ranches with and without THE WORLD MOVES: so do we Irrigation, or will sell al bargain Bunch Transfer Co. office phone prices on long time easy payments. 396; res. phones 171-IL 316-L. Ranches In Jackson and Josephine F i; iSH i n. drayage, transfer; pi- ! county. One ranch under ditch ■ • ioh . safes, furniture, moved, slilp- 3 miles from Grants Pnss. on river.; ■4. Hacked, sin rid Phone ¡24 V : Gold Ray Realty Co.. Owners. Htf Medford, Ore APARTMENTS TO RENT at dll's1 AI'DITING Systematizing. Hally or 5 0tf G street. W. M Wyrick monthly audit service. Ivan Liv ! ingston, Incorporated Accountant. l-MIl RENT 360 ncre Irrigated Phone 389. Address: Grants Pass. farm. Terms, cash. Address Mrs. M. J. John, Williams, Ore. 92 Oregon. 7(itf FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, 23 2 West I. Four rooms and bath room, hot and cold water. Mrs. J. 94 T. No children. / S. Smith FOR SALE Ono Jersey cow. one holier duo In 6 months and three calves; also brown loghorn hens, and two hogs 8 months old. Como and see. A. Grlshnber, above Will Scoville’s. 94 H DEAN—Assayer, Chemist. 822 East D street, Grants Pass, Oregon. 94 INSTItfCTIOX IN Mi SL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Mrs. Jas. M. Powers, piano: Mrs. Pearl F. Beveridge, Voice; Leonard C. FOR SALE or exchange Well Im Petit, violin and harmony. 4 23 B proved 40-acre farm with water, St. Phone l-.L $4500. Will take part town pro CLARA TITTLE FENTON perty. Address Box 690, Grants MRS harmony, teacher of piano and Pnss. Saturday. Tuesday, Friday and WANTED Studio at 618 F street. tf WANTED A school girl to wait ALM V »VOLKE Instructor In piano tables Friday night, Saturday and tin,I harmony. Fall term opens Sunday. Mochn. 79tf Sept. 12. An iccrsdlted te 1 r SCHOOL GIRI, wants place to work for room and board. Ruth King. 100 4 East I street. 91 WANTED Chickens at Burkhalter’s feed store, market price always. Phone 2R6-R or 383. If you have veal call mo up. 90 NANO TUNING—Leave orders for. Immediate fall tuning. T.inor h»r? short time only Rowell's Music House. 971 CUV SII I IX \XI> SI RGEUX M. D., Practice Subscribers to the Morn L. O. CLEMENT, WANTED limited to dlse-ves of eye. ear, nose Ing Oregonian. Our service Is the 1 and threat. I hone 62; Res. 239-J best and you get the news on time S. LOPGIIRIDGE, M. D., Physician nt 286-R. always. I hone tn, and s r .eon. < -y or country calls 90 R.ilph I tin ’.horn. attended day or night. Phones, 1 ■' Office 182; 6th and H, WANTED Two nmlo pnekors E. J. BILI.rcK. M. D.. Physician, sur Steady work for winter. C. H. Pet- geon, Sell iiihiiru Blk. Phono ‘-l-.l; tlngrr. Merlin, Ore. 93 res 1004 Uiwnv! Uo. oiioiie 5 l-L. WANTED Woman to do cleaning 2 hours n week. Call Bonbonniere. Mil W. F. RUTHERFORD M.m nil the- raptttlcs. Office over Barn«-*’ Jew elry. R s. 259-d; office J17-R. A C. HOI GII —Lawyer. T iff» Bldg Practice in al) courts V A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In state sad federal courts Office -»ver Nation«! Drue Store —- Stories of Great Scouts By Elmo Scott n'atum ©. Western Newspav.-Union. CAPTAIN SAM BRADY AND HIS FAMOUS LEAP MEAL” IO fop 5$ The new sugar coated chewine gunite-*; A which everybody likes—you will. too. V .’ V UNITE WOOD FOR SALE Fir. 83.50, pine. NOTICE- After this date we will not 83.00 per tier. Roy Pike. Box 68, be responsible for bills run on Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Downs. If there Rd. 4. Ill are any bills »e have overlooked GKO. II Dl’RHAM, Attorney-at-la* 2 TON NASH 1920, used CO days In please forward to Medford, gen refere«- in bankruptcy. .Masonic eral delivery. 90 all. For quick sale, $1800. Terms. Temple Phone 135-J J. W. Alderson. 99 I'IIESHMAKIXG FOIl SALE Modern, furnished or Ladlea tailoring unfurnished bungalow, attractive DRESSMAKING silk i and furrist, men's tailored terms. Phone 34K-R. 93 shirts to order, with or without. FOR SALE or exchange For light material furnished, Repairing and car or truck, 10 acre tract mostly and neatly I alterations quickly cleared and tinder ditch. C. E. Mo of pleatings. done. Every line ran, 965 Lawrirldge Av,-. 9 3 Rush orders a »pedalty. Prices lower naturally. Call at parlors, FOR SALE Sevin passenger, Cole opposite postoffica on Sixth street Eight, In good condition, a bargain over Bask- t grocery and get esti If Ink en at once. Call Sundays or mates. Mrs W II. Swoape. Phone evenings at 518 West Bridge St. 93 506. 98 FOR HALE 5-room cottage and one acre of ground under ditch, wood- III II.IHXG < OXTRACTORS shod und garage. Inquire 915 North Tenth St. 90 HARPER * SON- Building contrac FOR SALE one fresh milk cow. tors Shop work, furniture cratlig Phone 603-F-21. Clar nc-» Cox. 94 Shop 510 II St. Re* pillino 14 2. FOR SALE An up-to-date law li contractor brary ami f irniture at the Wurts- I J. GREEN- General baugh law office In the Flanna- Estimates and plat,» made. Note- gan block. Office open afternoons Shop Ing too small or too large from 3 to 8 Com* at once If you 211 Sixth St. Phone 38-J. 92tf wish to b n 95 “AFTER EVERY 1 W t AV delicious peppermint flavored sugar jacket around peppermint flavored chewing gum that will aid your appetite and diges* tlon. polish your teeth a od moisteo f your throat. B122 wihgleysw wmarra SPEARMINT THE FLAVOR LASTS Favored by Nature. We repair and make every type and style top and slip cov er—and <!n the uork RIGHT- Let us repair your [.resent H»p mill, also, lend real distinct ion to your car with a smart eat of durable slip covers. Sam ple*. prices, etc., gladly sub mitted. Sacramento has the d.-tlOcflon of being the world’s greatest distrib uting center for deciduous fruit, and lias the largest iilni'Hid plant und the greatest fruit und vegetable canuery on the Pacific slope. The pear or chards of the S:icrmn«-to delta pro duct- the greatest crops !n the wurlii the fruit being first to irach the mar kets each year. The delta district which often 1« i <>i ipiued with the famed valley of the Nile, also yield- thouaands of ton* oi aspnragus encl, year, ns well ns great quantities <■( other veff-ti-bl-s. while It I* kno t:, throughout the tuition for the var •• y and quality <»f its vegetable seeds Lands bordering the stream* of th. valley produce m,«*t of tl.e nation’s hop* The en-tern edit»- Is prolltl,- I the production <>f grilles and straw- berries, while th«- recently deve’opeil rice iicreiu«- has plncisl Cnlifoi nl.i sc ond only to Louisiana us n producer • >f this cereal. Capt. Sam Brady was a member ot a lighting fumUy v. lilcli imide history on the Pennsylvania border during the Indian wars after the Revolution Captain I'.r.-ly's gi utest exploit too« place In « »1 i«» lie had been captured by ih<- Imi tins ui.J carried to the San dusky l'uni.» lieadquartera for nil the Olilo tribl s libere tlie savages pre pareil te burn him al the stake. III- « ■- »tripped, bound tu a posi mid slu« tire* kindled around him. foi the lt d • limed him so much that they vi . >. to torture him us long ns Safety in Mid Air. l it inly wns a powerful man p<>* *, :. i A foreign investigutoi has made a and I,, situ tied nt his fetters until special study ,-f the p. sibltlt'es of they w- ■ , loosened slightly-. Then lightning stroke In mid-nlr and as n with h Ii ¡i , u< rt tic siiapjied thi lust I m I ik I < . |>eil net, as the barrier ot result of •»!•*, rviitioa of nei-r'y one httndre«! flights. In which th:- airships fiumi- m I. -eiz.lng n squaw, pitched ex|a*rleiii< I «ome adventure- wi.l- her iiitu lhe fire. storms, lie Im* come to the followit the Indians could reeovei Before conclusions: There Is n<> danger t from tlielr surprise, the scout escaped be looked for If the machine Is not I; from llie vlUnge mid plunged Into the the direct line of discharge, and if It woods.- hotly pursued by hundreds of snvngea. Finally lie cnnie to the does so hapiH-n there is little danger of fire resulting from the nature of Cu.vahogn river, near the present site and distribution of the conductin'-, of Kent In Portage county. metnl portion. In 30 cases where the At this place the river flowed be- aiachlnes were struck directly, the tween steep, rocky banks. 22 feet writer maintains that there were no across from side to side. The scout evil effects mid In till cases where ma wns tr-ippi’d. There wns no other place chines fell during a storm there was for miles up mid down the river where no evidence of scorching of purts or he could ford It. The Indians were melting of metnl. -losing In on him and his only chnnei if i* npe «ns to try to leap across tin clmsm. Gem Was Natural Thermometer. Brady could hear the savages yell It was ii woiwlerful sapphire, so Ing In the woods only n short distance it Is said, that led the celebrated Di»i* nwuy us lie ran back toward them t< tot Sorb.v to the discovery of the na get n good «tart. Then turning, h< ture of the liquid sometimes foun I sped for the brink mid putting all bls 'ncloseil In the cavities of crystals. fulling strength Into a filiui spurt, In The gem In question contained a tube sprang for the opposite cliff. HI- shaped cavity a quarter of an Inch jump was n little short mid he struck long and mi eighteenth of an inch in •he bunk a few feet below the edge diameter, which wns so rvgttlnr In The Indians stopped In miiar.emen' its bore that It served, by means of -I,eu ns he seem scrambled up ovc- he liquid partially tilling It. for s Tie edge, they opened fire thermometer. The contained liquid They wounded him In the leg. delay linlf-tllled the bore at 50 degrees Fnh uig Ills flight, mid In a short time wer, renheit, and completely tilled It nt Ml oti his heels ugiilti. lie enme to a Ink, degrees. A study of the rate of ex and plunged In Stooping hem-nth tin passion of the liquid led to the con brom! pads of n waterlily, he breathe, clusion that It must be carbonic achl. through n hollow reed while the sav iges hunted In vnln on the shores o Soul Also N«*ds Feeding. the lake. They found his bloody trill It' a ii - hii find himself with bread in -o the water’ll edge and. believing thn hntli bunds, he should exchange one ho had drowned rather than be CH] Inc f for some flowers; since the lonf Hired ngnln. gave up the chase. feeds the body. Indeed, but the flowers Soon afterward Brndy reached For fee ! 'lie soul.—Mahomet. I’ltt In safety. He had mmiy mor. thrllllng adventures before Ills detitl on Christmas day. 171*5, but his 22-foo Placer location blanks at the leap across the Cuyahoga was thi grentest feat of all Courier office. G.B. BERRY Everything for the Auto C L rlßBART COMPANY CHICHESTER S PILLS THE »IA11OX» nriANt». A Indicai A<ln»»llr.rtl>if r ZA >7«tTk » *1 P.yn /LÀ, ' v “-R fl I’SI-rh.■•.I,--« lllimonlBron,l/X\\ i l ’iYl.Tn mr^nicXV/ ilia In Ki'dVn 14» <1 and l Gold metalllcXY^/ boiM, sealed with Bl c Rlbhcn. Take no other, ll-.iy of your v Urnra-dG Ask forCIR-C UI H-TF« • 1»!AMO\I> |<RANI> Pll.lJS for tS yeariknownn» Bet, Ssfest, Alvayv Reliable SOLD BY ORLOGISTS EVtKYWHtfiE buys for cash New anil Used Gootls SEE ME E. W. CHILES 401 G STREET