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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1921)
V GRANTS P.US» l».ULt iXH itlER PAGE TWO SRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER VALUABLE HiNTS FOR HOT WEATHER SilK Hosiery Published Daily Except Sunday a E. VonrMe« P"b ’’•’d Propr. filtered at posto:: Grant« P am . Ore., is second- iss mall natter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch...................25c Local-personal column, per line.—10c Readers, per line................................. 5c Why Our Bodies Swell During Hijh Temperature. Satin stripe and plain CRADLE BULK COUNTS IN Olili FOOD WEEKLY COURIER Ay mail per year. Rolling Up the Shirt Sleeves Theory and Practice—Medical Man Give« Some Little Known Facts Y &YWU KI MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press is exclusively Insist on Minerva Yarn entitled to the use for republication of 311 news dispatches credited in this or all otherwise credited in this Grants Pass, Ore 101 & 105 N. 6th paper and also the local news pub- ’tshed herein. All rights for republication of spe-' etal dispatches herein are also re ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ served. ♦ PERSONAL AN’D LOCAL MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 2«. I»2I ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦> ♦ ♦ ♦ GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose phine Lumber Co., at wholesale H. S. Prescott, of Eugene, former mill prices. All kinds of planed ♦ ♦ Grants Pass resident, stopped off lumber. Our truck delivers any ♦ here this morning for a few hours, where. Phone 188, 107 North 8th OREGON WEATHER street. 92tf ♦ leaving in the afternoon for Ashland ♦ where he will be associated with his DEPENDABLE Weather for the Week INSURANCE All lines. See T. M. Stott. Buick sales Pacific Coast States: Fair in ♦ brother in a business enterprise. rooms. I’hohe 520. 4 3tf California, and considerable ♦ Office stationery—Courier office. cloudiness and showers in Ore ♦ MODERN 7-rootu house, close iu, good location, lot 50x100, for sale. ♦ gon and Washington. Normal Dentist Beturns— Priced especially for quick sale. In Dr. W. W. Walker returned from temperature. quire on premises. 411 C St. 72tf a meeting of the state board of den ♦ Tonight and Tuesday, fair. tal examiners held in Pendleton re COAL AND WOOD- When you buy your coal and wood from ub you cently. The meeting was over in time ♦ get two things that are essential to allow the visitors to take in the Wil- today- quality and service, GARDNER NOT A HERO round-up. 75tf liams Wood & Coal Co. Roy Gardner, bandit, writes to a FOR RENT -6-room furnished Merchant Printing—Courier office. house with bath. 730 North Sixth San Francisco newspaperman the street. 88tf story of his escape from the federal Special A. F. & A. M. Tuesday— FOR RENT—2 furnished light prison at McNeil's island, and again There will be a special meeting of housekeeping rooms. 109 South Grants Pass lodge No. 84, A. F. and a bit of hectic acclamation will go up Sixth St. Inquire 203 Burgess St, 91 from a few perverted minds. Gard A. M. Tuesday afternoon commenc ing at 4 o'clock. Dinner will be served FOR SALE—Potatoes, undersize for ner, if the letter is authentic, asks at 6. Kerby lodge being guest* of the market. $1.00 at ranch, mile west that he be pardoned by President \ evening. There will be work in the on river road, or $1.26 delivered. J. F. Webster. ____ _________ 9_1 Harding. He is certainly basing his M. M. degree. WANTED- Position on ranch for the desire for pardon upon the success (one winter by man and wife of his many escapes from the Many Go Fishing-— child I experienced with stock Though a large number of people Mr. Walter T. Morris, Myrtle clutches of the law, otherwise he spent Sunday with a hook and line, 95 Creek, Ore._______________ would have remained in the prison no fancy catches have been reported. RUSH SALE — A farm one und one and by exemplary behavior have Those who used a spoon seemed to half miles from Grants Pass—it's a snap. Apply to Isaac Best. 91 stood a chance of being pardoned or have had an edge on the others. WANTED—A good woman cook at paroled. The president would most once. Apply Western Hotel 91 Notice to Subscribers — certainly not be justified in releasing Subscribers are requested to make A FEW MORE apple picker» wanted Gardner from the sentence that is Call 606-F-23. 91 payments to the officefand not to the over him, though many will not hail carrier boys, Boys have no author- FRESH GRAPE Jl'lCE always in stock at the Public Market. 115 the bandit as a hero. It is because ity to collect, When a change of ad- the law does not always deal ade dress is to be made always notify the LOST A blue baby shoe trimmed in fur. Sunday evening. Return to quately with the criminal that crime office. Courier office. 51 is rampant. Crime is progressive Attended Elks Barbecue— FOR RENT—Small house with fur just as better qualities are progres Several prominent Elks and their niture. Inquire at 213 West tl sive. Successful in a first undertak families motored to Medford yester S'reet. ing, the criminal steps up in his chos day to attend the huge barbecue giv A 17”x22* California Special all In good steel hay baler, 875, en career and becomes Just a little en by Medford lodge. 1168. Nearly working order. H. M. Button, more daring. Stop him with a real 700 of the antlered herd enjoyed the 96 Williams. outing, the venison and baked steel jolt when we have the goods on him head salmon. Various games and a FOR RENT CHEAP- Good 20 acre and not only will justice be done but tug of war provided amusement for farm, all in cultivation, one mile the would-be criminal will hesitate in the gathering. from city limits, large house, gar- Those making the dep land, some fruit, school bus his operations. Paroles and inade trip were C. H. Corson. Mike Clemens 92 passes daily. Phone 373-Y. quate fines are all very good from William I^empke, James T. Chinnock. Carl Williams and their families. E. L. GALBRAITH—Real «tate. ir. the sentimentalist's point of view but Typewriting paper—Courier office sitrance and plate glass liability the protection of the public and the «09 G street, phone 28. 4"’f ultimate reform of the criminal de- Up to Specifications. mands something more. T do not Insist.” the old gentleman NEW TODAY—Ruby bed, big!: said, “that the mar. m.v daughter mar chairs, sewing rockers, range with To date no one has offered the sug ries shall have wealth, provided he water tank, a feu heaters left, lire»-.. gestion that the robber who stole has sound judgment und unusual clev er, oak table. Phone 71. T. < . erness.” Booth. the registered mail pouch from the “Well, you must admit, sir,” the Southern Pacific Saturday night was yonth replied, “that I showed sound judgment In selecting you as a pro by any chance Roy Gardner. IN RED AND BLACK spective father-in-law, and consider able cleverness in getting Grace to accept as ordinary-seeming and poor STUDY DEMANDS GF MARKETS a chap as I am.”—New York Sun. A large part of the profit In poultry keeping often depends upon the prop er marketing of the products, and the producer should study the market de mands as to how, where and when to dispose of the products to the best ad vantage. MISSISSIPPI in black, brown, white and gray DAILY COURIER Wy mali or carrier, per year...... $6.00 *4y mail or carrier, per month . .50 Poultryman Should Learn How, Where and When to Dispose of Products to Advantage. ttZheson¿ that should be in eHeryhome! Which May Be of Value to the Av- • rag« Person Who Must Endure Hot Weather—The Active Function and the Digestive Function Some little known fact», the pos session of which 1» of value to the uveruge person who must endure hot weather, are called to public il I len tlon by the medical <virr<-»p<’iid> nt of The London Tltm-s. Fot- insumió It is not known by the majority of peo- pie that the body tend» to swell In hot weather, Just us the skin does. A knowledge of this fact la of impor tance to those w ho Intend to wear belt» or tight clothing when It Is in- ordlnntely warm, according to the physician, for, forearmed wlth Uli» knowledge, they can avoid ll«e»e c»U- strictlous. The pbysldiin snys thut two fillio 1 Ml I \l. < ORNI« I. tlon* of the body are alwuys to be dis cerned iitul differentiated, tin- u-tive of preti) ornamentai character adii» function and the digestive functlou. greutly tu ih«’ nppe«r»u<« and vaino Tile active man 1» using Ills brtiln und of certain type of hoi-’-i Wn urti Ids muscles; the digestive uian Is using Ids stomach, liver und their In apeclallsta In puttlng up «neh cor ternal organs. This 1» simple enough. nice». alno metal r.dlliiga und dis What Is less simple, or ut least less ti lutile design and creai »orvico. easy for the layman to grusp, is tliut the nervous system plays a dividing It. BANNIE part In both stales. 117 G STREET Ask the uveruge limn, the doctor suggests, why, ut certain moments of his life, he bus squnred hl» shoulders und doubled his lists. He will an swer; "To tight, of course." And < «»MING I A I.N I - the emphasis on the words "of course” -<biirg, »¡Mint will often reveal bls Idea thut the question is us unnecessary us the re Sept. 2 6-Oct. I, Monday-Saturday— I Sunday and .Monday with his parents. ply is obvious. Rut, says tlie phy Oregon State Fair. Salem. Mr» i.'le --r S luldln» and i-blld- sician, there is nothing obvious about I ten » "’tit Ttiurfdn- with Mrs. Al. it, as 1» seen when we reflect thut BORN , lllggeratuff when tlie shoulders are squared und FULTZ -To Mr und Mrs. (’. C Fultz Ml«» AM mi i.... d and Ml»» Etale fists doubled the heart beats quicker of this city S ind y, Sesterni» -r 25, 2 and the bowels are emptied of blood. Herman n«-.’ I ¡’eurle Krau»» Wnd- u daughter. | nesday. A vast and sudden change ha» swept over every cell In the body in re Nob!< Parker has moved back to sponse Io—wliut? To the sight of nu Citrus fly.Products. his ranch on Doer Creek. enemy. That Is to suy to un Impres co-opvi alien with the cltiua Ham Howlett of California la via- sion or sensatiou reaching the eyes— growers California, the Itltlg with hl. I-".ilien and niece. Mr. or it may be the eurs. . I Xtntes buri hi of <-t‘em*«t ry The fuel emerges—It Is sensation, •«■n trying fur seme yearn |>.i»t , .m l Mr*, \nlone Spina», thl» week. Our ' mnty ni-hool superintendent stimulation, events or conditions in el,,p method- wln iehy protltuldv - m | the outside world which decide that i ii » ch might f<»Uh. 1 L.r ■ the monito«» a particular man shall be active or , qunntiti«-» of urn Il 4«-H and I« mull» I on Thursday. digestive. to \ unti- been lire until 1 which iK-w G \ M.m«fie|d fs moving hack to for sldpim-i t. It d'M * n ot |uiy to »h’p ! his place thia week. Feeling the Draught. L ('. Hudson. Roy Hudson and The physiclun takes for au exumpla tu market niiy fruit that I« not first the stimulus of cold. On a cvbl day class nnd In prime coi.ii.tlon. Of Josh lllack returned from Crescent the skin receiv«-» u kind of bombard wa«te nrnnges i-e'l--I “cull»." there are | City Tuesday morning. Wliut »I all ment of wliut la- culls "»mull rails io 14.(8« ton* a year 'Ir- Tho It! ■ ■■ -l.,ff and clilld- acllou," which act on the uerw-s of tu* dune wltli tbelli? A partial answer '- i t Hi in with Mr» E. Hogue to thè qitestlon I- furtdahed filit.lshed liy il this structure and whip them t<> ac | this week. tion. As u result, -the small blood ves score of factorle» wlili-h bave ulte :d> Mr mid Mrs. Gilbert Mansfield of tu rii puf Iti <-|H-riit>oii f„r thè produc sels of tlie body ure closed, digestive processes are stay ed, uml tlie muscle» tion of intiriualade timi Jtdlles, Also, Crescent (Tty are visiting friends ure filled with blood. Thu» in cold n profitalde market Ima berti fouml f'-r here for a few days. Will Clark and wife of Granta l*aM weather we feel active mid ure tilled orange oli ami leinon ,>ll. <>rang<* vlnvgiir. citile ac|,| and il b-d orango with energy. i visit'd Ebb Hogue and family 8un- peri. Fre-li oninge acid I» ttsed fot Quickly, moving uir naturally cools thè nuirmiilnde. ubile thè oli 1« ex- day. oil I» a mun faster thun slowly moving uir; trnctfd by pressure front Richard \very has mined to Fer- the skins, uml dump uir Is less cooling tliun dry l'p to thè present lime all of our rydnle thia week. because there is less evaporation. The little ruin Sunday put out the orango oli and lenmn Ita come from Coiisequently, says tin- physician, on Italy iin-l X. •Ily. Area and cleared away the »moke. a hot duj- with »till uir, the amount We h id - ungollstlc meetings In of "cold stimuli" reiichlng a man s our little bur.- on Monday and Tues skin is greatly reduced. There are R 1« qtllte irne uh Mi». Gerould no calls for action of this sort, ami Mi’s. timi Mr. Kipling'« faine re»ts day evenl’.lgs. the blood vessels tend to rei uln di iilsui "»igniti« ani brevltl -s." but w hm lated uml open. The blood slays lu ’he nml >*rltlc» <>f n slmllnr coniplex- the txxly mid the body Is swollen. imi ennnot -<-,- I» flint tln—•• "hrevlfl<’»'' Rut, we ure reinlmled by the writer, : re "-I n'tlimit" In n sense diametri- ut any time the arrival of t'oml Into rally opposed to In-r Interpri-tmlon of Effective Nov 24, 1919 the stomach Is a cull for blood for thè word. Xhe m> .ins. of ,-oiiro . to In- Tra11> will run Monday», Wed tie*» that organ. Just ns the iipproaeh At au ompllni’-iitiiry. to Intimato timi .Mr. lav» and Friday» enemy Is n cull for blood to bruin and Klplltig I h lirici frolli eli-- - lierea» Leave Granta Pa««...... ..... i P M muscles. So in hot weather when .he exnet ren r»e Is ili-- tri.ili. nml. far Arrive Water» Creel. . . P M. food Is eaten the already swollen body frolli belng bib-f frani elwdcr, Mr. Kip Leave Waters Creek .,t 0 P M tend»' to swell more. ling 1« brli f fr- : i ne«-,-, 'ty. Mi>. Ger- Arrive Grunts Pa»» ____ 4 P M. in patients with digestive troubles olili! would Intimati' tini) Mr. Kipling For information regarding freight und paffsenger rate* cal' At tho office und heart troubles, Ike physlchiu tells ui’fi-rs ih«’ «bori of tho company. Lnndburg building, us, tlie result of this swelling In hot pniid of faci Mr. A. or telnnhnno I 91 weather, after a full ineiil, limy be strici bini to tlu- They feel their Watei’liou «•, III ili« most unpleusmit. "breath short-cli-culted,” ” they seem to Pioneer Log □ ' <Jing h:»'.orcd. have an oppre Ion on their i-liesm. 'RIGHT HEiTF. WE WOULD' All old log bllilil -g, in ni < heliul1» they feel giddy. In some cuses they LIKE TO MENTION-WE 1 Wi -li., li li. li limi-, I olii- of Ilo- ll< -t faint. fed. ini <oiirts evi-r li. I l III ti c l’mdll ARE Stripped for Action. ■o: t lo . <-»:. lin hi i' rohiilillltuli'd und i «STUDENTS Is obvious then that during hot presiuited to thè stilli’. The bulli) Hg weather the middle-aged mini whose ■ ei led III I l.'i. Ii"it < "l Geli. Pilli SI «-r OF PREVE nervous ■ yslein, thunks to his seden T ion Idilli und <l"ii. i!"or_i’ II. Mel'iellan tary life, Is less well-luilunci-d than It wlien llit-y Wt-re ili thè northlvesl be used to be must act In the light of the lori' ilio <lvll wnr uni bini lo travet In the first knowledge uvnlliihle. place, he must do all that he enn to give his skin a chance. He must pl iy for atlnnilatlon, so to speak, in order to counteract the teiiden -y of hl» Placer location blank» nt the blood to gather In hl» body. ,'ii irlir ffi •<« 'fydridfr <£{!!(> Ptumlwf He should take off Ills -oat when tie gets to Ills office ami roll up Ills shirt Engrave«! card»- Courier office. W«i gue*H that evorybody bo sleeve». He should open till the win lleves that an ounce of preven dows, but screen out the sunlight. tion li worth a pound of cure. Ttie resulting currents of uir playing on his bare arms- will give him a real Of course you realize that If ly valuable degree of stimulation, A the plumbing nt your house la wet towel with which the bare nr: is put Into the proper allupo ,-« I may be rubbed occasionally Is oot a .Meal» from 5:30 a. in. to this film soino member Of bud Idea. 12:00 midnight yo r household may not fall Secondly, he must nut ent It avlly Regular mcnla from 35<- up III ut »urne I iter date. Why during the day. It Is hulk that -I'tinta not have that plumbing at I leanllm-ss — Wlilt«- hl;i only most, for the greater the 1 :;!!: :bj, tended to at unco? inor<- tin- tendency to draw bloo! in’o ('olirti- V ami cordiali'} to the body. guests Finally, exercise should he post SIIERM 1 N ORTON poned till evenlffg It should not tw New Manager All F 8i rert abandoned on any account, for ths secret of good health 1» good exercise. l’HON'E K(iM-.l Rowell’s Music kiouse 1 1 ’tì e “She refused you.” “Tentatively.” “What do you mean by ’ten •atlvely?' ” “She said she would tnarry in« .vhen my salary got to lie $10.000 r -.ear.” "That wasn't n tentative refusal."— ’’.Irmli L-hntn Age Herald. 5 Wann Nightgowns for Coid Nights Will N < Hl LIA WINDS IJIX.IN TO Bl.OW, A WARM NIGHTGOWN IS A REAL NECESSITY. WE HAVE A EINE ASSORT.ME.NT OF FLANNELETTE NIGHTGOWNH FOR MEN, WOMEN AND < Hi LOBEN—II'LL, KOOMY, ( OMI-'ORTABLE GABME.NTS WH RH WILL GIYE GOOD SERVH E. RI Y YOI RS NOW AND BE PREI’ARED FOR THE < OLD NIGHTS COMING. LADIES’ GOWNS, WHITE AND COLORED, »«e, $1.0« AND $1.85. $1.1«, MEN’S GOWNS, WHITE AND COLORED, $1.50, AND $1.S5, $1.75 MTN S BRIGHTON CARLSBAD $2.25 AND $2.50. PAJAMAS a 1 AT S1.M.A, CHILDREN S GOWNS AT Mlle AND $1.1H. DR. DENTON’S SOFT KNIT SLEEPING GARMENTS I OK CHILDREN, ALL AGES FROM THE BABY I P TO IO YEARS. Golden Rule Store The vogue tor muck Las maile «ti-I un Impression on the world of fnshloi' that diudgi <-rs of children’s clothe- have taken advantage of It In the pro duction of new things for full. It np- poar« In this pretty dress with It- waist of black taffeta silk mid hand embroidered dots of red. The skirt Is red and black Scotch plaid with u wide belt that folds over n narrow black sash of c|r<> ribbon. Prize Stock for Canada. The pi-Itice of Wnles von most of the pi :es with Ills exhibits of Short horn <-iittle ami Shropshire sheep at the agricull oral show, held recently In England. Ho <!«-. lured Ids Intention of »hipping some of these farm arts tocrata to his ranch In Alberta, Ca ti ndn, where there 1» already a fine blooded aggregation. Acme Cafe B. S. Dedrick I