Vai »«rai t y of Orr Library / V<»L. XL, No. 7. ASSOCIATED PKFAH SKKVH'E GRANTS PAsH. JOHEPHI.NK COUNTY, OREGON MONDAY. 'H’l EMBER 2«, limi WHOLE NUMBER «300. STRIKESREPORTER iHsision of the Six lUfilrOftd Broth erhood» May Ut- Annouwcd in Roseburg DcntJM Held on Murder 4 illirici» i oiiliiiuc» Ili» Ecoiitrii' Antic» In Jail Two Weeks z Roseburg. Hept. 26 (A. Pi BANDIT WHO MADE GET-AWAY Following his performance of yester FROM FEDERAL PRISON day when he crawled on his knees W RITES NEWsl’tPER.M \N ami growled like a wild animal, greeted his wife as his sister and fulled to remember the name of his attorney, Dr. Brumfield. In anger at an Interviewer today, started to throw a bottle at the newspaperman Draft» MH<l t'het ku III the Sa« k W «-«'«* and an officer who beat a hasty re ln«lu»trial, Economic and Lnt»or Su I mists«! Two Days on Mi*k From treat Later when they returned Ixvuli-r» t.atiu-r in the National Not Taken by the Robber»—No Prison Cows and Then Swum to Brumfield poked his fist through the < 'apital Tixlay Clin»» Fourni Fox Island cell burs and struck the reporter on i the end of the nose. I ' | ' Chicago, Sept. 26.—(A. P.) — »100 EACH IS PRICE OF HAVING Whether a strike wiil be called by BOOZE IN THEIR POS- the six railroad brotherhoods may SESSIO.N be decided within two weeks. The trainmen brotherhood officials today began counting 50,000 strike ballots. Next Monday four more brotherhoods will start counting. The shop crafts employes have already announced a vote to strike. A majority of 186.000 railroad Men Caught Red Hantlest in the Man ufaa-ture Olrtained Their Freedom trainmen have voted for the strike by Payment it was announced Postal and railroad officials refuse Washington. Sept. 26. -(A. P. I— San Francisco, Sept. 26.— (A. P.I BETT E R IND ERST A N DI NG Fines of >100 each were assessed NEEDED, BAA'S JAPANESE to discuss the circumstances sur EVEN El ROPE IS BOTHERED The national unemployment confér Roy Gardner, who escaped from by Justice Holman against William rounding the finding of a rifled reg IO Iti M SMI'«MiLING I lt\IT ence was formally opened here today the federal prison on .McNeil’s island, DeForrest and Bob Blackburn, who Honolulu. T. H., Sept. 26.— (A. istered mail pouch about a mile east by President Harding. Addressing has written an account of his escape • were surprised by Sheriff George of the Southern Pacific station, at Copenhagen, Hept. 26. — (A. P.l — 50 industrial, economic and labor to George L. North, assistant man P.l—Japanese and Americans should Lewis and two deputies Saturday noon yesterday. by I*. It. Klmbeli. Eur<>t>» has its rum-runners, as well leaders comprising the conference, aging editor of the San Francisco make the economic factor in Japa while operating a still on Louse miner and prospector The ¡much as America. Fifty per cent of Danish the president described the present Bulletin in which he admitted having nese relations in the Hawaiian creek above the Forest Queen mine was found In a ditch half full of wa »hipping la still idle and many small- ‘ industrial depression as u "war In been shot twice by prison guards. islands a lever for better understand when they appeared tor a hearing ter A postal Investigator wus due «r craft are employed in organized j herltance throughout the world.*’ and One wound was in the fleshy part of ing. instead of permitting It to be- Saturday, Blackburn paid his fine to arrive this afternoon. according to "smuggling of whiskey, gin and oth- i expressed the belief that the results the leg below- the hip, the other in come a cause of hostility and misun- this morning and obtained his re W. I*. Quinlan, post muster, who er alcoholic beverages to wet Inhab of the conference would be felt be- the left leg below the knee. He hid demanding, Baron N. Kanda of the lease. while it was expected that De would not commit himself until u itants of dry countries like Norway | yond the border of the I’nlted States, two days in the loft of the prison . Japanese house of peers and one of Forrest would be out of jail before complete investigation had been and Finland and In a smaller degree I and that the delegates would per barn, to which he crept back about ’ foremost educators in the Jap evening. form a "service to the world" funda midnight on the day of the break anese empire, declared here during made to Sweden For some time the still had been Following tile usual custom. A E A yachtsman who has been cruis-1 mentally sound, financially strong, from prison. He enclosed a letter to his service as delegate to the Pan- under surveillance and much time Dorman, local Southern Pacific em Ing in Norwegian waters told the cor- , industrially unimpaired, commercial President Harding asking for par Pacific Educational conference. was spent in making the capture. ploye. pieced th«' mall from train 15 respondent that the ¡trice of a drink ly consistent and politically unafraid don. In commenting upon the sentence In the baggage room, to be taken to has doubled or trebled In Norway, there ought to be work for everybody Gardner said he drank milk at TRAFFIC RULE CHANGES Sheriff I^wis expressed himself as In the I’nlted States who choose to night in the prison barn and later j th«' pOMtnffioe at 7 o'clock the where prohibition rules CONFUSING TO AUSTRALIANS being greatly dissatisfied, inasmuch morning. The loss was discovered Just outside the three-mile limit work, The president declared the swam to Fox Island. as the county had expended $107 in when the mall was checked over by are anchored ships, mostly Danish "open, sure, onward way" to rid the Sydney, Australia, Sept. 26.— (A. an effort to bring the men into court. the postal clerk The location of the and German, but also a few British, nation of the war’s aftermath of de P.l—So much confusion has followed He had hoped for a jail sentence, as pouch was not known until Klinbell ' with cargoes of prohibited urlnks pression Involved "liquidation, reor the change of Sydney’s street traf the men were engaged in the man reported his fltul to Chief of Police | and round every one of these ships ganisation, readjustment, reestablish fic rule from “Keep to the right" to ufacture of liquor at the time of their Melaine. 1 are dozens of small Norwegian boats ment. taking account of things done, I intarlali» W ill Meet in Michigan for "Keep to the left" that the city has arrest. A visit to the pis« s dlsclo»«'d the waiting their turn to get part of the and sober contemplation of things to been forced to employ "sandwich Judge Holman, however, explain Di.»< u»»ion October 4-7 be done, any other way Is hugging ¡touch In the water-tilled ditch, All | costly cargo. | men" to wander about the principal ed that upon the face of the charge, a ileluslon." the contents hud been opened. und i thoroughfares, bearing signs that re that of having liquor in their posses- Detroit. Mich.. Sept. 26. — (A. P.) letters containing checks, drafts and mind the pedestrians and vehicle ( sion. he could not have done other Important changes in the govern- money orders replaced In the pouch drivers of the new order. wise Neither could the still be or ONI I HIS SI tx(»\ . ment of the Unitarian church are to Only the cash contents were taken The traffic rule change went into; dered destroyed, he said, nor could j be discussed here at the 29th bien The extent of the loss will not be effect July 1, following a decision the county confiscate the three and Los Angeles, Cal.. Sept, 26. (A. nial conference of the church Octo known until a complete check of the P • -University of Southern Califor- Three Shot» Are Fired at the Presi ber 4-7, inclusive, according to an by the municipal authorities and a half sacks of sugar that were on contents. the left side of the street and side- hand as a part of the ingredients dent and < <»ni|H»nion I» Wounded nia's 1931 football team. said to be nouncement of church leaders. The For several days a dope fiend hna ' walk was safer than the right, and used in making the moonshine. He the strongest that has represented meeting, to be attended by about 700 been noticed hanging around the HtU- the southern institution In in three ix'niburg, Sept. 26 (A. P i—Gen delegates front the United States and i since then residents of Sydney have I considers the fine heaAry enough un Hou. with two other men The au- years.. Is out this year to defeat all eral Joseph Pilsudski, president of Canada, is described in the official i been struggling against the habits of der the charge preferred. thorttles at present are working un- The still was one of the most com- comers and to represent the west In the Polish republic, narrowly escap call for the conference as “one of a lifetime in an attempt to live up to dor the assumption that lie commit i plete that has been found in this vi tile annual .New Year's Day east-west ed death last night when three shots the cross-roads in American Unitar- the innovation. ted the burglary, which Is borne out cinity. and consisted of nearly 400 wore fired at an automobile in which ianism." game at Pasadena. Cal. by the fact that though be was seen gallons of mash, a boiler with three Three Pacific Coast conference he was riding to the theater after at PORTU1MD MARKETS late Saturday night, he could not l»e worms, a gasoline stove, and a large teams. University of California. tending a banquet in his honor. l<»cate<l yesterday. Washington State College and the Count Grabowski, accompanying him Choice Steers ............... $5.50 @ >6.00 collection of boilers and demijohns. Oregon Agricultural College are on was wounded In the leg. The would Choice feeders ............ $4.50 @ 15.00 Six barrels of a mash composed of a the U. 8. ,('. schedule The game be assassin attempted suicide, but Prime Light Hogs. $11.00 (a $11.65 mixture of cracked corn and peaches were found. The men expected to against California, to I m * played at wus arrested before he could end his D<-< line of Two Million Ca»e» Noted. Hogs, extreme high............1 $11.75 Berkeley, will be hard-fought for the life. East Mountain I<ambs $6.00 fa $6 50 realize about 30 gallons of the whis Two lli»trictM Increate southerners think they can take the White Henneries ............................... 34c key. Kias isl Train« Bearing Einarn 1er» measure of the California team Eggs. buying price............. 36c fa 38c lYorn East Paa» Through Today which last year won the coast cham ..40c Seattle. Wash., Sept. 26.— (A. P. I Eggs. whites ............................. pionship and defeated Ohio State. ; Eggs. selling, candled ...................... 44c — Total pack of canned salmon in I. T. Sparks, district freight and ...50c Score of 8 to 7 Given New Yorker» Puget Sound. Columbia River. Brit Eggs, fancy selects ______ passenger agent and F. <1. la»wls, Butter, extra cubes ........................ 43c Ad tan taffe in la-ague Race ish Columbia, Alaska and Siberian ZEALAND traveling passenger agent for the Californian Think» SO Per Mut’» T im » waters this year will approximate Butter, prints ___ .................... 42c Southern Pacific, were in the city to Fast—Ixtsislature Is Remedy Wheat ........................ $1.08 $1.12 4,392.000 cases as compared with Polo Grounds. New York. Sept. 26. Seattle. Sept. 26.— (A. P. )—-The day, keeping the wheels of three i \ I’ « The New York Yankees 6.593,000 last year, according to es schooner Columbia River, from Auk- bankers' s|»eclals rolling smoothly. Portland. Sept. 26.—(A. P.)—Cat Composed exclusively of drawing land. New Zealand, to Astoria, was i defeated Cleveland 8 to 7 today and timates prepared by the Pacific Can Ix>s Angeles. Cal.. Sept. 26. — (A. room and compartment cars with wrecked off the New Zealand coast I have a decided advantage tn the race ned Fish Brokers' Association. In tle, weak, 26c lower; hogs. 35c high P. I—Every automobile driver two diners to each section, the three and is a total loss, said a message 1 for the American league champion only two districts. Puget Sound and er; sheep, slow; eggs, firm; butter, brought into the court of Judge J. B. Siberia, are increases noted. steady. ship which will end Sunday. trains bearing New York bankers on today. The crew was saved No oth Cox. of Santa Ana. accused of driv their way to a national convention er details are obtainable ing more than 50 miles an hour, will MAY VISIT WHITE HOUSE of financers In Los Angeles, passed go to jail without alternative of pay- through here this morning. The UNADORNED BUT SMART Ing a fine, the judge publicly an- first one was supposed to arrive a nounced in an address before the little after ten and the others follow Z*’ Lions Club here. He recently sen- ed at 15 minute Intervals, A train-| tenced a motion picture aotress to load of Ohio bankers Is due through a jail sentence for violating traffic titmorrow. laws. "California issues 600.000 automo caused the deaths of the two Dooley Twin Falls. Idaho. Sept. 26. (A. bile licenses a year, which permits ) —Before a crowded court room, brothers. MeHaffie, Lewis and Meyer. <.< «ssii* two operators for each machine," he the trial of Mrs. Lydia Southard, al Stephan said the bodies of the first said. "This gives us 1.200,000 oper lour men were exhumed and the con leged husbnnd slayer, begun today. New York. Sept. ators. Of this army, 50 per cent are Polson said to have been found by tents of their stomachs analyzed by Baseball funs throughout the land Incompetent, blind or deaf, children state chemists In the bodies of the Herman Harms and Edwin F. Roden have started their annual chatter or women. Forty per cent do not four husbands and one brother-in- baugh. state chemists, respectively of box, the speculative forerunner o know anything about a machine or law of Mrs. Lyda Meyer Southard led Utah and Idaho, and deadly poison every Worlds Series, the post-season machinery. The place to start the to the filing against her of the charge found In each case, he declared, the classic of the national pastime. Pa remedy is in the legislature, and the of murdering her fourth husband. poison was the same. trons of the sport are predicting one motor vehicle department. In two cases, authorities sav, Mrs Edward F. Meyer. ot the greatest series In history. "An age limit should be fixed by According to Prosecuting Attor Southard failed to collect insurance • An average of 25.7 49 persons at law at 21 years, and an examination ney Frank L. Stephan, of Twin Falls on her husbands' lives. The policy tended each game in the seven-game to prove qualifications of applicants collected on McIIaffie's life was allowed to county, Mrs. Southard series played last year between the for operators' licenses should be $9506 Insurance on the deaths of lapse through non-payment of a pre Brooklyn Nationals and the Cleve held." three of the five men. All were In- mium. Meyer, the fourth husband, land Americans. The American carried $10,900 insurance, which surt'd. with Mrs. Sonthard as bene- Ixtague team, led by the famous Tris EIGHTEEN SHOTS FIRED was increased from $2000 shortly lie- ficlary. S|ienker, defeated Brooklyn five out IN NEW YORK PISTOL DUEL Mrs. Southard collected Insurance fore his death, but no attempt was of seven games. There contests were flrat husband and made by his wife to collect it before of $2509 on her played In Brooklyn and four In Cleve- also $2000 Insurance jointly assum she left Twin Falls. land New York, Sept. 26.—(A. P.) — An examination of the ranch house ed by his brother, Edward Dooley, Till! pillili liilluri'd siili always finds and her husband in favor of her. She occupied by Meyer and his wife In A pistol battle in the third floor of Apples Shlpp<‘«l East — idiiilrer» Hii'ong the most tastefully A recent portrait of Mrs. Charity A ca rload of Delicious and Grimes lr< »»cd women, mill when It contrive.» also collected $5,000 insurance on Twin Falls county is said to have re Malvina Remsher; S of Santa Anra, the corridor of the Grand Central apples were shipped to Chicago Sat ii be origlimi nnd clever they become the life of her third husband. Har vealed a quantity of poison. The au Cat., sister of President Harding, who. station, In which 18 shots were fired, thorities report the presence of the it is said, Is planning to accept her resulted today in three men fleeing urday by the Oregon Growers Pack ts entliii»ln»tl<' devotee«. t'lnlmlng lan C. I^ewis. Prosecutor Stephan has stated that same kind of poison concealed In distinguished brother’s Invitation to after attempting to hold up two rail ing Corporation. Another car. load tiesr two factors In dress distinction road employes who had a satchel of ed with Newtown», will be sent east lie smart suit, pictured here. Invitee he has in his possession evidence the house occupied by Harlan G. pay a visit k the White House. cash. irutlny. which will establish that poison Lewis and his wife at Billings, Mont. Wed nesday. HIKES DEFEAT CIEVELANO SPEEDERS TO GET JAIL SENTENCE