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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1921)
Vulrenit/ ot Ore Library ♦ grants Dailn Courier ? GRANT« PA h M. JOKEPHIMB (X)CTfTY, ORBGON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER art, IMI RATES TO EAST No llivlui I Ion« Moot lb- Permit till to llolil Saya I'realilcnt la*»» I* of the I nitrii Mine H orkera WHOLE Nl MB ER :MM. SHIPS CHARTERED BÏ EXCLUDED LINE Pacific Steamship Company An nounces New Vessel« for Port land After B«-ing Eliminates! f CHANCE OF LIFE *î IndlatiupoHs, Sept. 20. (A. P.J—• SITXIAL DETAILS OF OFFICERS POINTS ON PACIFIC COAST WILL CATTI.E IT B<'ll tHI-.D FOR HERI» Portland, Sept. 20.—(A. P.)—The STAY OF EXECUTION DELAVEI» AT sot III < HIH-I.I MI hs I o X, No wage reduction for coal miners Pacific Steamship Company today ARE PRISENT AT OPENING RECEIVE BENEFIT OF RE - DEATH SCHEDCLE1» FOR LAST must bo permitted and all resources chartered two vessels, and is expect CHINA HEHMON TORAY CENT OUT FEBRUARY of the miners' union must bo made • »allable to oppose wage cuts, John L. Lewi», president of the United Mine Workers of America, declared In a report at the opening of the biennial convention of the Interna tional union. llmrt O' the talle) Rimili Shipping E«|>resHiiian and Boat id very Krs-prr IntersUUe Commerce < ommiwdon He also recommended that the Hog* Dirmi lo Buyers In Cali Idi-ntlfy Mahoney a* Man Who Mak«** Announcement of Action miners postpone until next February I fornia and < »ri'gon Hired Th.-in on Vpril I« by Traa«confinentaI Lines the adopting of definite wage de manda. « 9 ing to charter more, to continue their service from Portland to the Orient, said a message from A. F. Haines, vice president of the com pany, from Washington to the Port land Telegram. By a recent ruling of the shipping board, the Pacific Steamship Com G«»v«wnor Olcott Thinks There Is No Banis for Speculation That He pany was eliminated from Portland. Might Commute Sentence Fame of Josephine county stock Is I Seat tie, Sept 20.- (A. P.l—A spe Washington, Sept. 2.— (A. P.)—I Salem, Ore., Sept. 20.— (A. P.) — wide spread, as la attested to by the | The supreme court denied the re cial detail of deputy sheriffs and uni Rates on vegetables from the Pacific ' M British l*r«tiiier and ix.rti Curzon wi*l hearing of John L Rathie and Elvie demand for purebred registered formed police were on duty to handle , coast states to territory between the: Be Hehl in England by Situation breeds tn the Orient and California ‘ Rocky mountains and Chicago and D. Kirby, who were condemned to the crowds when the trial of James I the Mississippi river have been de- New York, Sept 20 (A- P » Se»'en head of Ayrshire cattle bang in connection with the death Londoji, Sept. 20.— (A. P.)— of Sheriff Taylor at Pendleton. Hart, have barn purchased from local I Gustave Van Bouchaute, who makes E. Mahoney, alleged slayer ot bis ' cided on by the railroads, the inter-; breeders, four heifer calves and one ' stucco models of the human anato- elderly bride, opened today. Accord state commerce commission announc- Neither Lloyd George nor Lord Cur the actual slayer, was hanged last zon. secretary for foreign affairs, November. bull calf from laithrop Brothers and ' my for the leading medical colleges. ing to Indications It will take all day , ed today. two bull calves from Dr 3 l.ough- ' soon will return to 'Belgium because and part of tomorrow to obtain a Ratbie and Kirby were sentenced The reductions will nullify 18 1-3 will attend the Washington confer ridge, by Horace W. Holding who In ' he can't find quarters In New York Jury. >er cent of the 33 per cent increase ence, owing to the domestic political to hang in February 1 but appeals tends to use the stock to build up a at th« right price and because he stayed their execution, It is now Mahoney was a former railroad which went into effect August 26, situation. blooded herd at the South Chlh-ll can't obtain the proper help here. In brakeman on parole from the Wash ' 1920. necessary that they be resentenced Washington, Sept. 20.— (A. P.)—I at Pendleton. mission In North China The cattle this work, he says, long training Is ington state penitentiary where he All delegates to the conference on will be sent to Vancouver. B. C.. for r«M|ulr«d and he has been unable to had been serving a sentence for rob Asked whether there was any the limitation of armaments will basis for speculation that be might shipment to the Orient Thia pur- find any one willing to serve the ap bery He was charged with first de «'base la the result of a vialt here prenticeship 1 Join the American people in thç na commute the sentences. Governor Ol- gree murder August 11, 1921, three Van Bouchaute revolutionized the tional observance of Armistice day colt said, "I think there is none." last spring by Mr Holding, who has dayi after the body of a woman iden art of making anatomical models charge of the mission tified .as that of bls wealthy bride, I IrM Presbyterian Building Broken I under the plans contemplated by the I Efforts have been made, especially administration for opening the con on behalf of Rathle, by the Oregon Exhibitions at state fairs are prov The old models were clumsy, heavy Kate M Mahoney, had been found Into anil Safe l'ut by Torch ference on November 11. ing successful, according to Harold and often Inaccurate War Mothers, for clemency. in a trunk in latke Union here. Harter, of the Heart O' the Valley Tacoma. Sept. 20.— <*A. P.l — Mahoney was 38 years old at the ranch, owned by Hayes A Harter. lime of bis arrest. His bride tt> Yeggmen last night broke into the NEBRASKA WW. ADVERTISE At the recent Call1- near Murphy THROUGH MOTION PICTURES who he had been married Febru- first Presbyterian church, cut into fornla state fair at Sacramento, sev ary 10. 1921. was 67 .-»he was re the safe with an oxyacetyiene torch, eral orders from California buyers Lincoln. Neb., Sept. 20.—(A. P.)— and stole $55 in money and checks. were booked direct, the shipments of o,«*r Tliouwtnd Ib-gUu-te»!—ln<rea»r pnted to own property in S«*attle and The state of Nebraska has gone into Government Regulation of Aviatioa Police believe the robbers thought elsewhere valued at more than la Suggoated aa Remedy of .*«• I »»er, Hot Week the registered Hampshire hogs now the movies Its department of con there would be a large sum of money $200.000. being made. servation has set up a complete More than 1000 students are now Mra Mahoney was last seen alive in the safe to be used tor the con studio at a cost of $20,000 and has Washington, Sept -<wrv<A- -C- * — "Coronet Chief" a young boar, was stmctlon ot a new church. started taking pictures. It aims to Development of com mere lai flying In sold to Henry Spalding of I xmi Mo- enrolled in the five schools of the | April 16. as far as police could de- advertise Nebraska's resources to its this country to a plan of safety com- llnas, Cal . for use in pig club work city. a gain of 50 over the first I termine. On that day. in company Of these. • with her husband, she had visited porable to that In rail and water week's registration of 965 own people and to its neighbors. In that section, while "Coronel laid" ti Films will be distributed free on transportation depends upon govern was purchased by Vincent Long of 10 were registered at the high Dr. Frank E. Wood, a Seattle den tist Dr Wood later Identified the I Williams, Cal., to head » herd of school In all probabilities this total a regular circuit through the state, ment regulation of aviation, accord will be slightly Increased after a body found in I«ake Union as that of >^>mpshlr<*s that he owns in schools and other institutions. Or ing to an analysis of the air traffic Custom Begun for Star* Continued ganization of a state-wide staff is in situation prepared for Secretary "Hawkeye Giant" was purchased teachers' meeting that will be held Mrs Mahoney through dental work ! for Minor Actors he had performed for her Hoover by the Manufacturers' Air today, when a complete check of all progress. by V F Bogle of Walnut Grove. Cal . • ' craft Association. Expr«**«n>an Identified Mahon«*) to head a herd In that locality, while students by classes 1s made Due to New York. Sept. 20. — (A. P.l—! Mr. Hoover has begun a study of On the night of April. 16, police H J Knudsen, of Perkins, Cal., a change In the registration system The impulse of theater goers to ap the commercial aircraft problem In bought a bred gilt, not yet named or last spring, some slight confusion I alleged, Alvin A. Jorgensen, an ex plaud actors as they step out from . the light of the possible establish registered One pair of pigs. a has arisen, and the exact number pressman, was called to Mahoney’s the wings each night is worrying ment of a bureau of aviation to young boar and sow. were purchased will not be known for a day or so. apartment* al 409 Denny Way to Broadway One manager has in regulate travel by air. legislation No ftgur««. are available for regis ¡take a trunk to I-ake Union. After by II Sale. Red bluff. Cal cluded in the program a request that < ari Tabb, of Mexican l*eth*leum Co. before congress would put the con tration of last year corresponding to 1 finding of the body. Jorgenson, of- l<ee and lx>ng. of the New Hope Killed by Mexican Soldiers the audience break itself of the ha trol of this means of transportation district, have purchased three bred those of the first two weeks of school, ' ficers announced. Identified Mahoney bit. into his department should the gov though only 953 were registered at | as the man who had directed him to gilts, while Frank Hill bought one Washington. Sept. 20.—('A. P.l — The custom began with the greet-1 Carl R. Tabb, an American employe ernment decide federal regulation the end of the firwt four weeks. 63 take the trunk to the lake The pro gilt Sixteen head of the stock will be l«>as than this year Registration In prietor of a boathouse pointed out Ings which star worshipers always of the Mexican Petroleum Company, advisable During the first six months of taken by Mr. Harter to the state fair the various schools Is as follows: Mahoney as the man who had rented . extended on the first appearance of was shot and killed Sunday night by 1921, the association said, there leading actors. Spurred on, skep High school. 287; Junior high. 171; a small skiff April 15. and bad failed at Salem next Thursday, and before Mexican soldiers near Tampico, the were 40 serious accidents in civil tics aver, by complimentary tickets, Rast school, 278; Riverside, 253; to return it. will exhibit returning to Grants Pass American consul at Tampico reported flying, resulting n the death of 14 Examination of the stomach con the custom spread to lesser mortals. today. " al the l.lnn county fair at Albany, Fourth Ward. 2«: total. 1015. persons and the injury of 52 out of a tents revealed "enough narcotics to The last straw came the other night I He plans upon returning to thia city ____________ total of 1.300 commercial aircraft kill ten or fifteen men" according when tumultuous applause interrupt • bout October 8. which flew an aggregate of 3.250.000 ed a performance on the appearance to Dr William Doha, of the chemis Hayes A Harter have donated a miles try department of the University of of a minor character, whose only as- 1 bred Hampshire sow to th.- Chill II All of these accidents except five, mission, which will be started from Washington, who conducted the I signment was to announce that the' the association contended, were due After Mahoney had been ' coach and pair are ready, sir. here some time In November and will Gurwt* al Kansaa City ( Xrbratlon to analysis < hampionship To Be Det«wmin«i at to deficiency in the requisites of Include Famous (<«*nersl* charged with murder. Jailers report-1 go as a part of a shipment of four Tournament laite in Season safe flying which could be enforced o<l he had been "acting queerl.v." j carloads of hogs that will be shipped i by government regulation. Kansas City. Mo., Sept. 20. — (A. Mrs Nora Mahoney, his mother, to the Orient at that time Portland. Ore., Sept. 2.—(A. P.l greatest gathering of swore out an insanity complaint and ! ■P. 1 The greatest —The Oregon state golf champion World War leaders and veterans the court appointed a commission of j , since the Intersilled Victory celebra- Physicians and alienists to examine' ’•'»rtlier Development« Expected for ships will be decided at the annual tournament to be held the week of lion in Paris. July 1 14. 1919. Is ex into his mental status. t'rc*«-ent ('tty Brntkwatcr October 10-15. according to decision pected al the third annual conven- SuHpect Fonnd Sane Just reached by the Portland Golf Strong Note Sent Moncow Decrying tion of the American legion in Kan Further developments are expect Intrigues Against England Will Enter McMinnville Highway The commission found Mahoney club. The tournament was to have sas City, October 31 to November 2. ed In the Crescent City harbor pro Celebration—To Plant Trees sane and he was required to plead to been held September 12-17, but was The list of distinguished guests I position following the visit here of lx>ndon. Sept. 10.— (A. P.l — The Includes Marshal Foch, General Per the murder charge over the objec Jas. McNulty and J. J. McNamara, postponed. British government sent a strong Forest Grove. Ore . Sept 20. I A. tions of defense counsel who argued Several r«»asons were assigned for shing. Admiral David Beatty, com- of Crescent City. Here the coast note to Moscow protesting against P.l Forest Grove will Join McMinn mander of the British fleet. General he should be tried before a jury on gentlemen met Colonel Herbert Dea- staging the annual state event later Russian intrigues against Great ville September 23 to celebrate com than usual, the principal one being the insanity complaint. The prisoner Armando Diaz, commander In chief pletion of the highway between of the armies of Italy. Lieut. Gen. stood mute when arraigned and the kyne of San Francisco. Cal. Dea- that a number of the state's leading Britain throughout central Asia and that city and Portland A proces Baron Jacques, head of the Belgian court entered a plea of “not guilty" k.vne has charge of all the harbor golfers went to St. Ix»uis for the an Afghanistan. An explanation was work under the army and navy on demanded. sion of automobiles from here is army. Admiral William T. Sims and in his behalf. the Pacific coast as far north as the nual amateur championships open promised for that day. ing September 17. 'Another was that Maj. Gen. John A I^ejeune, com Oregon line. He left for the coast ♦ ♦ American legion members here mandant of the U. 3. Marine Corps. some of the greens were in poor con this morning to inspect the work ♦ STORM WARNINGS ON COABT have started a movement to honor dition on account of shortage of wa Tentative acceptances have been done there by the people of Crescent ♦ Oregon boys who took part In the received from I*resldent Harding. ter at the suburb where the course City under the supervision of the ♦ Portland, Sept. 20.— (A. P.) ♦ world war by planting 26,000 trees Lieut. General Sir William Currie, is located. -Kain for tonight and tomor ♦ on the "Oregon Memorial Highway" former commander of the Canadian National Whont Growers' As»«»ciati<»n government. ♦ Several years ago the people of row has been predicted, with ♦ PORTI AND MARKETS from Portland through Forest Grove corps In France. Vice President Cool to Market I (Ml Per Cent Crescent City bonded themselves for ♦ gales from the southeast shift ♦ to McMinnville, to Newberg and idge. Samuel Compere. president of $5.75 41 $6.25 several hundred thousand dollars and Choice steers ♦ ing to the southwest. back to Portland Wichita, Kan., Sept. 20.—(A. P.l the money has been expended on the Choice feeders ........ $4.50 it $5.00 ♦ the American Federation of laibor. Storm warnings are ordered ♦ Hear Admiral R. E. Coontz, Major Seven million bushels of wheat have construction of a breakwater, super Prime light hogs $11.00 ft $11.501 ♦ sent to all Columbia river and ♦ General Charles P. Menoher. Briga been put under pledge in Kansas by vised by the government engineers. Hogs, extreme high ................ $11.75 ♦ Western stations. ♦ dier General William C. Mitchell, the the National Wheat Growers Asso- Aid by the government was promised East Mountain Lambs $6.00 @ $6.50 ♦ ♦ coma mndi ng generals of all -Ameri- elation, which stands on the basic when assnrance was given that a White Henneries ............................ 34c| YOKOHAMA CUSTOMS OFHIYRN 100 railroad would be constructed Eggs, whites, buying ...................... 38 FACE GOVERNMENT CHARGE R-27 Which Sent Out IHatrees Sig- can combat (livislons in the World principle that it shall market per cent of its members' wheat. state governors. war, and 20 A new provision in the harbor bill Eggs, candled, selling .................... 40c I nais lte|H>rtixl in Gtinntaiiumo The first annual convention ot the This is the organization which in makes It possible to get aid without Eggs, selects ................... 42c 4i 4 4c Yokohama. Japan, Sept. 20.— (A. Washington. Sept. 20.—(A. P.l— Women's Auxiliary will be held at sisted on at least a degree of com the railroad construction. Col. Dea- Butter, extra cubes ........................ 43c P. 1—Nearly one million yen. or The American submarine R-27, which the same time as the Ix-gion conven pulsory pooling and so refused to kyne passed on the projects and it Butter, prints ................................ 43c about $500,000. Is due the Japanese had sent out a dlstrees call while on tion, This is expected to draw more Join the movement fostered by the ia through his representations that Wheat ..........................$1.09 ® $1.13 customs office at thia port because of evasions of duty or neglect to pay her way from the Panama canal sons than 5,000 women There are also American Farm Bureau Federation aid is given With the new highway Portlaud. Sept. 20.—(-A,* P.) — fine« for evasions, according to an to Guantanamo, has arrived safely annual reunions of the 89th and which resulted in formation of the to be built, it is highly probable that tn Guantanamo bay. the navy depart 35th divisions and a number ot U. S. Grain Growers. Inc., with pro the government ad to the project Li-estock, steady; eggs, firm; but official statement by the customs de minor regimental reunions vision for optional pooling. will soon be forthcoming. partment. ter. steady. ment baa learned U. S. COULD MIKE FLYING SAFE «ÄH LEAKBSJNMETS. MEET BRITAIN PROTESTS RUS PLOTS