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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1921)
GKAVre PAMK DAILY COI’RIMI PAÜf roen MONDAY, MUT I». HMH I per 5; nhl a? local I The Bur gier Knows The bund-'U- Is crafty. He knows stiro you keep your your money. It is his Iwtsinc»»» to know. Why worry and run risk when there is an absolutely safe plan at hand. Put your money tn our Bank. It is safe there and subject to your check w-hen you need all or any part of it. Al* you need is a check book, which we furnish free. It saves wbrry. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANh OF SOUTHERN OREGON The habit grows. THOR ELECTRIC WASHER Price Reduced to $155 W. 8. MacFarland of Takilma, is a visitor In the city today S. IF. Boronough. of Wildervllle. spent the day in Grants Pass. Mlaa Iva Belina, of Bakersfield, Cai . arrived thia morning to visit her cousin. Mrs. Ray Stevenson. Mrs. C. 3. Roberts and son, Ellis, of Medford, are visiting here with Mrs L. E. Lu per for a few days Mr. and Mrs. 0. O. Olutn, of Glen- dale, were fair visitors last week and were guests of Mr. and Mrs Ruther- ford Thsy returned home Sunday. L. X* Jewell and son. Robert, ar- rived yeaterday from Portland and will spend the next two weeks hunt Ing deer They are former residents of Grants Paas. John HamiMhire I« spending the day near Ashland, having gone down to Inspect the work being dona on the road on which he has a coutract for construction. Mr and Mrs. Phillip Twohy left thia afternoon for Phoenix. Nrlx . af ter visiting here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wilson. .Mrs. Twoh» has been here for the past two months. Mr. Twohy arrived two weeks ago. J. E. Rohrbaugh and Bob Grim raett are In from Holland today on business These gentlemen have Just completed about 700 feet of tun nel work in the development of the Cohan'ledge. having engaged on the work for the past year and a half They Installed a compressor for the work. Hear Marshall Tonight— At the Baptist Church on "Why I'm Not a Roman Catholic.” 84 Also Venice and Cluny Lace Fall Kutta--- A full line of new Fall Sults now on display at Peerleaa Clothing Ce. Mrs. iftllk Iftas Ur do Heniatitcltlng NM Alien I lot Um»— Niel Allen, accompanied by his wife, arrived In the elty late last night, having driven up from Palo Alto. Cal. Mr and Mrs Allen will visit at the home of his purent«, Wil ford Allen, for two weeks before re sum Ing his studies In the law school nt Stanford COLLEGE MEN and h II kihm I ilrtMM'r«, will more Ihau over wear clwttava tudi« ldua**y tailored by Christ Ian ScinsM-r las titre— W O. NV hall Friday. September 23 at 8 p. m. x* Return to Ctillt'gt'— Mlaa Ruth Olealer and Ntisa Flor ence Riddle returned to Eugene thia morning to resume work at the uni versity next Monday. Miss Glesler Is a member of Pl Pela Phi sorority and will bo a sophomore, while Miss Riddle, who Is a memlier of Delta Delta Delta sorority, is a senior The woolen» (all wool) and the Muart styles (nil i>rt<lnal) ran »bus you m > iiiu<Txaiunro tiuui wr ou lull you about the value. Suits or Overcoats • 10.00 or inute or loss. GEO.S. CALHOUN »rvriHotui U m al NEW FALL GOODS For Twenty-five ladlara— You can buy a new fall suit overcoat at Peerless Clothing Co at New Low Prices .inldters Pas«. Through— Memories of 1917 were revived this morning when a trainload of Oakland. Cal., nathmal guards of the I4.1d field artillen passed through Grants Pass on the way home after a two »celts training period at Cutup I a ' w I s . Wash A number of the men were students from the University of California Celebrate,« MMth Birthday — Mrs. Amelia Ijempke celebrated her '¡'»th birthday List Friday after Ask for our easy payment terms. You noon when a number of her friends can now buy your washer at pre war price dropped In to congratulate her on that occasion Eight or nine were present and a very pleasant ufter- • noon was spent Refreshments were Grants Pass lastgc No. Mi,— :served. The WINCHESTER Store A. F and A. M.— Stated communi- * catlon Tuesday evening, Sept. 20, Christian Science I xniui work in M M degree Full attend- W O W hall- Friday. September ance of members desired Visiting 23 at g l>. m a» • Ihren welcomed. Mrs. Oliver Clark was visiting at ♦ I SELMA I Mr«. Thomas Biggerstaff s this week ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ stori I h -. u U Wore Striking— Fred Funk visited Mr. Stevens last A.ML8HMENTH Fred Krauss and son. Henry, went Ix>cal fishermen report good Thursday. ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ to Grants Pass Thursday. catches of steelheads yesterday, the A stirring picture of th* cattle -Little Eleanor Weise visited school George Dora came over from country is "The Sky Pilot.” adapted fish taking hold on nearly all parts Friday. Rogue River Tuesday where he was of the river Al l^tcher and Georgs Elmore Cooper and family are vis from Ralph Connor's story of the Bacher were out and snagged on to fishing. same name. The picture opened yes iting Mrs. Cooper's mother and fath Moat of the farmers here are busy terday at the Rivoli theater with a eight that they managed to drag out. er, Mr. and Mrs Biggerstaff Joe Wharton got three that he tells plowing. Joe and Curt Bishop were visiting cast that includes John Bowers. Col about and puts on the soft pedal Mr. and Mrs Ebb. Hogue were vis at Hudson's Thursday night leen Moore. David Butler and Harry iting Mr. and Mrs. George Mansfield All icave splendid perform- when he mentions the others Others Mr. Burch and family moved from Todd and -Mrs. A. V. Schmitt Wednesday here to California where they will ances. All are thoroughly in char- report fair luck. evening. actef. spend the winter Miss Edna Goode and Cap Hinkle The picture revolves around the Shoes— Miss Elsie Hudson was visiting were visiting at Ebb Hogue's Mon Mrs. W. E Wheeler Thursday Pilot's efforts to bring religion to the All the new ones have arrived 75tf day evening. cow town and features his ad ven- Peerless Clothing Co Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haberman Mrs. Geo. Mansfield and A. V. went to Granta Pass Friday. tures. his failure and eventual auc- Hlrrl Pipe I .ahi— Schmitt made a business trip to the Our hotel has changed proprietors cess He opena a church in the sa> laying of the »-Inch steel pipe T.<eonard Orchard after fruit recently. from H. N. Parker to NV. E. NVheeler loon and Is taunted into a fight, siphon on the Tokay canal opposite Lucille Hogue was visiting at her When he conquers the boys escort grandmother's Sunday. him out of town But the defeated the Dry Diggings gulch has been COMING EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wiese were hero Is magnaminous enough to seek completed, and the Intake and outlets A visiting at A. V. Schmitt's Sunday. him out and bring him back, where i now in process of construction Sept. 26-Oct. 1, Monday-Saturday— pipe laying crew is engaged in haul I Lloyd Sargent, of Crescent City, he becomes the best friend the bovs Oregon State Fair. Salem was visiting his brother. Henry Sar ever knew He saves their lives and ing the steel pipe formerly used on the south side pump to the north ca Notice to Subscriber«— gent. last week. their souls. nal. and will be used In a line over make Subscribers ara requested to Mr. and Mrs. D. E Hogue and the suspension bridge. This will daughter. Lucille, and son. Clement, payments to the office and not to the Wsndsi-ful "Univsr-Mi Languags." serve to supply water to land lying Boy« have no author- carrier boys. i visited Cap. Hinkle Wednesday night Among otlwr attempts at a univer Mr. and Mrs. O. L. McCarl. of Ity to collect, When a change of ad- sal language is "Bolak.” or "Blue." west of the city Wheatland. Cal., are visiting Mrs J. dress is to be made always notify the j Tlir shades of meaulng In this par- I Nev» lir[»ortcr on Job— J Black and Elsie and Vera Hudson office. | tlcular tongue are got by tacking on Beginning today a new reporter 'o basal words syllables or sometimes I this week. Merchant tales books at Courier just a single letter, so as to gel differ- will be on the job to turn In all the Fred Krauss and his two sons were ent sign. features "Vlntumlly.” for new« of the city. C. K Ix*gan ar •fltab. up to Mr Stevens place Monday. Instance, is wlndniltl.and "Danfuuilly." rived yesterday from Portland and steam mill. If you want to speak of will take the place of Wllford Allen a mill run by water, you say "Vatuui- Jr., who will return to Eugene to lly." The numerals sre a little con- complete hla studies at the Unlver- fusing Take sueb a number as l,J2fl, sity. Mr. lxigan la a graduate of the and It . comes out aS “Mel veuson dovls university school of journalism and gab." I. I e„ <>ue thousand one hundred and twenty-six. "Blue" spelling Is II has been connected with numerous entirely phonetic, and you do not have Willamette valley newspapers. to dot your "Is" or cross your “t's." It Is ••ailed "blue" because thia la the Mr«. <1*ra Tuttle E'enton— color of the sky. and the inventor Will receive pupils at her mimic hopes--or hoped—that all under the studio, new location at SIR F street, blue of the Armament would hastily on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday In adopt this amazing tongue future. Kindergarten and primary pupils are given two lesson« a week CREPE AND BEADS .Mr«. Fenton received her education In a Canadian Conservatory of music and com>*a highly recommended by the president of the Wesleyan Meth odist College, where she was In charge of the musical department. 81 Rogue River Hardware Co Fancy Lace Vestees and Collars AH IX»NG AH THEY LAHT A tooth Bru nii now arriving at lawal la«lM>r<-rs < ailed I or The Shattuck Construction com i pany has made a call for laborers and carpenters to complete the craws needed for the work on the Savage Rapids dam Twenty laborers and six carpenters are needed at once, and any local labor that 1« avalluble Is requested to apply to Mr Nielson at the dam The wage scale for com mon labor is 40 cents per hour and for carpenters I • ’.<• per day, eight hours constituting a day's work Htacfc Certificates— The Courier merchant prlallng de partment la In position to print stock certificates for any kind of bualnaba. Several designs of certificates are carried In stack and others may Nj secured on short notice Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of LUMBER, all grades, Lath, Shingles. Doors, Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen B ooth , Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc ESTIMATES ON REQUEST Foundry and West G Grants Pass. Oregon. If von are going to buy a Heater be sure und see niv line of Colonial Heaters and get my prices before you buy. I also have a complete line of Florence Oil Fleaters and Colonial Ranges at reasonable prices. Holman’s Furniture Store AND KLF.NZO T(M)TH PASTE THE TWO FOB SHOES it appears that georgette crepe and -eed beads were made for one sooth er. and It Is nseloM to try to keep them apart. Tn the new blouses for fall and winter they «how their flt- i eu for each other aa set forth In the model pictured bare. Beads In twi. colors make a rich and vary taatahil CLEMENS Buy School Shoes SELLS DRUGS Woodward’s MDbaillab moot for tkla btomaa. I f Shoes for the Family