Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1921)
MONDAY, HHUTIWIIER |0, 1021. roll EXCHANGE DOYLE’S WIU, TRADE 40 acre» witn water right for late mbdsl Ford and 1400 1 Terms on the *400 Call or write «24 West G Ht 24tf A PIPE TO REPAIR WILL PROVE THAT I’M THERE WILL EXCHANGE late model Ford truck for late model Ford touring car. K J Smith, Jerome Prairie. Italy your Fall lllMlerwnsr now—Tl»r lln*'« arc < oinpletc and « h - oti mellt I» liwif*'. I nion Nult« or »•■|Mir«t«- gar ment« In all My le«. Dr. Denton’s Sleeping Garments for Children Classified Advertising MRS JAMES M. POWERS, instrtic- tor on piano: studio 4 23 B »treat. Phone 1-J. An accredited teacher. MRS CLARA TUTTLE FENTON teacher of piano and harmony, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, tf Studio at 618 F street. ALMA WOLKE Instructor In piano and harmony Fall term opens Sept. 12. An accredited teacher. L. O. CMBMENT, M D.. Practice limited to diseases of eye. ear.nose and throat. Phone 62; Re». 239-J. 'fyrxfá <ffî!v fit umber Repairing pipes Is second na ture to us. We understand the business of Installing plumbing In factories, offices, public buildings and homes as well as stores. 'We can give you the same high class services that you would receive from the highest priced sanitary engi neer In the land. WANT TO BUY small bouse or any kind of building to wreck or move. 8. LOUGHR1DGE. M U. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls • 0 AtTREB —40 acres bottom under Cal! or adYress 308 Manzanita attended day or night Phone». paid up water right for aaie, Ave. 86 Res 36». Office, 18 2; 6th and H i 514 F Street 1*000 Address No 202, care of PHONE 3OH-J Courier »»tf LABORERS and teamster» wanted E J. B1LL1CK, .M. D. Physician. sur for construction work on irriga geon, Heballhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; TWO GOOD BARGAINS One u«ed tion project near Medford. Oregon, rea. 1004 Lawnridge, phone 54-L. Oakland Sts, ene naw Oaklaud Six wage» *3 for eight hours, less 11 WILDERVILLE sedan Valley Hardware Co. 45tf for board Job will last all win W F RUTHERFORD—Manual the- raputlcs Office over Barnes ’ jew The preserving, jamming, jellying ter. 89 OWN YOUR OWN STORE building elry. Res. 259-R; office 217-R pickling period of activity has about MIM eli . vxmh s and save rent. Will sell at a bar- W. T. TOMPKINS. D. 8. T. Nervous pared with the Wllderville house by Bert gain, store occupied and chronic disease». Office, Claus wife. Jack Frost is laying a pretty REPAIR SHOP—Steam fitting, pipe Barnes adjoining First National heavy hand on the corn as well as work plumbing, boiler and pump Schmidt Bldg Phone 304-R. Bank Valley Hardware Co 45tf work. Inatalllng. SOS South Sth St. RAI,PH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- crimsoning the maple leaf, aqd that is a forcible reminder to the farmer Phone 306. G. A. Bryan. PLEASANT HOME In good location. ■Iclan and surgeon. X-Ray equip- that it Is high time for him to get In • modern, fine garden, berries nnd HANKERS LIFE COMPANY Des ment. Office in Masonic Temple on the canning game. The hum of fruit tree«, one acre, with plenty Bldg., phone 21-L. Moines, Iowa, Myron C. Gaston. machinery is heard at almost every of water Bargain if »old ul once. Dlstj-ict Agent. VETERINARY SURGEON farm and silos are filling fast Phone 341-JI 111« East A St «<>tf OARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS DR. R J. BESTUL, Veterinarian Claudius Robinson has accepted —General foundary and machine FIR AND PINE WOOD |1.T8 per Residence 838 Washington boule the principalship of Glide high school work, mine, mill machinery, chilled and will assume his duties Monday tier.'oak and laoreD>2 W’ni Briet- vard. phone 398-R. >tw carriage wheel», live roll», mayer, Fruitdale. 66tf morning. Mrs. Robinson and pipe fitting». Granta Paas. Oregon DENTISTS children will follow him later, FX/H KALE- 4 2 56 *«<». 2 resi PAPERHANGING-—Call up Harry E. -C MACY, D. M. D. First-class entire family will he missed, espe dences. Would make good open cially in church circles this winter. Jones at Colonial hotel for paint dentistry. 109 56 8- 6th St. sir sanitarium, farm »chool or pri ing, paperhanging, calclminlng. »0 Mrs. Hannah CaBsidy, of Weed. ATTORNEY»» vate home Also oil painting», Cal., Is spending a week with her par DRESSMAKING etc., at Oxford hotel and at place. H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. Mr. Cora B Findlay, Route 4, Box 81. DRESSM AKING — latdle» tailoring Practices In all State and Federal Cassidy and his mother drove up with Grants Pass. 87 Courts. First National Bank Bldg Mrs. Cassidy, but business necessi and furriat, men's tailored silk shirts to order, with or without G. W, OOLV1G. Xttorney-al-law. tated his return Monday morn DRY HEA8ONKD OAK, fir and pine material furnished, Repairlng and wood for sale. R F. D. No. 1. Grant» Paa» Banking Co Bldg. ing. 'Mrs. Cassidy says the drive over alterations quickly and neatly the Siskiyou» is delightful and espe tiltf Box 11. C W. Laakbrecht. done. Every line of ideating». E S. VAN DYKE. Attorney Practice« cially beautiful now that the woods In all court» First National Bank POTATOES at 2c al place. 2 miles Price* Rush orders a specialty, are putting on their fall coloring. Building from town on upper river road. lower naturally, Call at parlor». Jim and Harry Lindsay are C. iH Peterson 102 opposite postoffice on Sixth street O 8 BI^ANCHARD. Attorney-at-law klamath county working at a lum over Basket grocery and get esti Golden Rule Bldg Phone ITO ber yard. The young people of the HATS New full and winter hat* at mates Mrs. W. R. Swoape. Phone C. A. .»’OLER. Attorney-at-law, Ma- neighborhood are hoping to see them Mm. Burton», also rooms tor rent 506. 98 Opponila cuurLhoune. 86 home this winter. »•»ate i >.ii de. Grants Pass, Ore I Wllderville turned out enmasse to IX>ST • DO H DURHAM. Attorney-at-law FOR SALE Cull Winter Banana ap the fair last Saturday. referee tn bankruptcy. Masonic LOST Auto rear light and llcenw ples and Bose pears. Call at Ore Summer vacation is a thing of the Temple. Phone 135-J tag No. 77817. Finder please re gon Growers Packing House. »7 pnst. we know, because morning and turn to Courier office. 84 JAMES T CHINNOCK. Law- afternoon the children are trudging IX1R SALE One Economy First National Bank Building to and from school. SU.ESMAX WANTED cream separator No 10 In A. C. HOI GH— Lawyer, Tuft» Bldg condition 230 if taken at SALESMAN WANTED To cover lo Practice In all court». W. J. Evans. 802 M St., ( cal territory gelling dealer». Guar Pass, Oregon. V. A C. AHI.F, lawyer, practice In anteed »alary of 1100.00 week for Office »tate »ad federal court» right man. The Richard» Co.. 200 DIM MICK MT ATE FOR SALE over National Drug Store Fifth Ave., New York, N. V. 86 Will »ell In »mull tracts or as u Meal- from 5: to a. in. to whole. All under Irrigation. In- 12:00 midnight IO Al. EST ATI There Leaders Were Eaters. tl’ilre of Mrs. J. II. Smith, ut the General Gnuit is said to have praised Regular meal« from 35c up 88 E. T. McKLNSTRY. 6<»3 G St., phoue soup. Thackeray wrote a poem on Dlmmfck residence. < lennline«.«—White help only J5Ó-R. r«al estate Rest of soils for French soup. Murk Iliumn'H hash |N»R SALE Fordson tractor with < otirie'y anil cordiality to fruit, bay or general farm|ng. tuude him nnd many of his friends extension rim», 1550.00. Used guests happy. The great Emerson had a only short time L. F. Nixon, Wll weakness for pie. Bismarck's heart sill ItM AX ORTON derville. Ore. 89 was broken when the barrel of caviar New M imager T. R DEAN Assayer, Chemist. regularly sent to him every year was FOR SALE Petite prunes, lVic per 8J8 East I) street. Grants Pass, forwarded to his sucivssor niter the pound at Whitney Adutns orchard Oregon. 94 "Man of Iron" had b--en removed from on Pacific highway. Bring boxes. office. Napoleon compelled his cooks 88 Pt INO TUX1X<. always to have broiled chicken at hand. I From the Mrs. Lincoln mincemeat rec Foil SALE 1920 Ford, electric PIANO TUNING— Leave orders for ipe it may la* suspected that President starter All complete, excellent immediate fall tuning. Tuner here Lincoln may have “hankered" for that condition. Run only 8000 miles. short time only. Rowell’s Music variety of pastry. Samuel Johnson, Phone 520. 84 House. 97 wliem-ver he was fortunate to have u hare that had been kept too long, or FOR KENT Rates: Single, 5Oc, 75c, and 81 meat pic made with rancid butter, Special rate.« by the week FOR RENT—Alfalfa. Grain and gorged himself, nnd he drank "oceans Dining room in connection Stock ranches with and without HARPER & SON — Building contrac of ten." King llcnry I of Englund tor». Shop work, furniture cratiug. liked lamprey« so well that he died Irrigation, or will »ell at bargain l’ir«t class home cooked meals Shop 510 H St. Rea. phone 142. from eating them. pncea on long time ea»y payasunta. family style, 4Oc Ranch«» In Jackson and Joaephine A. J. GREEN—General contractor. county. One ranch under dWch Criminal’s Fatal Slip. Estimates and plans made Noth- Prop. .1 miles from Granta Pass, on river. A curious error, due to the crinal- Ing too »mull or too large Shop Gold Rnv Realty Co., Owners. 211 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. 92tf nal's Ignorance of science, actually Medford, Ore. 06lt kepi the evidence of one murder In NA LASKOWSKI — Contractor, tact for 12 months. The murderer THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON APARTMENT« TO RENT at 6115» J. Builder and Jobber. Phono 246-R. lifter killing his victim, a woman, COAST RAILROAD COMPANY ’ G street. W. M. Wyrick. 50tf r Y'¿r placed the body In a dry cellar and Time Card PIANOS TO RENT A limited num At COI NTANT covered It with chloride of lime th ber of flno pianos for rent. Apply AUDITING Systematizing. Dally or thought the lime would destroy the Effective Nov. 24, 1919 early nt Mimic Al Photo House. 88 I Identity of the body, wherens It did monthly audit service. Ivan Liv exnctlv tl- ■ opposite. The body was Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- j?()ll RENT 9-room house, 10 lots; i ingston, Incorporated Accountant. days and Fridays In such n good state of preservation Also 4 head of hogs and 2 cows for PM Phone 389. Address: Grants Pass, a year after that the medical expert« Leave Grants Pass.............. 1 Arrive Waters Creek.......... 2 P.M sale. Phone 215-R or call at 412' Oregon. 7t*tf had no difficulty in estnhlisliing I»eave Waters Creek......... 2:30 P M West lA Street. 85 ! through It the vital clue to the crime Arrive Grants Pass ...... 4 P M DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER and the crtmlnnl. If the man only had For information regarding freight FOR RENT -Two good outside and passenger rates eaP at the oftice room» by week or month. Western THE WORLD MOVE»: so do we mixed some waler with the lime of the company, Lundburg bulldii - Hunch Transfer Co. Office phone might have escaped detection. hotel. 87 or telephone 181 Louis Globe Democrat. 396; res. phones 171-R, 316-L. FY»IC SALK B. S. Dedrick SHOES — at the — CHOOSE THE CHOICEST / /all Mil hr iiF — F JI sanitary plumbing equipment from our stock, to install in your bathroom, lavatory, wash room, bed room, laundry, kitchen, etc. It doe« not pay to buy sinks, tube, wash basin» or other such equipment un less the enameling or porcelain is of supremely good quality and manu facture. We warrant all of our». FT W. H. BANNIE 417 G STRUCT Acme ( are WESTERN HOTEL MRS. E. D. YENNY WAX TI» O F. G. ISHAM, drnynge, transfer; pi W\NTEI) TO RENT-A large irri anos, safes, furniture, moved, ship gated ranch suitable for a duiry ped. packed, stored Phone 124 Y Herbert Whitsett and ranch, r t\ Daniel Harding. Grants Pass, Rd. MU -4OONER 4, Box 71. TAXI—Phone 2B2-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler WANTED A school girl to wait Calls All swered on vw bur« tnytimu tables Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. Mochu. 79t.’ phone : l'in- Tlie Bonbonniere for Taxi. 1 79tf TAXI —White Line Taxi, city or country trips, Succiai trips by ap- pointaient. Priee» reasonable. Closed car. Call Clemens Drug Store, 46-ft; residence-phono 381. VI.XtN HEWING ».mahle price». i BUYS FOR CASH TECHNOLOGY Eight Schools; Seventy Department* FAI.I. TERM OPENS SEPT 19, 1921 for inlorinsiisn write lu the Rettitlrsr Oregon Agricultural College cmvuiH DAILY AND SUNDAY Leave Grants Pass 1:00 p. in- (iranís Pass- Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY PHONE 85 OR IHO Leave Roseburg 1 p. tn. LEAVE GRANTS PASS 10:00 a. in- 4:00 p. ui. 4:OO p. tn. 0:15 p. ni. LEAVE MEDFORD 8:00 a* ui. 11:00 m. 1 :OO P- ni. 4:30 P- m. We connect with stage« for Ashland and Jacksonville Everything for the Auto C L HOBART COMPANY UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER SEE ME RIDES LIKE Alli, MORE CASING MILEAGE—TRANSFERAHLE FROM ONE CASING TO ANOTHER—NO PUNCTURES, BLOW- CUI'S, INNER TUBES OR Alli. E. W. CHI LES INSTALLE!» IN YOLK CAR AT 107 SOI TH FOURTH STREET?. New and Used Goods Oregon s Higher InMilution of I Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage 4OI G STREET CHICHESTER S PILLS TIIK 1>I <« BRANIK. A I,»die*! Ask your l>ruKsl«€ for ZA CM-chrs-ter a l»l«mon<rilrand//>\ lUII« tn Krd Bn I Uoltl 9»etallli bom, sealed with Blue Ribbon. Take no other. Buy of yonr v A kfvrClfl < IO 1-TFH * l»!A*IO*n PlUAiorU y«MS knewn tn Best, Sa fast, Always R«liaN« SClD3YP!’l'u(jlSlS[V[RYWHfRE i k H <1 f ' Universal Service Station « Newspapers 5& 10c Bundles-Courier