Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1921)
MONDAY, HKITKMHEIt I», I Oil I. ■■ — GRANTS P.1B8 DAILY COURIER PAGE TWO GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose phine Lumber Co., at wholesale mill prices AU kinds of planed lumber Our truck delivers any where Phone 188, 107 North Sixth street 83tf Golden Rod Published Dally Except Sunday__ A. E. Voorhlea. Pub. and Propr. Entered at poatoffice, Granta Paas, Ore . as eecond-claas mail matter THE WHOLE WHEAT PANCAKE FLOUR SYME AS SERVED AT THE FAIR IN WAFFLES. IF YOl TRIED THESE W YI’FIJCS AT Ol It BOOTH, SURELY YOU WANT A PACKAGE OF THIS ONE BEST FYNUYKK FU»t R. OUR STOCK IS FRESH, EVERY PACK UiE Gl All AN- TEED. TRY A SACK OF < ROYY N PASTRY FtA»l 14. DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year 36.00 **y mall or carrier, per month .SO WEEKLY COURIER My mall, per year................... „....... 32.00 ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per inch......... -....... 36c Local-personal column, per line....10c Readers, per line -.................... f MÍW TODAY SRAHTS PASS DAILY COURIER DEFENDABLE INSURANCE All lino*. Seo T. M Stott, Buick salea-! room* Phono 520. 43tf WANTED Truck to haul lumber by contract. Ho» 677. Phone ‘600 F-12. F. F. Schellenberg. 85 MEET U8 AT T11E FAIR SKIT. 15-16-17 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press is exclusively «titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited In this or all otherwise credited tn this paper and also the local news pub 101 & 105 N. 6th ’ MISSISSIPPI CRADLÉ'O MODERN 7-roorn house, close In. good location, lot 50x100, for sale Priced especially for quick aule In quire on premises, 411 C St 72tf £1£Y &TRUAX 5« ..ZhesonA that should be in eieryhomef Grants Pass, Ore- I 1X.JST Black purse containing 15 bill and some small change Find er please leave at Courier office. 85 « M U h I e** i». .«tf 4 I wn H <»• A U. 4M. l*< !. «..I*. 4m >4 MU »■•• M m »,. «.««, lished herein GOAL AND WISH» When you buy your coal and wood from us you get two things that are essential today quality and service. Wil tion held last week was particularly ore bodies that hold their fortune» MONDAY, SEPTEMBER ltf, ll>21 liams Wood A Coal Co. 75tt for the mining man who ba* capital creditable, and the yellow hunks of RENT Vacant apartment. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ to develop them. Many comprehen FOR Call at Palace Hotel 89 e OREGON WEATHBR wealth attracted much attention. The sive exhibits of Southern Oregon ores mineral exhibit could well be made FOR SALE -Good cull pears at have been assembled in the past, but ♦ Tonight and Tuesday, rain. Farm Bureau Warehouse. Next a permanent one as soon as the build lack of permanent housing has al ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦F ♦ ♦ to Sixth street. 88 ing is completed as planned, and a lowed them to become dissipated and Auto repair work. Out YVYNTBD NUG41ETH WERE ATTRACTIVE most comprehensive showing of the lost. of town work given prompt at- It is not every county fair that can ores of the district could be main- tention l*rices right. Chas. Ken- show as one of the exhibits, a pro tained for the daily inspection of vts- ney, 213 Foundry St. 18 FAIRM FOR SALE 160 acre». 50 In While there is complaint from cultivation. Good house, barns duct of the county, gold nuggets and itors. Not the nuggets, of course. i many directions that men can not HALF PRICE- For quick sale will and out-building». Water for ten dispose of six-room cottage and acre*, piped to house lx>t» of find employment, in the Grants Pass three large lots garden land In su fruit and berries. Wood to pay district there is no occasion for such burbs at one-half cost—(800. Un for place, Eight «icreM good corn complaint. Industry has been active incumbered— pleasant location — Everything and potatoes, etc during all the past year, and there shade trees—fine well, Terms on goes at |3100. 81100 cash, long half to reliable party Seo H H is yet a demand that will give every time, easy payment on balance. Ad Allyn. 241ÍFS dress Box 680, Granta Pas». 85 competent laborer a job If he want* FOR SALE- <Rlpe tomatoes for can it. Another call ba* come from the FOR 8 Al j E Serviceable car for ning, 2c, green tomatoes lHc. de Savage Rapid* dam. and with the small price. O. A. Colby. 86 livered A. Alberts, Rd. 1, North wage scale the equal of that in any Sixth street, just outside city THE AD of « week ago »old 17 27 other portion of the territory, local limit*. 85 pound* of tomato*» In the next two In Bradley garments people who can should aid in hasten day* Half a ton more have ripen E. L. GALBRAITH—Real estate. In ed. fl.85 per hundred 1031 you will find styles of ing the completion of this work. surance and plate glass liability. North Tenth atreet. 85 merit in new and correct There is a patriotic as well as a fln- 609 H O street, phone 28. 40tf . colorings, with fineness of ancial incentive for helping build tbls MAN WANTED—In this locality to I j OHI Gold ring with large ruby handle sales on World's new re material and perfection of great dam. set. lx»st Thursday or Friday Re versable. refillable Twinko Broom, ward for return. Address No. finish distinctly knitted use of both end* of broom-corn 252 care Courier - :• body and re-use of handle; big into each garment. Slip HORM seller; exclusive; write quick RHIBEL—To Mr. and Mrs. C. A. over and coat styles, also Twinko Broom Co, 4621-5 Shil- NEW TODAY—Càiri*» bltjile, bo>‘s Relbel. of thia city, September 17. shole Ave Beattie, Wash 84 jerseys. Prices about one IHcyrle, box <<>ti< li, k < hm I a* nrw, w<x>l a daughter. '■* >i: in mtp blanketx, otte Hxlo leni, wn«h half what they were quire 423 II street. 85 iMtllerM, tul* and bucketa, klt.lieu FaD. Office stationery, all wetghta and TO TRADE- Will trade my residence treasure neerly new. T. <’. Booti». gradee of paper—Courier office on Park street, and 17 acres front Phone 71. ing on river two miles .from town Placer location blanks at the for a desirable city residence J F Placer locetlon blanks at the Courier office. Byers. 90 Courier office All rights for republication of spe cial dispatches heroin are also re dust running Into small fortunes of which would be a constant lure for served. values. Thia portion of the exposi- the Gardner type of bandit, but the Rowell’s Music House Hundreds of Bradley Sweaters for Men, Boys, Women and Children Golden Rule Store Instinct of Birds. There Is little reason Io doubt that a mlgrallng t>lr<l knows the difference between north and »>>ufh. no that when the nightjar, for luatance, Is leaving Africa for England. It begin» Ila home want journey by going due north. Now It does not follow that any nightjar ever Intentionally flew straight from Africa 1« England lie may easily make a mistake and find himself In France. But France, being just aa suited to hl» punmses. matter may t*. settled right there and he may drop down in the woods near Parle Just a Hint for Grandma. Hasel wa« .'Ing n few day* with her grandma Hut . rnndtua. not being u,.,| t<> If. forgot the good night kl*a when bedtime came, until »he »»« re- minded <>f It on th«- second night In thl» wise. Just *» she turned away after lucking the little one In >*<1. ■ plaintive, homesick voice »aid: "My niHmmn always kisses me when »he puts me to bed.“ Ths Sltuation •"Ihi- wldower «ny» til» |MH>r rhlldren need a new niotber" ''lie s g<dng to have » lisnl time to convlnrr 'rni. The ymingot >f hi’ ehlldrrn I» rlgliteen, »nd tln- prospectivo new motlier. I be- lleve 1« i<b >llt rige." I.oulsvllle Ceurter beoúml . • - WESTERN ELECTRIC WASHER ® WRINGER NEW LOW PRICE $137.50 THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR—DON’T MISS IT! IS fire Q U 1C kesi Ali? ci eanekf vhm .Elecincal Hands in tiie Home Ï Why There Should be a Western Electric Washer in Every Home jwn ' a $25.00 IN CASH t < «* r For the Best Essay or Article Answering the Above Question / MLTAL\ i L1NJNO 1 :mrwi L RVHT J 1 J Í L X fwytmX f TH1B \ /CARTE f COVERED! /PUUXY «ATX 1 MAC-HINE 1 1 9PLASM J I H» USED TOI \ KAAII.Y / \ phoof / \M-arATT. rjrn^l \ mgvxd / -X ' 7 V J* ■II HEN you substitute electrical hands to wash your clothes in place of human hands, you’ll find that it’s the cleanest way and the quickest way. It might be added that it’s also the surest way and the safest. No wear or tear on either you or your clothes. W L Just put your clothes in the wooden cylinder of the Western Electric Washing Machine, and let it do your washing for you. It will even wring the clothes. Letters must be short and concise, not over 300 words. They should be neatly written, simple in’composition and easily understood by the average person, Letters are to be delivered to our store not later than October 1st and all are to become the property of Paul’s Electric Store. They will be judged by a dis- interested representative of the Western Electric Company of Seattle, In case more than one paper is deserving of first prize, the same award will be given to each. Prizes Will be Given on October 3rd During this campaign we are offering a special proposition on Western Electric Washers. They can be purchased for $5.00 down and 12 nominal monthly payments. Booklets with descriptive matter showing the 12 superior points of the Western Electric Washer may be had at our store, where you will also be shown this machine in operation. You’ll want to see for yourself the superior points of this washing machine. This Western Flectric Washer campaign will start September 19th and will close October 8th. During the three weeks special demonstration, we intend to show the exceptional features of the Western Electric Washer. We will prove that this washer while saving time and labor actually saves money too, pav ing for itseif in one year. Come in before wash day and see the machine in operation. Western Electric Paul’s Electric Store Washer « A Wringer Phone 47 •<« J 203 South 6th Street tirants Pass, Oregon