University ut Ur®, Lloran GRANTS PAHA. JOHEPHINE OOUMTY, OREGON. VOL. XII., No. I. MONDAY» HEITHUBEH 12, 1221 = I WHOLE NUMBER Í.W4. r.TTgr I I in- Valera inquires Whether "lln- mand for Surrender of Invitation to Mat" Is Meant Reiterate«. Faith in II u .I muk I aud t«k» I'ubllt to Hu»|M-n<| Judg ment for Truth Han Francisco. Hept. 19.— (A. F J BERT ORCI'TT ANU JAk MOORE Mrs. Roscoe Arbuckle — Monta IN <1 HTtiliY AFTER »»0,000 Durfee -arrived from New York to THEIT • assist lu the defense of her husband Hb« was met at Sacramento by her husband's attorneys. Hho gave out a statement reiterat ing her faith lu her husband's inno cence. and aaked that the people sus pend judgment until tbe truth comes Pair Slud and Arrestisi When They out She declared her confidence Made an AUeuipt to Take Cai he that he would be cleared and re at Io Center stored to his place In the heart of the | American people. IHIBDMtMBERMAïBEWOMAN London, Sept. 19.—(A. P.)—De 100 STICKS OF T. N. T. ARE HELD Valera telegraphed Che premier ask BY THE POLICE WITH FIVE ing whether Lloyd George’s letter of BOMBERS September 7 was a “demand for sur render or an invitation to a confer — ence free on both sides and without prejudice, should an agreement not be reached." 'De Valera said that if the latter — were meant the Sinn’ Fein delegates Calder Will Offer Hi* Alcoholic tssurancra of Good Will Conveyed to are ready to meet the British repre Police Hay Richard Burke Confeased Russian People by State lie* to Supplying Bombs to lAbor Mquor Tax Amendment in the sentative* at any time in the immedi Senate .. |mrt«nent Unions for Sabotage ate future. I MAY DROP AMUSEMENT TAKES SHOE SHOP IS SHATTERED FINANCIER WOULD COLONIZE Vancouver, Wash.. H*i>t. 19. — (A.| Geneva, Sept. 19.—(A. P.i—The Washington. Hept. 19.— (A. P.I — Al'HTRAIAAN FERTILE FIELD* P. I Two wounded men. 'Bort Orcutt | The Hmort proposal for a inanufac final report of the league of nations I and Jay Moore, are In custody ac i Hirers' sales lax is not included in disarmament commission was given Sydney. Sept. 18.—(A P.)—Aus cused In connection with the >30,000 Peking. Hept. 19.—(A P.)—The the revised house tax bill approved out today. It intimates that the tralians are interestedly discussing a Hells-Flolo holdup, and the authori great iPeklng Union Medical college, I today by the senate finance commit- Washington conference will be better scheme proposed by Sir Joseph Car ties are trying to located a third man. which has been erected here by the ! tee. able than the league to deal with ruthers, Australian publicist and possibly a woman dressed as a man, China Medical Board of the Rocke While accepting tbe principle of naval disarmament. financier, for the settling of 1,000,- tbe suspect (being the third member feller Foundation, is to be dedicat the Calder amendment to Impose a 000 English tillers of the soil upon of the holdup gang. Washington. Sept 19.— (A. P.I — 1,000,000 farms in Australia, ed tomorrow uud noted scientists tax of >6.40 i>er gallon on all alco- The pair were shot and arrested and medical men from many coun 1 hollc liquors withdrawn from bond Assurance that “legitimate Russian' through the creation of a fund of early yesterday when they attempted tries are here either to take part in for other than manufacturing pur- Interests” would be carefully guard >150,000,000 to be raised in equal to gather a cache at I a Center Mrs. the ceremonies or to attend an In I pose«, the committee did not Include ed at the armament and far Eastern . proportion by 'Australia and Great Moore, two children and Christine ternational medical conference to be the text in the bill. Calder will of conference has been conveyed to the ' Britain. Russian people by the state depart- j He argued that the scheme would Grosso, who were in tbe automobile ' held in connection with the dedica fer his amendment in the senate. The committee accepted the amend meat. permit the emigration to Australia in which the men went Io the cache tion of a large number of the unemployed are being held. The Peking Union Medical college ment repealing the one cent tax on service men of the kingdom to some Information which led to the cap-i has been in process of erection and amusement admission charge* of ten cents or less of the richest land in the world, construction since 1915. it I* the ture was given to Vancouver author which as yet has never felt a plow- ities by a farmer named Jerry I chief agency through which the share. Rlordian. who stumbled across the Rockefeller Foundation alms to pro Stormont Castle and Grounds Pur Sir Joseph stressed the value to short-cut mote the progress of wenieru medi cache while taking a chased for I'lsOer Gocrenment Great Britain of the man power through* the woods near I a Center. cine in China. brought to Australia by the under The campus of tbe college which Wash . Saturday noon Belfast. Ireland, Sept. 19.—(A. taking. He declared that it would Completion of Portland-Newburg Rlordian immediately telephoned Is located near the heart of Peking P.) Stormont Castle and grounds be better for the United Kingdom to Hlghwray Celebrated by Carnival this Information to the Vancouver and the Forbidden City was former in East (Belfast, owned by Charles support such a scheme than to build authorities, and early Saturday af ly the site of the palace and garden McMinnville. Ore.. Sept. 19.—(A. Allan who was till recently a mem warshtps in contemplation of Aus- of a Chinese prince. trrnoon a posse of police and deputy Fourteen hospital* and laboratory P.I—Completion of the new Port ber of the famous Workman Clark I traila's danger should the Pacific sheriffs went to thl* point, two mite* building* ha-«, been erected there land-Newberg highway will be cele shipbuilding firm, has been bought become a war zone south of «‘.is L> ru of I a Center, brated here September 22. 23 and for $100.000 as the seat for the Ul where they remained in hiding on and these have been decorated in 24. as part of the program of the ster parliament. NEW AMERICAN TALIK IS the conventional Chinese fashion in awaiting the return of the robbers. CITY “MADE TO ORDER" Stormont is one of the finest pro bright colors and with the elaborate American lAgion carnival. Officials of the state highway commission perties in the vicinity of Belfast. The 1 cornices typical of Imperial palaces have promised to be present to take expense of building the new parlia •American Falls, Idaho. Sept. 19.— i and temples. part in the exercise« Planned for ment house will be borne by the (A. tP.)—The new American Falla ia "highway day." September 23. Mayor British treasury. to be a city “built to order.’’ Ac I Baker, of Portland, has promised to cording to plans announced recent deliver an address. ly by the United States reclamation Hight of “llrhlgr of Gods'.* May Be service, the rebuilding of the city on 1' mw I for M<etrrn MtruHurv Constantinople. Sept. 19. — (A. P.I another site, necessitated by the fact The bedbug has become a Near that the present location will be Cascade ixicks. Ore., Sept. 19.— East problem It Is apparently a ' American Attorney and Is« Firm submerged through the construction (A P.i The “Bridge of the God*." new breed of bug. Inbred from those ; of a large irrigation storage reser , Head Held for Contempt of Court • natural (bridge which Indian legend Imported by (Russian. Persian and | Rich Discovery of High Grade Ixwlra voir, will be in accordance with the •ay* once spanned the wide Columbia Tartar refugees it I* driving hotel Is IU*|H>nc«l by Jx>n<fon Shanghai. Sept. 19.—(A. P.I — latest principles of city planning. river here, may be replaced by a keepers, their guests and housewives Topographical, climatic and indus Americans in Shanghai »re intensely bridge of »t«el or concrete for pass to the utter despair and hopelessness Ix>ndon. Sept. 19.—(A. P.)- An interested in the case of William F. trial considerations will be taken in age of the white man's automobile. born of sleepless nights Important and rich discovery of cop It ha* Invaded the palace of the per has been made in Shetland The Fleming, an American attorney and to account in the building of the new From father to son. back farther than the white man's writings go. Sultan and added to the worries of lodes thus far proved give a high head of a law firm here. who. on city, it ia indicated. The streets of has come the tale of how once a Ills grand chamberlain. The fight percentage and already half a mil July 28. was sentenced by Judge the city will run northeast and south great mass of stone and earth and against it Is regarded a* Insolvable lion tons of copper or^ are tn sight. Charles S. Lobingier, of the United west. to permit the sun to shine up States court for China to serve a sen on all sides of the buildings. The huge trees arched the Columbia as a a« that of the dispute between the Experts and engineers are laying causeway upon Indians Turks and the Greeks. It 1« smaller down mining plants and its expected tence of six months in the American industrial section will lie in relation which prison in Shanghai for contempt of to the residence districts in such a crossed the wide-flowing stream, than the type of pre-war day« and mining will commence next month. direction that the prevailing winds oourt. Then there came a day when the some of those who have examined bridge of nature was shaken from the new bug assert that it ha* win« Marricd Iler* Saturday— After having served 13 days, his will carry the smoke, dirt and odor its moorings, and sank into the wa- and file« like a mosquito. sentence was suspended by Judge Lo away and not toward them. Natural Harry A. Nicoll and Ola May King, Its how. they say. the activities defy mosquito net- ter. And that is who were arrested here on a charge bingier. pending a review of the con drainage will carry surface water ting, It appears able to bite through of violation of the Mann act, were tempt proceedings by the Ninth Dis from the streets toward the river cascades were created. I Geographical and geological inves such netting. It doesn't always se- married Saturday afternoon by Jus trict United States circuit court of crete VOGUE FOR KNICKHR8 IB itself in the bedding but •may appears of California, to which the tigators have reported that the red tice of the Peace .Holman, and were man's story mav be true. When the stow itself In the ceilings and from taken on a honeymoon trip to Port case is being taken on a writ of error. ADVANCING IN NEW YORK CITY It land by the U. 9. marshal. They will Mr. Fleming gave bail to the amount waters of the Columbia are clear there drop upon its victims In stand trial In Portland. come singly but New York. Sept. 19.—(A. P.I— and low late in the year, remains of doesn't It was of 32.000 when released. trees may be seen standing, as they swarms, attacking from all direc- charged that the couple were living The case has developed into a sen The vogue of knickers for women in may have stood before the bridge tlons. in a local rooming house as man and sation in legal circles largely be sports is increasing here, manufac fell nnd formed the cascades wife. The woman gave her name cause it was upon representatives by turers and stylists report. A I'ITK NATIONS MADE FOR LAND They may even prove popular for here a* Mrs. Nora Cummings. Mr. Fleming that President Harding, IIY UiHUC.I.NN IN ARGENTINA early In August, ordered an Investi women An driving motor cars about gation of the United States court in town and for those who take exer Buenos Aires, Sept. 19.—(A. P.) cise by walking around the Central this city. Many applications for settlement Park reservoir instead of galloping on land in Argentina have been re thereabouts arrayed In breeches and ceived from the 'United States and Secretary Hoover Announces Confer astride a horse. Great Chicago Conflagration Hate Im I Canada. The recent government de ence at Washington Monday But as for use by business women Set As Firn Prevention Itay cree open* up 1«.000,000 acres of generally or for shopping trips here Washington Sept. 19.— (A. P. 1 — Birds of Bronx Zoo Hoard Store for as recently suggested in Chicago, it New York. Sept. 19.—(A. P.I — government land for the establish just isn't being done. October 9 will ba the fiftieth anni ment of colonies In different parts The national unemployment confer Odd Season of tong I duration ence will meet here next Monday, Sec versary of the date (Mrs. O leary's of the republic. These government lands are to be retary of Commerce Hoover announc cow kicked over the lantern causing PORT! A N’I> MARKETS New York. Sept. 19.—(A. P.) — sold to colonists but it is understood ed today. The policy proposed does the great Chicago fire, and the Na The birds aud beasts that live in the tional Fire Protective Association here that the price will be low. They not contemplate charity but a prac Bronx Zoo are preparing for an early Choice steers ............... >5.75 ftf 16.25 Choice feeders .......... 34.50 @ 15.00 has designated that day ss Interna are located as far north as Mlslones tical working program. and hard winter. Although they live Prime light hogs. >11.00 ii >11.50 near the iBrar.llian border, where the tional Fire (Prevention day. In luxury and don’t have to worry Hogs, extreme high ................... >11.75 climate is tropical and as tar south Since 1871 annual fire losses have as Terra del Fiiego, which corre about where their next meal is com East Mountain lAmbs 36.00 ii >6.50 been Increasing until there la now sponds to the latitude of Labrador. ing from, they are instinctively White Henneries ............................ 34c an average annual monetary loss of Some of the land already Is partly hoarding up food. Eggs, whites, buying ..................... 38 I960,000,000 and an estimated loss colonized and it Is understood that Gardner Given Up and Special Guards All classes of animals scent a stiff Eggs, candled, selling ................. 40c of 15.000 Ilves yearly, according io the titles of the present settlers will Released—lingular* in winter, keepers say. The squirrels Eggs, selects ................... 42c th 44c the association be adjusted. are putting In full days storing up Butter, extra cubes ........................43c The association Is arranging for a MoNell's Island. Sept. 19.— (A. P. I unusually large quantities of nuts, Butter, prints ................................ 42c < nation-wide observance of the day to Mr. and Mrs H A. Trubshaw, of The regular routine of the federal The prairie dogs, a month ahead of Wheat ........................ *1 09 ff >1.13 bring to the attention of the people Valley •City. North Dakota, and Ben penitentiary was resumed today af time, are secreting lots of food into I .that the fire loss Is everybody's loss Parsons of Milwaukee. WIs.. ter two weeks futile search for Gard their underground homes, Robins Portland. Sept. 19 —(A. P.I —Cat and everybody's rea|M»nslbillt.v and Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. ner. Special guards were released, and blackbirds are flocking ! together tle. 25c higher: hogs. 50c to 75c that the great majority of fires are Mr». Geo Peake. Mr. Trubshaw Is and the regulars called in. Patrol and showing unmistakable signs of preventable through the exercise of editor of the Times-Record, the lead boats were anchored at the prison preparing for migration to southern higher: sheep. strong, with wether» ordinary carefullness. ing daily paper of Valley City. dock* 50c higher; eggs. firm. butter steady. clloies. SECURES SITE FOB PARLIAMENT M'MINHVILLE IS IO CELEBHATE COPPER FOUND IH SHETLANDS O'LEARY'S COW REMEMBERED UNEMPLOYMENTMEETSOONDUE Chicago, Sept. 19 —(A. P.)—Po- lice, after walting ten hours at a shoe shop following the tip that it would be bombed, today captured five would-be dynamiters and seized 1400 sticks of dynamite and 100 sticks of T. N T. One of the prisoners was shot Richard Burke, aged 23. was carry ing the bomb when the five dynamit ers approached the shoe shop. Forty detective« hidden and sur rounding the bombers ordered them to surrender. Instead, Burke hurled the bomb. The explosion tore down the front door of the shoe shop, threw the owner and his family from their beds and broke windows for blocks around. Burke is shot inside aud may die. The police said he confessed he sup plied bomb« to labor unions a* well as the men to throw them. Stexurea we rd made at the house where the prisoners lived. SEEK CHAMPIONSHIPS f OH 1925 Portland. Ore., Sept. 19.— (A P.) —Efforts are to be made to secure national championship contests In rowing, rifle shooting and track and field for the exposition to be held in Portland in 1925. In addition, it is expected a large number of the Pa cific northwest sectional champion ship meets will be held here during that year. B. H. Judge. Portland, president of the North Pacific Aaeociation of Amateur Oarsmen is planning to se cure the 1925 rowing championship and the rifle shooters who recently attended the national champion ships at Camp Perry are endeavoring to bring the 1925 meet here. Portland has aaked for the 19 24 Amateur Athletic Union national track and field meet and. in this re quest. will have the backing of the entire Pacific northwest. ANCIENT WEAPONS UICOVEKB Primitive Arsenal Found ta Crater of Extinct Haleacnla ia Hawaii Honolulu, T. H., Sept. 19.—(A. P.)—The weapon storehouse In the immense crater of extinct Holeakala, where the natives of Maul many years ago made their last stand against the all conquering king of Hawaii, has been discovered, accord ing to Emil A. Berndt, a business man of IHoholulu. Only two others share the secret, aud it is to be kept until a superin tendent of the Hawaii National Park is appointed, who can take steps to preserve the treasures of the cave. The crater of the old volcano was the stronghold of the islanders of Maui. On its brink they had built many little fortresses and In a cave tn its recesses they maintained their arsenal. ROUTINE RESUMED AT MCNEIL'S Philadelphia, Sept. 19.—(A. P.)—- William T. Tilden won the United States lawn tennis single champion ship by defeating Wallace F John son, of PhlledelpMa her» to lay.