Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1921)
Moxiin, nhi 'T k . mhmm ta. imi FOC R PERSONAL LOQflL ■w A stiver dime isn't much of a fortune, that » true, Rut a dime a day saved for a year would be quite a little help, Here are some of the thin«» ft would do It would i«ey for It would buy you a ne» suit of clothes a week's vacation this summer It would pay for a lot of Christmas presents for poor children It woisld buy a rood •»rateb. an engagement ring, in fact any one <vf these or a thousand other things you might want. Th«" H«t»u <<r*>W' save With Vs. THÈ FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON The habit grows. Save with us. THOR ELECTRIC WASHER Price Reduced to SI 55 Ask for our easy payment terms. You can now buy your washer at pre war price Rogue River Hardware Co The WINCHESTER Store Sensational Reduction in Talking Machines Miss laona Duncan left yeeterday for Dryden where sh«« will teach in the Dryden school this winter Mr* MacIXinald »*» In the city Saturday from Holland doing aome shopping and vialting Roofing paper all weights • nd ' grades Th re«« C’a Lumber Co. l«eonard Kendall returned yester day from Hilt and »III leave In a few days for Corvallis where he plan« to en ter O. A C . Keeler. x»f Mr. and Mrs tack ; Hornbrook. Cal and J F Richard- son of Hilt. t'ai, attended the W M Ch««htre funeral Sunday and re turned to their horn««» this morning - Windshield glas» put tn Thre« ■> C’a Lumber Co S2 Mr. and Mr». C. C. Mahan and Î children i.-tt Grants Pa»s th morning to spend a week vialting with relatives Mr Mahan Is assist ant agent of the Oregonian here during RIVOLI < t—rlr* < lu, pl in HuWiy M»«lf a < «detwit > of JACKIE COOGAN W hen hr gave him a pan in Fair Week Only TV KM* at Rowell’s Music Store Shoes for the Family Buy School Shoe* Woodward’s Quality— Boiled Cider al Kinney li Truax Mother I Med Frolay— Mrs J. Pardee left for .Han Fran- cisco Saturday afternoon, called there by the death «if her mother, Mrs J \ Hart .Mrs Hart <1 led a t the houi«' ot a daughter in Menlo park. linking < um I t .uining— Josephine county has some of the '«ewt cook» In the stale and they are urged to enter «amples at the fair 7» Help make the fair a succewa. unafleetnri portrayal of a (lirj I model t American w IJI more Ihaxi rsrr w«Hsr < lotlus« indi,(dually Ihr »«Hilen» (all «suoli and the smart style» (all origlio» I, «aw Q««»w you so murli more titan WV «an irli you about the »alue. sull» or Overcoat» *10.00 or more or 1rs—. GEO. S. CALHOUN «rirnlnrri yrsmi local «loaler NEW FALL GOODS at New Low Prices now arriving at Peerless Clothing Co. I»<>n't Forge* Ihviefii n»n« Kt Rogue River by the Reuekahs Friday, the 16th ilially < <H«rxrr Bargain l»a, September 15. 16 17, Thursday. Frida« and Saturday are the days «ben a year s subscription to the Dally Courier "will coat IS, Instead of 16. the regular price lu order to take advantage of this liargain ' pri«e it will be necessary to pay all arrears to September 1» at the regu lar rate of 50c per month and 15 for a year in advance The special price close» Saturday night IHsplay of Textile»— Mrs White superintendent of the Women » department of the urges all women to enter for mium» any articles of fine needle work or other fancy work which they may have, not only for the premium but to assist in making the fair a suc cess 7». . ■■ — u. —-W • I Wrwtcrn Hotel IMnlug Room— Will Open with a big chkken din-j ner Wednesday, the 14th. st 1! 30. Second hand coffee an«t nut sacks | at Kinney A Truax amazed at hie wonderful COLLEGE MEN Nearly Everything for the Auto 9 C L HOBART COMPANY Al the Josephine Comity Fair Title« by Irvin K. Cobb. See My Window A New Shipment of Rues Just Arrivçd We do Picture Framing You will see the < OMINI. WEDNESDAY TUF. KILLER A<Lapie<t fnnn lite novel Stewart Edward White Meet us at the Fair Holman’s Furniture Store AH MAMO AH THEY LIST fordson Tractor Plowing and Leveling A (MIDI» TOOTH HUI SH A XI» Do not fail to see it klJtWAi TOOTH PASTE THE TWO FOR Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Lath, Shingles, hoors. Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work. Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST OHANTH PAHS. OREGON CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS i rnrs. Hellie Reas Wr d«> Hemstitching You can buy a ne« fall lull or overcoat at Pearlees Clothing Co if lasrge Burlap Sack»— “PECK’S BAD BOY’’ THIM.MKD AND TAlldtllU» Il KTH nini all g«»"t lail«>r«v! by Por TnnUj.fhe Dollar»— Roseburg News-Review. Heli«» and < xiri«».— Frauk Bran: «ell spent the week .A competent woman who is able tu end at his home in the city and will explain and give the history of war Ur leave tonight, and other relics and curios, «111 be the thusiastic over in charge of this department If you dam Savage Rapids all kinds. Three C'a ' have anything that would be of In Mill work of fi 2 terest bring it to the fair Lumber Co .A. R Terwilliger Mr. and Mrs I. H Terwilliger School < i|»«ned T<«U)— and Mr. and Mrs The street» were filled aliti school bare been visiting r»f San Francisco, »ho »ere making week with Mr and children today here for the past their purchases of books and equij«- Mrs. Cha.« (Tayton They will leave ment for the new school year The for their home tomorrow schools opened with a large attend Mr and Mrs. Walter tfingleton. ance than last year, although the Mr and Mr» Wallace (Singleton n imbers have not yet been fully as- and Mr and Mrs. O D. McAllister, of Roseburg, and Mrs Clyde Martin certalned Martin of this city are and Mrs. J P lai»— A s h • nur F air day visiting In spending the Save you som«- land. Kinn^jr a Truax ne« residents of the I money Among the and Mrs F B Hirne« valley are Mr. and children who have located at the uew one» have County Clot» orchards at Merlin Mr Clothing Co Barnes has returned to St. I-ouls where he is connected with the « aimed Fruí» Chamber of Commerce and will stay tf you have some "«peclally good there for the next year, before com cans of fruit be ture to enter them ing back here to reside at the fair Help the fair and help «ourself of Standard Make _ ►'all Huit»— A full line ot new Fall Suiti no* <»n display at Pwerleas Clothing Co Take the Free Bus to the Fair Grounds Afternoons and Evenings C. A. WINETROUT Authorized Ford and Fordson Sales and Service I