MONDAY, KEITUM III II 12. Urgí. I T DOYLE’S R. DUAN Asaayer, Chemist 1 »33 East D street. Grants Paas, i Oregon. 94 Grand Matron Visits I I i (Continued fren Pace Oae) ICEAL EHTATK * Fall Underwear For Women and Children in wool, silk and wool, and cotton all styles At Low Prices Classified Advertising ( Reame» Chapter No. tifi, of Medford, ¡and from Ashland chapter, were E. T. a. *>• McKLNHTRY. va» a a www a a» • t «03 G St, pilone , 355-lt, real eaUle. Haut of eolia tor P'«*™ *mong whom Slater Nel- lb’ McGowan from iKeanies chapter, frult, buy or annerai farm in a a past worthy grand matron <rf the TAA. state of Oregon. Josepbln« chapter was pleased to OONEft TAXI—Phone 2«3-H tor have neighboring chapter member* Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calle an swered anywhere, anytime 88lf present on this happy oocMlon. I Brother Cass, in behalf of Joae- PHONE 180 -The Bonbonniere for pbine chapter, presented Sinter l«et- 7 9tf »on with a beautjful hanging bas- Taxi k“-t filled with the season's flowers TAXI- White Line Taxi, city or ___ |and her most ara» Ions response giv- country tripa, Special trips by ap-i Prices reasonable.: en wa» appreciated. pointaient. After regular work the members Closed car. Call Clemen» Drug' Store. 48-R; residence phone 3K1. '•** »>y Worthy Grand Matron Mra. Ixftson and 'Patron of Josephine PIAMO Tt MING Chapter, Clyde E. Niles, and the A« visiting sisters and brothers, march PIANO TUNING l>-ave orders for ed to the banquet room, the large immediate fall tuning. Tuner bere ¡company grouped about a charming I short time only. Rowell's Music ly decorated table, prepared in hon- House. *2 lor of the distinguished guest. I'HYtIClAN A.XI» Hl ItGEON During the social hours around the ---- - tables, a committee served delicious L. O. CLEMENT, M. D , Practice tc« cream and angel food cake. limited to diseases of eye, ear,nos« and throat. Phone 82; Kes. 239-J Merchant Printing—Courier office. 8. LOUGHRIDGE. M It. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night Phones. Res 389; Office. 182; «th and H. WANTED 4’blckena at Burkhalter Feed More. Also eggs. We pay WOOD FOR SALE Fir »2 00. pine 32c cluih. Bring them In we can 11.75. on grend. 4 miles weal on use them all. Phone 286-R or upper river road. Posts and build 363. 78 ing poise Hlvely *< Brickell, Gen eral Delivery * 8 if WANTED Roomers and Boarders ut «20 North 3rd street, private • 0 AOREK 40 acras bottom uuder family Phone 386-J 83 paid up water right for sale. »4000. Address No. 202, cars of YOUNG LADY WISHES position as Couriar. »»tf bookkeeper. Some typing. Ex perienced. Reference», Phone TWO GOOD BARGAINS- One u»ed 14-J 7S E J. B1LL1CK. M. D. Physician, sur Oakland Six, one new Oakland Six geon, Sehallhorn Blk Phone 54-J; sedan Valley Hardware Co. 45tf .MIHt'ELLANEOl'H res 1004 Ixiwnridge, phone 54-L. OWN YOUR OWN STORE building and eave rent. Wil! sell at a bar- REPAIR ffHOP Steam fitting, pipe W F RUTHERFORD—Manual the- raputlcs Office os er Barnes' jew by Bert gain, store occupied work plumbing, boiler and pump elry. Res 259-R; office 217-R. Barnas adjoining First National work, installing. 505 South (th St Bank Valley Hardware Co 45tf Phone 30«. G. A. Bryan. W. T TOMPKIN8, D 8. T. Nervous and chronic diseases. Office. Claus PMCAHANT HOME lt< good location, BANKERS LIFE COMPANY- Des Schmidt Bldg Phone 304-R. modern, floe garden, berrlea and Moines. Iowa. Myron C. Gaston, fruit tree», one acre, with plenty District Agent. RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- of water Bargain If »old at once.' alelan and surgeon. X-Ray equip- Phone 341-R 1119 Eaat A Ht 80t» CAltNKR GAYETTY IKON WORKS ment. Office In Masonic Temple —General foundary and machine Bldg . phone 21-L. FIR AND PINTS WOOD »1.76 per work. mine, mill machinery, chilled tier oak and laurel »2. Wm. Briet- aaw carriage wheels, live rolls, VETKJIINARY BURGEON mayer. Fruitdale. 8«tf pipe fittings. Grants Paas. Oregon DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian FOR SAL» 42 H acres. 2 resi Residence 838 Washington boule dences Would make good open PA PER HANGING- Call up Harry vard. phons 398-R air sanitarium, farm school or pri- Jonea at Colonial hotel for paint rate home Alao oil paintings, ing. paperhanging. calclmlnlng. 90 DKNTlft PS etc., at Oxford hotel and at place. FOR EXCHANGE Cora B Findlay, Route 4, Box 81, E. .C MACY. D. M. D. First-class Grants Pass. 37 dentistry. 10914 S. 6th St WILL TRADE 40 acres with waler DRY REASONED OAK. fir and pine right for late model Eord and |400 wood for naie Call 3 13-J C W Terms on the 2400. Call or write LMBbrncbt Bitf «24 West G Hi 24tf THE ART OF FITTING Ptrn SALE Alfalfa hay, first cut PIPES WE KNOW IXIHT ting. »10 per ton In field, or de AND FOLKS livered at riwsonaible figure, alno IX>ST latdy's hand grip between SAY THAT/ sugar pears, excellent for sweet Roseburg and Granta Paas, Sep- OUR pickles, 2c pound. Hayes & Har tern her 9. containing lady's wear ri r PRICE IS Ing apparel, two watches, some LOW silverware. Please leave at Max- FOR SALE 50 black mlnorca chick well Auto Co. ens. horse, cow and 2 'v tons of hay. cheap. Going away. J. W. Moore. Three Pines, Ore. 78 IVORY baby buggy, like new, DRESSMAKING — ladles tailoring only »20 if sold at once. Phone and furrist. men's tailored silk 2R2-J. 78 i shirts to order, with or without material furnishod. Repairing and FOR SALE—Good reliable work alterations quickly and neatly horse, two sets of single harnea» Wo know a lot about pipe fit 66!i| done. Every line of pleating*. and saddle, at a burgain. ting and e.erv oth-r branch of Prices North Sixth street. 7» : Rush orders a specialty, the plumbing art. We know lower naturally. Call at parlors. how to install in your home FOR BALE Ixits of horses, harness, opposite postoffice on Sixth street the proper plumbing fixtures four young cows, giving milk. over Basket grocery and get esti 'or to do the proper kind of re Jack's Barn. I. Street, Granta Pass. mates. Mrs. W. R. Swoape. Phone pair 'jott> at decent price«. We Oregon 82 506. 98 know that you will be pleased POTATOE8 at 2c at place, 2 tn 11«» with the courteous, correct ACCOUNTANT from town on upper river road. manner In which we will han- C. H. Peterson 102 die your order. AUDITING--Sy»tcmatlxlug. Daily or -Water power washing HiR KALE monthly audit service. Ivan Liv-| machine, fine condition, work» Ingston, Incorporated Accountant. perfectly, »15. Also high-class Phone 389. Address Grants Paas, BI4 F Street solid oak pedestal dining room Oregon PHONE 30S-J table, Uke new. »25. Wonderful 83 bargains. Phone 282-J. lilt W AGE A Mi TRANSFER FOR SALE OR TRADE Newly Inquire THE WORLD MOVES; so On we painted 7-room house. Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone 78 4 23 B street. Phon«'1-J. 396; res phones 171-R, 316-L.' TOMATOES—2c per pound, for can ning. Send me your order, A. Al- E*. O. I8HAM, drayage. transfer; pi berta, R. F. D. No 1. North Sixth anos, safes, furniture, moved, ship street, just outside of city limits. ped. packed, stored. Phone 124.Y. Orrgon s Higher Involution ol 78 FOIl HALE MRS. JAMES M. POWERS, instruc FOR RENT—Alfalfa, Grain and tor on piano; studio 423 B street. Stock ranches with and without Phone 1-J. An accredited teacher. Irrigation, or will sell at bargain prices on long time easy payments MRS OLAR A TUTTI.E FENTON teacher of piano and harmony, I Ranches in Jackson and Josephine Tuesday and Saturday. Studio over! county. One ranch under ditch Smith's Racket Store. 86tfj 3 miles from Grants Pass, on river. Gold Ra.v Realty Co., Owners, ALMA WOLKE Instructor in piano Medford, Ore. 06tf and harmony. Fall terin open? Sept. 12. An accredited teacher. APARTMENTS TO RENT at till Mr G street. W. M Wyrick. 50tf BUILDING CONTRACTORS WANTED TO RENT—A large Irri I NALA8KOW8K1 — Contractor. gated ranch suitable tor a dairy Builder aud Jobber. Phono 246-R Herbert , JVhltsett and ranch VIOLIN INSTRUI THIN Daniel Harding, Grants Pass, Rd 33tf MRS GEORGE TEAM. PEAKE In •I, Box 71. structor on violin. Special atten WANTED Teachers to board and tion given to beginners. 4 14 West room, home privileges. 669 North U street. Phone Jlû-L. 66tf ' Sixth street. < 9 Paul’s Electric Store Valley Hardware Co. Grants Pass Z-) ■ N homes where the family linens are cherished not alone for their intrinsic value hut for their history and associations, too, they are kept at their best with Citrus. I Citrus wkitni is well u cleans. As an ««pcnenced hovsikeeper put» it, "it takes the dead, _ gray . look from white clothe» and makes them seem newer." The *rL- lemon ----------------- -r Citruv contributes to this quality, serving content of __ I Ul__ _L. ’ 7 • as a harmless bleach. I Citrus is wr/J, though exceptionally effective. And there is nothing better for delicate laces, lingerie, silk stockings, and other dainty, fragile things. It really adds to the life of fine fabrics because of the ease with which they are cleansed. And the blandness and purity of Citrus insure them against the wear and tear of harsh laundering soaps and powders. ¡OOfy Citrui If you have not been using Citrus in the laundry for all washing you have been overlooking its most useful qualities. Light School»; Seventy Departments Put Citrus to the test the very next washday and you’ll be most pleasantly surprised at the results achieved and with its economy. For infoimatton write Io the Reciairar Oregon Agricultural College COHVAI LIS Use Citrus for Every Soap Need Ideal for the Washing Machine CITRUS SOAP COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA SAN tej i '•.■a fciraus CHICHESTER S PILLS W TIIK IMAMOM» IIRANVK A Aak y our Priiggi <'h« l»luvnon<l I» 1*111« In lieti an<l Mold ni< boffes, »cu I cu I «ith Bine Rl Take no other. Buy of you AskforCin t 111 a . UIVMONI» BRAMI 1*11.1 y ears known Rs Best. S>fe»t. Always K SOLD BY DRUGGISTS LVLRYWHERE DIEGO Citrus- J » Oregon to see these so beautifullyyvhite! Since we've used Citrus all that grayish tinge has been taken out of them'' FALL OHM OPKNS SEPT. 19, 19’1 Effective Nov. 2 4, 1919. Trains will run Mondays, Wed ne» days and Fridays Leave Grants Pass Arrive Waters Creok. I«eave Waters Creek Arrive Grants Pass.... For information regarding freight and passenger rntes cal’ at the office of the company, Lnndburg building or telephone 1 81. PIANOS TO RENT A limited num ber of fine pianos for rent. Apply HARPER 4 SON Building contrac tors Shop work, furniture crating early at Music Al Photo House. 88 Shop lit II St. Re* phone 141 FOR RENT—Light house keeping rooms upstairs and down. Mrs. A. J. GREEN—General contractor. Estimates and plans made. Noth- Downs. 79 Ing too small or too large. Shop WANTED 211 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. 92tf There are two stock» of Edison Ma/xlas in («rants Pass —both arc complete and will supply the pr<>(«e> lamp for every socket. Jiowmppy Crrandiiwuxlcl be* TECHNOLOGY PIAXO INSTRUCTION Go over your tu «use critically this month and then a»k jour dr.Ucr not for “towllba" or for -lami»" ask for EDISON MAZDA lam|Mi. "rr B. S. Decirick EOK HEXT Edison Mazda Powder For Snowy Linoni And 3o/t,V2>/fe ff&nds" Remember the LEMON t