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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1921)
University of Ore Library tante |3a0fl Dai tn Courier AHH(M IATBD I'KKAh HER VICK «HAN TH I'AHH, J (Mi EP HINK COUffTT, ORBUON WHOLE NUMBER HAT*. OF MURDER BÏ VOTES TO CUT Itatifii ation of Perec Treaty Ezpret- «1 to Take Many U nary Weeks of Effort Baker l»«'oMret Spot Witli‘T«ni|Hi ature of 22 Degre e » -Three Ini tie» Hnow in Hill» 1 I . I By H. K Reynold» F A Mol H "POT OF GOLD" OF Washington, Sept 12.—<1. N. 8.) DRAFT EVADER ÍS TO HH 1- -Multitudinous tacks, including re- MONEY SECURED I ■ vision of th» tariff and internal rsve- 1 nue laws, the ratification of the [ German peace treaty and scores of , lesser important bits of legislative i business will confront the senate I when it convenes again late in Sep (A. P.l Th« lowest temperature this morn F ri«-n<t of Actrc»» Sign» Complaint— Jain««. Doran. of McMinnville, Killed tember to complete the work under ItrgM-iohwits FNi-mpUon» for Family taken during the extraordinary ses Gold Taken From Treasury Before 'Ing was 36 degre«-» Tender planta un<t Will lam A. inii hariix1 la ••Fatty" PhofograptwMi for the llrsMle ln<rre»«*«i Í rolli «'JIMI Io sion of congress called by President I Trip to fiertnany Was Made Will and vi-getablea were killed Wounded by A»»allant ••Hnffu«-'» Gallery" Be Object of Inquiry • DM» AnuusUy i Harding in April. Three Inches of snow fell yester Many weary weeks will pass while day In the 'Blue mountains The I ---------- .T«) {snow-capped hills were visible from the senate argue» over the ratifiea- The San Dalles, Hept. 12. (A. b'ranclabo, Sept. 12. — (A. P.) P.l — Washington. Hept 1 .’ lA PI— the city Washington, Sept. 12.—(A. P.)— ‘ tion of the peace treaties with Ger The seiiate flnance «•uni ni I lice voted At Yakima the temperature was 31 I- Booked on u murder charge. Ros-; Robbery on a small seal, wa» the many and Austria, and it is generally The government is going after the lo reta In thè 32 per cent niuxiinum last night. Thia 1» the coldest Sep- icon "Fatty" Arbuckle. Is held in Jail purpose for an attempted double admitted lhat these two documents famous Bergdoll "pot of gold ” without bail In connection with the murder near here in which James will not receive senatorial approval Incorno sur-tax rates flxisl In the 11ember weather since 1909. Allen Property Custodian Miller death Friday of Virginia Rappe, film Doran, of McMinnville, was shot and (luring the extraordinary session, announced that Mrs. Emma C. Berg house bill — — actress, who died, said District At-[killed, and William A. Ducharme was though it is probable that there wlll doll. the mother of Orover Cleveland Alto to retala thè house bill pro- .1 *««»!«■ Jolm»ti»n torney Brady and other authorities, severely wounded, it is alleged by be ionit- discussion of them. vlaloning sn Increate frolli »2.000 lui Bergdoll, would be asked to surren »2.5UV, thè riempitoti tu head» Of I Jessie Johnston made hia appear of Injuries Inflicted by Arbuckle dur-[ Abe Evans. All three of the men der all the property In which Grover fu in II io» of famlllos havlng ali annua! j ance on the streets today after an Ing a parly In Arbuckle’s suite 1n ajwere employed in the Brooks-Sean-1 had any interest, including the gold I NfTED STATES TAIUFT ON |lon Lumber company at Bend. uni lu coni e of »i>,000 or leas, and al lllm-sa of over a week. Mr Johnston local hotel , coin taken from the treasury before COPILA TO KILL INDUSTRY ' the draft evader escaped and fled The case is scheduled Ixafore the ; According to Ducharme's story, he so Increaslug thè exeinptlons un ac has been confine«! to his home with He grand Jury tonight COUUt of depetidents troni »300 io a bad case of blood poisoning The coroner's [ ,tnd Doran had been working in the into Germany. *a« down for a short time Friday. inquest was held Thursday. Twenty-: ¡umber camp and had been paid off Papeete. Tahiti, Sept. 12.—(A P.) • 400 ig are nr** lkg*in«z crti •* rdpH hv i. agreed —Trading interests of Tahiti are two witnesses being guarded by 1 [ Friday. They met Evans, .. who SE.UUH FOR KO Y GARDNER Return» to New York— detectives. up take them to McMinnville In his alarmed at the tariff on copra em SHIFTS TO KAMT OF BLAND in the new- tariff bill being bodied Miss Berenice Quinlan left this , " ” ¡car if they paitf all expenses They I II ll\>» afternoon for New York to resume ■I xm Angeles. Hept 12.—I A. P.l— met Evans, who agreed to take them considered by the United States con McNeil’s Island. Sept. 12.—i A. P.) her study of music under Carl laich- A picture bouse last night cancelled ’to McMinnville in his car if they paid gress. At the present time copra in —The search for Roy Gardner cen the islands is below cost of produc Hood River, Ore , Hept 12 -I Al round Miss Quinlan has been visit- an engagement of the latest Ar- fall expenses. The three men left tion. Many owners of plantations tered in the eastern portion of the Rallroad lag here at the home of her parents. buckle film. P.l Oregon Washington ¡Bend Saturday morning. are feeding cocoanut meal to pigs island where guards fired on a lark and Nuvtgatlon company traili» werr | Mr. and Mm. W I* Quinlan tor the 1 ' • At The Dalles Evans suggested , and cattle rather than pay labor to ing figure last night. routed over thè Spokane. Portland past six weeks and gave a number Medford. Mans . Sept. 12.—< A. P.l that the party si>end the night in the t -------------------- , turn it into copra. and S»>attle line owlng lo a flre in | of recitals while at home. -Mayor Haynes notified picture house of a friend, living, he said, a thè tunnel tirar Master. Oregon bouses that Arbuckle films were bar-1 short distance out of the city Two I 'Jury lU-lng Drawn— ____ _____ ______ . . ___ red until Arbuckle's case had been ¡miles west be stopped the ____ car. ex- JAPANESE 1N1I.ITKTANS SEEK EXFIXHTAT(4>N OF CHINA The Jury was being drawn today disposed of in the courts. tplaining that his friend's house was for the case against William Ham- I but a short distance off the road at i Toklo, Sept. 12.—(A. P.)—That With Stvasam One Month From F;a<L mond Hammond 1» under indict Han Francisco. Sept. 12.— (A. P.l lhal point. Tourist Trav«-i Is Fkjual Japan may improve her chances for ment charged with aiding prisoners I -A formal complaint charging mur- "We had both alighted from the It Is alleged that il»m- WUII RWorn to before Police Judge'ear when 1 heard a shot." Ducharme> »tie exploitation of the great desert Hliow Eight l*»»und» at End of Three to escape Yosemite. Cal.. 8»pt. 12. —t A. P.) mon gave the prisoner» saws andl(yf}r|mi 8Oinj<t Roscoe Arbuckle in ¡said, in telling of the shooting. "I j of North China. Tokio 'politicians are and f-Vrarterai M Four Ì cars — As scenic attractions the Yosemite other equipment which they could i connection with the death of •Mis- turned and saw Doran with his hands fostering a plan to bring the son of and Yellowstone national parka are thb Living Buddha of Mongolia to use tp effect their escape The planl topp. The complaint was signed in the air; he seemed to be falling about equal this year, with one more Missoula. Mont . Sept. 12. tA was nipped In the bud by county of- I by Mrs. Ban bin a Maude Delmont, a ¡backward 1 saw a flash and felt my Japan. month remaining of the season. P i Chinook salmon pluntod titre«- the friendly embraces Here in of flciala before they could carry It In friend of the dead actress • (CfratfBiied on Page 1) Yosemite's attendance August 31 y<M*r ago In the Clearwater chain of [ to execution a great neighbor, the son of this Arbuckle's appearance in the po lakes In northern Mlmoula county i powerful factor in Mongolian affairs had reached 85,787, with probability lice court was delayed until Beitil- have reached a weight of from seven may be taught regarding the history of 90.000 persons entering betore ' lion measurements could be taken to eight pounds an<l are caught oc- Buggy 1» iH-nuJislxvl— and achievements of Japan, and la September 30. according to Chief A buggy belonging to a stranger and he be photographed for the I^ast year but caalonally with hook anti line, no « this may the road to better under Ranger TowmHey 68.000 travelers had entered the cording to State Game Warden (’. was demolished yesterday afternoon rogue's gallery. and the Berkshire Herd Tak«w Eight—<>uern- standing between Japan when it was struck by an automobile A. JakwaiM ' Yosemite up to September 30. neighboring country of undeveloped »cy» Win Thirteen Prizes New York. Sept 12. (A. P.l The state fish and game depart driven by a man named Yokum. Mr. Trave! to the vwlley by automobile wealth may be the better prepared. . is increasingly popular. 17,565 ma ment plana to relensii I.otto,000 sal Yokum waa driving across the Sixth Henry l>ehrman. film director, who With the return of Manager Clyde Such is the project. _____________ chines carrying 60.404 passengers mon fry In the lakes next wlnt«‘r for street bridge ant! was tryiug to go was engaged to marry Virginia E. Niles from Sacramento with his having been registered as compared the ptirpo»«1 of e»tal>ll»hing a com twtween another car going in the Rappe. said he would devote every fie moment he could spare to pressing pockets full of ribbons won at the BAIL KIREANN’S REPLY same direction and the buggy with 13,418 machines and 46.074 mercial salmon fishing Industry. The IMKW.IKIlKIt TO SCOTIAND California State Fair the triumph of passengers during the twelve month« auree«»! Ill development i»f the fish struck the rear wh«>el of the buggy, Arbuckle's prosecution. the Josephine county livestock ex- of last year. planted three years ago haa demon throwing pieces in every direction Dublin, Sept. 13. —(A. Pi —A !hibits at Sacramento was completed strated the iHNialbilttlrs of the new He »ettlcd for the damanges on the .Memphis. Tenn., Sept. 12.—(A. P.) courier left far Inverness. Scotland, The hottest ot competitioa was en •pot. induatry. state official sav. Salmon — The board of censors has barred countered by the River Ranks Farms i with the Dail Elreann's reply to fry released In IIaik«> Roman In th«1 Arbuckle's films until he clears him exhibits, there being 82 animals ■ Lloyd George's latest communica- FJoquent Speaker — Flathead region weighed 15 pound» self shown in the Berkshire classes and I tion. inrge and appreciative audieuces at the end of four years. Mr Jack 74 in the Guernsey classes. Thres hoard Evangelist Marshall at the ways said. San Franciaco. Sept. 12.'—(A. Pi Baptist church Sunday, both morn |- Arbuckle appeared in the court .hog judgs of national reputation. I BOMBH THROWN AT ing and evening, he is humorous, [for arraignment amid a battery of | who were present at the fair pro GOVERNOR OF KOREA _ ____ I persuasive, eloquent and I is creating ( flashlights. The case ia to be con nounced the Berkshire exhibit the San Francisco. Sept. 12.— I A. P.l best that has ever been shown in the 'a de»>p interest Tonight his I subject tinued until Friday at the request of Seoul. Korea. Sept. 12.—(A P.J— I Thousands of (American young men | United States The River Banks Two bombs were thrown by a Ko- > wifi lie "Mollycoddle».'’ Tomorrow j the district attorney. are being buncoed out of money for herd won three second prizes, one rean at the room occupied by Ad-' ¡afternoou he will speak on "The passage and expenses by young wom The Inquest will begin today in-1 lias lassIHcaMon of < Ivil Hervit e Hub. Work of the Holy Spirit.' " The af-. third, one fourth, and three fifths, miral Baron Minoru Saito, governor ( en of southern and southeastern stead of Thursday, the coroner an-' ject al New Or lean« making a total of eight prizes won ¡ternoon services are al 2 L 30, those nounced 'of Korea The governor escaped. Europe under promise of marriage on the sixteen head shown. i of the evening at 7;30. Everyttody which they have no intention of New Orleans, Sept 12. i A. P. > Tn the Guernsey Classes the senior j , Is Invited to sttend and get the bene- keeping, according to Mrs. Suzanne Froeled lawl Night — Government employes with occupa j fit of these meetings yearling heifer, Imported River' Gomez, secretary of the Travelers’ tions ranging from sciential to Banks Valentine, and the junior bull . There was a slight frost last night Aid Society in the lower parts of the valley. The charwoman were represented at < ourity (burl Adjourns— calf, River Banks Bonny Jay. were She said the cases were rapidly at the court official thermometer the opening here today <rf the fifth The county court adjourned on Fifty-Nine of Bodice lUx-overral— . the sensations of the show and were ! house registered 34 degrees but wa increasing in number, and she would annual convention of the National Saturday to meet again on the fol conceded hy all the California breed- j Million» in Crop llamag)' confer with the immtgrwtion author Federation of Federal Employes. ers to be superior to any of the Cali- termelon vines along the river were lowing Saturday. September 17th at ities in an effort to have the prac nipped, showing it went even lower their I I the civil aer Reclaeaiflcatlon of Dallas. Texas. Sept. 14. —(A. P.i fornia animals shown in 10 o'clock a. m to take final action tice stopped by deporting women en there. vice on a ;merit basis, ei Im nation of on the road petition of the Merlin —More than 50 persons perished in classes . The River Banks aged gaging in it. politics in appointments and promo people asking that a new road dis the floods in central Texas, exclusive cow. Red Lady of Sunnyside Farm, tions and a standardized pay scale trict be created of that town and ad of San Antonio, where 59 bodies won second place defeating Princess Chevrolets .Are Received— A carload of Chevrolet automo fixed according to skill and training, joining territory. If granted it will have been recovered Millions of of Meadow Brook, the cow that was three measures which the federation be made up of a part of what Is now damage to crops and livestock was grandchampion at the California biles were received today by the W. Is campaigning for. will be again ds state fair in 1919 and 1920. Red 8. Maxwell company. Five touring district number two. consisting of done. cussed at this meeting. Indy of Sunnyside Farm also won cars and a light delivery were in Merlin, Hugo and «alice; number Hlvipping In terrei» Heed Waraiags second prize In the class for advanced cluded in the shipment. three, J ump-off-Joe and Ixuise creek, of OU in Big Port registry cows, scoring 90 out of a and number four, lower river road INiRTIiAND MARKETS possible 100 points.* and Ferry district, The court will New York. Sept. 13.—-(A. P.) — The prizes won by River Banks be pleased to have all Interested Shipping interests have heeded per Choice steers ........... »6.00 # »6 50 Guernsey herd were, one first, four «Hit of Town «liest» ITesnel During present at that time. seconds, four thirds, one fourth and Hogs, prime light »11.25 © ,11.75 sistent warnings that unless some Visit of lsNuier Hcientisl Dietl In Hout II America— three fifths, making a total of 13 Hogs, prime light.. ,12.00 © ,12.56 thing Is done to stop the pollution of Daughter lo I nveli Moniiinent East Mountain Lambs ,6.00 © ,6.50 New York harbor by oil waste from Saturday evening the meniliers of prizes won by the ten head shown. J White Henneries ............................. 34c' steamers the greatest port in the Josephine Chapter No. 26, O. E. 8.. Pasadena, Cal., Sept. 12. (A. P I Eggs, country bids ..........28c © 30c world wiH be menaced by danger of Unveiling of a monument In Peru Peking, Sept. 1.2. (A. P.) The and visiting members of the city, en- J Selling, case count ............. 32c ii 33c a great conflagration. They have by the Vassar Collegi1 Alumnae As new Peking Union Medical College, tertulned and wore highly honored , Selects ................................................ 38c formed a committee to see that the sociation. in memory of the late Pro the moat complete institution of its with the presence of Worth Grand { Butter, extra cubes ........................ 40c harbor is cleansed of this peril. fessor James Olton, will he attend kind in the East, will be dedicated Matron Sister Minnie letson. of On J. A. I’routv Prop«*rty at Timber I Butter, prints .................................. 42e Great pools have collected in many tario. Oregon, the occasion being an ed by the daughter of the explorer. ■ he week of September 15 to 2 2. of the harbor basins, and wooden Total Ixvss of 8125,000 i Wheat Mies lAnnn R Orton. She Is hend of \mer1cnns arc In greatest number nual official visit to the chapter. piers have become soaked with the Sister lint son was formally pre- a school for girls here. among the leading medical men and oil. Underwriters and fireiAen here Timber, Oregon. Sept. 12. (A. Dr. Orton, »'ho was of the Vassar scientists from abroad that have ac sentert and the usual work for In P. i The .1. A. Prouty Timber Com Portland. Sept. 12—(A. P. I-—Cat remark that water would be of little facility, died in Peru while on one cepted Invitations to participate in spection was exemplified. pany saw mlfl was destroyed by fire tle. steady: hogs, 25c higher; sheep, good In fighting such a fire, aa It Several out of town guests from of his weientifir explorations to ths program Thera are others from yesterday, the loss being »125,000. steady; eggs, steady, and butter, would make the burning oil spread Booth America. I on rli in. Paris, Toronto and Tokto farther. (Cou Ha a eg an Pa<e 1) firm. Tlie mills will be rebuilt. i ONE Portland. Heid. 12—(A. p.i- Raker, Oregon, was the coldest spot on the weather map today with 22 degrees at X o'clock. A killing frost was reported Umatilla was 32 de > greet. The Willamette valley felt ¡nippy weather. Salem reported 32 by I FJM 'APEN ATTEMPT DOUBLE MURDER FOR VT! ASKS SURRENDER OEPRUPERH ! YOSEMITE EQUALSYELLOWSTONE WOULD-BE HUSBANDSIÜNCÛED GÖVEBNMENT EMPLOYEES MEET ORMO MATRON VISITS 0. E. S. TIMBER W MILL DESTROYED 4 i