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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1921)
S mICI» U . Sl.l’l l AlllIlR H». IMI. (iHA XTS PANS DAILY COURIER Monday to spend a few days »Illi her sister. Mrs Rose Shaffer. Mrs. Jettie Wells »a» a tirant» W. Riggs, wife and son. of Pass visitor Tuesday. Roseburg, spent Friday of last week Miss Millan Wells »«•lit to Chico, with A. M. Ruttenciitter and family. Cal.. Tuesday night. Paul Ruttancutter, of Granta Pass, Mrs. Della Payne and Mrs. Rachel brought them out. Rev. S. A. Dunford, district super Thrasher are spending this week vis- , iting in Medford. intendent of the southern district of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Bennett ar«' the M. E. church, will speak at the i Wilderville church Sunday evening, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Shaffer Mrs. Bennett and September 11th. daughter. Lucille, except to remulit Mr. an«l Mrs. I'rschel from Escon dido. <>»1.. spent a few days visiting during the winter. Mrs. A. Briggs and Mrs. Jordon Mr. and Mrs. I'. G. Abel). Mr. and Kt X HOME WITH THEM Mrs. I'rschel spent the winter In are visiting at A. J. Fulks. The infant daughter of Mr and Corvallis and were ou their »ay while they are nice and hot home. The two families were old Mrs. !R. G. Sowell passed away Sun and let the folks enjoy them. day. August 28th, from whooping California friends. Hot bread, rolls and buna fough. The bereaved family have Mrs. K M C. Neill will have her every day at this bakery— the sympathy of the entire neighbor nephew. Jack Tobin with her durlnyr send for them and have a real hood. ‘ » Mr. Neill ’ s absence. Mr Tobin will treat. They have that “give- Mrs. O. C. Grimmett spent several attend high school in Grants Pass me-eome-more" taste, you days tn Grants Pass this week. driving back and forth. know Ask the children! Kitterman Bros, had the misfor Miss Rea Morrison »111 teach al t tune to lose the upper sawmill Harrisburg again the coming year. Ask your Grocer for Bread fire last Thursday. baked by the School opens the 19th with Mr. The I Julies Aid met with Mrs. Brundell again in charge. sle Grimmett Thursday. They port a very pleasant afternoon. GRANTS PASS BAKERY Miss Edna Holland 1s visiting The thorny blackberry has abdicated in favor of the elusive hop. The fav sister, Mrs Clyde Hays, at Crescent orite yard for Wilderville folk is City. C. H. Seward and family are tak RiverBanks farm. It is accessible IT’LL COST LESSTHAM and the foreman. Mr. Estes. Is well ing % week's outing at Crescent City and vicinity. known and popular. YOU THINK — R. G. Sowell and Ben George are Jim Loughridge started out Mon TO GET A busy burning slashings this fall day morning to “clean up" 70 acres NEW of hops. At noon he had made a rec KITCHEN ord that secured him promotion to S ink FERRYDALE the job of “wire man". Frank Howell is yard boss at the Mr. Druse left for school work in hop yards of River Banks farm again Douglas county which was to com this year, which probably has some- mence the first of the week. T m E cost of thing to do with the fact that the Mrs. Chas. Dora and Elihue Bum P lumb i K g - crew have been orderly and depend garner left Sunday evening to visit able. their brother, Wesley Bumgarner, in A visit to the hop yards, if one Olympia, Wash. will close their eyes and open their Will Frankum is to have a ears, is more like a farmer's conven house soon. Now looking at it from your tion than anything else. On one side Mrs. Idddie Werti and daughter». wife’s point of view, don’t you a horse trade ts taking place, on the Mary and Ida. and Grandma Griffin think it would be a good idea other negotiations for the purchase were calling on WUlts to put in a good kitchen sink? of additional land while just down nesday evening. the line a woman is giving explicit Mr. Helms took his tractor Outside of the added cleanly directions for the making of chow Grants Pass Monday to have It ovet- convenience of the thing, look chow, and off to the right two women hauled. at it from a health standpoint. are discussing the respective merits Mr». Lefeld returned from Garden Talk it over with your wife of ‘Plymouth Rock and Leghorn Home Monday where she has been and then talk ft over with us. chickens. for several months. A. C. Ford was in Grants Pass last Mr. and Mrs. Ix>uis luFlamme. daughter. Coral. Mrs. Jessie Gaines Tuesday with orange cling Mrs. Kornbrodt has been and Olive Robinson Joined the Meth B14 F Street odist church Sunday. The latFlamme Dr. I,oughridge was called ponds' PHONE 308-J family joined through letters from evening. Mrs. A. I. Hussey an'’ the First Presbyterian church of Rap a ¿aatthters id City. South l>akotta. and Mrs. Ixjis and Dama, were /felting her Gaines and Olive Robinson upon con ter, Mrs. O. O. M XÍA» of Granta Pass Thursday a' fession jof faith. .OmMii. Mr. Brown The Dawes family, recently of wa> at Medford Wilderville, now of Grants Pass, vis Wednesday. Mrs. w • ited Sunday with the Morrisons »•Rviner, Of Pleasant Valley, i and V* .run Weeks were visitors at The Elmore family of the upper ( Dor' Applegate region spent Sunday with *s Sunday. Oregoa'« Higher Institution of Mrs. Elmore's parents. Mr. a id Mrs E4. Van Bern and his sons, Del bert and Noah, left for Yakima Sat Scott Robinson. I urday evening. They were called Ora Bull and Ed. Munson are pected home Sunday from th» * *x" there on account of the serious ill Eight Schools; Seventy Departments < 'al-i ness of one of Ed's sons. ifornia mine. It is repor ' FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19. 1921 Ferrydale people who were in they have rich prospects. •** ’ r f« mlorsi».»« write t© the Recisirsr Grants Pass Wednesday were: Harry Charles Morris, wl* Oregon Agricultural College daughter of Grants '* an 11 ‘ * Neely, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Neely, D. CORVALLIS led by Mrs M E ' accompan- G. Robertson. Mrs. Claud Freeman, .re having a v • and n’?s",e and Ruth Farmer. Several parties were camping In Wiil Hollar in <’allfon,ia wl‘h the oak gTOve on the Hunt farm over trip by r 4 The party ’ nade ,he i ERFEl T -atn I-tbor Day. ROTEI TION Ke'_ a Bell Robinson will teach at OLI UY ao. Klamath county, the coming Oldest Bell in America! /ear. This is .Miss Zell’s first school St. Stephen's parish. East Haddam, Health and her many friends wish her a- t'onn.. founded In 1791. bus in its A cel den’ Disability bundant success. church belfry what is believed to be RELIANCE LIFE A merry crowd of young people the oldest bell In this country. After INSURANCE CO literally surprised .Miss Elsa Doerner l*eing use«! for centuries In Spain it OF PITTSBI " Wednesday evening, upon the eve of was brought along with other bells her going away to the University of to New York to lie recast into l>ells THEO. P. CrxAMCR Jr Washington. The young people laid for American churches, and » uh pre Gene .al Agent senter! in 1834 to St. Stephen's par their plans well. All met at the Slate 2»«’4 -th St. ish. The Spanish inscription on the 107-R creek bridge and went to the Doerner tell Is translated: “The prior, being home in a body. .Miss Taylor had been the Most Rev. Father, Miguel Villa Mu- let into the secret but she had kept coa, the procurator, the Most Rev. Fa T’ÀE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON it well. Wilderville girls and boys ther, Josef E'Stlvun Corrales, made always have a merry time at their me In the yeur A. D. 8K>." <X)\ST RAILROAD < OMPANY social gatherings, but this occasion Time Card Tea Plant an Evergreen. will doubtless be marked by many The tea plant belongs to the same as a red letter event. Effective Nov. 24, 1918. Trains will run Mondays, Wednes .Mrs. J. H. Robinson invited her family of evergreens as the camelia. and has small white flowers, slightly days and Fridays Sunday school class, consisting of the As a rule the seeds are Leave Grants Pass............... 1 P.M. junior girls, and .Mrs. Ixivelace’ class fragrant. planted on terraces on gentle hill Arrive Waters Creek...........2 P.M. Leave Waters Creek.......... 2:30 P.M. of boys, to her hospitable home Sun slopes, but level ground may also be P.M. day afternoon. They were treated to used provided it Is kept drained. The Arrive Grants Pass............. 4 For information regarding freight ice cream and cake, and. of course al) shrub is not allowed to attain a height and passenger rates cal’ at the office kinds of fruit. of more thun three or four feet. It of the company, Lundbnrg building, is ready for picking In its third year, The Brundell family have returned or telephone HI. and they are busy getting settled for but is at its best from the fifth to ^lie tenth year. The first picking takes the opening of school work. .Mrs. 3. B. Stringer is laid up with place at the end of April, and lasts three or four weeks There is afsec- a badly bruised foot, caused by drop ond picking in June or July, This New end Used Goods ping a heavy stick of wood on it. work is generally done by girls. WILDER VILLE I | « B. S. Dedrick OAC TECHNOLOGY P BUYS FOR CASH SEE ME E. W. CHILES 401 G STREET ILLINOIS VALLEY *------------------------------------ « Mr. and .Mrs. Nadel and .Mrs. Ijt- kay, who have been visiting at Roy and George Wells left Tuesday for Portland. THE DIAMOND BRAND. A Ladle«! A«k your Drugflet f r /jA Wil] Sowell returned Monday from Cht-chea-trr «Diamond Iirand/AX 1*111© In Red ©nd Gold n.ettlllAy/ Folsom, iCal., where lie was em boies, seaic i ployed. DIAMOND BRAND 1* «S .Mr. Wise, who has been visiting 5 ears k nown as Best, Sa fest, AI way« R el la» I© SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHi RE his son, C. P. Wise, returned to bls home in the east Monday. John Spence returned from Brook ings last Friday. in His Lins Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MacCandless, Dentist's Wife ■ .hdin so enjoys working on our little country place of Weed, are visiting at I). 3. Shaf There are so many stumps to pull.”— fers. Miss Frances Bran went to Weed Boston Transcript. CHICHESTER S PILLS W Straw Put to Many UKi Rutol straw. In use by the Mexltains for thatching. Is not such poor ma teria! for the purpose so fur us wi-uther proofing goes. The sotol plunt grows on Hie high dry hills and mountains in Lite upjier bonier region. The liber of the leaves and stulk is very strong and tough. When these are poumled out ami used Muerul layers thick, they make an li»i|«e»»»— t ruble r«H»f, which keeps out niln und “Uti alike. The plant is often used for nuiklng I furniture and for carving cutlery, There are gout herders on western ranches whose houses are walled with the material, U .-itched and i «hose furniture is made of it and whose spoon« and forks even are curved from it. Lacking sotol, the Mexicans often use sticks, broomweed or even cornstalks in the place < f straw. Opportunity at Your Door Mutual Protection. Uncle Mose owns mid operates an ’exclusive slioe-shinlng parlor” In a Utile portbwestern town, und as cus tomers are rntlier scarce thereabouts, lie can't afford to offend any of them. But Ills "parlor" had to be run on a strict cash basis. So when a man a little too well known to Uncle Mose ns “slow pay” came In to have Ids shoes shined and suggested to the old negro a desire to pay at a later date. Uncle Mose did some quick thinking. •Tse sorry, boss; 1 sure Is, ," he replied, with diplomatic suavity; "but 1 Jen' can't do It. You see, de banker on de nex cohna an' tne we done make a 'greement dat ef I didn't loan money lie wouldn't shine shoes an' I Jes’ can’t break dat greement.” I AI TO DRIVERS INSANE ALLEGES FRISCO < Illi I San Francisco, Sept. 10. (A PI Careless or Inexperienced automobile driving has caused 42 deaths and 1038 Injuries In San Francisco since January 1 of this year, according to llammermlll bond In six colora at Capt. Henry Gleason, chief of the police traffic squad, who recently ad- Courier office. California-Oregon Power Company See Our Display At the Fair W. S. Maxwell & Company Chevrolet Nash Buick dressed the < ommonwenltu cl detection of crimes un i criminals. advocated small finer for minor of 'Ninety-five percent of nil people fenses and suspension of licenses of hit siifferln from some form of In speeders. sanity, he said. "Most people Nine out linitrliibly 'blow up' In a crisis : are insane, suffering from psychic epilepsy gust Vollmer, of temperamental confusion when Berkeley, Cal., who has heroine well tion to pievent accident Is immedi known ly applying ps cholojy to tne! ately necessary.”